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Offline C4AJoh  
#1 Posted : 23 June 2010 01:36:49(UTC)
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19th June 2010
Touring is everything people say it is, it can be great sometimes but for the main part it’s just a very lonely existence, even with your friends and your band mates it’s still a very lonely existence, tonight we touch down in a country which I’ve wanted to perform in since I can remember. We’re in England for our upcoming shows in Lincoln, Birmingham, Derby, Manchester and Blackpool. I don’t know about the other guys on tour but I’ll be making the most of visiting England, it has such a great music history from, The Clash, The Beatles, The Stones, Led Zepp, Sabbath, The Who, I could go on.

I first picked up a guitar when I was 11 years old after hearing The Clash's Last Gang In Town from their 78 album Give ‘Em Enough Rope, here comes the cliché “It changed my life“, It’s the truth but it’s still a cliché none the less”. I think it’s fair to say I’m looking forward to this leg of the tour more than the other legs.

It’s 2:35am and we’re almost at London, Heathrow, it’s been a long flight and we’re all clearly happy to be almost there, As we fly over the country the scene is fantastic, It’s still dark out but with the lights from below it’s something to behold, I took the liberty of taking a photo which I’ll post at the end of this Blog.
As many of you will agree a flight from the US to the UK is a very long haul so you have to come prepared, I myself have brought on the flight with me my Ipod, which is an obvious choice and a book again an obvious choice, the book in question is Redemption Song: The Definitive Biography Of Joe Strummer, The other guys joining the tour are all just chatting away and a couple of them are asleep, I’m a pretty lonely kind of guy, I like time with my thoughts, and I like the peace and tranquillity of life.

The flights over and we’ve been taken to a London hotel until we have to set off to Lincoln for our first gig, During this time I visit the sites which are so iconically viewed in the US, It’s a beautiful Saturday and the sun is shining, we make the most of things in London, we join some 16 year olds for a game of Soccer, sorry Football on a small pitch, It looks like World Cup fever has hit this place hard, anyway to cut a long story short, the teams were The musicians vs. the Teens, the musicians were destroyed by some 12 goals. That was the only downer of the day to be honest, I really enjoyed the views in London, like I say the sun was shining brightly and we all know that when the sun shines the girls come out to play. The city was full of beautiful girls in shorts and vests and we foreigners were very happy with what we were seeing. Later on in the day we met out tour bus driver and the roadies who would be joining the tour, they’re were very funny, bald headed British giants, friendly giants I might add, they showed us around the tour bus and it was basically a home on wheels, very high end stuff included.

Later in the evening we decided to hit the pubs and clubs in London, how many Red Lion pubs are there in this country? We must have passed about 4 in London on one night. Anyway we settled at a club just by the River Thames which again was quite a beautiful view at night, If we thought the girls in the day were wearing a very small amount of clothes then imagine our surprise and pleasure when the girls came out in the evening, even more revealing clothes on a mild, slightly warm London evening, we had fun in the clubs and we made a lot of drunken friends, the regular line we heard was “Oh your accent is so cool”, I’m from Jersey, So normally my accent is ridiculed, Anyway the rest of the evening is a bit of a blur but I know this, we had fucking fun, what a City London is, my friends.
Next up Lincoln.


OOC: I thought I'd try something a little bit different, Let's know what you think, If you guys like it then I'll continue it.

Edited by user 23 June 2010 04:05:03(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Aj  
#2 Posted : 23 June 2010 02:47:05(UTC)
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ooc: I liked it, keep it up :)
Offline C4AJoh  
#3 Posted : 23 June 2010 03:00:41(UTC)
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Aj wrote:
ooc: I liked it, keep it up :)

OOC: thanks man, I know a lot of my roleplays are pretty similar to previous ones because thats just what I'm used to but I enjoyed doing this one so I'll probably continue with it.
Offline C4AJoh  
#4 Posted : 24 June 2010 20:23:51(UTC)
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24th June 2010
It was a pretty quiet day in Lincoln to be honest, There really hasn’t been much to talk about but I’ll try to keep you entertained none the less.
I awoke at around 7:45am and went for a wander around the quiet streets, I don’t know if it’s usually quiet but today it was like a ghost town, I popped into a newsagents and bought a bottle of water a magazine and a newspaper, I must admit that the decision to buy the newspaper was a mistake, The newspaper was called The Daily Mail and it was all about celebrity rumours, I prefer to read about real things not about some celebrity clambering into a cab at 3:30 in the morning smashed out of her brains.

Anyway on with the day in hand, It appeared as though it was going to be another beautiful day in the UK but the weather changed drastically at 11:15am, the rain started pouring down and I was quiet far away from the hotel, I’m from the meadowlands so I’m made of sterner stuff, I went into a very old fashioned pup and had myself a lager and then continued on with my exploring, I met a couple of people who recognised me but they didn’t know where from, I told them I was in a band called Thunder Road and they said they’d never heard of us, I guess I look like someone else then.

I started to make my way back to the hotel as the day grew older and the rain fell faster, On my way back towards the hotel I decided to look for a record store, I succeeded, it wasn’t very big and it was empty apart from myself and the shop assistant guy, “What you looking for?”, He said with his mumbling, Emo-esque voice, “Just looking mate, any recommendations?”, He recommended a couple of albums but judging by the album covers and track titles they weren’t gonna be songs which did anything for me, I found a couple of classics which I wouldn’t have usually bought, but because I had nothing better to do for the next 17 hours or so I thought fuck it why not, So I bought the albums and left the store. If your wondering what the albums were, they were Don’t Tell A Soul by The Replacements and Closing Time by Tom Waits.

I returned to the hotel to meet all the guys on the tour in the lounge, Lager in hand and the night begun. It was a kind of quiet evening, we spent the whole evening in the hotel bar and lounge, We had a few drinks throughout the night but we kept things on the down low because tomorrow is a big day.
Like I say we had a couple of drinks and pretty much stayed in the bar with the exception of going outside for a smoke every so often, We had a laugh and it was good in the sense that it helped all the bands bond, Infinite were definitely the most rowdy of the bunch, James and Danny from The Walls were taking the mini pool tournament a little too seriously and Joel and Alex from Saburben Sunrise were trying to see who could pick up the hottest woman, bare in mind there were only about 6 women in the bar, it was a non event if truth be told.
It may not be the complete rock and roll lifestyle but I’ve enjoyed it so far.

Edited by user 24 June 2010 20:25:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline troy211619  
#5 Posted : 24 June 2010 20:28:05(UTC)
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OOC: Your best RP series yet! I never thought you could pull something off like this, now I stand corrected..
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline C4AJoh  
#6 Posted : 24 June 2010 20:37:37(UTC)
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troy211619 wrote:
OOC: Your best RP series yet! I never thought you could pull something off like this, now I stand corrected..

OOC: Thanks man, I know what I usually do isn't to everybodys tastes. I'm still gonna continue to do some roleplays the way I used to but I'm definitely enjoying this new one, I'm glad you like it so far.

Offline C4AJoh  
#7 Posted : 24 June 2010 20:52:55(UTC)
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edit: I know this should have really been posted tommorow, Just go with it anyway.
Offline Moquel  
#8 Posted : 25 June 2010 05:26:24(UTC)
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" I love this! It's like keeping up with Brain and getting to know him personally."
Offline C4AJoh  
#9 Posted : 25 June 2010 05:36:37(UTC)
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Moquel wrote:
" I love this! It's like keeping up with Brain and getting to know him personally."

Brian: Thanks I'm glad you like it.
Offline C4AJoh  
#10 Posted : 26 June 2010 19:58:44(UTC)
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25th June 2010
It’s the big day today, we’re still in Lincoln and the weather is very random over here in the UK, yesterday it was sunny and then started raining and today the sun is shinning again, I met with the guys at the lounge this morning and we all had a walk around town, picked up a newspaper and sort of just enjoyed the day, we relaxed all morning, we found an empty basketball court, so we bought a basketball and had a game which was fun, it made us forget about the performance later tonight, Thunder Road are the 3rd band on stage at this tour so we have a bit of a longer wait than Infinite and The Walls but we’re used to it.

We made our way back to the hotel at around 1:35pm and we got on the bus and made our way to the venue, It was a fantastic venue and it just made us even more excited, we all did our sound checks and stuff then we just hung around the area for a couple of hours, the venue was quite near to the local shopping centre so we bought some things, I bought some England memorabilia, a couple of flags, a big England hat, and a vuvuzela, I don’t know how we’ll incorporate it into our set, but it’s a very annoying sound, It was one of those impulse purchases.

The clock started to tick down towards the gig and we were all backstage some more nervous than other, myself in particular was pretty nervous, It’s a good thing to have nerves, I think once you stop becoming nervous before a gig, that’s the time to give it up. Myself and a couple of the other guys had to keep going outside for a sly Cigarette, and I decided that a pint of lager would help loosen the nerves. The Walls were up first and they did a great job, the crowd loved them and next up was Infinite, who did just as well, The pressure on us even more now, Everyone else had done a good job so far, It was time for Thunder Road, we were welcomed onto the stage quite well which helped us get on with things, We knew our Setlist prior to our set, and we decided not to change it around too much, The song which got the best reaction was Brother In Arms and I Miss These Nights, I don’t know if they had heard us play those songs before but it was there was great support.

After us was Saburben Sunrise who did another great job and the nights work was done, We went back on stage all together to meet some fans who stayed and after we left the venue we hit a club, The drinks were flowing a hell of a lot more than on the previous night, It was a really good night and we celebrated through the night. On a side note I met a fantastic Singer after the show, She was a fan of ours and after the show she met me and we started talking, She’s trying to get a record deal, so I said I could probably get her an audition for Junction Records, She’s called Diamond, not really sure what her birth name is but she sang for me and it was really something, we’re meeting up tomorrow and then we’ll see how it goes.

Edited by user 27 June 2010 00:51:24(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Laurelles1  
#11 Posted : 27 June 2010 00:00:31(UTC)
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OOC: Like everyone else has said, a grand RP. Brilliant, can't wait to read more of it.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

Offline C4AJoh  
#12 Posted : 27 June 2010 00:05:14(UTC)
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Laurelles1 wrote:
OOC: Like everyone else has said, a grand RP. Brilliant, can't wait to read more of it.

OOC: Thanks man, I wasn't sure If I could do this kind of roleplay, because I have a very short attention span but it's going well, I'll be doing more. Not one for every day, but most gig nights and probably the first days in each new city. Thanks again, the comments are really appreciated.
Offline C4AJoh  
#13 Posted : 27 June 2010 19:38:08(UTC)
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26th June 2010
At 5:30am on Saturday 26th June we all had to get on the tour bus, all a little bit drunk and slightly hung over from the evening before and even a couple of hours before. We all got into the tour bus and we were on the road again, we used this time to have a little bit of a sleep, it wasn’t a very long journey for us from Lincoln to Birmingham, it certainly didn’t seem like a long journey, we spent the whole time on the way there asleep.

The days are pretty close together we have a gig tonight, we arrived in Birmingham at about 9:00am but I don’t know I was pretty tired. We sorted ourselves out, various different ways to cure a hang over, I’m don’t really get bad hangovers, Once we arrived in Birmingham I took the time to have a look around, if you’ve been reading this Blog so far then you’ll realise that I like to explore, I made my way into the City Centre, and just had a look around the various shops and such, I also visited a couple of quiet riverside areas which was pretty good, It was very peaceful not what I expected from a city which is the birth place of Ozzy Osbourne, I’m not really a Sabbath fan to be honest, I respect the music they made and they did make some good music but I wouldn’t call myself a fan, I then made my way back to the tour bus.

I arrived at the tour bus at around 2:15pm and the guys were still all asleep, So I thought they’ve got to be woken up so I decided that I’ll try my hands at the drums, I unloaded the drums from the back of the bus and opened all most of the bus windows and just started playing, needless to say I ended up being chased around the village by 5 half naked Rockstars, Sorry for disrupting your peaceful village. I spoke to Diamond on the phone and she’s coming over to the US with us when the tour is finished, She’s got an audition for Junction Records.

We arrived at the venue at 4:30pm and did very quick rehearsals, we then did what we normally do when waiting to start our set, we just relaxed either backstage or we’d make our way to the back of the venue to watch the other bands before it was time to go on. They were all pretty great again, no ill effects of the hangover. It was time to go on and we had already agreed a Setlist before hand, We played, Cigarettes And Childish Regrets, Here’s Johnny!, Carpe Diem, (Seize The Day), Regret Comes (In All Shapes And Sizes), Rooftops & Teardrops, Salt Of The Earth - You Wish, Make Or Break, Broken Windows and a cover of London Calling by The Clash. All went well and we had great fun, we didn’t drink as heavily because we knew the repercussion but we did have a couple of drinks, we went back into the van and we made our way to the next City, Derby.

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