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Offline C4AJoh  
#1 Posted : 20 June 2010 02:10:13(UTC)
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The 4th Street Band have two new albums
coming soon, and they’re about to return
to touring to prove to themselves that they
can become one of the biggest US bands

By Ryan Murphy

The 4th Street Band are loved by many and they didn’t even know it, “We were touring medium size venue’s and we had no idea that we had such a fan base, it’s weird really, we’ve never really been stopped in the street by a 4th Street Band fan, I’ve been stopped by a Junction fan but never a 4th Street Band fan. So when we released the Live Anthology Vol 1 we didn’t expect to sell more than maybe two hundred thousand copies and it went straight in at number 8 in the US album charts and it’s gone on to sell over one million copies, it was out of the blue totally.” explains frontman singer-songwriter Max Armstrong.
They didn’t do things the way bands normally do things, their first album was a live album where a lot of bands first albums are studio recorded, “We always maintained early on that it was all about touring with this band, with The Junction they were the band I worked with when it came to recording but the 4th Street Band was all about the touring, we were never initially interested in release a studio album, but when the Live album became successful we thought about maybe returning to touring and doing things properly this time around.”

The next album from the 4th Street Band is the Live Anthology Vol 2 which is almost finished, “We’ve chosen which live songs would feature on the album and the songs are from 2008 which was when I feel we were at our best during our live gigs. The live album will be out in August to coincide with the return to touring in August.”

They also plan to release their first studio album later on in the year “If we have time in between gigs then we’ll try and get a studio album recorded, I don’t have any information when fans can expect that one but I’d estimate for sometime between December and February but It’s up in the air right now, we’ve got about 30 songs between all of the bands members to choose from for the studio album so it’s going to be tough to choose just 10 songs from the options available but it’s a good problem to have.”
He also spoke about industry relationships, “I’m a friendly person so I get on well with everyone, I think Alicia is someone I consider a close friend, we’re completely different in personalities but we have spent a lot of time together and she’s also good friends with Juliette (his fiancée), I’m also pretty close with Brian Richards who’s so passionate about music it’s great.”
He gave us a list of song titles which will feature on Live Anthology Vol 2 including, Left In The Rain (On A Saturday Night), Hey Kid, This Is My Whole World and Janey, See The Light.
There have been rumours that they will play a festival before August making it their first gig together since 2008, “You’ll just have to wait and see, I can’t confirm or deny that.”
Offline C4AJoh  
#2 Posted : 20 June 2010 06:40:12(UTC)
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He’s also the co-owner of a hugely successful record label which came from very humble beginnings “Myself and Lucy were sort of trying to get the 4th Street Band and The Junction signed but there was no interest really, Maybe we were that bad that nobody wanted us, we tried for a while but at that time the majors were in a really fucked up state, every week we’d read in music magazine’s and stuff about different bands taking their label to court and we were like, Do we really want to be at a stage were our future as a band is out of our hands? And the answer was fuck no. We formed the bands to have fun and do something we all loved doing and doing something that brought eight or nine very different people together and it worked really well. Anyway me and Lucy thought you know what we’ve got some money saved from touring and various different other things, work and other stuff, so we thought why don’t we try and create our own label with just our own two bands signed to it, and it was initially just until those bands got a record deal but then our fan base started to grow a bit, word of mouth type of thing and things actually started picking up financially, we release Heartbreaks & Outtakes which didn’t sell great but the singles did, and we then made a very quick follow up which sold really well, we knew we could not only keep the label going but also make it a fairly big label, I was friends with a guy called Greg Walls who had worked at a label about three years ago, he heard about our small label and our plans for it and he wanted to invest in our label both financially and personally, he said he’d love to help with the label and he put his own money into the label and he’s helped keep things running smoothly ever since, it’s been great having him here because Me and Lucy didn’t have any idea at the time of how the music business was run, we were just in a band and Greg came along and really helped make the label what it is today and if you look at the roster and the future plans as well as the studio then you have to be impressed and to be honest it’s all really down to Greg, I owe a lot to him.”

His main attraction at the label is Alicia Lena who has quickly become a very popular musician not only with her fans but with fellow musicians, “She was clearly talented and I didn’t know why she hadn’t been signed yet, she had a couple of offers I think but she wasn’t sure about it. She’s been amazing since signing, she’s got complete freedom at this label because I trust her 100% and to be honest everyone signed to the label has pretty much 100% say on their decisions, I think the fact that I’m in a band makes me aware of how the acts signed to this label would feel if someone was telling them what to do, I want complete freedom when it comes to decisions on my career and I’m sure they all feel the same.

He has been down the self destructive road in the past, “I drank a lot in the past and I did some drugs, I’ve never been a really heavy drug user, certainly not compared to some people in music but I did a few things in the past, it was when we were struggling as a band, but now it’s clear we’ve got too much to lose. Everyone in the band was on drugs but once we had begun the label plans we made sure that we weren’t going to fuck it up. I met with everyone in the band and I said I don’t want anyone in this band on drugs, if your not willing to give it up then your out of the band and thankfully everyone agreed. It was easy for everyone to give it up because we weren’t really addicted to it, I think they wanted to be touring regularly with this band and that was a positive thing for me personally to know that the guys in the band really wanted to be touring and playing together live which is what the bands about really.”

He’s engaged to Juliette Moore who some may know from a couple of movies including Home Sweet Home (2008) and Don’t Look Back (2006), they haven’t been together long but they’re planning a future together. “I met Juliette in November 2008 and I never really became close to her initially, We sort of met each other again at a party in February 2009 and hit it off and a couple of weeks later we were together, she’s been amazing, she’s really great with my family which is a bonus and she’s the person that keeps me sane, I get frustrated often enough and when I’m trying to do something and it’s not going well she’s the person that cools me down and makes me relax, We got engaged in January this year and we’re planning on getting married next summer, she’s been a rock for me. My parents were murdered in November 2009 and that was the darkest period for me, I wasn’t aware of anything else, I had a responsibility to take care of my younger brother and my two sisters, and I couldn’t do anything for a couple of weeks, I couldn’t understand why anyone would have done what they had done to my parents and there’s still no explanation or reason why. I spent the next two weeks in a room at home and I wasn’t eating or drinking properly, had it not have been for Juliette I’d have done something which would have made the situation worse. I don‘t think I‘d still be here if it wasn‘t for her.”
Offline infinite135  
#3 Posted : 20 June 2010 06:42:48(UTC)
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I'm glad to hear that the wall-street band is returning! I admit I've never really payed much attention to them in the past, but that's definetely changed after I've heard the Live Anthology. I can't wait for their new albums!
-Eric Quillington
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline C4AJoh  
#4 Posted : 20 June 2010 06:46:27(UTC)
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infinite135 wrote:
I'm glad to hear that the wall-street band is returning! I admit I've never really payed much attention to them in the past, but that's definetely changed after I've heard the Live Anthology. I can't wait for their new albums!
-Eric Quillington

Wall-Street really?. It's good to hear your a fan.
- Max
Offline bdylan88  
#5 Posted : 20 June 2010 07:57:45(UTC)
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this is great news!!!! GAHHHH!
I own...

The Bards

Jack Frost (deceased)

Jimmy Merchant

The Bards are signed with HOT EYE RECORDS

Offline infinite135  
#6 Posted : 20 June 2010 09:38:12(UTC)
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OOC: I meant to type out 4th Street... that was a really bad typo, sorry....

Edited by user 20 June 2010 09:38:42(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline C4AJoh  
#7 Posted : 20 June 2010 20:00:40(UTC)
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infinite135 wrote:
OOC: I meant to type out 4th Street... that was a really bad typo, sorry....

OOC: Lol I thought it was meant to be some sort of joke.
Offline C4AJoh  
#8 Posted : 21 June 2010 04:10:48(UTC)
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bdylan88 wrote:
this is great news!!!! GAHHHH!

Max: Thanks man, also great news on coming in at number 6 on that Top20 weekly airplay chart, you deserve it.
Offline C4AJoh  
#9 Posted : 21 June 2010 04:50:51(UTC)
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It was a while in coming but fans finally got their hands on an official release from 4th Street Band, They formed in 2007 and toured regularly without having anything on disc to release, they maintained early on that they’re just focussing on touring but when the band went on an indefinite hiatus in late 2008 it looked like a release from the band wasn’t anywhere nearer to being released, until an announcement was made on 27th December 2009 just a few hours before the album was set to be released via the bands official store and various record stores, the album was an unexpected success.
With this album you get songs which stretch from their 2008 tour and give you the feeling of a great live band, this album captures them at their best.
The album kicks off with fan favourite A Kiss To Build A Dream Upon recorded in New York, it’s over 6 minutes long and has the most sing-along chorus out of the whole album, you can tell the fans really enjoyed it singing along right throughout. The album includes two US top 40 singles in Look Around Son, This Is Yours and Hallelujah Is A Word I Won’t Use which have also been covered by Heroes & Cons as B-Sides to their own singles, those two songs best represent the band as a fast paced rock band with various influences from Tom Petty to The Clash, those two songs are generally considered the main attractions for the album but there are two under-rated live gems on this album which are It’s Better This Way which was taken from a performance in Ireland and I’m Going All Out (For Your Love), a nine minute epic, which was taken from a performance in Max’s hometown of New Jersey, the latter being my own personal favourite, it also has the biggest crowd reactions and stands alone as the best song this band has written so far.

Throughout the album there are various influences and the band has mixes of various different genre’s in their music from Blues, Punk and Soul, all with the rock sound familiar to many 4th Street Band fans. This album was a success to an extent and it’s understandable why but I don’t feel that this album will go down in history off one of the best of it’s type, however it is a good starting point for a band which could continue for the next 15 to 30 years with similar or more success. All in all it’s a pretty solid debut with a couple of gems in there and that in itself is enough to make fans go out and purchase Vol 2 which will be out in August.
By Ryan Murphy *** 3/5 stars.

Released: December 28th 2009
Recorded: New York, Los Angeles, Dublin, New Jersey
Genre: Rock, Live
Label: Junction Records
Producer: Max Armstrong, Lucy Tyrell, Greg Walls

1. A Kiss To Build A Dream Upon - (New York), 6:46
2. Look Around Son, This Is Yours - (New York), 5:26
3. Look Into The Past - (New York), 6:25
4. Hallelujah Is A Word I Won’t Use - (Los Angeles), 6:34
5. I Know We’re Meant To Be - (Los Angeles), 3:54
6. I Wanna Go Home With You - (Dublin), 2:51
7. It’s Better This Way - (Dublin), 7:58
8. I’ll Work For Your Love - (Dublin), 4:39
9. Dream Of American Dreams - (New Jersey), 7:35
10. I’m Going All Out (For Your Love) - (New Jersey), 9:00

Edited by user 21 June 2010 04:57:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline C4AJoh  
#10 Posted : 22 June 2010 03:14:20(UTC)
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Live Anthology Vol 2 Tracklisting

1. Left In The Rain (On A Saturday Night) - (New Jersey)
2. The Oldest Story Ever Told - (New Jersey)
3. Parting Of The Sea’s - (New Jersey)
4. Hey Kid, This Is My Whole World - (Chicago)
5. Under The Stars (With My Baby By My Side) - (Chicago)
6. Skylines & Cute Smiles - (Chicago)
7. Time Is Creeping Up (On Me) - (London)
8. So Far Away From Home - (London)
9. Rock & Roll (Saves Your Soul) - (London)
10. Janey, See The Light - (New York)
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