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Offline PANIC!  
#1 Posted : 19 April 2010 10:39:48(UTC)
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(with 'A Never-Ending Trip to Heartbreak' playing in the background)

The music video of the IMA-winning song is shown with words like, 'MY LIFE,' 'FOREVER,' 'PEOPLE,' 'POWER,' floating by the screen. Each word is taken from direct quotes, Ryan Ross Hernandez uses during the interview, the quotes are heard, being said by Hernandez, while the respective word is shown

'MY LIFE': "I'm not living my life for the eventual photo spread. This is not a gimmick."

'FOREVER': "I want those records to be around forever."

'PEOPLE': "It's like grabbing people by the collar."

'POWER': "I feel like I have power back in my life."

The opening ends with a design saying; "RYAN ROSS HERNANDEZ: ON THE RECORD with FUSE".


Steven Smith: "As we've been swimming in all things Ryan Ross Hernandez, preparing to come in and sit and talk. We came up with five aspects of you, that I think make sense. We got singer/songwriter, shredding guitar player, actor, comedian, and then a celebrity."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "I think that's fair."

Steven Smith: "Do you think your attitude towards that is what enables you to survive in the celebrity world? It just seems that your not letting it get to you and having more fun with it."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Well, it's funny you even say survive. It really has all the power you give it. If you use in some sort-of predatory sense that celebrities somehow or another capable of removing whatever it is I built as an artist. I spent the last two year thinking about that and wondering that. But I think that if 'Hollywood Hills Assassin,' comes out and is successful in people's minds and they are able to connect with it as quickly and as closely as they did on the records before 'Hollywood Hills Assassin,' then wouldn't that serve to say that you could survive anything that takes place in your life outside of music as long as your music is still well-liked by your fans? You know, that is the most exciting part of putting this record out, is that their aren't many people who fan out into five elements and ever are able to go back to most primary one, successful, so I'm really returning to my primary element."

Steven Smith: "So how has the internet changed your relationship with your fans, over the years?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "The interesting thing now is learning how to adapt and change your reasoning of how you use the internet, while people go on to different parts of the internet, different things like Twitter. This is just where the communication point is, then it takes a minute to figure out, 'How can I use this in a really authentic way?'

Steven Smith: "Well your pretty much use Twitter as a promotional tool, you talked about the album title and the first single before the press release."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Yeah well I don't really think about it as promotion, I was actually thinking about this the other night. Will I want to get on Twitter and say, 'Hey everybody buy my album!' And it's funny 'cause I don't want to do that. And there is a lot of times where I'm at places or with people that I know would sort-of up my Twitter profile. As like someone who's wheeling and dealing and out n' about and meeting n' greeting. But that's always the time where I want to write something silly and non-descriptive of where I am or who I'm with. There is something about using your Twitter to say, 'Look who I'm with right now.' I don't care who you stand next to, I care who you are what you're doing."

Steven Smith: "Let me take a minute to tweet this. (takes out his phone) 'With Ryan Ross Hernandez on camera. He's funny."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: (chuckles) "Well, you know what I mean. So, yeah in turn actually Twitter turned to be sort-of a sweet, daring thing. But question is like, 'How am I? Do I even tweet that the record is out ? I guess I should.' I don't know I just don't want anyone to feel spoon-fed."

Steven Smith: "To me it just feels like it's just fun, the internet in general."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "It is fun. It sort-of is like a little radio almost. It's like, even more radio now, then actual radio."

Steven Smith: "Sounds like an Elvis Costello song."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: (imitating Elvis Costello singing) "It's even more radio then radio is." (back to normal voice) "I can sing anything like Elvis Costello."

Steven Smith: "Oh yeah."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: (imitating Elvis Costello singing) "It doesn't matter what you really singing right now. You can sing anything that you want to. I can sing anything like Elvis."

Steven Smith: "So you have thrown all these fun things on the web, baking contest, cruises, charity auctions, coming out of a restaurant covered in kisses. How much calculation goes into these or is it literally like Twitter sometimes with jokes like, 'Eh let's do this, it'll be fun.'?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Am I calculating in terms of how do I keep my profile high in things other then music or acting? The answer is absolutely not. It doesn't work that way for me. I'm sure there are times where I think it is not me wanting attention actually turns out to me wanting attention just in different language. If I have a funny idea and I have a way to get it out then I usually end up putting it out. And I guess somewhere inside, I wanna be the guy who makes people scratch their heads about when I say this or do that. In the case of coming out of a restaurant with my face and shirt covered in kisses, a lot of people don't know that I was just going out to dinner with a group of friends, then I came up with the idea for that three or four of my best female friends covered me in kisses and I pretend to come out drunk 'cause I knew the paparazzi's were out there and I really just like to keep it interesting with the media.

But I think the X-factor for all those things you see me say or do, are the cameras. For everything you about me on TMZ or Popsugar or anything like those sources, the X-factor is the camera. The idea of just letting loose at a concert or any other situation with fans in attendance, not that I am saying I'm SO shocked that pictures or videos come out of it portraying me as so and so. I'm just living for that moment, I'm not living my life for the eventual photo spread. I do most of the things that I have done in the past in front of cameras for the fans. To let them know that, 'Hey I'm human too,' I think fans need to know that the artist or actor or celebrity they admire isn't very much different then they are.

Steven Smith: "Your discussing, you know, celebrity and surviving it. Do you ever worry that with unnecessary coverage of you and your life, have affect people's perception on your music?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "It's absolutely a concern. If you gave me the choice of one or the other, I still wouldn't change making the decisions I have made and the decisions that I will continue to make in my life. If it means that you're staying human and you're staying in touch and your learning your lessons and you are roping-doping in life, then everybody's gonna be alright 'cause I'm gonna be alright and I'm also gonna make music that continues to be from the heart. If you close your heart out, you're not able to make music anymore, you're just making tracks."

Steven Smith: "You censor a lot?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Umm, no, actually. The difference between censoring and just knowing better. If I'm complaining about something and I am supposedly the guy who's got it all then what does that say about someone who is not in my position. I read on the internet that people are like, 'Oh stop complaining! Go hide behind your beautiful house and piles of cash,' So now I do that. I just have piles of cash around, and you know what? They're right. It works."

Steven Smith: "It does work."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "It really, really works."

Steven Smith: "Thanks Ryan Ross Hernandez."



Ryan Ross Hernandez: "....I want those records to be around forever. But I don't know what someone else is gonna do in their life, so I have a difficult time bringing others to work with on my records."

Edited by user 26 April 2010 06:12:30(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline maximys  
#2 Posted : 19 April 2010 11:16:16(UTC)
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That was an interesting interveiw. I can't wait till part two. I'm a big fan of yours, Ryan Ross.

- Steven Mcartney.
Masters of Destruction the band
Offline PANIC!  
#3 Posted : 19 April 2010 14:35:17(UTC)
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maximys wrote:
That was an interesting interveiw. I can't wait till part two. I'm a big fan of yours, Ryan Ross.

- Steven Mcartney.

"Thanks, for two things. One for actually being one of like the twenties males in the world to listen to my music, willing, without being forced by their girlfriends/wives. And two, thank you for calling me by my whole first name, which very little people, or rather they think I have two surnames."

--.` Ryan Ross Hernandez.
Offline Synxhard  
#4 Posted : 19 April 2010 15:25:24(UTC)
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OOC: You actually got Steven down pretty much perfectly. Not much more can be said that hasn't been many times before. Excited to read more.
Offline PANIC!  
#5 Posted : 26 April 2010 06:12:03(UTC)
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Steven Smith: "Do you ever fall into that quarry of the writer, where you'll be having an emotional experience, something will happen, and in the back of your head you believe it will make a good song?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Absolutely. I mean while writing for this record, I was going through a emotional rollercoaster, and the songs that made it in will show that. I mean I like to joke around a lot about being a terrible ex, because I always write songs about my ex-girlfriends, whether they are "I miss you," songs or "You're a bitch," songs. So it varies. But I think every writer has their own personal inspirations, like I am one of those writers who doesn't listen to any music other than my own when I'm trying to write because I don't want to be influenced by any other writer. Really the songs that are worth anything are those that sort-of come into you. I woke up one morning, and went; (sung) "Good love is on the way / I been lonely but I know, I'll be okay." (back to spoken) And that is what you start with, you spend all day writing, writing, and writing. That is how songs get written. When you have to be reminded that you're a famous musician who has to get his major label record out, that does not write songs."

Steven Smith: "So where did the title, "Hollywood Hills Assassin," come from?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "There is this song on the record, that revolves around a relationship metaphor about a vicious lover who ultimately meets his match when he realizes that his target is a heartbreaker too, aka an assassin. It is a story inside a story and that song is called "Late-Night Job; Assassin," so the original title for the album was just "Assassin," but then when I thought deeper into the writing, the lyrical writing, I came to realize that all the songs that made the final track listing, were all written in Hollywood Hills, California. So it came to me, that Hollywood Hills influenced so much for this record that all the songs that I wrote over the course of a year, all of them came from Hollywood and the friends, enemies and lovers that I've made in that so starstruck city. That was when, Gabriel Hunter, my good friend and co-producer for this record, we sat down and started talking about the title for the album and within five minutes it just came to, it felt natural, but at the same time I wasn't totally into it because when you're like we were talking about before, a celebrity, including 'Hollywood' in your primary career, in your work it is a risk because people are just gonna be "Oh, he is just going to bitch and whine about how it is so tough to have millions of dollars, and sleeping with Hollywood scarlet's and how he just wants to be a normal guy." But the people who are going to say that are the same people that aren't going to listen to the record or give it a chance to put themselves in the stories discussed in the album and forget about the personal life of the dude singing it. But as long as I knew that the record wasn't that, the title didn't really bother me."

Steven Smith: "When did you stop whatever else you were doing career wise, and just went, "I need to make this record,"."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Around a year ago, I sort-of sat down and looked back at the last three or four years in my life as a person, not as a celebrity, but as a person. And sort-of what everybody goes through at a certain stage of their life. Really getting down into it, so you can have a really peaceful next decade of your life, you know. But it is interesting to sort-of see, right now that it is done with, how the primary idea for this record has changed over the year I spent writing for it. And it is really the first album I've written that all the relationship, or love/heartbreak songs are just about one relationship because over the year I spent writing this record, I was just in one relationship and over the course of this record it matched whatever was going on in that relationship. And it is funny how over the course the relationship started and ended so this record is by far the most autobiographical album I've written. And consistently it is the most universal record, thematically, that I've ever made."

Steven Smith: "So now that the record is coming out, in a month in a half, like what is your mood like? 'Cause you had an amazing twitter about it, if I may dive right in."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Yeah, I am right here, but why don't you read those 140 characters I wrote two weeks ago."

Steven Smith: "Oh, excuse me, two days ago."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "This is an efficient use of everybody's time. Great television, right here."

Steven Smith: "Two days ago, you wrote; "I'm at the point where I think to myself, either this album is really great or really shitty. Either way I'll be too busy to know it." Do you remember what you were doing right then, when you tweet it that?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "I was probably, so sort-of burnt out from doing one thing and the other that I just took a twitter break. I've had a bunch of experiences making this record where I went home, saying to myself "Oh we're getting it. We are just tagging this," but the other half of the time I walked up stairs and feel like I've done it, I reached my peak, musically, and that was it. I had a good run but my music career was over."

Steven Smith: "Really, well what is the biggest difference between and evolution, from "Dark Secret Love," to this record?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: ""Dark Secret Love," wasn't as neat. So, it purposely had some rough edges on it. With "Hollywood Hills Assassin," it is sort-of all about this, perfect record, the vocals were sang a thousand times to make sure that each time you sing a line it is perfect. But it is also more endearing in the sense that, it really feels like me not on stage playing for you, for some of these songs, but in your house, in your bedroom playing for you. It is more intimate, more personal. And not to say that it is like a Neil Young record, but it's closer to a Neil Young record than a Sting record, this time around."

Steven Smith: "Now the first single, "City Made of Vultures," has sort-of a bit of a Eric Clapton feel to it. Is that something you were going for?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Yeah. You know, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, and The Eagles. I mean coming out to California, to write, compose, and record the entire record, you will get influenced by the different sounds and different era's. I've always been a fan of the really laid back, melodic, straight to the point kind-of vibe. Not to say that there aren't those earnest, blues jams, but there is more laid back blues than Jimi Hendrix type, blues. That is why I knew I needed this song to be the first single, 'cause most people's first singles, and most of my first singles, have been the biggest thing you can find on the record. What's the biggest, loudest, tallest, sort-of largest thing you can find, and this was me wanting to go below all that. You have to go back to that place where it is most pure and simple and connected. And so, "City Made of Vultures," was sort-of like grabbing people by the collar and bringing them close again and going "Nope, it's just you and me.""

Steven Smith: "This is your first record ever, that has opened the door to collaborations. How were you introduced with the collaborators? When did you go and say, "This song needs to have someone else on it," ?"

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "I am very strange by getting other people to perform on my records because I just feel like, I want those records to be around forever and I don't know what someone else is going to do with their life. But I am really confident that this is not a gimmick. It is not like, featuring so-and-so, just to sell a record. And that's evidence by that, me hand picking the people that wanted to work with, it wasn't something arranged by the record label. Also the singing with the collaborators, are a little less than duets, more or so, to add leverage to the vocals that need them. But the artist brought in are extremely talented."

Steven Smith: "That was a great answer."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Thank you. I saw you get stomped by."

Steven Smith: "I was like, "Wow," I don't know where to go from here."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "You're fast, you're dry, articulate glimpness, couldn't even overcome."

Steven Smith: "It is my glimpness, that most people find appealing."

Ryan Ross Hernandez: "Did you have to find the guy to interview me that is most like me?!"



Ryan Ross Hernandez: (with southern accent) "It's like Stevie Wonder, lived down the street from Jackson Brown, and they hung out in Van Halen's basement."

(OOC: Took me so long to post part two, since when I was gonna post this past Tuesday, I lost the word document and didn't really feel like writing up the entire thing again until today when I got some inspiration to do so, and it also way shorter than I wanted it to be.)

Edited by user 26 April 2010 06:14:20(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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