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Offline bikz  
#1 Posted : 01 April 2010 22:21:35(UTC)
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Quarter Finals [1/4-4/4] : "The Dirty Bastard"

Welcome back and congratulations to our quarter-finalists ....
The Rockers
Raining Suicide
Blood Of Wecz
Ryan Ross Hernandez

As well as Clear Vision and Green Leaf leaving, we say goodbye to Exit and Insolent Paradox, and we hope all four of you enjoyed the first three rounds! (:

Top o' the world, according to the heats -
1. Mind
2. Blood Of Wecz
3. Reckoner
4. Pilot

What the bloody hell is going on, Dame Kairiri? A one-song set (yes, just one song to prove yourselves!) at The Dirty Bastard Hotel And Casino of all places!? Seems way too laid back for a quarter-final .... but still, you better do your best. The heats may be over, but the heat is still on!

Groups (of four) will come out on the 2nd April, and semi-final announcement comes out on 5th April (though the actual semi-final will be later on this month). The bottom two in each group will leave BOTB.

((OOC : Apologies for epic lateness, I had a fall this morning, thanks for your patience! Also, please post your RPs in this thread, not TDB.))

Edited by user 01 April 2010 23:09:46(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline Laurelles1  
#2 Posted : 01 April 2010 22:28:17(UTC)
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OOC: I dunno about anyone else, but i'm feeling pretty pleased with myself.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline troy211619  
#3 Posted : 01 April 2010 22:32:25(UTC)
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Laurelles1 wrote:
OOC: I dunno about anyone else, but i'm feeling pretty pleased with myself.

OOC:same here dude, can't believe I reached this round man..
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline troy211619  
#4 Posted : 02 April 2010 00:05:48(UTC)
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OOC:How many people can TDB accumulate?
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline troy211619  
#5 Posted : 02 April 2010 01:15:41(UTC)
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The band drove over to the next venue of the battle of the bands, The Dirty Bastard Hotel and Casino. Now it wasn't the first time they have been there, even before achieving worldwide recognition and fame, the band have always been loyal drunkards of TDB, even known by the Barsteward as "those drunk ass kids who puked all over the lobby area". To sum it all up, TDB was the band's "home really far away from home".

It was pretty weird that they were to play 1 song in TDB from a massive and pressuring gig in Royal Albert Hall, it was like playing in a small pub just after a festival gig, but it didn't matter to the band, they were out to show the best they can and didn't care about the venue. Playing one song in this round may have looked real easy, but nothing is what it seems. The whole point of a one song gig was to see how good a band can do with just one song, it was a test of musicianship of the band, how good they can do with such short time.

JPC and Carl then began tuning their instruments while in the tour van, they were just a few blocks away from TDB and they didn't want to waste time tuning their guitars for the performance. Finally, after 2 minutes, they finally reached the Dirty Bastard, they all stepped out of the van and walked their way to the stage without any sign of being nervous. As the band appear infront of the rather small audience, they are warmly welcomed by applauses, cheers, and a 20-something woman flashing her breasts. Carl and JPC then plug in their instruments as JC sits on the piano stool and Tristan randomly hits his drums, Troy takes the mic to make a short introduction:

Troy:Good evening you dirty bastards! Tonight, we would be playing a special song for you since we are only allowed to sing one song for this heat of the battle of the bands and we thought of a song that you can sing too, you can dance too, and you could go wild to. This song is dedicated to everybody here tonight, this is the Bohemian Rhapsody...

The crowd cheered as the band began singing the song. The band performed the song in a choir like style instead of using overdubs, Tristan and JPC sing bass, Carl sings baritone, JC sings the very high falsetto, and Troy sings tenor while singing the lead vocals. The piano then kicks in to add a dramatic effect to the song. The bass and drums start to play as the second verse "too late my time has come" starts, the audience sings along with Troy acting as back up vocals to layer the song in a much more beautiful atmosphere. Carl then sneaks in for his guitar solo, everybody can see the soulfulness of his playing, he was playing the song with his heart not his mind, he even changed some of the notes to make it sound more original. Everybody went wow with Carl's solo, especially when he changed some parts, it was absolutely amazing. After a few more seconds, the operatic part suddenly comes in followed by a loud applause from the crowd. Everyone, except JC who played the piano, stopped playing their instruments to focus more on their singing. The arrangement was similar to the intro, JPC and Tristan on bass, Carl on baritone, JC on the falsetto, and Troy on the tenor and lead vocals. The song went perfectly along with the rhythmic clapping patterns of the crowd. The epic falsetto of the line "For Me!" signals the end of the opera section and the beginning of the heavy rock section, Carl then plays the iconic guitar riff as the people start banging their heads. Troy jumped off stage as Carl hit the first note of the riff, the mic was wireless so there was absolutely no problem, he then walked over to some people while singing the aggressive lyrics of the song, the people sang with him. The people were shocked when Troy successfully belted the C5 note in the "and leave me to die" line which was incredibly hard to reach, even the great Freddie Mercury was not that successful reaching the note live. The song then slows down with Carl playing another soulful solo which eventually fades away leaving Troy's vocals, JC's piano, and the other band members' back up vocals alone, it was a beautiful sight to see and sound to hear, their voice blending was absolutely perfect. The band then end the song by singing the last note in different pitches, ending it in a beautiful choir-like style. The band then bow down to end the show as their audience awards them with applauses...

Bohemian Rhapsody(Queen Cover)

OOC: Tried to make it as short as possible, I hope this RP would be good enough get me through to the next round.. Good luck to the other competitors!

Edited by user 02 April 2010 11:20:44(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline Laurelles1  
#6 Posted : 02 April 2010 04:30:16(UTC)
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The Dirty Bastard isn’t a foreign place to Mind. Many a drunken mishap has happened here, but tonight they’re here for something special. The place itself had a lovely nostalgic feel to it. There were many bands that could beat Mind; they had to fight hard to keep their lead. Despite the fact that they had to contain their set list to one tonight, they were adamant they were going to make it last forever.

There was little talk outside the hotel. The whole band was trying to relax before doing the song. To calm the nerves, they were smoking. Even Robert, who was usually anti-tobacco, was smoking. “We might as well quit now. We’re never going to win this.” Harry said solemnly. “We’re in first position now, I’m not fucking letting go of it. Harry, you’re always a downer on things. Remember last time? What we promised? Keep that in your minds, guys.” Jason replied. An awkward silence pursued after that for a couple of minutes as Jason then took his coat off. “We ready?” he said, and a sigh followed from Harry. They then continued to walk into the hotel, preparing to get onto the stage.

Aaron was talking to some girls by the bar as the instruments were being set up. Trying to look cool, he leaned against an invisible pillar, resulting in him falling arse over tit. The girls laughed and walked away, whilst Jason walked up to Aaron saying, “Amateur. It’s time to go.” On that note, they walked up to the stage and the lights dimmed slightly. As the lights dimmed, so did the talking. Aaron played one quiet, ambient note on his guitar for a sound check as Jason prepared to make his speech. “Well man... I can’t believe we’re here. To think that we joined this thing for fun! Seriously, this is fucking immense. Out of all the bands playing in this battle, you’d think that we’d be the ones out first! We love all you guys, thanks to everyone who voted us. Over the past few months, we’ve made a lot of friends, and we’ve all been united through one thing. The love of music. Music has the power to distort people lives, it can make people cry or make them laugh. Music is a force that no-one can live without, it provides entertainment, but it can also be a way of life. For Mind, we are the latter. This may sound a bit clichéd, but we don’t care about the money or the fame, we just want to enjoy music and for other people to enjoy our music. Music has saved my life on numerous occasions, and I’m sure it’s saved yours too. So, as we prepare to perform the song, just promise us one thing tonight. That one thing is to enjoy yourselves. Okay, enough of that corny shit, this is one of our favourite Mind songs, My Fall From Grace!”

As the cheers grew louder and louder, they started to play the extremely intricate and delicate riff, with Jason on the acoustic and Aaron playing on the electric. Usually, the live version is done faster than the studio version, but this time they did it slower. By doing this, they could jam better and extend the song at the same time. As well as that, it also allowed Robert and Harry to have a 5 minute break, before they had to enter the song. Jason’s voice was really on key tonight, he hit all the high notes almost perfectly as Aaron kept playing along. When it reached the breaking point, where Jason had to extend his scream and the other instruments came in, he said “Are we having a good time then?” to an eruption of cheers from the audience. He then made the scream for about 15 seconds, also changing to his double-necked electric. The rest of the band pounded into the song and it became mosh-worthy. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much space to mosh in. During the squidgy centre of the brilliantly technical solo, they went into a reprise of the ballad from their first album, Moon. After doing the riff for about 3 times, they then continued with the solo. This provoked a large reception from the true Mind fans, since the song was only really known by the diehard fans.

Once the solo had ended, instead of ending the whole song, they proceeded to jam for a couple of minutes. It was metallic, but the jam had heavy psychedelic influences mixed inside as well. The drums had just dropped out and Jason had switched again, this time to an Indian sitar. Once Aaron’s guitar riff had dropped out, it left just the sitar and Harries heavy bass line remaining. About 30 seconds afterwards, the bass had dropped out, leaving the sitar to play randomly. This continued for a minute, before they all came back in ferociously for the last 10 seconds of the song.

“I don’t know about you, but that kicked my arse.” Aaron snickered afterwards. “You’re all beautiful. Thank you very much!” he finished, before they made their way to the bar. They all laughed heartily and Harry bought a round of drinks. There was a constant stream of fans shaking their hands and taking photos of them. Although Robert was a bit reluctant at first, they all made sure the fans got what they wanted. “Now we just have to wait, I suppose.” Said Jason merrily.

OOC: I'm not that happy with this RP, but I hope it'll do :/
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline genocidal king  
#7 Posted : 02 April 2010 05:39:29(UTC)
genocidal king
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As the Blood Of Wecz tour bus pulled up to the Dirty Bastard Hotel and Casino, it was hard not too notice just how out of place it looked. A tour bus fit for kings, and here it was, pulling up to the legendary, but tiny dingy little TBD.

Although April had arrived, Mother Nature was yet to oblige, and the snow was slowly falling outside the bus. As it slowed to a stop on the snow covered tarmac, the door opened immediately. Ryan Lee was first to step out of the bus. His Converse sneakers crunched as they came into contact with the white crispy blanket that lay across the car park, and his breath condensed in the air before his eyes. Mark Talley was next to the bottom of the stairs, but just as he was about to step off, a hushed voice called out to him, he quickly disappeared back inside the bus, closing the door behind him.

Ryan stood alone in the car park, a forlorn figure against the winter wonderland that surrounded him. He looked at the ragged old place, and a solitary tear rolled slowly down his face. Ryan used his glove to wipe it away, and sniffed back against his quiet sobbing.

It had been just a year since Ryan's best friend in the world, Eirik Latvallah, had gone missing. The former Blood Of Wecz bassist had not long left the band when he ventured to TDB one afternoon. Refusing to talk to anyone, and complaining that he had severe headaches, Eirik had sat and drunk himself almost comatose. He left TDB early the next morning, and it was the last time anyone had seen him...at all.

Ryan (his voice trembling, eyes filled with tears) - Where the fuck are you, ya big lump?

He laughed slightly and shook his head. This wasn't going to be easy for Ryan, and he wasn't sure he could do it at all. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a piece of paper and read what it said silently. After placing it back in his pocket, Ryan took a deep breath, and as he exhaled he had to fight back the tears again. A slow, crunching of footsteps came closer, and Ryan didn't look round as Scott H stood by his side. Scott too took a long, meaningful look at TDB and shook his head slowly.

Ryan was now shaking like a leaf, standing there in his cammo shorts and Wecz tshirt. Scott put a consoling arm round his shoulder, and beckoned him back to the bus.

Scott - Come on Ry, we can do this for him yeah? The snivelling guitarist looed his friend in the eye solemnly, and nodded his head, a new found determination in his eyes. They walked slowly back to the bus together, and disappeared inside.

...two hours later...

Scott and Ryan are sat at TDB bar. A lot of Wecz fans are asking for autographs, which the band are only too happy to sign. Between the signing, Scott is trying touse his best lines on the girl sitting next to him at the bar, a cute redhead, but she ignores him completely. A tap on his shoulder shakes him from his groove, and as he looks Ryan nods at him, signalling that it's time to go.

Santi, Mark and Maxxi are already onstage by the time the two arrive, and are having a bit of banter with the crowd. Santi has given a guy at the front a drumstick, and is now trying to get it back, reasoning with him, Santi agrees to give it back after the song.

As Scott and Ryan walk on stage, a cheer breaks out from the crowd, Scott shakes hands with some of the guys at the front, as Ryan goes to a roadie to get his seven string Ibanez S series. The PA goes quiet and the cheers are deafeningly loud for such a small venue. Ryan played a chunky DUN DUN DUN pinch combo, and the cheering increased. Scott stepped onto the front monitor as he always does, and adressed his kingdom.

Scott - Alright guys? How are we all doing?? We are BLOOD OF WECZ! It's so good to be here at the Dirty Bastard once again. It's quarter final time in the Delta Tau and we are so stoked to still be in this thing. We wanted to use this like a test of the water type thing, to see if we still had a following after our break, and you know what, you guys have reacted fucking immensely. Give yourselves a huge round of applause.
We're only allowed to play one for you tonight...so it has to be something "special", am I right? (the crowd cheer back at him)
OK, well I guess we already broke the law in round three, and I fancy doing it all fucking over again, this is your only chance, get fucking moving...the song is not legal, and it's called called PRICE TO....

Crowd - PAAAAYYYYY!!!!! Cheering and screaming.

Santi counts in four quick beats, and the song begins with a 23 second low pitched growl from Scott H, served with a side of blisteringly fast power chords, and a double helping of blast beating and sickening double kick bass. After a minute of this riff, Ryan Lee hits a quick sweep combo three times on the trot, followed by Mark nailing a dive, and then they play tremolo melodies for the duration of the first verse. Reaching the chorus, a quick drum fill is followed by a big pinch, and then the power chords rip through the hear of the marauding moshing crowd, as they and Scott growl the chorus, his low growl sounding more supreme than ever.

Standing together in death!
Ripped apart in the fires of the afterlife
Will torn asunder they all wept
This is their ultimate Price To Pay
Gone forever, lost to your god
Your sins remembered and never repaid
Is the Price to Pay enough to see you
Never be alone again!

The instrumental part of the song takes over for the next five minutes, as Ryan and Mark play a section of fretrun melodies that mystify the crowd. They swirl and violently hammer into each other as they cheer for Ryan and Mark, who each take a turn at playing blistering solos, Mark's a bluesy effort, full of bends, and Ryan's a neo classically inspired number ful of runs and sweep picks, including a sweep tap combo that draws massive cheers from the crowd, led by a very pumped up Scott H. Ryan plays most of his solo looking skyward, thinking of his old friend, and it's easy to see the tears on his cheeks.

Through the next chorus, a couple of guys, not used to such a small venue, end up flying onto the stage, one of them just about knocking the drums flying across the stage in the process. Two more sets of verses and choruses follow, before the acoustic tail end of the song starts to play, getting slower, and pluckier as it nears the end. Almost a full ten minutes after the band started playing the song, Scott H is standing with his arm round a Wecz fan in the crowd. Together they scream slowly into the mic...


On the last "enough" Santi comes back in, playing a huge drum solo as Scott holds the high pitched scream for about 15 seconds. They finsh with a collective flourish, and the crowd cheer and chant.

Ryan walks to the front of the stage, as the band saltue the fans and throw picks to them (Santi returned the drum stick to that guy by the way)

Ryan - That one was for Eirik!! Thanks so much you guys...keep on voting...WECZ!

Ryan kisses his fist and lifts it towards the sky, pointing one finger upwards, and the crowd watch him stand trembling, before the lights dim once again...

(OOC; went for a big change in style here, I hope it works...)
Online PANIC!  
#8 Posted : 02 April 2010 16:30:32(UTC)
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London, United Kingdom / April 1st, 2010

Unlike other competitors The Dirty Bastard Hotel and Casino is sort-of an unknown territory for Ryan Ross Hernandez, even though he is one of the somewhat veterans still going strong in this competition he isn't one of the usual's that attends The Dirty Bastard partly due to the fact that Hernandez doesn't even live in the country. So performing at the venue was a new experience for Hernandez. Ryan arrived in London less than 2 hours before he was scheduled to perform one song and with just the bassist and drummer being able to come along in this last minute trip, no real material was practiced beforehand. With no sleep in the last 48 hours Hernandez was suffering from a serious case of jetlag but it was too late to back out of it now. Hernandez has become rather comfortable playing arenas or even theaters but a pub-like venue was something strange for his adapted live performances. Especially for a competition, but Ryan had no problem playing just one song and bailing out as soon as possible. While on the plane trip to London, rather than getting some rest, Hernandez spent most of the flight figuring out which song to perform with such short stage time. Of course his first intent was that it had to be a blues jam which could range from anywhere as short as five minutes to as long as fifteen minutes which Hernandez has done in the past. Ryan and his partners in crime decided upon a not so bluesy song but they would do the best they could to make into their comfortable style. Whether the audience at hand would enjoy his laid back live performances but since it was to a bunch of drunks Hernandez was rather confident he could come out big.

About 10 minutes pass between the time the last band exited the stage and Ryan and his slightly smaller band than usual is set to perform their one-song set. The lights dim down with just one bright light shinning above the stage, just a couple of seconds later, three lights sitting alongside the amplifiers shine the stage reversely from the crowd view. Very calmly without a flashy intro, Ryan Ross Hernandez and his backing crew walk onto the stage to their respective areas on it. As usual, Hernandez takes center-stage with a custom designed Fender Stratocaster guitar hanging on his back by a guitar strap. Pino Palladio, bassist stands towards the left of Hernandez, seen tuning up his bass. Farther behind is Steve Jordan on drums, not very far from the other two but far enough to give them comfortable breathing room. Ryan, like he expected, receives a mix reaction from the crowd, mostly the women in the crowd cheer, excited for his appearance but others aren't very pleased to see Hernandez, whether it be because they don't enjoy his music or just hate him as a person, planning to use this as a bathroom break. Hernandez takes a step back from his microphone and plays two chords to check if the tuning of his guitar is correct for the song at hand. While each participate is only allowed to play one song, nothing say they have to get into the song right away. You know what that means kids, gather around for Ryan Ross Hernandez's Banter Time.

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Good evening. Good evening, drunks, junkies, metalheads, and all the other people out here that follow a 'hardcore' lifestyle. In case you've been living under a rock the last couple of years or don't own a television, computer, or another form of mass media. My name is Ryan Ross Hernandez. That guy you hear gossip about him dating this famous woman or that one. The guy you're probably sick of hearing, but has never had a public scandal like many of my fellow peers have had. I've never been arrested, I've never had an overdose, I've never disappeared for no apparent reason. I have never done none of that stuff yet I'm mentioned every week in every gossip magazine just 'cause I live in this vulture of a city called Hollywood.

So, anyways. Excuse my rant there. If you've ever seen me live, or watched me on YouTube or whatever kids use these days. You'll know that I like to speak my mine whether what I have hanging heavy on my head. Sometimes it's prophet like, others they don't even make sense to me but I can't always come up with most clever, witty lines and phrases.

I got one song to work with and I think you'll all enjoy this tune because it isn't by me, actually. It is a psychedelic rock song, originally but we've made it into a blues jam. Nonetheless this song is, bold. I'm a bold artist. Like this song, I'm as bold as love.

That makes refernce to the track about to be performed, a Jimi Hendrix cover, "Bold as Love". No later than two seconds after Hernandez finishes that remark, he leads the rest of the trio into the song with a thundering guitar riff, along with his falsetto vocals. From moment one in the song, it was clear the song wasn't gonna get the crowd jumping, dancing or starting any near mosh pits, but it got even the metalheads to bop their heads along with Hernandez's very bluesy guitar licks at times making you think who is this jamming guitar player, performing inside Ryan's body. Right before the chorus, the rest of the trio joins in with mostly finger picking basslines and jazzy drum beats by Jordan. Although Hernandez is unable to move a lot around the stage, we see him hopping in front of the microphone stand while he sings and increases the pace of his guitar chords. About two minutes into the song, the drums beat almost turns into a drum roll to let the audience know something special is about to happen. Hernandez starts moving back from the mic stand as his full focus goes to his guitar playing. He seems daze off as he plays those chords that were made famous by Jimi Hendrix decades ago. His closes his eyes as he stands on top of his own amplifier to continue to his solo. Sure, the strange face gestures, Ryan does when guitar solos are still present but he makes sure that all the audience's attention is own his guitar skills. After a minute of soloing, Ryan returns to his microphone, slowly winding down his guitar riffs. A slow cymbal crash along with the deep basslines continue, without Hernandez's guitar.

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Alright so check it out. I've tried every approach to living. I've tried it out. I haven't tried everything but I've tried every approach. Sometimes you gotta turn everything to get the approach right but whatever. I've tried it all. Went out bought a bunch of stuff went, "Eh, I don't like this," I kind of came in and out of that a couple of times. Thought I would shut myself off. I thought that's what you need to be a genius, to be liked and loved. You had to be an asshole. And if you can make so many people hate, so many people will also love you. I though it would balance out, you know. That hasn't worked either.

I'm at a good place in my life. I've paced myself pretty well. I'm turning 23 on April 12th. I've seen some cool things. Made a lot of stuff happen for myself. I made a lot of stuff happen for me, myself, and I. That is a really cool sentence when you're in your twenties. But all that means is that, somehow or another you've found a way to synthesizes love, to synthesizes care. You can't be a dick and expect to get that. What I'm saying is that I've missed with all approaches expect one and it is gonna sound corny but that's just love. I've done everything in my life that I want to do except just give and receive just love and care for my living. And I don't mean roman candle, fireworks, Hollywood, hot-pink love. I mean like, "I got your back love!". I don't need to hear, "I love you," those words mean nothing if you don't show it. And some of the people that tell you they love you are the same people that'll be the last to have your back.

So I'm gonna start being myself and experiment with this whole love thing. Giving love, feeling love. I know it sounds really corny and it is a miracle someone hasn't thrown a beer bottle at me. But it is the last thing I gotta check out before I check out.

Mister Jordan, take me to the solo one more time 'round! Thank you London!

Hernandez and his trio play a more earnest version of the previous solo lead by Ryan's guitar. He hops on spot not far from his microphone stand as he adds in some 'Yeah's' every now and then while he solos. Without slowing down the pace or lose any energy, Hernandez starts to sing the final chorus to the classic Jimi Hendrix song. Palladio complements Hernandez's outstanding blues rifts with matched beat and bass that is eerily reminiscent of rock bassist legend John Entwistle of The Who. Steve Jordan is a one of a kind drummer and with his jazz style he can really match the improvisation of Palladio and Hernandez with his quick timing and ability to extend to outrageous beats. All three talented musicians end a already high energy song with even more intensity.

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Thank you! We'll see you some other time!"

The trio take a quick bow and with that the lights dim once again with the three heading off the stage quickly. Unlike when they first came onto the stage, they are exited off the stage with mostly cheers and applause, although the naysayers are still out there.


Bold as Love (Jimi Hendrix cover)

(OOC: Eh, not happy with this but then again when I'm I ever happy with a roleplay I make. Although with one song I didn't have much to work with. So this really was a challenge since I'm use to making witty, long ass roleplays.)

Edited by user 02 April 2010 16:33:14(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline asdf  
#9 Posted : 02 April 2010 17:04:58(UTC)
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OOC: This is probably the best job I have done in any competition on here, and I have to say that my best RPs have come from it. I want to say congrats to my enemies and good luck to them as well. I don't know if your are supposed to do pre-show stuff or if you can talk about more than just the concert. But I never did follow rules well.

The Rockers had made it through. This was further than they had even hoped to get and they were ecstatic but the reality hit them hard when they saw who they had to go up against this round. Great bands, some new and some old but all great. Johnny was happier than ever. Stephanie Fierce had been found and they were rekindling their lives together and the sadness was creeping away. A light through the curtains so to speak. Jack was still writing everyday and waiting for Johnny to give up the band for Savior. But John wasn't even sure he wanted to continue with his music career. His heart was very weak and the doctors told him he would have to take it easy on touring. His time at the hospital haunted him like any bad memory does...but this one was different...

Black was all he could see. He seemed to be looking at his life but it was different. He walked through the curtain and instead of falling to the floor he met Jack and shook his hand. They were smiling and then a man came into the room.

John: Yes? Who are you?

Man: Stephanie Fierce has been murdered. We found the body...we know who killed her.

John saw himself drop to the floor and sob for a while but then the man pointed to Jack. Jack frowned and ran out the door. The dream grew dark and he saw himself standing with a gun aimed at Jack who pleaded for mercy until John pulled the trigger and Jack fell. Blood surrounded them and seemed to ooze from the dream as John felt blood on his mouth. Slowly he saw doctors fade to view and he felt he was moving through a hallway. Before he could talk, he fell into blackness again.

This time the man walked in with a deep frown.

Man: She dead...we found her body...she had cancer...undiagnosed.

John again fell to his knees and sobbed. Jack comforted him and tried to help him. Quick bursts of views of times going past with Jack trying to help him be happy but the dream stopped at John with a gun to his head. He cried and quickly pulled the trigger. Johns mind went black as he pulled out of his mind again.

This time he was in a hospital room and everyone smiled as he sat up slowly as his chest throbbed and his head ached.

John: What happened...what day is it.

Jack: You...had a heart attack...its been 3 days.

A man walked into the room and he smiled.

Man: John...we found her.

John got frightened as the dream flashed through his mind.

John: Stephanie? Is she...

Man: She's alive................

All this ached through his mind as he walked into the dressing room. He bandage made clothes itch but he chose a nice suit and walked out with Jack to the curtain.

Jack: Ready?

John: Nope.

The curtain raised as they walked out onto the stage. The small crowd cheered softly and drunkenly. John expected no less than this from these people. It what they did best.

They welcomed the rest of The Rockers out and they all sat staring out at the crowd.

John: Hello...we're gonna play you a song if that's okay with you all. Its a song I wrote last month about my love...its called Home-steady.

Home-steady is a slow song with some soft slide guitar and repetitive drums but the lyrics speak to the soul. Its about Johns love for Stephanie and the chorus sings of his wish that they could be back together in their home and be steady again like normal people but as Johns smiled he sang the final lyrics. "But we aren't normal are we?"

The song is a basic love song but expressed what Johnny needed to say. The band had argued with him saying they needed to sing one of their classics so get through but he argued that if this wasn't good enough, then so be it. John believed that music was in his soul and that his soul was in his music and his soul was what really mattered he could only try to reach others. The short gig was over and now all that was left to see was if they would make it. If not they would play their final who on April 5th. If not then The Rockers would last a little longer. This competition was their last chance to prove themselves but to Johnny, he had done that already. All he wanted was to get home now, back to Stephanie. The world could fuc* themselves.
Proud member since September 6th, 2007!

Proud to be a mod since May 5th, 2011!

Currently writing the longest Solo-Written RP in Rockstar Game History
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#10 Posted : 02 April 2010 17:28:57(UTC)
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On the flight to England from Tokyo Pilot were discussing what song to play. What a challenge, one song. How could a band that had released 11 and a half studio albums condense their career into one song? "Do we play Part-Time Assassin? That's sort of our quintessential song." "Maybe one of the newer ones?" "What about Lightyears, we always finish with that?" "Something completely unexpected, like Area 51? Or maybe Ambition?" The argument wen round and round and round, but the band was forgetting that they had been treating this competition as a reason to do different things. Up until the third round they had experimented with playing songs they hardly ever played and coming up with new ways to add to the experience. Stephen, cocky as he is, was the one who articulated it first.

"There's no one song we can play that somes us up and will do justice to the night, so let's make one. Let's just go out there and fucking jam for a few minutes. If we crash and burn, we crash and burn, but fuck it." At this the rest of the band made approving noises, while other passengers in first class asked them to please mind their language.

So now Pilot are at the dirty bastard, enjoying some pilseners before going onstage, chatting with other people in the bar. It feels good. It feels like the gigs they played, relentlessly touring Australia as teenagers before they got famous. They felt young again.

When they took to the stage Clint took the role of frontman and greeted the crowd.

"Hello Dirty Bastard. This place has been a sanctuary to us at times when we've been over here making records. Now we want to repay it with something special. The song your about to hear has not yet been created. It is somewhere out in the cosmos, ripe for the plucking and you shall be the first to hear it. This song is a gift to you and it shall be called Dirty, Jamming Bastard"

Stephen starts them off with a military-sounding drum beat. Andrew joins in with a simple bassline as Clint and Murray (who is on guitar for this song) let notes ring out long and bent. At a gesture from Nick the band stop and Nick opens with the line You drank the poison, you took it right from my hand, before the band kick in again with more urgency. Stephen is banging the cymbols and Clint has a bluesy riff going.

Stub out your cigarette in the clutch of a man
Turn down the radio if it's hurting your ears
You're filled with pretence and it shits me to tears

Following this 'verse' Stephen and Clint do a call and respond between drums and guitar that builds up into a cacophany of noise before the band go back into the riff they were playing for the first verse.

I am a traveller and you are my landscape
Watch as your rivers run over my landscape
Where is your ocean? Where is your ocean?
Where is your ocean?

Murray takes centre stage, walking up next to Nick to bust out a riff that goes a little sloppy after a few bars. Clint comes to the rescue, taking aguitar solo from on top of Stephen's bass drum.

I know you're sorry but you left me empty
And there's nothing now, there's nothing now
Attached at lips and we smash our hips
Then there's nothing, why is there nothing?
And the fire in this room creeps between me
I am a prisoner and you are the scenery
Catch my breath for a second then it's over
And there's nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing

"Thankyou Dirty Bastard, good night."


Dirty, Jamming Bastard (Improvised Jam)
Pilot are: Nick Edmondson (vocals, guitar), Clint Walkingshaw (guitar, vocals), Murrray Catalano (guitar, keys), Andrew Blackwell (bass), Stephen Holland (drums, vocals)

Pants Festival are: Andrew "Rooster" Dunnell (vocals), Kuhilan "Ku" Gounder (guitar), Stephen "Popa" Poepjes (guitar, vocals), Clinton "Gandy" Gandy (bass), Matt Hanson (drums, vocals)

Labrats are: Milton Mitchell (vocals, synths, guitar), Lara Branik (guitar), Liam Mitchell (synths, turntables), Preston Abelford (bass), Bonnie Snell (drums)
Offline bikz  
#11 Posted : 02 April 2010 19:59:46(UTC)
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The last set of groups are as follows ....

Blood Of Wecz

The Rockers
Raining Suicide
Ryan Ross Hernandez

.... bottom two in each set leave. The semi-final will be announced on the 5th April, but take place later - you'll get a break.

Edited by user 02 April 2010 20:01:49(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline Laurelles1  
#12 Posted : 02 April 2010 20:06:00(UTC)
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OOC: I almost cried when I saw asdfs and Panic!s RPs. To be honest though, there's no escaping here :(
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

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#13 Posted : 03 April 2010 05:00:54(UTC)
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Tim and Mike were reasonably surprised when they received a call earlier this week from Delta Tau Entertainment. A delayed flight caused them to miss their last performance in the Battle of the Bands yet somehow Axiom persevered into quarterfinals. Booking their flight a week in advance, they did everything they could to avoid a similar outcome.

Arriving at the Dirty Bastard Tim and Mike immediately began preparations for their show. This was not going to be an easy challenge by any means, and they only had one song to make their statement. They were told they would be following Pilot by a member of the management team.

While Pilot was on stage Tim and Mike were still discussing which song to showcase. With such a large repertoire of both original music and covers it was hard for them to commit to just one song.

"Let's do something from the new album," said Tim.

"No man, we only get one song," replied Mike. "We have to do something they are going to know."

They continued discussing the setlist, but time was not on their side. Pilot's performance was winding down and they would eventually have to take the stage. Finally, almost instantly, the two realized what they would play. Without saying a word to each other Tim walked over and told the backing band which song to play.

Getting on stage, even now, is still such a rush. There is no equal to it, no feeling quite like it. Not even sex can compare when you hear the roar of the crowd. Tim was feeling that adrenaline rush as he took to the microphone to introduce himself.

"How are you all doing tonight?" he asks.

The crowd responds with raucous applause and cheers.

"Give up another hand for Pilot, they really came out here and knocked one out of the park tonight," he exclaimed to the crowd.

Again the crowd replies in applause and screams.

"Well, I'm Tim and over there on piano is Mike. We are Axiom," he says with a grin. "We have a song everyone probably knows so sit back and enjoy it tonight."

Being the number two guy has always been Mike's role. He has never really been the kind of guy to take control of a room or work a crowd. In all of his bands and musical projects he preferred being the sideman. Let somebody else deal with the media, the crowds, and the fame. Mike just wanted to work on the music.

In Axiom he loved his role. He let Tim use his charisma and energy to work the crowd while he focused on his upcoming performance. Always a perfectionist, Mike took the few minutes before the show to run through the setlist in his head. He would review every challenging spot, remind himself of every chord change, and begin thinking about his solo structures.

Mike looked up, realizing Tim was about to finish his introductions, and prepared to play.

"Well, I'm Tim and over there on piano is Mike. We are Axiom," Tim says with a grin. "We have a song everyone probably knows so sit back and enjoy it tonight."

With the subtlety of a freight train they tear into Yer Blues by The Beatles. The crowd's response is overpowering, there is hardly anyone in the audience who doesn't recognize the song. Tim and Mike reworked the song into an even dirtier blues jam, similar to the version used on their covers album. The band continues to build and build until finally there is complete silence followed by the last words before the final jam.

"If I ain't dead already, girl you know the reason why," shouts Tim.

Mike immediately begins taking off on his piano solo. Flashing through his mind are the chord changes, melodies, and structures he spent the introduction contemplating. His solo is melodic and structured, rather than a sequence of riffs he plays long melodic phrases. As he begins to reach the end of his solo he starts adding the flash that the crowd wants to see. His fingers blaze across the keys. As he reaches the end of his solo he moves back to his melodic phrasing. The crowd erupts into cheers after he finishes.

Tim was the crowd pleaser. With the crowd still celebrating Mike's solo Tim begins to shred on his. While Mike had preplanned melodic lines and phrasing ideas Tim gives the audience the virtuosity and speed they crave. Notes come at them at supersonic speeds, Tim's fingers move faster than his mind. Tim inserts a little bit of melody and substance towards the middle of his solo but like his onstage persona he goes for the flash.

After the solos the band returns to the familiar riff of the song. Tim comes in one final time to sing.

"If I ain't dead already, girl..." he holds the note. The band comes in underneath him, powerful and bombastic, they pound away at the ending.

"... you know the reason why," he sings. The band plays the outro and the stage falls silent, the roar of the crowd consumes all other noise.

"Thank you very much, we are Axiom," shouts Tim as they prepare to leave the stage.

Yer Blues (The Beatles cover)

OOC: I tried a different narrative structure for this one I hope you like it.
Axiom is
Mike Peck- Production/Guitars/Piano/Keyboards/Hammond Organ/Vocals
Tim Dunn- Production/Guitars/Bass/Drums/Saxophone/Vocals
Offline bikz  
#14 Posted : 03 April 2010 23:47:12(UTC)
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No votes so far, and the deadline is tomorrow - fantastic shows though! (:

Edited by user 03 April 2010 23:49:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline Laurelles1  
#15 Posted : 03 April 2010 23:51:47(UTC)
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I'm gonna be a sneaky little shit here and vote tactically, otherwise I have no chance of getting through.

Blood of Wecz

The Rockers
Raining Suicide
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

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#16 Posted : 04 April 2010 02:59:00(UTC)
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OOC:When's the deadline?
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#17 Posted : 04 April 2010 02:59:58(UTC)
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troy211619 wrote:
OOC:When's the deadline?

OOC: Why worry if you already posted your RP?
Offline Laurelles1  
#18 Posted : 04 April 2010 03:02:35(UTC)
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OOC: I think he means for voting. And I think it's supposed to be tomorrow.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#19 Posted : 04 April 2010 03:04:04(UTC)
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Edited by user 04 April 2010 03:04:46(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline bikz  
#20 Posted : 04 April 2010 03:06:07(UTC)
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It is tomorrow. Who's going through to the semis is announced on the 5th.
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
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