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Offline C4AJoh  
#1 Posted : 03 July 2010 21:50:04(UTC)
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The 4th Street Band have been hard at work for the last month, after announcing their return following their short-term hiatus, they are planning on releasing the follow-up to last years hugely successful debut album Live Anthology Vol 1 which peaked at number 8 in the USA album charts and therefore reignited the fire in each of the band members bellies.
“We got to the point where we were like, have we even got anything to say anymore, are people wanting to listen to us and we all agreed that after our tour finished in 2008 that we would go away from the band and do our own thing for a while.” explains Scott Dylan.

“I got a phone call from Max in early December 09 and he said he was thinking about putting a live greatest hits type of album out towards the end of the month and wanted everyone to be involved with the selection process of which songs will feature on the album. We all met up in a small New Jersey studio and got kinda re-acquainted and when the album was released it surprised everyone when it did so well.” says Lucy Tyrell speaking of how the album came about.

“We all had this new lease of life kind of, We were like, Ok well people are buying the album, we must still have something worth saying and our fan base is clearly there and it’s even bigger than we thought it was. It was a chance for us to all look forward to making music again and we all wanted to hit the road with the full band as soon as we could, obviously everyone had their own thing going on, Max was touring with The Junction, Lucy was trying to distance herself from the music world so that was the biggest challenge because Lucy’s never wanted to be the superstar rock chick which she’s always been capable of being, she could be an amazing solo singer or in a load of huge bands but she’s always tried to stay away from the limelight, Lucy’s always said that if she’s gonna be recording or touring, it’s only ever gonna be with the 4th Street Band, She’s sort of semi-reclusive, she hates the limelight but she loves the thrill of performing, she’s quite an unusual person but we all adore her.” says Robbie Stimson.

Max is currently in the UK with his fiancée Juliette to see a Jakey Comatose show so the progress in the studio has halted slightly but the other band members are still hard at work. “It’s really a team process and we’re sort of working on two albums, Vol 2 and our first studio album as a band which still doesn’t have a title, they’re both coming along well but with Vol 2 set to be released in August we’re working on that one a little bit more than the studio one.” explains Joshua Perry.
Newest member of the band Jenny Hudson is still a little bit new to the process and is slightly amazed at the musicianship of this band “It’s really scary in the studio for me, because everyone in this band is crazy talented and with the 4th Street Band I was never a huge fan of them and to be honest I didn’t really know of them, they’ve got a huge fan base but they’re still not really well known but everyone is really great to work with, obviously I’ve not been involved in the Vol 2 process because I wasn’t around then but I’m doing my bit on the studio album process which is really fun, I thought it was gonna be tough for me to fit in because I’m not really a rocker type of person but they’re been really great to me and really kind, I love being in the studio with these people.”

- Lucy Tyrell

They’re all located at Junction Records own studio’s named after the band 4th Street Studio’s located in Manhattan, it’s a place they all consider their second homes. It’s a fantastic story about how Max and Lucy managed to create their own label which is now one of the major contenders in music as a label. They couldn’t get a record deal so they decided to create their own label which was primarily for the short term, a small label where they would release EP’s and hope to get a big deal but things started picking up for both the 4th Street Band and The Junction and they release EP’s which they sold at shows, the crowds started increasing as word spread about these two bands and they soon made enough money to make a real go of the label and now it is one of the big labels in music.

Each band members evidently love Max as a frontman and as a person and they continually praised their band leader and friend. “He’s such a prolific song-writer, He’ll call me up and say I wrote this song yesterday, and I’d be thinking that it wouldn’t be very good because he wrote it in a day but he’d play the song over the phone and most of the time there usually really good songs, He’s also tough to work with because he sort of demands the highest quality all the time but that’s what makes things good for us, he gets the best out of everyone in the band, in the studio and touring.” says Lucy.
“He’s just such a great guy to hang with, He’s not like a lot of Rock musicians when it comes to other music, He’s very open minded, he isn’t snobbish about pop music or dance music or R&B music, He does like all genre’s of music, I’ve met some rock singers who hate everything other than rock music and that’s not the best attitude to have, Max has a crazy record collection with albums from rock bands, obscure indie singer-songwriters, pop music and everything in between.” praises Robin Krieger.
“He just doesn’t get the credit he deserves, 2009 wasn’t an easy year for him, in January he was rushed to hospital after a crazy party, in June a friend of his called Sam died of an overdose he knew her since he was like six years old and they were really close friends, in November his parents were murdered at his family home and he’s managed to continue when a lot of people would have probably given up, there was a plus because in February 2009 he started dating Juliette and now they’re having a kid which is something he is very happy about, the guy is also one of the best musicians around, he’s worked with a number of other people as well as his own projects and he’s such a versatile musician.” says drummer Tom O’Brady.

The band are also set to hit the road again in August which will last until March 2010, they’re not nervous ahead of this big tour and they’re all looking forward to it. “Touring is what this band does best and we can’t wait to get back on the road and tour together, this time though we’ve got a new member who will prove to be a great addition in Jenny Hudson, she was kicked out of her apartment last year and I got her to move into my apartment with me, so we’ve bonded over the last 8 months or so and I know that the fans will love her and I know she’ll do an amazing job for the band, she’s a singer-songwriter and I know she dreams of going solo in the future but this will be an amazing stepping stone for her to showcase her talents on some huge stages. I’m really looking forward to seeing how well she does for us.”

- Jenny Hudson

There’s already work going on for future albums with the band continuing to write songs regularly “We all work together on songs and we also work on our own on songs also so we have a lot of really good finished songs in this studio just waiting to be used, I think once the tour is over we’ll take a rest and Max will be spending time with his child which will mean we will take over 6 months off but we will definitely return with another album in the next couple of years, things are going really well for everyone in the band and if we need to go and do our own things for a while then we can but we always know that this band is always gonna be around and I’d like to think that we will still be touring together with this band when we’re all in our 40’s and 50’s.” assures Lucy.

(OOC: It took me most of the morning to finish this so any comments would be appreciated so I know if it's worth doing part 2)

Edited by user 03 July 2010 22:33:00(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline C4AJoh  
#2 Posted : 04 July 2010 01:32:26(UTC)
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It was a while in coming but fans finally got their hands on an official release from 4th Street Band, They formed in 2007 and toured regularly without having anything on disc to release, they maintained early on that they’re just focussing on touring but when the band went on an indefinite hiatus in late 2008 it looked like a release from the band wasn’t anywhere nearer to being released, until an announcement was made on 27th December 2009 just a few hours before the album was set to be released via the bands official store and various record stores, the album was an unexpected success.
With this album you get songs which stretch from their 2008 tour and give you the feeling of a great live band, this album captures them at their best.
The album kicks off with fan favourite A Kiss To Build A Dream Upon recorded in New York, it’s over 6 minutes long and has the most sing-along chorus out of the whole album, you can tell the fans really enjoyed it singing along right throughout. The album includes two US top 40 singles in Look Around Son, This Is Yours and Hallelujah Is A Word I Won’t Use which have also been covered by Heroes & Cons as B-Sides to their own singles, those two songs best represent the band as a fast paced rock band with various influences from Tom Petty to The Clash, those two songs are generally considered the main attractions for the album but there are two under-rated live gems on this album which are It’s Better This Way which was taken from a performance in Ireland and I’m Going All Out (For Your Love), a nine minute epic, which was taken from a performance in Max’s hometown of New Jersey, the latter being my own personal favourite, it also has the biggest crowd reactions and stands alone as the best song this band has written so far.

Throughout the album there are various influences and the band has mixes of various different genre’s in their music from Blues, Punk and Soul, all with the rock sound familiar to many 4th Street Band fans. This album was a success to an extent and it’s understandable why but I don’t feel that this album will go down in history off one of the best of it’s type, however it is a good starting point for a band which could continue for the next 15 to 30 years with similar or more success. All in all it’s a pretty solid debut with a couple of gems in there and that in itself is enough to make fans go out and purchase Vol 2 which will be out in August.
By Ryan Murphy *** 3/5 stars.

Released: December 28th 2009
Recorded: New York, Los Angeles, Dublin, New Jersey
Genre: Rock, Live
Label: Junction Records
Producer: Max Armstrong, Lucy Tyrell, Greg Walls

1. A Kiss To Build A Dream Upon - (New York), 6:46
2. Look Around Son, This Is Yours - (New York), 5:26
3. Look Into The Past - (New York), 6:25
4. Hallelujah Is A Word I Won’t Use - (Los Angeles), 6:34
5. I Know We’re Meant To Be - (Los Angeles), 3:54
6. I Wanna Go Home With You - (Dublin), 2:51
7. It’s Better This Way - (Dublin), 7:58
8. I’ll Work For Your Love - (Dublin), 4:39
9. Dream Of American Dreams - (New Jersey), 7:35
10. I’m Going All Out (For Your Love) - (New Jersey), 9:00

Part 2 with Max coming soon
Offline C4AJoh  
#3 Posted : 04 July 2010 06:47:41(UTC)
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- Max and Robin during the recording process

As stated in part 1 Max Armstrong is currently in the UK which means we weren’t able to speak with him when we visited the New York studio but we’ve been given a chance to speak with him in the UK, obviously by the time we fly out to London he’ll probably be preparing to return to the US, so we sent our UK reporter to speak with him at the hotel he was staying in.

Max Armstrong has a busy couple of months in line, he’s finished recording his solo disc, New York Scene which is the soundtrack to the movie which is out this summer, it’s still yet to have a release date, “It’s all recorded and everything’s finished with it, I’m just waiting for the guys in charge of the movie to give it a release date, I’m not expecting anything special, it’s all about the movie but there are some people who are more interested in the soundtrack album, people will see it as my debut solo album which is fine because in a way it is, but I’m not doing anything else with it, I’m not touring in support of it, I’m not gonna be doing promotion for it because the movie kind of does that anyway, I’m not really too bothered how well it does, it’s just like a bonus to the film really, I’m not saying I wouldn’t be happy if it did well but it’s not as important as the movie, having seen the movie I‘m pretty sure it won‘t overshadow the film.” he explains.

He’s also working on a song on the newest bards album Allies, which he’s very excited about, “Yeah it’s pretty fucking unbelievable to be honest with you, they’re legends, they’re the band that made me what to be in a band myself so it’s a huge honour to feature on the album. There is a lot of amazing people working on other songs on the album like, Ryan Page, Eric Quillington, Jakey Comatose and Stephanie Fierce, they’re all amazing people and I’m pretty sure this album will be huge. Obviously it’s gonna be difficult to come even close to Marc Rolan, who I had the greatest honour of playing with in Marc Rolan & The Cold Iron Band and sadly he died recently afterwards but those memories will be with me for the rest of my life.”
And of course the anticipated return of 4th Street Band, “Everyone in the band is really looking forward to this return to touring and right now things are going great in the studio with both Vol 2 and our first studio album which has some of the best songs I’ve ever written on it. I think the fans will really appreciate it and it’s a long time coming but I think it’s gonna be worth the wait. There’s one song in particular which I’m proud of called It’s A Lie To Think Your Not Good Enough, it’s an uplifting song, and the intention with it hopefully will be, a guy or girl having a tough time, they might have split up with their partner or whatever and they feel crazy depressed, they maybe think their unattractive and not really worth anyone in the world, and they hear this song and it gives them hope and a new lease of life. That would be enough for me, I don’t need number one records and I don’t need to sell half a million copies in two weeks, if I can help a guy or a girl have a bit of hope and create the music they can believe in then that’s my reward from the album.” he says enthusiastically.

The friendships within the band are stronger than ever and Max explains why, “Every band needs time away to do their own thing and gain some perspective, the fact that we all knew each other when we were 18 means there’s a closeness within the band, Lucy’s basically like a sister, she has her crazy moments but when we sit down together in the studio with our guitars and a piece of paper it’s just magic, she knows how to get the best out of me as a songwriter and as a musician. Robin is obviously someone I’m very close with, he was around when The Junction first formed and I’ve known the guy since I was 16, I was the best man at his wedding and he recently asked me to be the godfather of his child so there really is a brotherly bond between us. I’m very close with the other guys aswell but we see each other less than I see Lucy and Robin, Joshua Perry is someone who is very similar to me in terms of personalities which helps us work well together, Robbie and Tom are the two most under-rated members of the band, the fans don’t realise that those two guys keep the whole thing going when we’re performing live. I’m really good friends with Scott, we went to the same school in Jersey and we’ve had some pretty scary moments on the late walks home from school. And the newest member Jenny is like my adopted little sister, she’s really the sweetest person I’ve ever met, she’s got a total heart of gold. Lucy has sort of taken her under her wing and they live in the same apartment which means they’ve bonded for a while now.”

He’s recently announced that he’s to become a father, “I’ve not really stopped talking about it since I found out, I think people are probably gonna be like ok don’t over-do it but it’s the greatest news you can get in your life, Am I shitting myself about the prospect of becoming a dad, yes, will I be a good dad straight away, doubtful, but what I do know is that Juliette is gonna be an amazing mum from day one, I may not know how to do things straight away but I’ll learn, Juliette she’s already there. She’s a mother without a child and I know she’s gonna be a great mum.”
When asked about his future music plans he had this to say, “I genuinely don’t know what I’ll do, maybe I’ll take a couple of years off and be a dad, maybe I’ll work on a solo record, maybe I’ll tour with 4th Street Band again, but I have learnt over the last couple of years that there is more important things than my music career, One thing I know is that I wouldn’t have any hesitation about quitting music if it was a choice between music or family, hopefully It won‘t come to that though.”

(OOC: It took quite a bit of my time to do this so any comments are welcomed.)

Edited by user 04 July 2010 07:05:24(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline C4AJoh  
#4 Posted : 04 July 2010 21:39:47(UTC)
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The 4th Street Band are offering fans the chance to have a say in the title for their 1st studio album.
They want fans to put forward their suggestions to add to the possible titles they already have.
If you have any suggestions for an album title then please reply here.

Edited by user 04 July 2010 21:47:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline bdylan88  
#5 Posted : 05 July 2010 02:08:04(UTC)
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C4AJoh wrote:
The 4th Street Band are offering fans the chance to have a say in the title for their 1st studio album.
They want fans to put forward their suggestions to add to the possible titles they already have.
If you have any suggestions for an album title then please reply here.

I think it would be cool if you guys did a self-titled album, The 4th Street Band.

Or you something like Genesis Tree: Genesis means the beginning and a tree keeps on growing. Meaning the band keeps growing...
I own...

The Bards

Jack Frost (deceased)

Jimmy Merchant

The Bards are signed with HOT EYE RECORDS

Offline C4AJoh  
#6 Posted : 05 July 2010 02:10:57(UTC)
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bdylan88 wrote:
C4AJoh wrote:
The 4th Street Band are offering fans the chance to have a say in the title for their 1st studio album.
They want fans to put forward their suggestions to add to the possible titles they already have.
If you have any suggestions for an album title then please reply here.

I think it would be cool if you guys did a self-titled album, The 4th Street Band.

Or you something like Genesis Tree: Genesis means the beginning and a tree keeps on growing. Meaning the band keeps growing...

Pretty good ideas, I was thinking of it being self titled.
I like the Genesis Tree meaning.
Offline infinite135  
#7 Posted : 05 July 2010 12:20:08(UTC)
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OOC:I don't think I can top the ideas bdylan has... you could call it something like '4th Street Band (the Genesis Tree).' That'd be a really sweet title! You've done a really good job with these 4th Street Band roleplays, too. Good job, mate!
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline C4AJoh  
#8 Posted : 05 July 2010 20:55:59(UTC)
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infinite135 wrote:
OOC:I don't think I can top the ideas bdylan has... you could call it something like '4th Street Band (the Genesis Tree).' That'd be a really sweet title! You've done a really good job with these 4th Street Band roleplays, too. Good job, mate!

(OOC: Thanks mate, it's always good to hear, I wasn't sure if anyone liked them, (Still not sure) because there wasn't any reply's apart from the album title thing, I really liked doing this roleplay.)
Offline infinite135  
#9 Posted : 06 July 2010 03:11:15(UTC)
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C4AJoh wrote:
infinite135 wrote:
OOC:I don't think I can top the ideas bdylan has... you could call it something like '4th Street Band (the Genesis Tree).' That'd be a really sweet title! You've done a really good job with these 4th Street Band roleplays, too. Good job, mate!

(OOC: Thanks mate, it's always good to hear, I wasn't sure if anyone liked them, (Still not sure) because there wasn't any reply's apart from the album title thing, I really liked doing this roleplay.)

OOC: I can tell; you put a lot of work into it, and you did an awesome job. It's always impressed me how you can manage so many different characters. Haha, I'd go crazy if I had that many.
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline C4AJoh  
#10 Posted : 06 July 2010 04:17:04(UTC)
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infinite135 wrote:
C4AJoh wrote:
infinite135 wrote:
OOC:I don't think I can top the ideas bdylan has... you could call it something like '4th Street Band (the Genesis Tree).' That'd be a really sweet title! You've done a really good job with these 4th Street Band roleplays, too. Good job, mate!

(OOC: Thanks mate, it's always good to hear, I wasn't sure if anyone liked them, (Still not sure) because there wasn't any reply's apart from the album title thing, I really liked doing this roleplay.)

OOC: I can tell; you put a lot of work into it, and you did an awesome job. It's always impressed me how you can manage so many different characters. Haha, I'd go crazy if I had that many.

OOC: Thanks again, I genuinely didn't think people really paid attention to my roleplays with 4th Street Band because they seem to get less comments than others even though they're probably my favourite to RP with.
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