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Offline Aj  
#1 Posted : 16 January 2010 13:11:24(UTC)
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Failed Youth - Official Site


Failed Youth first graced the ears of the world back in early 2009, with their first major breakthrough hit 'God Bless The Doorman', off the album 'Youth's In Capes'. The album received minimal publicity, and the singles popularity was put down to the advancing power of internet downloads. In fact however, the band began long before that. Back when Billy was only 15, a whole 8 years ago now, the band was formed by a group of angsted' up gypsy teens with a voice.
The five travellers, all childhood friends grew up around the traditional Romani gypsy folk songs, however disgusted with the relentless bullying at school and the ultimate dullness of the 'New' Romani way of life, which was by now effectively an elaborate scam - the band decided to write some lyrics. Hundreds of song after song would be scrawled down, shouting with their tiny young voices against the system. However, skip forward several years and they have a hit single which reached number 1 in Canada and top 100 in every corner of the globe apart from the UK. Their voices are finally being listened to and they've gone from strength to strength. Their biggest hit's include the singles: 'Sick', 'They Told Us To Come In Numbers' and their most recent hit 'A Christmas song'. Blending hardcore punk with folky/indie twists, arrogant anarchistic song titles and music with intellectual and political lyrics they've sold 24,508,625 copies of singles, 12,072,981 album copies, and an epic 73,644,397 gig tickets within the space of effectively one and a half years. To put that in perspective, on numbers alone more people than currently live within the United Kingdom have seen Failed Youth live, and nearly half have bought a single.*

Various Occurrences Whilst Intoxicated By Various Substances
Youth's In Capes

Genre: Hardcore; Indie/Folk

Label: Comatose

Members (Present):
Billy Jacobs - Vocals; Piano
Jack Wilson - Lead Guitar
Leo Benson - Rhythm Guitar; Vocals
Harry Dagger - Bass Guitar
'Tiny' Timmy Tinison - Drums

Edited by user 30 March 2010 03:04:10(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Aj  
#2 Posted : 31 January 2010 10:44:30(UTC)
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New Album(s)

Okay so pretty much carrying on from the enormous success of the charity album we organised, we thought now would be a great time to announce that we'll be releasing a new album sometime in March/April. I really can't give a lot of information, as we're still in the planning stages of it but we really want to bring back some of the folky side to us and possibly pull away from our traditional hardcore elements. I said in an interview recently that we're going to be making another hardcore album, but we're pretty sure we're going to switch that around and do the hardcore one after this. The two albums will be released in quick succession so we're going to be pretty damn busy writing and recording it but we've got a hell of a team behind us at Comatose so it should be a pretty awesome piece. As a result of this heavy recording schedule however, we have big of a bummer in the form of us having to cancel a few gig dates. Now I understand this will be a massive disappointment for all the fans that have bought the tickets, and we're giving full refunds. Also, we're going to arrange a big scale tour after the releases, and as long as you keep your current ticket and a receipt for it you'll get first dibs on seeing us then, and you'll get access to the tickets 10 days before their open to the normal public.

That's all really, so yeah peace and love and shit. :)
Offline Aj  
#3 Posted : 11 March 2010 06:10:20(UTC)
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Q&A's, answered by Jack.

Q: Are you guy's dead???
A: No.

Q: Where the fuck have you been?
A: Recording, writing, recording, getting angry at recordings, getting high, lazing around, getting laid, a lot, getting high, a lot, overdosing, addiction, giving up smoking, starting up smoking, recording, writing, failing, basically. Recently we've just sort of done bugger all, nothing's really materialized in terms of the album as I've been busy with,well, not a lot but yeah we should start getting our act together soon.

Q: When exactly will you get your act together?
A: Uh, whenever we want. We make the music and we've got a fucking awesome team behind us in Comatose, even if one of the owners is a fucked up drug abuser. At least one's got a brain. But still, we won't rattle on because that would make us hypocrites now wouldn't it. However don't get the wrong impression, we love Jakey with a warm heart. Just he's a nutter.

Q: What kind of music shall we expect from the new material?
A: Folky indie hardcore acousticcy raw shit. No screaming. We're going to leave that for the album after this. Hopefully it shall also be full of fun, romance, comedy, the shit we usually give you guys.

Q: How's the song writing coming along?
A: How's your mum coming along?

Q: How much have you recorded?
A: The best song's. We've written about 30 and recorded about 5. So much imagination just buzzing through our minds dude. That's the key to our success. We're like a fast food resteraunt that serves up stuff that isn't made from cows asshole and intestine.

Q: What message do you have for young, budding music artists?
A: Don't do drugs, don't let fame go to your head, don't fuck groupies, stay focused on the music, use condoms. Or, just be good at the music and do whatever you want. It's your life, don't let anyone ever run it for you. Rock n Roll, innovate, all the shit. Just don't turn out to be another manufactured horse turd that's absolutely shit and then think your hardcore because you have a parental advisor sticker on your debut album case.

Q: What do you say to your opponents of your drug antics?
A: Fuck yourself.
Offline Aj  
#4 Posted : 17 March 2010 04:56:48(UTC)
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Failed Youth... Holy Fuck! It's Failed Youth!

Release Date: TBC
Record Label: Comatose
Songwriters: Billy Jacobs; Jack Wilson
Production: Billy Jacobs; Regan Futrell; Jakey Comatose
Recorded at: A hole.
Genre: Folk/Punk/Acoustic/Political

Failed Youth are back after their highly successful charity album, and this time with an album recorded just by themselves! This will be their first release since their hiatus in late 2009, and they look to be coming back with their patented acoustic-punk style that they pulled off to such a spectacular amount in 'Youth's In Capes'. After recently signing for record label Comatose after leaving Lepelbos during their hiatus, this will be their first lone album recorded and released for this label. The label, owned by Billy's good friend Jakey Comatose and Regan Futrell will be produced by the three of them in a combined effort.

A short track description should be posted nearer the release date, but from now just begins the countdown!

1. Mona Fucking Lisa
The opener for the album and it definitely sounds like it. FY nail their 'acoustic hardcore' sound, with Jack ripping the guitar to shreds in this. Brilliantly atmospheric drumming by Tim in the background give it an almost eerie feeling, and finally Billy's tormented screams and shrieks over the top breathe out scorching flames of angst filled anarchistic lyrics. The song is attacking the make-up and pretty hair that the public are obsessed with, calling out materialists and calling for anarchy.
2. Holy Fuck! It's Failed Youth!
Another pleasantly titled track, the song begins with an insane drum pattern, accompanied only by static. As the static fades it's replaced by a simple, slow acoustic guitar riff. As another, separate riff joins. After the acoustic guitars, a glockenspiel joins, and then an organ and finally a double bass plays. The song's tempo ebb's and flows, led by the chaotic drumming. The song's entirely instrumental.
3. Fat
Far more fast than Holy Fuck! It's Failed Youth!, and more on the same line as Mona Fucking Lisa - a catchy Babyshambles-esque pop tune is played with fast drum work with Billy providing political-punk lyrics, refrencing capitalism and politics as a whole, and favouring the chaos of anarchy, displayed by Tim's drumming.
4. Executioner
An example of Jack's abilities with a guitar, and not just an electric one, is shown here. A change from Fat in that it's far less pop like, a punked up tale of cocaine and heroin written by Billy is sung beautifully here, telling the story of a man with everything in life and his descent into depression and hopeless addiction.
5. Failed Youth Fucking Failed
With the lyrics 'borrowed' from letters of complaint written to Failed Youth about their offensive and obscene song lyrics and idea's, a slightly more cheerful and comedy song. One sure to upset the mothers and grandmothers it's certainly not going to get any airplay, and we'll leave it at that.
6. God Bless
Not to sound like too much of a bellend, but this song's actually almost quite romantic. In a dark, twisted, evil tone about a pervert stalker maniac writing a love letter to his victim before he finds her and kills her, but still quite romantic. Almost scarily, you can also sort of begin to reason with him after listening to his story. Pretty intense stuff. Musically, it's quite slow, all acoustic of course and simple, raw. Jakey Comatose influenced us very heavily in this.
7. My Journalist
When your famous there isn't many things that get more fun than taking the piss out of journalist's and the media as a whole. Bringing some humour into it, it's simply mocking the worlds media today for being so twisted and confused it's gone beyond a joke and they've lost all credibility to anyone with half a brain. A quite rebellious song, and so kind of needed a rebellious tone to the music. This one we plugged ourselves in for, but on the bass which provides a deep, loud drone throughout as Jack thrashes away at (at this point in the album) his fifth acoustic guitar.
8. Demon's
With a more darker tone than the previous song, it's slightly more like depressive song, and the lyric's reflect mental illness, particularly schizophrenia and things like ADHD and tourettes, the latter two that Jack suffers from. An honest, and quite heart-wrenching track that's quite surprising giving it's title. If you're expecting a scream-fest, you aren't going to get one.
9. Line After Line
Shockingly, it's about cocaine, and about the effects it has on you. The high, not the low. Probably going to be quite controversial, as for once rather than coming with a sob story about drug's we've decided to show why people actually do take them, which we thought would be quite a different aspect to have from the usual 'drugs fuck you up and this is a story about why' that we usually do. Hopefully, you'll feel the same.
10. You'll Find Treasure at the End of the Rainbow (And Lot's of Merry Little Lepricons)
With the last one about cocaine, this one's about good old cannabis. The title's not really related to anything at all. Just cool. We wrote this in fact, whilst intoxicated, so expect big heavy psychedelic riffs and jazzy tunes to bring the album to a close in a stylish fashion.


Edited by user 24 March 2010 09:21:54(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Aj  
#5 Posted : 23 March 2010 02:56:55(UTC)
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Our next album's been pushed forward about a month, and so it will be with you a heck of a lot quicker than you might have thought it would have been. This is pretty much because we've actually started bothering now and we've finished recording everything and right now we're just producing, marketing and packaging and it'll be with you soon enough. Actual date not really sure but sometime in late March for definite. You'll also notice we've posted up some song descriptions and if you come back within the next 48 hours or so there should be the rest of the album up there. We've also posted the snazzy artwork and shit.

In other news we are definitely going on a hench worldwide tour soon and we hope to get to all the continents we can spread the luuuuurv.

Anyway, love x

Tiny Tim
Offline Aj  
#6 Posted : 24 March 2010 09:25:12(UTC)
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Everything's finished, we're all done and dusted, hopefully we'll release a single today or tomorrow, probably Itunes exclusive, but aside from that now it's just time to sit twiddling out thumbs until the release date. Feel free to comment and express your adoration for our brilliance, by the way, ANY feedback is feedback and feedback is good. Also, just ask if you'd like an early copy, if we like you, we'll send one.

Preparations are going in for the 'big' tour afterwards, and it's all pretty heavy but we've got a possible support act lined up and we're looking to get more than one so if your interested please contact us either on here or through email or whatever. (ooc:PM).


Offline Aj  
#7 Posted : 27 March 2010 10:25:19(UTC)
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It's Out....

The album's been released today, and we had a massively brilliant launch party for it where we all got very drunk and listened to some good old rock n roll tunes. Be sure to pick up a copy and check back here soon within a few days to check out how well it's done in the charties.

We also released a single today, so if you'd like you can just buy that and call yourself a fan, but we'll think your scum. Still, it's out there but yeah, just get the album, don't be stingy and trust me your going to love it.

Peace, love, harmony:
Billy x
Offline Aj  
#8 Posted : 30 March 2010 03:03:55(UTC)
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Chart Positions

241,720 copies of the album have been sold ALREADY, which means its only gone and shot the the top of the fucking world! We're proper chuffed and frankly amazed that you guys still even know who the fuck we are any more. Glad to know we're still popular and getting our music out there! This is one of our favourite albums that we've done, and hopefully we're going to sell more than our current Best Seller Various Occurances Whilst Intoxicated by Various Substances. You can buy 'Holy Fuck! It's Failed Youth!' Here.

UK: 4
USA: 3
Canada: 3
AZ&NZ: 6
Asia: 2
Europe: 6
World: 1

Also, just a quick message about our good friend Jakey Comatose. He's recently just been diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia, and obviously this is a really tough time for the family and friends of him. He produced this album, and so we've got a lot of respect for the man - not only as a friend, but as a businessman and musical genius. We really do wish him well and hope you all do to.

For all the updates on Jakey's condition, check here.
Offline Aj  
#9 Posted : 12 April 2010 05:13:54(UTC)
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Sorry guys, we kind of disappeared for a week. We've had some, uh, startling news and Jacks currently sitting on the sofa in a state of shock downing his third bottle of whiskey. Not good. So right now I'm using our shitty little laptop to post this. I'm really sorry, I can't tell you WHY we're so fucked up at the moment but we are. No tension amongst the band members, don't worry, just one band member in particular is in a slight spot of bother. More information will come soon, but til then you're going to have to just, well, guess.

Don't worry, it's nothing we're going to break up over or anything silly like that, just a slight nuiscance. Right now we're planning our big tour, and we'll be checking out some bands we're interested in supporting us along the way.

Loveyouguyzsomuch x

Offline Osprey037[Reported Failure]  
#10 Posted : 12 April 2010 05:50:23(UTC)
Osprey037[Reported Failure]
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Great album! You guys are another band that would be a blast to tour with. Anyway, great tracks - Vinny [Reported Failure Guitarist]

OoC: Is that an upside down Vans logo on the album cover?

Edited by user 12 April 2010 05:51:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

I might give Satan a swirly
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