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Offline Synxhard  
#21 Posted : 01 February 2010 05:39:20(UTC)
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Big news guys, 'Strangers' has gone gold (500,000+ sales) in just 2 weeks! I'm really excited about the future of this band. Here's the info for 'Strangers', and you can expect the 3rd installment of our live bootleg, along a studio update later today. As with the last couple singles, we'll be getting the song descriptions up after the official release.

Title: 'Strangers'

Track 1: Strangers

Track 2: Moorhouse Murders

Track 3: Empire Lost
Offline Synxhard  
#22 Posted : 03 February 2010 11:59:22(UTC)
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Hey guys, stoppin' by to deliver the latest BGR material descriptions. We got a shitload of em' here, including all of the 'Strangers' and 'Dead Skin' tracks. Studio update will be up in about 5 minutes, courtesy of my pal Jimmy, and expect in the coming weeks updates on festivals and what might just be the most hard-core co-headline tour of the year....

Title: Strangers

Writing Process: Well, the main idea for this one came about when one day, we managed to set up a DVD player in the van, and sure enough, watched 'The Strangers'. Corey just kinda got up, and basically said out loud, 'That movie was so bad ass, I gotta write something about it'. He proceeded to sit down and, oddly enough, penned a series of drum beats that he thought really captured the feel of the movie. When he demoed it to us at the sound check, I was blown away by how commanding these Danny Carey + Gene Hologan divided by Sepultura tribal beat drum parts were, and got right to business on building onto it. I got a couple real simple uber-groove oriented riffs down, and David brought in a cool Iron Maiden-esque harmony, which really gives it that unique blend of different styles of metal. Jimmy helped me come up with some rather war-chant heavy vocal melodies, after which we finalized the arrangement and called it a wrap.

Music: The song starts with a fast and vicious sounding tribal beat, which is overlapped on 7 different drum kits for a massive and flowing feel, while still maintaining that authentic hardcore feel first achieved by namely, of course, Sepultura. As the tom rhythms intensify, incorporating techniques made famous by Joey Jordinson of Slipknot and Danney Carrey of Tool, a flowing groove riff, consisting of no more than 4 different notes, creeps on in. This simple piece is doubled, then tripled, creating a massive and growing vibe, and Corey switches to an insanely fast snare roll, which starts off as a distant buzzing but soon morphs into a dominating fill, sweeping right into the verse. Another simple yet effective riff, played in the vein of the late Dimebag Darrell, takes over, backed by a super infectious war-chant, screamed by Matt and 20 lucky fans. This is all held together by the near perfect synchronization between David's galloping bass lines and Corey's thrashing drum beats. Taking no time at all to dive into any complex musical passages, they race straight to the chorus, who's wicked guitar harmonies, epic double bass drumming and massive warrior vocals can be described as setting off a grenade in the National Library. Going against the grain of the normal verse-chorus-verse-chorus, BGR rips into a poly-rhythmic bridge, characterized by multiple speedy drum solos similar to something Dave Lombardo of Slayer might do, the last of which leads into a average length guitar solo, whose wah use and piercing squeals would make Kirk Hammet and Dimebag proud, respectively. Jimmy coaxes out a few more rip-tide notes, which carry on into a mosh-pit anthem of a bridge, which oddly enough manages to retain its 'legit' hardcore feel even though Matt sings for the first and only time in the song. To further remove themselves from the conventional song structure, they finish with a roaring repeat of the chorus and then lastly, a half-time version of the bridge. How's that for tricky, eh?

Meaning: 'The Strangers' obviously! Basically, it's a story about some dudes breaking into a fucking house and slowly killing the owners. Pretty.

Title: Moorhouse Murders

Writing Process: This'll probably be the closest we'll ever come to playing metalcore/deathcore, and even then, this mother fuckers a good ways off from that. Jimmy apparently prefers writing little licks and arpeggios to practice with instead of just straight up running through scales, and during our practice session he was warming up with this really killer sounding pattern that is diminished sounding and lets all the notes hang out, and needless to say the rest of us really dug it. It turns out he had most of the song mapped out already, including some not-so average parts such as a very experimental post-chorus and John Petrucci style 'full shred' sweeping arpeggio, which morphed into being the chorus. In total, the song took about 30 minutes to wrap up, after Corey contributed a sick poly-rhythmic verse bit and I taught Jimmy how to play a little solo idea of the top of my head that I had just wrote.

Music: The track starts with a barely audible guitar part in the background, which fades in to reveal itself to be a wicked guitar pattern, which is soon doubled by Matt's guitar and then further joined by one lonely bass note and a half-time feeling drum beat, pounded away on the crash cymbal with short blasts of double bass. BGR cuts out, minus Jimmy, who is left playing the catchy one-note rhythm, 'duh-duh-duh-duh..duh-duh..duh-duh', which then is carried into the verse by scratchy guitar noises and Matt spitting out the words, 'You know!'. The aforementioned verse is characterized by deep guttural vocals and a 2 guitar attack, Matt playing a similar one-note rhythm while Jimmy tackles a much more difficult riff that sounds almost as if its rolling. He is quickly joined by the others on this tricky bit, while Corey switches between an awing tom-tom beat and your most straight forward yet super technical double bass piece. The lyrics to the chorus are spat out, allowing the metronome busting chops of Jimmy to shine as he lays out a possibly record breakingly fast arpeggio, putting to rest any claims that the budding guitarist can't "shred". He holds out one final note, which blends into a out of place yet very unique and inventive post-chorus, featuring Latin percussion, clean guitar passages, sweeping little guitar harmonies and half whispered half growled vocals, adding a fantastic contrast. To further make this bit seem out of place, a strong drum fill leads right into a break-down perfectly suited for headbangers, which might disappoint some due to its cliché deathcore vibe. They rip right back into the huge pre-chorus, although this time, Jimmy still takes off with his lightning guitar work, yet there are no vocals accompanying him. It soon becomes clear that he's taking a solo, which could easily land himself a spot to be recognized as one of the best young shredders around, due to its extreme technical merit with added blues bending licks. They wrap up the song with another run through of the chorus-post-chorus section and another brutal, but more 'legit', breakdown.

Meaning: Doing something different and actually posting the lyrics for this one:

You know!
You hear those cries of anguish
Each time
That you face the mirror
And those deafening voices blames me
But that's more
Than I'm trying to hear
So let the pain revive you
Never let me get inside you
Never... again.
Lets just oppress this
Demon within
The abyss is a friend
You breathe deceit
And I'm surprised I still stand on my feet
You know that
I live
I breathe
Our days were agony
And therefore so tragically
There was satisfaction
Hate fucking in apathy
So fucking
Tell me
Were there days when things were so much better?
You were such a self loathing hateful bitch.
Recognize the hell that you're spewing forth
What we might have shared is nothing anymore
What you said to me
Was never meant to be
Never... again...

Gonna be doing this in a few batches tonight, so stay tuned.


Edited by user 06 February 2010 10:07:29(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#23 Posted : 03 February 2010 14:26:44(UTC)
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'Archetype' Studio Journal

February 2nd - Hey guys, we've finally managed to get a whole day of work done here in Italy, and damn, recording an album is work, especially for me, the king of one-takes. I was fucking around with gear while they set up the place and miced Corey's kit, and realized I didn't have any quality equipment, so that put me into a flip. Matt and I made some calls though, and we've managed to get dudes from a couple companies to fly shit down here, which was pretty cool. We are sharing a lot of the stuff, for the sake of a tight sounding album, but we added our own little flair at times. Here's the gear we'll be using on the album if anyone's interested:


-Clean Tones: Marshall JCM800 Head running through a 4x12 Marshall Cab, Various flamenco acoustics, Washburn X 50 with Seymour Duncan Blackouts

-Rhythm Tones: Bogner Uberschall Head running through a 4x12 Mesa/Boogie Cab, ESP LTD 7-String, ESP Horizon, both with EMG 81/85's


-For tracks 1,2,4,6,7,9 (No we can't tell you their names), EVH 5150 through a Marshall 4X12, Washburn Renegade with a Dimebucker

-For tracks 3,5,8,10, and bonus tracks, Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier through a Mesa/Boogie, custom made Ibanez S series 7-string with EMG 707's


-Clean Tones: Same as Jimmy, but instead using a Les Paul Custom Shop w/ Blackouts

-Rhythym Tones: Same as Jimmy

-Leads (Appear on tracks 4,7, and 10): Same amps as Jimmy, Gibson Explorer w/ EMG 81/85's

So far I've tracked scratch rhythm tracks for 30 songs, out of which we will choose 10 for the album. Corey is gonna track the drums, after which we'll get the final guitars and overdubs done. I decided to upload this video of Corey tracking drum parts, although these are just demo songs, THEY WILL NO BE ON THE ALBUM. Stay metal.


February 3rd - Its been intense today, we had to take a flight at 3 in the afternoon to our next show, and now we've flown back (It's around 2 in the morning) to the studio in Rome. Maybe recording an album while on tour wasn't the best idea. Its been pretty cool though, these last few days, especially since everyone here knows each other really well. 'Archetype' is being engineered by Jason (Our guitar tech), Noah (Corey's Drum Tech) and Randy, who manages the mix at our live shows, and, as crazy as this sounds, we're having Jimmy produce it. Praying this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass. Anyways, we've been writing a bit in the studio, and I aint gonna leak the name, but we managed to put together a seriously killer song, which is being added to the ever growing list of shit to record. Corey's pushed out 7 final drum tracks so far, 15 more to go, so Jimmy and I are sitting down right about now to start laying down the rhythm guitars and stuff. If all goes well, we'll have everything done in around 2 weeks.


February 4th - Finished the European tour, that was a real bastard. Jimmy and I literally spent the last 24 hours tracking riff after riff, and I can safely say 5 songs are completely polished guitar wise, minus the leads, although Jimmy is currently in the process of laying down the over-dubs and shit for 'Concrete Hell'. Definitely all the guitar parts will be done by the 7th, cause we're gearing up to set off on our short tour of Canada, which will also be where we track bass and vocals, before going down to good old home-sweet-home in Long Beach to mix the shit. And bad news for some of you guys, but we've decided to hold off on 'Watch You Bleed' Part 1 & 2, cause Part 1 is pretty cool, but it is way more fit for a more mature, experienced record, and Part 2 only works well if played directly after Part 1, so sorry. No release date set yet, but expect it to be out before our Asian tour opening for Jakey Comatose. I can confirm the following 2 tracks will be on the album. First, we gotta have 'Concrete Hell', cause that was our first single and has become a staple of our show, kinda like our 'Cowboys From Hell', and another old favorite, 'Leather Lungs'.


February 8th - Jesus, we haven't updated recently. Not much to report unfortunately. Guitars are all wrapped up, and Matt tracked half the album in one 30-hour stint, making him possibly the coolest band-mate ever. Some may say we're rushing the album, but if it took us 30 minutes to write a song, why should we spend a whole day recording it? Anyway, Matt is taking a day off, then he's planning on doing another 30-hour trip, and I need just 2 more days to finish the bass shit. We should be mixing it all by the 14th for sure, if not sooner. Touring and recording at the same time may have been the worst idea ever stres wise, but to its credit you really are inspired to get shit done on the first try, cause when you got a plane to catch for a show you're playing in 6 hours, there ain't a lot of time to waste. Oh yea, more news up go check it.


Edited by user 09 February 2010 11:23:31(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#24 Posted : 06 February 2010 10:05:37(UTC)
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No guarantees yet, but expect an official announcement in the following days about a little record called 'Archetype'. Also look out, cause the big tour we've been playing up a bit will be announced within the week most likely.

Offline Synxhard  
#25 Posted : 09 February 2010 11:41:26(UTC)
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Hey guys, as is obvious from our studio journal, we aren't done yet recording 'Archetype', but your old uncle Jimmy decided to be one cool mother fucker and release the track listing early, along with the art. How's that sound? And, yea, I can confirm the rumors, we will be doing a co-headline arena tour with Mind, which should slay any competition. Jeez, stuff is moving fast, we've already got another 3 albums worth of material down and demoed, and Negative records are talking about a possible cover album to tide you crazy shits over until we actually get around to putting out a second album, and on one of the upcoming tour dates, you better bet we'll be filming a live DVD. Wow, the label execs are gonna crucify me for telling you guys all of this. Ah well, as promised, here's the art and tracklisting, more detail once it's released (OOC: RP's coming on release date).


1.Concrete Hell
2.Unwind The Chainsaw
3.Black Phalanx
5.Dead Skin
6.Empire Lost
7.Moorhouse Murders
9.Flood Gates
10.Leather Lungs


Edited by user 09 February 2010 11:42:08(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#26 Posted : 14 February 2010 10:29:07(UTC)
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Hey guys, its Matt, dropping by to let everyone have the latest info on BGR. Finished mixing 'Archetype', just waiting for all the fucking distribution to be over with. Anyways, we've been talking around, and have scheduled a co-headline tour with Mind. We are also negotiating June dates opening for the death metal legends Blood of Wecz. Should be pretty tight, here are the dates with Mind:

April Canadian Dates:

1st - Air Canada Center, Toronto, Capacity of 19,800
2nd - Civic Center Arena, Ottawa, Cap. 10,580
3rd - Bell Center, Montreal, Cap. 21,000
5th - Halifax Metro Center, Halifax, Cap. 13,000
6th- Pengrowth Saddledome, Calgary, Cap. 19,200
8th- Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, Cap. 17,000

April US Dates:

10th - Key Arena, Seattle, WA, Cap. 17,000
11th - Memorial Coliseum, Portland, OR, Cap. 13,000
13th - Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, Cap. 13,000
15th - San Diego Arena, San Diego, CA, Cap. 16,000
16th - Arizona Veteran's Memorial Arena, Phoenix, AZ, Cap. 14,000
17th - Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL, Cap. 18,000
19th - Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI, Cap. 21,000
20th - Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, PA, Cap. 21,000
22nd - Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, PA, Cap. 18,500
23rd - Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY, Cap. 18,000
25th - TD Banknorth Garden, Boston, MA, Cap. 19,500
26th - Richmond Coliseum, Richmond, VA, Cap. 13,000
27th - Pyramid Arena, Memphis, TN, Cap. 21,000
30th - TEE Center, Augusta, Georgia, Cap. 15,000

May US Dates:

2nd - Miami Arena, Miami, FL, Cap. 16,000
3rd - Von Braun Center, Hunstville, AL, Cap. 13,000
5th - Cajundome, Lafayette, LA, Cap. 13,500
6th - State Fair Coliseum, Dallas, TX, Cap. 10,000
7th - A&T Center, San Antonio, TX, Cap. 19,000

May Mexico Dates:

11th - Palacio De Deportes, Mexico City, Cap. 20,000
16th - Arena Monterrey, Monterrey, Cap. 18,000
17th - Auditorio Del Estado, Mexicali, Cap. 6,000

May South American Dates:

19th - Colesio El Pueblo, Colombia, Cap. 18,000
20th - Poliedro de Caracas, Venezuela, Cap. 13,000
21st - Coliseo General, Ecuador, Cap. 16,000
23rd - Coliseo Caceres, Peru, Cap. 7,000
24th - Mineirinho, Brazil, Cap. 25,000
26th - Expotrade Arena, Brazil, Cap. 20,000
27th - Luna Park, Argentina, Cap. 13,000
28th - Coliseo La Tortuga, Chile, Cap. 10,000

Bold= Sold Out

Support From: The Voyd

Edited by user 14 February 2010 10:31:02(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Laurelles1  
#27 Posted : 15 February 2010 00:00:56(UTC)
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Jason: Can't wait for the tour guys. Let's try and blow a few minds along the way.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline Synxhard  
#28 Posted : 15 February 2010 05:09:33(UTC)
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Laurelles1 wrote:
Jason: Can't wait for the tour guys. Let's try and blow a few minds along the way.

Hell yeah, its gonna be sick. Unfortunately, I can't come up with any clever way to use 'black gold reign' in my sentence, oh well.

Offline Synxhard  
#29 Posted : 20 February 2010 09:10:17(UTC)
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Wow, this shit's getting pretty big guys. As promised, we decided to release 'Archetype' on a random day between the 16th and 20th, and being the horrible decision makers we are, compromised and released it on the 18th. Now here's the part that blows me away, I love the album and think we put some serious soul into every track, but as good as it is, I doubt it deserved the first week reception it got. I mean, our first album fucking debuted at #9 in the World! Jeez, this is really getting to me, I just wanna thank you guys for being the most loyal and incredible fans some dudes could ask for, wow.... this is big, aint it?

Archetype Debut Reception:

Copies Shifted: 224,581

UK: 12
USA: 6
Australia: 5
South America: 3
Canada: 10
Europe: 12
Asia: 35
World: 9

I think it's fare to call ourselves the biggest metal band without a #1 single or album. Damn, we gotta work on that.


OOC: I'm pretty happy, cause when it dropped I had 88 world popularity, and now I got 100, so I'm expecting a jump, hopefully a #1. Either way, expect me to be working all day on the 'Archetype' thread.
Offline Synxhard  
#30 Posted : 22 February 2010 06:18:09(UTC)
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Just a small update, but we just scored our first #1! That's right, 'Archetype' has hit #1 in South America in it's 3rd week on, and is currently #10 in the World. Nice.....

Also, the next single from our debut, 'Flood Gates', has entered the world charts at #4 today. Here's the complete info.

UK: 6
USA: 15
South America: 3
Canada: 3
Asia: 23
Europe: 6
Australia: 3
World: 4

First Week Sale: 244,000
Offline Synxhard  
#31 Posted : 28 February 2010 05:29:31(UTC)
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Hey guys, just here to give some updates on where we'll be around town in the upcoming months. We'll be doing the DTE Batlle Of The Bands, if anyone's interested, and trying as hard as possible to land 'Best Newcomer' at the Birdies. Also, expect news on festivals too (*cough*Aftermath and Coverfield*cough*) other than Mashfest. Lastly, we'll be opening for death metal giants Blood Of Wecz in Europe and the Us, dates below. Also, remember to catch us with Jakey Comatose and Reckoner in Asia and on our co-headline tour with Mind with support from The Voyd.

20th July - O2 Arena - Dublin, ROI - w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
22nd July - La Galaxie - Amneville, France w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
23rd July - Zenith - Toulouse, France w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
24th July - Zenith - Limoges, France w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
26th July - Sports Paleis - Antwerp, Belgium w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
27th July - Hallenstadion - Zurich, Switzerland w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
29th July - Ahoy - Rotterdam, Netherlands w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
31st July - Olympiahalle - Munich, Germany w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN

1st August - Palau St Jordi - Barcelona, Spain w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
2nd August - Palacio De Portes - Madrid, Spain w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
4th August - Pala Olimpico - Turin, Italy w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
5th August - Futurshow - Bologna, Italy w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10th August - Gwinnet Center - Atlanta, GA w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
11th August - Patriot Center - Fairfax, VA w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
14th August - Wachovia Center - Pittsburgh, PA w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
15th August - Wachovia Center - Pittsburgh, PA w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
18th August - 1st Mariner - Baltimore, MD w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
19th August - Air Canada Center - Toronto, Canada w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
21st August - Bell Center - Montreal, Canada w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
23rd August - United Center - Chicago, IL w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
26th August - Sommet Center - Nashville, TN w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
28th August - Toyota Center - Houston, TX w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
30th August - Madison Square Garden - New Tork, NY w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
31st August - Madison Square Garden - New York, NY w/ BLACK GOLD REIGN
Offline Synxhard  
#32 Posted : 07 March 2010 09:43:52(UTC)
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OOC: Just curious, which of you mods changed the picture for David on my first post? Not specifically mad, just a tad bit confused. Anyways, in to IC.


Wow, haven't posted in quite some time. Gearing up to open for Jakey Comatose soon, which will send us off into a never ending cycle of touring until September. Ouch. Anyways, we figured that likely we won't be getting into the studio to record a full album per say until then (although a little taste of new material here and there should be expected, plus a live DVD or 2), so a plan has been set into motion to put out a cover album to tide everyone over until then. Expect more news soon, and here are a couple possible inclusions.

Colony Of Birchmen by Mastodon

War Ensemble by Slayer

Bonded In Blood by Exodus

Blacken The Cursed Sun by Lamb Of God

I'm Broken by Pantera

Any requests?


OOC: Obviously, these are all just excuses to put out more full lengths until I actually push their sophomore album out (Read: Keeping my band alive in-game), which won't be until mid September. Yikes....
Offline Synxhard  
#33 Posted : 14 March 2010 03:14:06(UTC)
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Hey guys, a little update on the cover album we're currently planning. We've taken some time out to record one song so far, and it's sounding pretty tight. Here it is, Slayer's 'Ghosts Of War':

Offline Laurelles1  
#34 Posted : 14 March 2010 03:15:33(UTC)
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Jason: Sounding awesome. Defintely one that i'll be buying.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline Synxhard  
#35 Posted : 14 March 2010 03:16:36(UTC)
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Thanks man, can't wait for next month.


OOC: Next month right? Really tired and semi hungover....
Offline Laurelles1  
#36 Posted : 14 March 2010 03:17:09(UTC)
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OOC: Think so... yup, it is. April.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline Synxhard  
#37 Posted : 14 March 2010 03:17:58(UTC)
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OOC: Ok, thanks. Was scared for a second they already were on tour.
Offline Synxhard  
#38 Posted : 24 March 2010 12:52:13(UTC)
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Wow, haven't updates in forever. Touring this album's been great so far, fantastic reception. Other than the now circulating news of a cover album (WE NEED MORE COLLABS!), life's been pretty normal. The real business here though is on some music industry records that have been broken. First, the lead single from 'Archetype', 'Dead Skin', has reached a level of sales we could never have imagined. THE FUCKING 64TH HIGHEST SELLING SONG EVER. PERIOD. 1,814,537 RECORDS. Even cooler news, involving 'Archetype', which has not only hit the 182nd highest selling album ever, it's the 4TH BIGGEST DEBUT ALBUM OF ALL TIME. I have hope, since the 3 competitors (Sudan- The Light, Geese- Geese, and From Now On We Are Enemies - Songs Meet Heartbetas) are all within the 200,000 (2 are within 40,000) record range, and 'Archetype' is going strong 33 weeks on with 39,100 copies, we could be holding the biggest debut EVER. I'll keep you guys posted.


Edited by user 24 March 2010 12:52:44(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#39 Posted : 05 April 2010 15:14:43(UTC)
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April, 4th -

Hey guys, it's Matt, coming to you from Halifax, Canada. We're a few days into the Mind/BGR Co-Headline Americas run, and so far the tours been kicking ass. We had some shows in Montreal and Toronto that were in these massive fucking 20,000+ stadiums, and they were roughly 70% packed, which is fucking huge coming from shows of maybe 1,000 people a couple months ago. The funnest part was getting to play for a good hour and fifteen minutes, which gives us enough time to run through all of 'Archetype' plus squeeze in a cover or two and a couple jams. It was also a pretty cool experience getting to play the Ottawa Civic Center, which was a smaller venue and entirely sold out. There was just so much energy in the room, it felt like at any moment everything might explode from the excitement. This tours the first time we've been in a bus, and it's soooo worth it. I like to hang out after the shows and chill with fans afterward, and it's nice cause we don't necessarily have to worry about getting to a hotel to get a good 3 hours of sleep. Plus the vans have fridges which means TONS of booze. Definitely looking forward to hanging with all the guys on tour and having some serious backstage parties. I'd also like to put a shout out to the guys in Mind, they're going through some shit right now, and we're doing our best to help them (Plus, we like David getting his ass worked for 3 hours straight). To sum it all up, The Voyd are kicking ass, and Mind has so far... well... blown minds. I'll try to keep you guys updated every few days, but I may be AWOL for a week or so. Till then, stay metal.


April 5th -

Ah, Mondays, they suck don't they? Guess not always, cause tonight's show is fucking packed. It's Mind's turn to go first tonight (Bastards got to close both 20,000+ nights), and they brought down the house. I'm currently backstage, hanging with some dudes from The Voyd, just chillin out, having a few shots and warming up. Looks like it's gonna be another killer night, and we got a special little surprise for all you Halifax-ites, if the power works with us. Our engineer Woody is out there right now, trying to get the PA up and running, after a late winter wind storm knocked down the power shortly after Mind's set. My kit's all miked up and fine, and it looks like Jimmy's gonna soldier through and just play straight out of his fully cranked Mesa Boogie 4 x 12 stack. Unfortunately, the surge seems to have busted all the amps center and left stage, so we might just have to power through without any bass or rhythm guitar. Anyway, we thought, although it's lightyears away from our next studio album, we might debut a possible future album worthy track to you guys. Oh, Woody's coming back stage, looks like it'll be a jolly three piece show after all. See ya out there, here's the set, and fuckkkk it's long.

Concrete Hell
Unwind The Chainsaw

Ghosts Of War (Cover)
Black Phalanx

Jimmy Solo
Strangers Jam
Jimmy Solo
Dead Skin

Moorhouse Murders

Empire Lost
Symphony Of Destruction (Cover)
*New Song* (Into The) Blackened Abyss

Corey Solo

Souls Of Black (Cover)


Flood Gates
Hammer Smashed Face (Cover)
Leather Lungs


April 13th, 2010

Home town show guys. Should be big. Expect a bug surprise tonight, cause this'll officially be our first show as a 5 piece. So far the shows down the West Coast have been great. I don't have a whole lot of time right now, got a packed Long Beach Arena to play to, but I can say we'll be pulling out our new track '(Into The) Blackened Abyss' for the second time ever. Expect a better update soon. Rock on.


Edited by user 14 April 2010 12:04:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#40 Posted : 06 April 2010 14:17:35(UTC)
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