Name: Moquel Exavoir
Age: 20
From: San Diego, California
Record Label: (None at this time)
Management: (No Managment at this time)
Eyes: Brown
African/ Mixed Decent
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 127
Reach Moquel at
www.moquelpop.comBeginning Childhood Of Dance and MusicTrent 'Moquel' Exavoir, stage name Moquel and known as Moquel Exavoir was born in San Diego, California with his mom, Hira and his dad, Lyric. Moquel was the only child back in 1990, when he was born, but Hira and Lyric had a baby girl 10 months later named Precious. Moquel went to school at San Diego Pre K Acedemy starting at age 3. Teacher, such as Mr. Wood knew that Trent was going to be something a little extra something. Mr Wood recalls when he played some Micheal Jackson in the classroom and Trent started dancing right out of his seat. " He was so serious and a little three year old that can move like that.. It was amazing" School officials asked Trent to dance the same way to a James Brown song back at a Music Festival in 1995. Trent wore a all sliver jumpsuit while his mom act as Diana Ross in the back. He was just five years of age. While Trent had the whole town talking about his crazy natural dance steps, Hira and Lyric was in the middle of a divorce. Lyric wanted to take Trent to go live with him back in Texas with his side of the family. In 1996, the both official went to court to battle out for the parental control of Trent. Precious was already signed parental control to Hira. The fighting happened, but Trent continued dancing. At 6 year of age, just months away from his 7th birthday, Trent asked Hira to take him to the Soul Train Audience Fun Day in 1996. " He was trying to dress like Micheal Jackson with the red jacket and the black tee. Hira said. He went into attention when he got up out of his seat and screamed " Beat It!" to the performers. " It was the cuttest thing I ever seen. This boy looked up to this guy, this guy was Micheal Jackson" At age 7, Hira asked him right after a court order " What do you want to be when you grow up? Trent replayed " I want to do music that will make people want to dance and have fun!" With his missing tooth in the front, Trent sure did try to entertain anywhere at anytime when he got a chance.
Hira VS LyricPrecious and Trent was talk around time when the two youngs had to deal with the battle with Trent. Being only 7, it was tough for the boy. " He didnt know want was going on. He just knew that his mom, everytime they will come out of the courtroom, she will be sad. He knew something was up. He knows that this woman is the sweetest mother in the world and in town, she nevered had a sad face. It was different for Trent" One night in the Town of San Diego, Lyric took Trent without permission when Lyric's sister was babysitting. " It was an shocking thing when I came in and didnt see my son! All my sister did is cry. She told me he threaten her severel times about the taking" Hira called the police and the battle got worser. The lies that Lyric will tell the judge and the truth that Hira will tell the judge had the judge in head to head match between the two. " The kids will just sit there, while the two will argue on the believings on parenting" a source tells Wiki. " It was either keep fighting or let go" Hira didnt let go. Just kept on providing materials that she wanted to keep Trent and that she was a better parent then Lyric. With the following on his file, Lyric went to jail back in 1992 for drugs, 1994, he was put in jail for Driving Under the Influence. The judged ruled in 1999, when Trent was only 9, that Trent was signed over to Hira. " It was a big, big thank you and finally it was over kind of thing. I was glad and blessed I can have my child" Hira said.
MusicAt age 10, Hira enrolled Trent in dance and Guitar classes. " He told me he wanted to take some guitar classes and I was so excited for him. He loved it every day he will go" Trent started performing at the school every 2 weeks. Lyric sat in the front row, watching his son play the guitar. " I was so proud of him! Lyric said. Of course Lyric reminded in the boy's life after the ruling. He took Trent to all of his performances and they bonding over music. Lyric told Trent in 2000 that he was apart of a blue's band titled Strings&Cure back when he was young. " I loved playing in that band. It was my passion to sing blue's music and it passed over to my son and I'm so thankful for that! He is one hell of a kid!" Lyric said. In October of 2000, when he was performing a cover Joe's I Wanna Know, a Music and Art School Director invited Trent to showcase his talent at one of their talent shows. Hira couldnt say no, they prepared Trent for the best performance in his life. Trent was dressed in a black and white classic outfit, he told Lyric that he wanted to sing at a silver mic and he wanted to play a nice fast fun song on his guitar. " He was playing the guitar one day at his classes when his teacher taught him a song that she wrote for him. He played that. It was called Moonlight Fire. (laughs)" Hira said. He performed, rocking out on stage as many audience members got up and cheered the boy on. Buzz went around California about the boy's amazing performance. The song he performed, Moonlight Fire, which was wrote by his guitar teacher, Sara McKnight was featured on a Jazz Collection CD at age 11, in 2001.
Early Success- 2002The Jazz producers of that CD invited Trent to perform in LA and New York that following year. " He was so excited, Precious was excited, just to see something whether then California. I never thought it would happened like this" Hira said. He performed the song, but it didnt work out well. Only 40 people came to see the boy. In New York, only 12 people came into the club to hear the boy. " He was really upset, he was crying. I told him, we all have to fall to become stronger" Sara McKnight said. Trent went back to school and attended normal classes. He often got talked about his hair, his cruels, how they was so bizzare and all over the place. " People loved his hair, his mom's friends, but friends at school didnt!" a friend of Hira told Wiki. " He came home one afternoon with a big red spot on his face. He was ganged on a lot because he was the type of kid that was really quiet and he wrote a lot" His writing? " He wrote cute little stories about monsters, candy, just cute pictures too. He was really creative" One afternoon when Trent was catching the bus, a guy behind him pushed him to the bus metal door. The door cutted him on the nose. " I still have a little line on my nose" Moquel said. " Everyone called him ugly, he's stupid. He had the type of school life that made you didnt want to go to school" But Trent didnt let that get him down. Trent continued playing the guitar and writing funny lyrics to the type of music he created. " I read his lyrics and they was so funny. They made you laugh, but the beat with it, made it sound really fun to listen too" Trent performed at his school talent show, his funny song 'Like Earth PartyBangers' " I was just listening to the radio one day and they was saying how people partied too much, so I started writing what I though about it, being a kid, I though partying was fun and the whole earth should do it!" Trent said. Trent won first place in the talent show, but they didnt make it no better with friends. " He often losted friends because of that matter. Plus, he will not bang about it all the time, but he was proud of it. A lot of people didnt like that, so they stopped being friends with him" In Grade 8th, almost to high school, Trent started writing songs from a local band named ' inFigured' " It was a great time, just in the studio, me, writing and having fun. Doing something I figured out, I loved too do!" After he wrote a song that was titled ' One Lost Love" and he became a internet hit. " I wanted to become a famous artist. I wanted people to experience my music and see my thoughs on pop and how dance can relate to pop. After I saw all the success of that band, I wanted that success. They kept me going after my dreams"
After the SuccessMany school castmates discovered that Trent wrote the hit song over the internet, he gained friends and even fans. " It was exciting coming to school and everyone hears your work that you wrote.. It was amazing!" At Grade 9, Trent didnt do anything for the whole summer or school year. " I spend a lot of time with my dad in Texas and know I know my dad more. I love my dad for all the things he has did for me and my music." After the break, Grade 10th came. " I was just exciting to think you are almost out of school!" One day Trent was listening to the radio when he heard a slow pop song. " I screamed out. I went more cool music. I thought about it. Moquel. If you say it right, it says like more cool, but with a African accent to it. That's why I came up with that!"
Friends and family started calling him Moquel. " I loved every minute of it!" Trent started focusing on his education to get though 12th grade. " I didnt write as much, but I did play a lot and kept on writing down lyrics for myself. I went though a jourtney of music. I found out more about myself with my mom, more about me and my feelings towards music" Trent said.
In Grade 12, Hira said she will never forget when she saw her son walking across the stage graduting. " It was amazing. Just to see him grow to a little boy with a guitar, learning to a man, a man with a guitar, who can write songs, and he can be a pretty good actor too (laughs)"
Now, Trent Moquel Exavoir is living in LA of California. " I love it out here!" Hira is in San Diego where she is a doctor at the local hospital. Lyric is a teacher at a local music school for the talented. " Though everything that happened, I'm so glad my family grew together and became big things! We put your promblems to the side and made them successful points in life. No negative! Just postive!" Now Moquel is going to take over the world with his dance and pop songs and his albums. " I will like to change it up a bit. Just really have passion in each area of album I do!"

Edited by user 10 January 2010 07:03:28(UTC)
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