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User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#1 Posted : 18 June 2010 05:53:30(UTC)
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This is Radio Bed Head live from he UK. The hottest radio talk show on the airwaves featuring the stars of today and many more!

Intro + Radio Station Talk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is Tom live with Stephanie Fierce, who’s looking more beautiful than ever.

Stephanie Fierce:
Aw well thank you Tom.

So you are in Europe, you were here in the UK recently doing shows. What do you love about the UK the most?

Stephanie Fierce:
The accent and the clothing stores. I love, love, love a British accent. By the way, I’m taking tips from you for my radio station I am working on. Working on my intro.

Ahhh That’s right! Well thank you and congratulations to you. Need help with that intro? *winks*

Stephanie Fierce:
Tom, you are too much!

You know I'm only joking! You actually need tell us more about that. I had found out about it not too long ago. Very unexpected!

Stephanie Fierce:
Well it’s my own radio station, online. Yes, we’re starting small. Hosting is something I always wanted to do other than singing. I have said that various times throughout interviews but it’s actually now going to happen. It all began when I discovered this new amazing band. They are called The Producers. They do instrumental music that will really blow your mind. They were actually interested in doing a radio show for Hot Eye Records and I thought it wasn’t a bad idea at all. But anyways, they’ll be hosting the station and basically playing underground music and some of my favorite stuff that is not really heard in the radio. I will also be pitching in throughout. It’s a great opportunity for many underground artists and bands. I’ll give more information about that on my website soon.

Pretty cool. I actually like the fact you are involved with other underground artists lately. The festival and the record label and now this. You seem to have control of what you are doing these days, which is rare to see.

Stephanie Fierce:
Thank you, I just look at it as giving back to music. Someone gave me a chance so I’m going to do that as well. It feels good. And people, my haters especially, HATE that I’m doing this. They hate to see me do good. *giggles*. From a female’s perspective it’s actually feels great because I can inspire other women to be in charge in what they do.

What do you think is the biggest misconception about you?
That I mime or that i don't write my own music. Obviously those people have never seen me live or don't really know me.

Massacre in the Industry + Hint at 4th Album >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So…. to slap the haters a little bit harder…….. Massacre in The Industry #1 in the US and the World Charts. Just not here in the UK *giggles* Did you expect the big success though?

Stephanie Fierce:
No *giggles*. The song is a bit different from what I usually put out but it’s the next step in music for me. People think I’m going to be a rapper now and that’s definitely a no. But there’s a reason why I’m rapping on that song. However, I didn’t expect the shock and the outrage with radios. I was just informed that it was banned in a lot of radio stations. A radio edit banned? Does that make sense to you Tom?

Nope but let’s play a little bit of that. *Plays Rapping verse*. You have to admit it's a little rough though! What made you that angry? Your voice seems like it’s about to smack people in the face. Stephanie Fierce the smacker!

Stephanie Fierce:
You are too much Tom! *giggles* What people don’t know is that a lot of that part was more organic and it came to me naturally. I was recording and the anger took over me and I didn’t hold back, which makes the song raw. Yes I am saying a lot of not so nice things but it’s nothing but the truth. I also understand it’s a little explicit but that’s how it is when you keep it real. there are many thing son the radio that should be banned as well if my song is banned.

Massacre in the Industry Music Video Talk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The music video will makes it premiere June 29th on Vevo worldwide. What can your fans expect?

Stephanie Fierce:
The video is basically me as the media portrays me to be. I play the role of a villain, I’m seriously a bad bitch in this one. I mean like total bitch. My fans are in for a real good treat. There’s also alot of hardcore dancing, I haven’t forgotten where I came from you know! And some other cool stuff I don’t think will make TV unless some serious editing is done. That I can understand. But anyways it was shot in three locations, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Brooklyn, New York and In LA, California.

That is very cool!

Stephanie Fierce:
Apart from the violence, It’s very comedic too. Which shows a new side of me and I think it shows a new side of Johnny. Overall, my best yet. Plus Sexy Star is on it. So it’s automatically perfect. I always want my music videos to be an event of some sort. Once gain the haters are going to use that against me in the future. But at the end I always win so I don't care.

Is Sexy Star just making an appearance or is it a full scene?

Stephanie Fierce:
You’ll have to tune it to find out. Just know that all the haters will be melting. you have seen Sexy Star with a chainsaw but have you seen him with a flame thrower? Let's just say Sexy Star is a bad bitch. I also wanted Miss Vanity to appear on it, but I know she’s extremely busy so I knew not to ask.

Now you say that the video portrays you like the media portrays you. What do you exactly mean by that?

Stephanie Fierce:
There are many times when I am being interviewed, the interviewees are scared to death as if I were some criminal or some maniac. They are actually shocked when they see I’m just a regular human being. I think it all started when people were claiming I was the devil or I work for the devil. The media portrays me as this diva who has to have everything done for her. I am actually very down to earth and I like simple things. I can be outrageous when I want to though. It get's so silly to the point that I do it on purpose to piss people off.

Some critic says that you should of stuck with the Pop verse a little longer on "Massacre in the Industry", because it made you seem lost. Do you agree?

Stephanie Fierce:
Hell no. I’m obviously extremely happy with the way it was arranged and I wouldn’t change it for nothing. It’s funny because the critics know that but they act like they don’t knwo that and want to make something out of nothing. Something negative always had to be pinned. I want my music to be a listening experience. I don’t want you to love it the first time you listen to it. I want you to have to lick it, bite it, chew it, drink it, swallow it, throw it back out. Look at it, swallow it again and let it grow inside you, and then I want you to give birth to it and let it become your child.

Wow how exhilarating.

Stephanie Fierce:
Exactly. I actually just gave a sneak peak on what my next record is going to be about so SHHHHHHHHHHHH……

I’ll do the honors. You heard it here first on Ryan Seacrest, let me do a playback to that Stephanie Fierce: “I want my music to be a listening experience. I don’t want you to love it the first time you listen to it. I want you to have to lick it, bite it, chew it, drink it, swallow it, throw it back out. Look at it, swallow it again and let it grow inside you, and then I want you to give birth to it and let it become your child.”

Stephanie Fierce:
You are too much Tom, I swear. People are going to be like this woman is crazy. But that’s exactly it.

4th Album (Cont.)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So your 4th studio album, why did you decide to release it in 2011?

Stephanie Fierce:
Because I’m on tour throughout the year and I am taking my time with this album. Production wise it’s a lot of work that has to be done. This album is so challenging and that’s so far a good sign. What I’m going to say is, that with this album I might be loosing my mainstream fan base. But it will make sense in the future, just not now. However you can expect a single at the end of year for the least. I can't say more. I'm not releasing no more details on my album.

Exactamente muchachita! Now, we have something interesting to talk about here.

Stephanie Fierce:
Spanish not that bad btw. *giggles* And Oh boy, I think I already know what you are going to go on about…

Stephanie's "Teenagers" MCR Cover + Pop Music Talk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

*Put’s on “Teenagers” by MCR* Well, Perez Hilton was one the first to post the leak on his website. there was a little feud between you two. The cover already has over 2.3 million hits on you tube. Comments range from people threatening to kill you to people to saying you should go rock. What do you have to say to that? Do you just ignore it?

Stephanie Fierce:
I seriously don't even have to waste my breath any longer on that pedophile. I ignore things sometimes, but most of the time I don’t. And to those people who are still outraged, for the millionth time, it was nothing serious! I was just playing with the song in the studio to use it as inspiration for one of the songs I’m writing on the album. We aren’t sure who were all the people in the studio at the time, however we are coming close to finding out who the leaker is. It’s funny though because this proves to me how much my third album was ignored. But it’s all good. The outrage is just annoying. It’s not the end of the world. Yes I covered MCR, and that’s not the norm, but can we move on now?

You are definitely correct Steph! BTW. There's this debate going on, what do you have to say to those people who say you should stick to dance pop music?

Stephanie Fierce:
I am a musician. I write, compose, record my music. I play instruments, live on stage. I don’t buy songs. I don’t sound like a robot. I am not told what to do or I don’t wake up in the middle of the night, thinking I have to write a hit song by the end of the week. Meaning in no possible way whatsoever should I be limited to something. Excuse me for saying this, but “Fuck you“!.

Some people say that you contradict yourself many times because you hate a lot of pop music, yet you make it?

Stephanie Fierce:
First of all, I don't hate pop music. I love pop music. Anyone who knows me knows that. I just hate what is out at the moment. I hate artists who choose to have no word or control over their music. I hate over computerized pop music. I miss the pop music where it was your actual voice, laid on beat. That's the music I like to hear. If you can't sing, you should not be in this business. And most importantly stuff that is original.
They way I make music is much different from how many other pop star make it ever since after "Diary of a Pop Sinner". I don't write songs for the masses anymore. I don't make pop music anymore, it becomes it. Most of the time because of the music videos I make and the message that always follows.What? I can't do that while being a Pop star?

Looking in to your music from the very beginning. Is there anything that makes you go “What was I thinking?

Stephanie Fierce:
I think I saw this really interesting Miss Vanity interview on MTV and she said she hated her first album. I somewhat feel the same way. People might go….” well what a brat, didn’t your first album make you“. But think about it. As an artist you progress. Most of the time the second draft looks better than the first. I look into my first album and I just wish I could change so many things. Like the composition of a certain song. My vocals on the second verse of a song. Choosing the word you’re instead you are. It really gets that detailed. However, I am proud of how much I have progressed and in a way while I hate my first album the most, I also use it so I can see how well I have progressed. But my first album is my baby, no matter what.

Miss Vanity Talk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Now you and Miss Vanity are great friends right? Rumors are going around that you two are friends for show.

Stephanie fierce:
Yes, We are! And no I'm not into that bullshit. I don't have friends for show. Which is the reason I'm not friends with many of the pop stars. They are all about making hits, then they stab you in the back. which is the reason why I regret working with some people. What a lot of people don't know or remember is that me and Miss Vanity were going to work on "Electric Club" in my underground days, but due to label issues, it never happened.

Well that makes sense, since you two have worked together various times and she has the lead single off her new album titled “Little Miss Controversy”. How was it like to work with her on the song? How is the song?

Stephanie Fierce:
It’s a magically experience. The song is awesome. It's a real collaboration, you hear us, not two robots. The thing with me and her is that we both have very different styles of music. However when you put us together on a song we feed off each other. Which is what i like about collaborations. I think that’s important when it comes to making music. For example, Miss Vanity has something I don’t . I have something she doesn’t. So when you put us together we make magic. While we have very different styles of music, we are both still a like in so many ways. It’s rare to find someone like that. I don’t take any moment for granted. That's my girl, if she called me right now to do another duet, I would automatically say yes.

How do you two keep in contact with your busy schedules?

Stephanie Fierce:
Over the phone, and webcam. We always end up sitting close to each other at award shows and events. And when we record, we hang out. She’s a really fun person. The thing with her is that media put’s this image of her as a “freak”. When really she’s the most down to earth person.

Some people say that her outfits it's the only reason her music sells? That she's a gimmick. What do you have to say to that?

You know what I'm so sick of hearing that. Everyone has their image and everyone expresses themselves artistically in many different ways. At the end of the day if you like the music and if it's good, it's good. And she's a very talented writer, musician. That's all I'm going to say on that. All the haters seriously need to go sleep.

R&B Talk + Alicia Lena + Tour >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Can we expect a more of an R&B album in the future? Don’t people call you like the queen or princess of R&B or is Tisha taking that title?

Stephanie Fierce:
You are really taking it there today Tom. *Giggles* In the future i would like to do an all &&B ballads album, maybe...... But anyways, other than my first album, I never really had an all dance pop or R&B album. First of all, let me just say that I am not an R&B singer. I feel guilty to be called the princess or queen of R&B, because I’m no where near queen or princess of R&B. I have however, touched more on Soul. I have had Contemporary R&B(Urban Pop) songs in my first two albums, which a lot of people get mixed up with the true R&B music. It’s the same with Tisha Jackson, Alicia Lena, it‘s nothing but Contemporary R&B and straight up Pop. So for those who don’t know, Contemporary R&B is really nothing but Urban Pop. So before you go running around calling yourself or anyone the princess or Queen of R&B, look into your past for once and show some real respect please! *Tom applauds*

I definitely agree with you on that one! How was it like to work with Alicia Lena, you two have the song “New York Love Affair”, which we play various times?

Stephanie Fierce:
It was great. She’s a real sweetheart. I just sometimes worry for her. I also didn’t really get time to really to build onto the friendship, since I was going through a lot during that time and I‘m always super duper busy. But I contacted her a few other times and I have the remix to “New York Love Affair”. I have some great things in store for it. I think it’s such a great song and glad she picked it as a first single. It's one of the only few songs I like from her album. Really it's Great urban pop music! If you like URBAN POP buy her album!

I see. Well finally, let's talk about your Tour, which is doing extremely well. How do you manage to do so many shows?

Stephanie Fierce:
What a lot of people don't understand is that this is what I wanted to do since I was a child. This is the best part about being famous. Being surrounded by thousands of people that love you, people who know your songs, it is the best thing in the world. I will not whatsoever take it for granted and even though i have two new legs to the tour, If I could tour even longer, I would love to.

Well thank you Stephanie Fierce for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us, you are always fun to be with, make sure to come back.

Stephanie Fierce:
It's always a pleasure, I will definitely return. And to my UK fans, thank you guys so much, I adore you, your support is incredible.



Catch Stephanie Fierce on Oprah July 12, 2010 for a very special full hour show.
Offline GirlSpice  
#2 Posted : 18 June 2010 06:10:55(UTC)
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Miss Vanity: Such an interesting interview and I'm glad you got to tell the world that our friendship is real and strong. My outfits may be a little crazy to some and Steph may have even laughed at my nest poking her in the face at the IMA's...


but at least she understands me as an artist and allows herself to get poked in the face out of love for music and art. :) Can't wait for our song to be released this Sunday!

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline C4AJoh  
#3 Posted : 18 June 2010 06:13:04(UTC)
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Alicia: Thanks for the kind words, I know the album isn't to everybody's taste but I thank you for the kind words. Just out of curiosity why do you worry for me, Also I can't wait for your 4th album and that cover of Teenagers was a great version better than the original I think.
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#4 Posted : 18 June 2010 06:31:31(UTC)
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C4AJoh wrote:
Alicia: Thanks for the kind words, I know the album isn't to everybody's taste but I thank you for the kind words. Just out of curiosity why do you worry for me, Also I can't wait for your 4th album and that cover of Teenagers was a great version better than the original I think.

Stephanie Fierce: To be honest the "teenagers" cover was horrible, but not because "it didn't fit my voice". I just used it for inspiration. Why I worry for you? As a good person all I can say is be careful who you work with.

GirlSpice wrote:
Miss Vanity: Such an interesting interview and I'm glad you got to tell the world that our friendship is real and strong. My outfits may be a little crazy to some and Steph may have even laughed at my nest poking her in the face at the IMA's...

but at least she understands me as an artist and allows herself to get poked in the face out of love for music and art. :) Can't wait for our song to be released this Sunday!

Stephanie Fierce: You are too much babe, lol That hat was incredible though ;)
Offline C4AJoh  
#5 Posted : 18 June 2010 06:36:34(UTC)
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stephaniewazhere wrote:
C4AJoh wrote:
Alicia: Thanks for the kind words, I know the album isn't to everybody's taste but I thank you for the kind words. Just out of curiosity why do you worry for me, Also I can't wait for your 4th album and that cover of Teenagers was a great version better than the original I think.

Stephanie Fierce: To be honest the "teenagers" cover was horrible, but not because "it didn't fit my voice". I just used it for inspiration. Why I worry for you? As a good person all I can say is be careful who you work with.

Alicia: Thanks for the advice I'll try to be careful who I work with, I definitely know my next album won't have any collaborations on it. I never really liked the original version of Teenagers, But I thought your version was pretty good.
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#6 Posted : 18 June 2010 06:46:57(UTC)
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C4AJoh wrote:
stephaniewazhere wrote:
C4AJoh wrote:
Alicia: Thanks for the kind words, I know the album isn't to everybody's taste but I thank you for the kind words. Just out of curiosity why do you worry for me, Also I can't wait for your 4th album and that cover of Teenagers was a great version better than the original I think.

Stephanie Fierce: To be honest the "teenagers" cover was horrible, but not because "it didn't fit my voice". I just used it for inspiration. Why I worry for you? As a good person all I can say is be careful who you work with.

Alicia: Thanks for the advice I'll try to be careful who I work with, I definitely know my next album won't have any collaborations on it. I never really liked the original version of Teenagers, But I thought your version was pretty good.

Stephanie Fierce: Working with people can be an amazing experience. It just obviously depends with who you work with. Just don't work with people to work with them. However that is obviously just up to you. In some ways I think you are a very talented woman and you deserve all the success that comes to you. I like the idea of you not collaborating with anyone on your next record, that way you can do you, not what everyone else might like or be impressed with. find yourself. Anyway, good luck and I wish you the best.

Edited by user 18 June 2010 06:47:53(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline C4AJoh  
#7 Posted : 18 June 2010 06:48:42(UTC)
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stephaniewazhere wrote:
C4AJoh wrote:
stephaniewazhere wrote:
C4AJoh wrote:
Alicia: Thanks for the kind words, I know the album isn't to everybody's taste but I thank you for the kind words. Just out of curiosity why do you worry for me, Also I can't wait for your 4th album and that cover of Teenagers was a great version better than the original I think.

Stephanie Fierce: To be honest the "teenagers" cover was horrible, but not because "it didn't fit my voice". I just used it for inspiration. Why I worry for you? As a good person all I can say is be careful who you work with.

Alicia: Thanks for the advice I'll try to be careful who I work with, I definitely know my next album won't have any collaborations on it. I never really liked the original version of Teenagers, But I thought your version was pretty good.

Stephanie Fierce: Working with people can be an amazing experience. It just obviously depends with who you work with. Just don't work with people to work with them. However that is obviously just up to you. In some ways I think you are a very talented woman and you deserve all the success that comes to you. I like the idea of you not collaborating with anyone on your next record, that way you can do you, not what what everyone else might like or be impressed with. find yourself. Anyway, good luck and I wish you the best.

Alicia: Thanks for the kind words, It's really appreciated.
Offline erich hess  
#8 Posted : 18 June 2010 14:05:47(UTC)
erich hess
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erich:great interview. we need to get a bigger radio.all we get is thart bullshit howard stern show.

karoliena:ugh,i'd like to hit him with a shovel.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#9 Posted : 20 June 2010 03:35:22(UTC)
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erich hess wrote:
erich:great interview. we need to get a bigger radio.all we get is thart bullshit howard stern show.

karoliena:ugh,i'd like to hit him with a shovel.

Stephanie Fierce: Thanks! and wow.......
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