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Offline genocidal king  
#1 Posted : 03 May 2010 09:29:33(UTC)
genocidal king
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The scene -Philedelphia, PA. A high rise, derelict multi storey car park. On the roof, a hunched figure sits with the hood of a sweatshirt pulled up to protect it from the cold and driving rain on this horrible day on the East US coast

I'm sitting up here alone...I've already been here for over four hours. I've been slowly watching the world in PA grind to a definite halt...since it got dark the lights have started to go out in all of the office blocks...no one is walking the streets anymore, and there are very little cars driving around the building I sit atop. I'm on the edge of the roof, and I'm looking over, no one is there, no one can see me...

...I step back and sit on an old chair atop the abandoned car park. I sigh and reach slowly into my pocket. Do you know how I feel? You can't possibly! For the last two years I have felt infeasibly lonely, left almost to my own devices, and shunned by those who should have been there. They have been present, but in body only! And to make it worse, the one thing that I had managed to bury away deep inside...the guilt that had hung over me...it has resurfaced on a scale too huge to even fathom...I have never felt right about how we just left Alex in the lurch...he wasn't always a total dick! He just became one steadily over the years, and we didn't do anything to stop him! We could've helped!

That night when he went off on one at TriViaL, he was just angry, and who wouldnt be, we had lost our support act...but we decided to take action after he became too abusive...leaving him at the side of the road in Sacramento...he didn't even know where the fuck he was... For three years I felt guilty as fuck ...the only time we saw him was at the court trial over the back catalogue ...and he was a total fucking mess ...swearing at judges and lawyers and threatening to beat us up...since then he's been quiet ...but now I tune into my TV and I see a guy who has gone totally off the rails ...he's beyond anyone's help now ...it's all my fucking fault! He was my best! Fucking! Friend! Night after night we played side by side, and we took on the world, and then we left him in the street! It's just too much!

I lift my arm from my pocket, and my sleeve rides up far enough that I see the gothic "BoW" lettering on my arm, the Wecz tattoos we had all had done some 12 years before. I smiled as I remembered the good moments momentarily...the smiles and the laughter, just pure comradeship...

...then the normality returned, the crippling loneliness and the fear for my former friend. The tears welled up in my eyes, as I thought about how lonely Alex must be...I thought of my own situatuion, and how bad it was...and then I realised I still had people around me! Alex had no one! He was all alone and fucking scared! I am one selfish bastard! Tears were streaming down my face, and it was too much, I suddenly cracked...

...I thrust my hand deep into the pocket of my jeans and when I pull it out, the dull grey of gun metal catches the light ever so slightly...I lift my hand and take one last look at the Blood Of Wecz tattoo on my wrist... I lift my hand and the tendons in my wrist clench excruciatingly tightly as I gently squeeze my trigger...

A loud pop fills the quiet PA night air...atop the derelict building, a clump of hair lies alone five feet from a crumpled body...blood oozes slowly from inisde the hood, which has been dyed a dark deep red. The body lies motionless as life below it goes on in complete silence.

Edited by user 03 May 2010 10:02:58(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#2 Posted : 03 May 2010 09:56:45(UTC)
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OOC: Jesus, that's serious rp right there. Gave me chills, no joke, this has inspired me to do a new Jimmy rp.
Offline genocidal king  
#3 Posted : 03 May 2010 10:04:41(UTC)
genocidal king
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Synxhard wrote:
OOC: Jesus, that's serious rp right there. Gave me chills, no joke, this has inspired me to do a new Jimmy rp.

Thanks man, feedback greatly appreciated! I hope I can keep this one going for a while
Offline genocidal king  
#4 Posted : 06 May 2010 03:01:31(UTC)
genocidal king
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Back atop the derelict car lot in Philly, PA. It is a very sunny day, but at this height there is a strong breeze blowing over the rooftop.

The sun shines down on the roof, and a glint can be seen in the dull metal of a revolver, which lies on the ground, inches from a motionless hand. A body lies in the same position it has done for four days...the hood of the sweater blows slowly in the wind, but the body lies rigid. Congealed blood covers a substantial area of the ground around the body.

A commotion can be heard below the building. Two men are arguing over a taxi which has just pulled up. A typical Philly day, everyone is going about their work, unaware of what has happened to the poor, lonely rockstar, whose corpse lies above them, on top of a forgotten car lot.

There is a noise closer to the lot, as a banging, rhythmic, can be heard. All of a sudden the rooftop door flies open and two kids, aged around 16 run out onto the roof. They are laughing and playfully hitting each other. They both have long hair, one is wearing a Carcass tshirt, and the other is wearing a black hoody, bearing the old school logo of Blood Of Wecz.

As they race to the corner of the roof, one of the boys jumps up onto the fence that surrounds the edge, to stop people falling off.

Boy 1: Fuckin hell, it's a long way down man! You should see this, come up here!!

His friend takes a running jump and scarpers up the fence. As he tries to be more daring than his buddy he straddles the top of the fence, one leg dangling precariously on the side of certain death. He whoops and hollers, and people on the street are oblivious to him, he laughs and starts to shake the fence by rocking back and forth.

Boy 1: Fuckin hell stop that man! Shit you'll fall you dick!

The boy continues to rock for a few seconds and then stops totally dead. His friend thanks him, but senses something must be wrong when his friend sits motionless for a few seconds. He looks up to see his friend staring across at the other side of the roof. He spins around and looks, what he can see amazes him. Sitting just to the side of an air duct on the roof, is what appears to be a gun.

Boy 2: Well fucking cool man!

They each jump from the fence and scarper towards their discovery, fighting for position all the way. The boy in the Carcass shirt, who had been up the fence, gets there first and grabs the gun, picking it up and examining it closely.

Boy 2: Oh fuck! This is amazing, hands up cunt!

Boy 1: Woah! Don't point that shit at me!

Boy 2: Hands up or I'll shoot you shitbreath! Hahaha, im kidding man, its probably not even loaded.

The first boy starts to back off, a little scared that his reckless friend might shoot him by accident. As he does, he passes the air duct, and stands on something which feels solid, but a little soft. Looking down to his side, he sees the figure lying motionless on the rooftop. Shock grips him and he kneels beside it, the smell overwhelms him slightly and he vomits beside the body.

By this time his friend with the gun is running along the other side of the roof, pretending to fire the gun, and aiming it towards his friend.

The first boy kneels beside the body and pulls the hood back, he sees the gun wound in the cranium and vomits again. As he takes the hood off, he gets a glance at the face, and immediately knows who it is! He leaps to his feet in pure shock and distress, and backs away, with his hands on his head.

His friend, at the other side of the roof thinks he is playing along, and aims the gun just above his head. He pulls the trigger and is surprised to hear the gun go off...but not as surprised as his friend. The young man in the Blood Of Wecz hoody who is still in shock, gets a fright at the sound of the gun, and stumbles backwards. He stumbles into the rooftop fencing, which gives way, and he falls backwards, his scream audible all the way down, until a crunching thud signals his connection with the concrete below. People scream and look upwards, to see where he has fallen from, some of them are shouting that he was shot!

The boy still on the roof panics. Tucking the gun into the belt of his jeans, tears in his eyes, he runs from the roof, and out a back door of the old building. Sprinting towards his home, away from the accident...
Offline Hellspawn  
#5 Posted : 06 May 2010 03:38:27(UTC)
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OOC: Very Good Rp!
Offline genocidal king  
#6 Posted : 06 May 2010 08:20:07(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: Thanks man!
Offline genocidal king  
#7 Posted : 06 May 2010 09:35:17(UTC)
genocidal king
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In the street in downtown Philly, it's dusk. A whole row of police cars is lined up in front of an abandoned old car lot...there are barricades to stop the public getting onto the sidewalk, and a scene of crime tent is being erected over the crumpled mess of a body, blood surrounding it, long hair matted to the sidewalk, Blood Of Wecz hoody torn and stained, lying on the sidewalk...

upstairs on the roof...

The roof door is kicked open, and two police officers slowly make their way out onto the roof, guns in hand, checking out every part of the roof that they can see...

Officer: You up here asshole?? Hey, can you fuckin hear me? Yo that kid you shot at...that poor bastard is lying dead in the street you sick fuck! And just cos you didn't hit him...don't think I ain't gonna do your ass for murder! Who's gonna tell that kid's momma that he dead?? You gonna tell her?? Get the fuck out here and face what you have done!

They continue to look around the roof. Checking over the sides to see if there is any sign of anyone having jumped...One officer moves into sight of the air duct, and sees an arm sticking out from behind it...he breathes in slowly...and then calls out to his partner...

Officer 2: Yo Marcus...there's so..someone behind that air thingy over there..

Officer: Where? Oh shit..shh...yeah I see him!

They move closer in to the air duct, tip-toeing quietly...

Officer: Alright faggot I can see you hidin' there, now get your fuckin ass round here and put your hands on your head! Come on! NOW!

They wait a few seconds, and nothing happens...the two officers walk slowly around the duct, and then they see it. The corpse of the dead rocker lies in it's same position, although it's head wound is now totally exposed, by the dead kid on the sidewalk. The officers look at each other in utter shock, they can see that this body's been here for a while.

Officer (into radio): Hey, um, you better get up here, cos we got ourselves another stiff!...
Offline genocidal king  
#8 Posted : 06 May 2010 19:36:35(UTC)
genocidal king
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The scene is IPM headquarters, Los Angeles, California. Hugh Marvin, head of the Interplanetary Music Group is sitting in his office, dealing with the hustle and bustleof daily routine, gearing up for the big launch, when the news starts on the large flat screen TV in the corner. Hugh sits up and watches intently as a stern looking news anchors face appears on screen

Anchor: And our main news tonight - A double death mystery in Philedelphia causes police confusion...

Pennsylvania police department have admitted tonight that the death of two males in West Philedelphia have left them baffled. The case came to light when people in the street reported a gun shot being heard from an abandoned tower block in the city, and then a young boy falling from the same roof just moments later.

The boy, who has been identified as 16 year old Philly resident Jacob Klimpl, is thought to have died on impact, although autopsy reports found that he hadn't been hit by the reported gun shot heard moments beore he plummeted to his death.

The real mystery started however, when police searching for the gunman, surrounded the building and stormed the roof. Upon reaching the rooftop they could find no trace of a weapon or a potential gunman, but were shocked to find the corpse of a man who they said had died sometime between one and three days ago. The man found on the roofhad died as the result of a single gunshot to the head, a shot which police experts have said must have been fired at point blank range, due to the fact that the dead man's face was completely obliterated by the shot.

Attempts to find the gunman have proved fruitless with no sign so far of any weapon on either dead man, or on the roof, in the building or any of the surrounding area. Police have appealed for any further witnesses to come forward.

Attempts to identify the man shot in the head have also proved almost impossible. He is believed to be a foreign national however, as he had no dental records by which to be identified in the USA. Police commander Bill Conner appealed for any info:

Officer: At 8:09PM yesterday evening, a double death was uncovered right in this here building. So far we have done all we can, but are left to admit that this has been a real mystery to us. We have ID'd the boy who fell to his death, but have so far been unable to find any reason, or any perpetrator. We have also failed to identify the body found on the roof, now in ordiary circumstances, we would release a photo of the dead man and ask the public for help in identifying him, but in this case, due to the ferocity of his injury, we cannot.

All we can say, is that there is reason to believe that the deaths may be linked, and we feel that that we are investigating a double murder...the boy who fell from the roof was wearing a sweater bearing the legend "Blood Of Wecz", and the man who had been shot was adorned with a tattoo onhis wrist which said "B.o.W", in the same ornate writing as on the clothing...

Hugh's jaw drops as he tries to reflect on what he has just heard. Blood Of Wecz were the only guys who he knew that had that tattoo, and each of them was currently alone, on holiday in different areas of the USA. A sick feeling burned in Hugh's heart as he picked up his phone

The phone rings, and after a few seconds it is picked up...

Voice: Hello?

Hugh: Shit...um...hel...hello...who is that?

Voice: Um who the fuck are you?

Hugh: Oh...um...fuck...it's me...Hugh marvin!

Voice: Hugh! What the fuck's happening man!!? What'swith the panic? haha. It's me, mark by the way.

Hugh: Oh thank god! Have you seen the news...who's there with you?

Mark: Only me and Santi dude! We both just got back from holidaying in Florida, the other guys are still away....

Hugh: Listen! Just check USnews.com, the main story....

Mark: Yeah I'm readin...oh!Wha...

The phone goes silent, and then dead...

Offline genocidal king  
#9 Posted : 07 May 2010 03:09:30(UTC)
genocidal king
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The scene: Still in the office of IPM...Hugh Marvin is almost hysterical. He runs to the intercom on his desk...

Hugh: Sandra! Get me all the Blood Of Wecz guys phone numbers in here now! Hurry the hell up! Come on.

Sandra:Ok Mr marvin, I'm coming.

Sandra runs into the office with some cards in her hands, each one bearing contact forthe three members of Blood Of Wecz unnacounted for. Hugh grabs the cards from Sandra and scares her in his urgency. She screams a little, unaware of the panic, and runs from the room...Hugh grabs the phone from his desk and takes the first card...Scott H...he dials the number...

Voice: Hello....?

Hugh: Scott?

Voice: No man! It's Mark, you called here two minutes ago...I'm gonna try and get the guys on the phone...oh fuck! What if...no...just no...it can't be.

The scene changes to Blood Of Wecz's office space at the Dime Studios in Edinburgh...Mark Talley and Santi Padora are running around mad in the office, frantically pacing and not knowing what the hell to do. mark slaps himself on the face and takes a deep breath.

He grabs his phone from the desk, and searches through it...J...K...L...M...Maxxi! He dials the number...it rings seven or eight times...then...

Maxxi: ...Eh...hello?

Mark: Oh thank fuck! Maxxi your ok! Thank fucking christ!

Maxxi: Mark? What the fuck dude? I was fucking asleep you cock!

Mark: Listen Maxxi, please get back home...theres been...something fuckin bad has happened...one of the guys...welll...there's been a body found...it's not identifiable...but whoever it is has one of the tatts on the wrist!...Me and Santi are here, but you know...

Maxxi (now suddenly awake): No fuckin way man! Holy...fuck...no...no...no! Oh shit! Where? That doesn't matter...oh hell! Hey, it might be Alex...

Mark:It's not, he's in some shitty reality show! I just saw him on TV and he's fucking alive and well....

Maxxi: Oh fuck...right...I'mma jump on a fucking flight home just now man...I'll be home by tomorrow!Let me know what happens...

They hang up their phones and Mark goes back to his phonebook...N...O...P...Q...R...Ryan! He dials...it rings out...

He dials again...it rings for about 30 seconds

Ryan: Mark?

Mark: Oh jesus christ! You're alive man! Get home now man! Someone's been found dead, where are you?

Ryan: I'm on the train, just outside Glasgow, I'm on my way to Edinburgh...I mean, who's dead?

Mark: I dunno man, but Santi and me are here, I've spoken to Maxxi and you now, and whoever it was has a Wecz tatt on the wrist...you know...our tattoos...

Ryan: Alex?

Mark: No man, he's on TV all the time just now...so...

Ryan: No! Fucking no! No! Mark...fuck no man! Please tell me you're fucking kidding...NO!

Offline genocidal king  
#10 Posted : 08 May 2010 02:59:55(UTC)
genocidal king
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Thirty to forty minutes later...Blood Of Wecz office space...

As Mark Talley stands looking at his phone blankly, Ryan Lee, looking bedraggled, and with tears in his eyes runs through the doors of the office, throwing all of his stuff into a corner and running straight to Mark...

Ryan: Well...have you fucking phoned him yet??!!

Mark: No...Ryan...man...I can't do it!

Santi: Give me the fucking phone! Ill do it! Santi takes the phone, and starts to dial,but can't bring himself to press "call" and bursts into tears...

Ryan: Give me it! We gotta call him! We just fucking have to!

He grabs the phone from a weeping Santi Padora, and flicks through the phone book...P...Q...R...S...Scott H...as he presses call, and the picture of the Blood Of Wecz frontman flashes up on the screen, Ryan pleads with his friend...

Ryan: Come on buddy,just pick up...please...please.

The phone rings...and it rings...and again...itrings for a full forty five seconds and then...

Voice: You have reached the voicemail messaging service for "SCOTT!!!" please leave a message after the tone.

Ryan: Shit...no...dont be true...come on...Scott...it's Ryan dude...um stop fuckin around yeah, and call us like now! Some big shit has come up...phone the office.

He drops the phone and starts to cry...but then stops himself...gotta stay strong he says. He puts the phone on the table and he, mark and Santi stand around and wait for itto ring...they sit for around five minutes, praying and pleading...before Ryan has had enough.

Ryan: Fuck this...I gotta know...I just have to fucking know...

He hits redial...

Voice: The number you have called is currently unavailable, the number you have called is currently unavailable, the number you have called is....

The phone drops to the floor, and Ryan runs from the office, tears streaming down his cheeks...
Offline troy211619  
#11 Posted : 08 May 2010 12:39:45(UTC)
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OOC: Great RP man! Scott is....dead?!
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline ALX  
#12 Posted : 08 May 2010 14:43:12(UTC)
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OOC: This is a very good RP, you are a talented writer. I feel the characters' emotions as they go through them. I am actually sorry for their loss... and yours too.
RP Only Since July 2010

The Owner Of:

Long Nights- [alt-rock/post-grunge- think Foo Fighters meets Creature with the Atom Brain] MTN Climber
-Ryan Page: Vocals/Guitar/Keys
-Warren Mcgriff- Guitar
-Christopher I. Myers- Bass
-Blake Renwick- Drums

The World According To St. Jimmy- [Pop-punk/punk- Think Green Day meets Social Distortion]
-Michael "Dog" Bryant: Vocals
-Shawn "Shady" Harris: Guitar
-Jeff Zamora: Bass
-Karl Hine: Drums

forkboy wrote:

Paradox wrote:
*Shotgun clicks*

Dont mess with prog

The Skulls wrote:
Why thank you. Wait, if I'm alive then -- oh lawdy BRRRAAAAIIINZZZ

Offline genocidal king  
#13 Posted : 09 May 2010 08:33:58(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: Thanks guys, it's nice to hear kind words about my RP! And troy...you will just have to wait and see....the next instalment will go up tomorrow
Offline chopper1156  
#14 Posted : 09 May 2010 08:45:14(UTC)
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Old Successes

The Rebels
Iron Hammer
Till Death Do Us Part

Now-Act Of God-New Wave of American Heavy Metal/Nu-Metal

Sounds like-Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Stone Sour, Godsmack, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, and Ozzy.

Signed to-Monk on Fire Music

Jason Wilson
Connor McWilliams
Alex Walkman

Nominated for Best Band at the 21st IMAS/Birdies
Offline genocidal king  
#15 Posted : 10 May 2010 02:40:01(UTC)
genocidal king
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chopper1156 wrote:

OOC: Thanks :D
Offline Laurelles1  
#16 Posted : 10 May 2010 03:49:36(UTC)
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OOC: This is an amazing RP so far, one of the best i've read. I'm not usually one to be interested in RPs that often, but this one is really, really gripping. One of the best RPers on the site, undoubtedly.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline genocidal king  
#17 Posted : 10 May 2010 07:13:03(UTC)
genocidal king
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Laurelles1 wrote:
OOC: This is an amazing RP so far, one of the best i've read. I'm not usually one to be interested in RPs that often, but this one is really, really gripping. One of the best RPers on the site, undoubtedly.

OOC: And another big thanks! :) That means an awful lot to get such a positive feedback...hopefully I can keep it gripping
Offline genocidal king  
#18 Posted : 11 May 2010 20:55:53(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: Right-y-o I am now switching this from the all seeing third person narrator, to the perspective of Ryan Lee...I hop it works.

The scene is Blood Of Wecz office, Dime Studios, Edinburgh.

The number you have called is currently unavailable...it repeats again and again, taunting me...

I drop the phone to the floor as a mixture of fear, white hot and cutting and a dull, sickening dread battle for room in my abdomen.
I run from the office and I can't help myself, tears start flowing, glistening on my cheeks as they just keep coming...I get outside the office and I'm sick on the pavement outside...as I stand doubled over, Santi comes over and puts his arm on my back, sweat making my tshirt stick to it...

I push his arm away and stand up, my mind is racing, and I stand with my hands on my head, I really don't know what to do.

All of a sudden, a ray of light flashes into my mind...it might not be him! But the phone...? Maybe he's at the movies! Maybe he's just not in the mood or any band talk on holiday! maybe there's someone el...

I get another lightning bolt of fear across the chest as another sick realisation enters my head...if it's not Scott, and it's not Alex, and it's not any of us here, that only leaves one other guy...Eirik!

My Swedish best friend who had quit Blood Of Wecz under extreme stress around the time Alex was booted... gentle giant of a man who was so badly effected by all of the bullshit that he quit...what if someone shot him? No onw could be that cruel...but Eirik was so trusting...

I start to cry again...and suddenly I believe that it must be Eirik, there's no way Scott would get himself involved with someone so dangerous that they'd shoot him! But Eirik...he'd been living in the states, and he was too likely to get involved in something for only the right reasons...the tears stream and I sob out loud..."No! No! Fuck...Eirik...please no man! No!"

My ranting is interrupted by an excited Mark Talley, as he runs from the office, beaming from ear to ear, and with his phone held out in front of him, showing me the screen...

One Missed Call...Scott

For a second, I feel elated, Scott was ok, did this mean that it was Eirik though? My dread returns almost as quickly as the joy had done previously....and I breathe slowly...I look at Mark, and start to tell him about the new realisation I have...but...he keeps smiling at me...I'm telling him that a man who was a great friend is dead, and he's smiling...the further I get into the tale, the more he beams and grins...and then I snap...

"Fuck you! What the fuck are you smiling at you horrible cunt?" I snap, and hurl myself towards him, fists flailing...just before I punch his square in the face, I feel Santi grabbing me by the legs, and i fall to the ground, he holds me down....much bigger than me, and I can't move...my anger doesn't subside though and i continue to scream at Mark, and spit in his direction...

He kneels on the ground beside me "look man, Im sorry for smiling...it's just...well just before Scott rang and I missed the call...well an email came through from Eirik...he wont tell us where he is, or who he's with, but he just wanted to ask if it was true that someone from the band had died...he thinks it's Alex..."

I calm down almost immediately and stare at Mark..."So he's ok! And Scott's ok?Jesus Christ, oh shit...YES!" A glow of pure, unadulterated joy washes from head to foot...my two friends, whose very life I had been worried sick about, were both alive and well! I hug Santi as I jump to my feet and I laugh. I grab Mark by the shoulders...

"I'm sorry for that man! I was fucking scared though you know?" I hug him tightly "I know man, its cool, all that matters is that everyone's ok!" Santi joins the band hug, and the three of us chuckle slightly as the worry and stress just drains away...a feeling of elation, rising from our feet to our heads, a warm feeling, and we can't help but smile so widely...as the band hug continues...

mark's phone rings again...INCOMING...SCOTT

He looks at me and smiles, I look at Santi and smile, and we all three burst out laughing..."well answer it then!" I say to mark, patience not even an issue now..."You answer it man, Scott's your best bud!"

I take the phone from Mark, and hesitate slightly, before pushing the answer button, and hardly being able to contain myself as I shout..."Hey ya dick! You had us all worried fuckin shitless...hahaha...hey man, how's the holiday?" I wait for a second, and hear a slight sigh...

An American voice, with a slight tremble comes through the phone, confusing me slightly..."Sir, can you please confirm your name?"

"Ryan Lee," I say, and where's Scott?"

"And sir can you confirm that you know the holder of the contract on this mobile device? And that you called the device ten minutes ago?"

"Ummm...yes, what the fuck? Where's Scott?"

"Mr Lee, my name is Detective Joe Barnes of the Pennsylvania Police Department...I'm afraid that your friend...well he was found last week...your friend has been one victim of a double murder Mr Lee...we need you to come to the States and identify the body..."

A feeling I can't describe enters my body...this is the first time that this is actually reality, and a numbness touches all of my limbs...my internal organs all sear with pain simultaneously....and I vomit, three...four...five times in a row...and all of a sudden...everything blacks out...
Offline troy211619  
#19 Posted : 11 May 2010 21:16:47(UTC)
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OOC: Scott H is dead! Fuck no!
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline genocidal king  
#20 Posted : 11 May 2010 22:10:52(UTC)
genocidal king
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troy211619 wrote:
OOC: Scott H is dead! Fuck no!

OOC: Sadly, yes...had to be done though for my next big development
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