[Tim Dunn and Mike Peck enter the bar and grab a seat]Tim Dunn: [to the bartender] Get me a double Jack and Coke.
[to Mike] I really need this. All this controversy being stirred up and I got sucked in.
Mike Peck: Yea well you brought it on yourself.
[The bartender returns and hands Tim his drink. Tim takes a large gulp, drinking almost half of the drink]Mike Peck: [to the bartender] I'll have a Tanqueray and tonic.
[to Tim, looking at his drink] You should probably slow down a but there.
Tim Dunn: I'll be fine, its just one drink.
[The bartender hands Mike his drink. Mike judiciously sips on his drink]Mike Peck: If you say so. But anyway, as far as all the controversy, you brought that on yourself and you know it. By even commenting on the Ryan Ross Hernandez thing or pop music you knew there would be some backlash.
[Tim takes another large gulp and finishes his drink. He looks to the bartender]Tim Dunn: I need another one.
[to Mike] Look I didn't expect to have everyone under the sun talking about me. I knew some people would talk but this whole situation is bigger than I could have ever imagined.
Mike Peck: So much for one drink. Look...
[Interrupting] Tim Dunn: I am an adult I can drink if I want to.
Mike Peck: Sips his drink I didn't say you couldn't. Last time you had a problem though...
[Interrupting] Tim Dunn: Last time I had a problem what? I sent myself to the hospital, are you really thinking I'm going to do that again?
[Frustrated] Mike Peck: Look just forget I said anything. The point I was trying to make is you are involved in all this now and you are going to have to stick around with it until everything is resolved. Or you could issue an apology.
[Laughs][Laughing] Tim Dunn: Like I would apologize for something like this.
Edited by user 19 February 2010 09:34:50(UTC)
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