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Offline Famouss7x7  
#1 Posted : 11 August 2010 02:55:58(UTC)
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All About "Mannequin" - Out in stores August 12th


In preparation for the DEBUT album of quick time anticipation artist, Brittany Knox' which is set to be out in stores August 12th, an interview was set up with our pop star before anyone else could scoop her up for an interview. This interview was directly made for her to talk about the recording process, track list and other aspects of her career that has to do with the turn out of "Mannequin". We also let our fans let in on the interview and send in some of their juicy questions for our Blonde Bombshell. But by no further or do : "All About Mannequin with www.allaboutalbums.com

Now before we star I just wanna say thank you very much Miss Brittany Knox for choosing All About Music as an interview choice right before the release of your album, it is truly an honor to have you here.
Aw, not a problem! But I had to chose All About Music, before all of this happened with my career I used to always go to the site and click around reading about all the albums and I cannot believe Im sitting here before all of you guys talking about my album!

Very well, very well. Talk about the album cover first, before all the juicy stuff. What is the concept behind the album cover work ?
Hm, well I wanted something very sexy and sweet but not over the top so my team just thought it would be really cool to have me in the center in a pink halter keeping it sexy and playful with pink spatter all over, hehe, I love pink, but anyway have pink spatter all over the cover and with dancing mannequins with some of them having no head. I thought it was very simple yet sexy and captivating. I didn't want the fans to look at it and be like WTF? I wanted them to be like "Oh, its Brittany, still being sexy" and with the album cover I've gotten that.

Talk about the album name, Mannequin, whats behind that for an album name?
Well I had A LOT of names that I couldn't come up with one! After thinking and thinking and finally becoming over my indecisiveness, I came up with mannequin. I chose Mannequin as the name because when you become famous and you just start launching as a household name you are going through constant changes in your life, people in the business do so much to change the person that you are that in the end quite frankly you feel like a mannequin. And I'm not going to lie, I did feel like that just not to long ago but I had to tell myself people can change me but I'm not going to change myself just like a mannequin. So I pretty much thought I could relate with that title the most so I went with it. In another light I thought I should go with Mannequin because Mannequins at a store are usually the center of attention and when you become famous you kind of feel like everyone watching and all you can do is stand their and do what you gotta do, you ARE the main attraction.

So it wasn't just a typical "pop album" name...
Oh gosh no. The title actually had something to do with me. I just didn't use the name because I liked it. I did it so my first album could be special to me in a way. People have mistaken it just as a pop title name that I thought sounded good, but really it wasn't, at all.

Understood, although you co wrote all the tracks on the album as well as being the executive producer for it too, talk about some of the songwriters and producers you collaborated with on the album
Wow, I had a blast working with all the writers and producers I worked with for the album. Terrius Stash and Ricky Stewart REALLY stood out to me because 3 of my favorite songs on the album they produced, so I'll definitely be working with them later in my career. Carmelo Andrews and Michelle Morrow were great also stood by me in the studio because I was all new to it and they pretty much are super perfectionists! I would have the longest studio sessions with them because they DO NOT let go until their song is perfect, but its always great to have the song at perfection! The Wolverines were amazing to work with, complete clowns, they made the atmosphere in the studio comfortable and un stale and boring which makes the recording process better, they really would lighten me up if I'm in a bad mood during a studio session with them. Camille Bash, Johnny Ronson became close friends of mine after this and Melody Mel, Mr. Duke and Anthony Loco were among the rest and they all produce very, very well and I was so happy to have them on board! All of my producers had faith in me and kept saying "this is a hit, this is a hit" and I'd just smile and thank them. I love encouragement more then anything, especially when your life has completely made a twist. My writers, them too, my writers were absolutely gifted. I learned much more about writing after writing for this album with all the writers I had on board Ginger Conrad and Cornelius Palmerston who wrote Leather Love with me but very sexy and fun, we would sit down for hours and write the song and Leather Love is a pretty sensual song so we would just laugh and tell stories while writing all together. Amazing atmosphere. But there were many writers on the album and they pretty much all taught me something in a way because they were so different but still all the same, its really weird but at most, inspiring.

Did you write and record all this music close to home, or while traveling?
I did this all over, U.S, I was in Canada working in an amazing studio, then in the U.K and back to the U.S where I finished the album. I never stopped writing. I had enough material for a lengthy album and it was quite the.....interesting experience (laughs)

How would you describe this album?
I would describe this album as a futuristic roller coaster from my heart, mind, and soul literally. Most of the tracks came from my personal experiences ....or personal fantasies (laughs). It wasn't anything like hey, I wanna write about this and that. While traveling and moving around different things had to inspire me to start writing on that track or a mood or feeling that I felt. I can go on a total mind block unless I'm inspired but the good thing is im usually inspired fast and I always have ideas flowing in my mind. I also would like to call the album fun, edgy and of course sexy. There's all elements of the album where you could have fun to, it sounds edgy and its a very sexy and glam album. Much like I like to describe myself (laughs) no, my music for the most part.

What does the single Leather Love represent, were you inspired by this song in anyway?
Leather Love is a song about a female who has a really, really bad relationship with a male but the sexual aspect of the relationship makes her love him and even though they keep arguing and fighting she keeps coming back sorta like she hooked roughness of the relationship in a way thats why I used Leather. I mean, I'm not going to say if I could relate to it but I was inspired to write the song by watching a movie. Not going to say which one but heh, it definitely make a great song! And its doing very well by the way. Very happy with that news.

Is there a specific track on the album thats special to you?
ALL the tracks on the album are special to me in their own way. All of them came from my heart once again but I wrote a track called "Gone" that I really really think was beautiful. It was a ballad produced Dr Luke and it really really connects to me because It brought me back to a time where I was going through a very tough time in my life and just going there again was so tough but it pushed out an amazing and such a beautiful song. No computer work on my voice, it was raw. Which I thought was great for all my fans to hear. No extra computer generated tools just me and my voice..

How was it doing the features on the album?
The features were probably my favorite thing about the album, although I had only two features, the two features really meant a lot to me. Iconoclastia was a blast doing, Miss Vanity and I REALLY, REALLY had fun with the song and I was so inspired by her character, her presents and her talent. She really taught me about who I am as an artist, not to really worry about what people are saying about you, to just do what you love and that really meant something to me. Miss Vanity and I had so many ideas going into the studio and I was really nervous working with someone who has always been someone I looked up to but once we got in the studio we had a blast writing and recording the song. Its really a dancy song and the title has everyone questioning with the song is about because NO one knows what Iconoclastia means. But, I'm sure we'll get to it hehe. I was just so thankful to have Miss Vanity in the studio and just happy to work with me. Everyone loves to call Miss Vanity the pop icon of today and me the pop icon of tomorrow. Its really something we sorta laughed at because its a compliment on both parts. With the second feature All the Love, it was really cool to have Lukey Comatose break out of his band and work on my song. Lukey is such a jokester and it was really fun to work with him. His voice was really stunning and it fit with the male voice I needed for the song. It was a blast working with him as well.

Nice, now, with all the positive energy surrounding the album there's also a negative energy that is seen here too in the media, what do you think about that?
I mean everywhere you go you'll get negative energy , everyone had to hear what I said about me being an artist and me being not being generic, I'm not going to even comment on that anymore because its pointless. I know I have talent, I produce my music, write it and sing it. I do what I love, I work for my fans that's all i care about, I do not wish to speak upon people who makes comment, it doesn't matter. And with my boss H.P, I'm not going to speak on that either. What I'm worrying about is the success of my album and whatever happens, happens. I am thankful of H.P for the fact of that matter that i do have a label that gives me a freedom and is giving me the backup to release my album instead of independently....

What could you say to the people who buy the album
What I can say is, they need to be ready for a electronic and raw ride of fun, deepness and love and I worked SO hard on this album and i want to prove to people that all the buzz and anticipation will pay off, and for the people who just want to buy it to trash it, hey, its giving me more sales (laughs).

PT 2 - SONG Synopsis

Mannequin (3:24)
Mannequin was an electronic track I wrote all by myself. It is very glam and its about me and my transformation from a normal girl to a literal walking Mannequin. Like I said earlier, a lot of things change and people try to change you and you have no time and no say so as to what you want for yourself, and even if you do express your feelings things usually don't turn out your way. Its very synth and dance and its the first track off of the album and its starts off the right way and gets our listeners ready for such an amazing roller coaster.

2. Distortion (3:10)
Distortion was a track I wrote with Ginger Conrad about a very sexy dream, between you and someone your fantasizing about and it has a very "Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These" sound to it. Sort of sounds like an evil track, but really its sexy and definately 18 and older for this track.

3. Leather Love (3:26)
Leather Love! My first single off the album, this song was actually the funnest to write and work with because its just so catchy and you could just dance to it and maybe thats the reason why the single is doing so well. Like I said a million times before Leather Love is a song that I wrote about a female who is in a terrible relationship but just cant stand to leave because the loving that they engage in is just too addictive for her to move on. very fun writing process, as well as recording process and in the end, of course, I got a very fun song.

4. Alter-Ego (4:00)
Alter-Ego was a track that I kind of had to dig in myself for. When I wrote it I had to write it using two sides of myself. The charming and pretty Brittany and the clubbing and sexy Brittany that a lot of people don't see, and with this song, it kind of reveals the other sexy, seductive and edgy side of me. The song pretty much starts off calm and collective but when my alter - ego "Brit" steps up, the heat turns up. This was a very fun dance track to do and a lot of girls can relate to it because alot of girls have their cute and charming side that everyone gets to see, but behind closed doors that girl can really be different! Hahaha!

5. Lust (3:20)
Lust was the first ballad off of the album produced by Dr Duke. He produces music very, very well and he knows what hes doing. The slow track is about lust or the passion you feel for another person, it is such a beautiful track and my vocals were pushed to the limit with this one. But I know the fans will love it.

6. Iconoclastia ft. Miss Vanity (3:24)
Iconoclastia - I'm FINALLY going to answer everyone's question, Iconoclastia is a word that was made up by Miss Vanity and I respectively, and it's a sickness new stars catch. Not an ACTUAL sickness obviously but when things are picking up to fast and you think to yourself "Shit, my life has changed, this is too much." Or you realzise you cant walk outside or your afraid or just not allowed to walk out alone because of all the paps and fans, Your suffering from Iconoclastia because your on your way to become an icon of some sort and your kinda fumbled up with how fast your life is changing. This song I must say, stood out the mos to me because its over the top, its catchy and its definitely a club banger! When the product was finish, we played the song and literally everyone started bopping their head and dancing to it. Miss Vanity took a huge part in the production of the song and made it sound less like her and more of a new sound that I guess shes giving me! I learned a lot from her with this song and I would love to work with her again. I was completely flattered with how much faith she had in me in becoming the next big star and it really encouraged me to go much stronger on this track. The turnout was amazing.

7. Lights Off (3:15)
Lights off was another one of the many songs on the album that I love. Its very futuristic sounding. Its about being in a club, dancing and when the lights go off you don't know who your dancing with but your still dancing because your having such a good time. Its funny because when I used to party, that always used to happen to me. I HAD to write a track about it because its very strange, but fun at the same time.

8. Barbie Doll (3:30)
Barbie Doll was a very personal track. In the track I sang "I'm not your barbie doll, you cant pull me apart and throw me to the side and not expect me not to keep that smile on my face". I incorporated that in the track for a reason too. Everyone who doubts me and thinks that im nothing, just wanna chew me up, rip me apart and hurt me but in the end that stuff doesn't bother me, I'm going to keep the same smile on my face that I have on while im performing live on stage. The song is dedicated to all the people who think im nothing who just think they can break me apart like a barbie doll. Very controversial track that your going to have to listen to over and over again to get what exactly im talking about, although its obvious.

9. All The Love ft. Lukey Comatose (4:46)
All the love is a mid ballad about complete love! Lukey Comatose did an amazing job on the track and even helped write the song alone. Its a very catchy ballad that is an actual ballad but with some fast paced synth beats.

10.Dreamer (3:34)
Dreamer is such an adorable track that I wrote, and one that I can relate to as well. Its about a female and a male who break up but deep, deep down inside that person has a place in each others hearts. Its a great track and I love my vocals on it. Michelle Murrows really worked her magic on this track because at first I hated it, but with a few changes in the end I was like OMG, I love it!

11.Gone (4:00)
Probably the most deepest and closest song to my heart. This ballad in strictly with the piano and the beat. No computer generated riffs, no work on my voice. Just my singing. I thought it would be good for this song because at one point in my life I felt like everything was gone because of a guy and in this song I literally let it all out. My vocals were pushed to the limit and weight was on my back having been known for fast paced music, i definitely slowed it down and really brought out my vocal chords with this one. Many people are going to fall in love with this song and be shocked by my emotion and vocal delivery and Danny Allen really taught me something new about myself with this song. He taught me that to pull out an amazing ballad all you need is the emotion and I literally almost fell in tears while recording this song and it really came out as an amazing ballad, really, it was a very special track for me.

12. Ready For Me (3:45)
The last track on the album and the ending of the roller coaster, Ready For Me, titled exactly after what I say in the song. I simply ask the listeners are they ready for me. This track was very fun to write with my writers. Its about me suiting up for my career as a star and telling what I will do and what Im proving to my fans. I cant spill it all out though, it ill be heard when you pick up the album on the 12th.

The end, be sure to pick up Mannequin, August 12th!!!!

Edited by user 13 August 2010 03:38:11(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Malory Evans  
#2 Posted : 11 August 2010 03:15:36(UTC)
Malory Evans
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Malory : I must say, you are a gifted young lady, pop at its best. You have a very lengthy career ahead and a very popular one. I can tell.

Offline Famouss7x7  
#3 Posted : 11 August 2010 03:41:10(UTC)
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Brittany: Very kind words, thank you very much.
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline GrungeScornRecords  
#4 Posted : 11 August 2010 03:41:12(UTC)
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Famouss7x7 wrote:
All About "Mannequin" - Out in stores August 12th


In preparation for the DEBUT album of quick time anticipation artist, Brittany Knox' which is set to be out in stores August 12th, an interview was set up with our pop star before anyone else could scoop her up for an interview. This interview was directly made for her to talk about the recording process, track list and other aspects of her career that has to do with the turn out of "Mannequin". We also let our fans let in on the interview and send in some of their juicy questions for our Blonde Bombshell. But by no further or do : "All About Mannequin with www.allaboutalbums.com

Now before we star I just wanna say thank you very much Miss Brittany Knox for choosing All About Music as an interview choice right before the release of your album, it is truly an honor to have you here.
Aw, not a problem! But I had to choice All About Music, before all of this happened with my career I used to always go to the site and click around reading about all the albums and I cannot believe Im sitting here before all of you guys talking about my album!

Very well, very well. Talk about the album cover first, before all the juicy stuff. What is the concept behind the album cover work ?
Hm, well I wanted something very sexy and sweet but not over the top so my team just thought it would be really cool to have me in the center in a pink halter keeping it sexy and playful with pink spatter all over, hehe, I love pink, but anyway have pink spatter all over the cover and with dancing mannequins with some of them having no head. I thought it was very simple yet sexy and captivating. I didn't want the fans to look at it and be like WTF? I wanted them to be like "Oh, its Brittany, still being sexy" and with the album cover I've gotten that.

Talk about the album name, Mannequin, whats behind that for an album name?
Well I had A LOT of names that I couldn't come up with one! After thinking and thinking and finally becoming over my indecisiveness, I came up with mannequin. I chose Mannequin as the name because when you become famous and you just start launching as a household name you are going through constant changes in your life, people in the business do so much to change the person that you are that in the end quite frankly you feel like a mannequin. And I'm not going to lie, I did feel like that just not to long ago but I had to tell myself people can change me but I'm not going to change myself just like a mannequin. So I pretty much thought I could relate with that title the most so I went with it. In another light I thought I should go with Mannequin because Mannequins at a store are usually the center of attention and when you become famous you kind of feel like everyone watching and all you can do is stand their and do what you gotta do, you ARE the main attraction.

So it wasn't just a typical "pop album" name...
Oh gosh no. The title actually had something to do with me. I just didn't use the name because I liked it. I did it so my first album could be special to me in a way. People have mistaken it just as a pop title name that I thought sounded good, but really it wasn't, at all.

Understood, although you co wrote all the tracks on the album as well as being the executive producer for it too, talk about some of the songwriters and producers you collaborated with on the album
Wow, I had a blast working with all the writers and producers I worked with for the album. Terrius Stash and Ricky Stewart REALLY stood out to me because 3 of my favorite songs on the album they produced, so I'll definitely be working with them later in my career. Carmelo Andrews and Michelle Morrow were great also stood by me in the studio because I was all new to it and they pretty much are super perfectionists! I would have the longest studio sessions with them because they DO NOT let go until their song is perfect, but its always great to have the song at perfection! The Wolverines were amazing to work with, complete clowns, they made the atmosphere in the studio comfortable and un stale and boring which makes the recording process better, they really would lighten me up if I'm in a bad mood during a studio session with them. Camille Bash, Johnny Ronson became close friends of mine after this and Melody Mel, Mr. Duke and Anthony Loco were among the rest and they all produce very, very well and I was so happy to have them on board! All of my producers had faith in me and kept saying "this is a hit, this is a hit" and I'd just smile and thank them. I love encouragement more then anything, especially when your life has completely made a twist. My writers, them too, my writers were absolutely gifted. I learned much more about writing after writing for this album with all the writers I had on board Ginger Conrad and Cornelius Palmerston who wrote Leather Love with me but very sexy and fun, we would sit down for hours and write the song and Leather Love is a pretty sensual song so we would just laugh and tell stories while writing all together. Amazing atmosphere. But there were many writers on the album and they pretty much all taught me something in a way because they were so different but still all the same, its really weird but at most, inspiring.

Did you write and record all this music close to home, or while traveling?
I did this all over, U.S, I was in Canada working in an amazing studio, then in the U.K and back to the U.S where I finished the album. I never stopped writing. I had enough material for a lengthy album and it was quite the.....interesting experience (laughs)

How would you describe this album?
I would describe this album as a futuristic roller coaster from my heart, mind, and soul literally. Most of the tracks came from my personal experiences ....or personal fantasies (laughs). It wasn't anything like hey, I wanna write about this and that. While traveling and moving around different things had to inspire me to start writing on that track or a mood or feeling that I felt. I can go on a total mind block unless I'm inspired but the good thing is im usually inspired fast and I always have ideas flowing in my mind. I also would like to call the album fun, edgy and of course sexy. There's all elements of the album where you could have fun to, it sounds edgy and its a very sexy and glam album. Much like I like to describe myself (laughs) no, my music for the most part.

What does the single Leather Love represent, were you inspired by this song in anyway?
Leather Love is a song about a female who has a really, really bad relationship with a male but the sexual aspect of the relationship makes her love him and even though they keep arguing and fighting she keeps coming back sorta like she hooked roughness of the relationship in a way thats why I used Leather. I mean, I'm not going to say if I could relate to it but I was inspired to write the song by watching a movie. Not going to say which one but heh, it definitely make a great song! And its doing very well by the way. Very happy with that news.

Is there a specific track on the album thats special to you?
ALL the tracks on the album are special to me in their own way. All of them came from my heart once again but I wrote a track called "Gone" that I really really think was beautiful. It was a ballad produced Dr Luke and it really really connects to me because It brought me back to a time where I was going through a very tough time in my life and just going there again was so tough but it pushed out an amazing and such a beautiful song. No computer work on my voice, it was raw. Which I thought was great for all my fans to hear. No extra computer generated tools just me and my voice..

How was it doing the features on the album?
The features were probably my favorite thing about the album, although I had only two features, the two features really meant a lot to me. Iconoclastia was a blast doing, Miss Vanity and I REALLY, REALLY had fun with the song and I was so inspired by her character, her presents and her talent. She really taught me about who I am as an artist, not to really worry about what people are saying about you, to just do what you love and that really meant something to me. Miss Vanity and I had so many ideas going into the studio and I was really nervous working with someone who has always been someone I looked up to but once we got in the studio we had a blast writing and recording the song. Its really a dancy song and the title has everyone questioning with the song is about because NO one knows what Iconoclastia means. But, I'm sure we'll get to it hehe. I was just so thankful to have Miss Vanity in the studio and just happy to work with me. Everyone loves to call Miss Vanity the pop icon of today and me the pop icon of tomorrow. Its really something we sorta laughed at because its a compliment on both parts. With the second feature All the Love, it was really cool to have Lukey Comatose break out of his band and work on my song. Lukey is such a jokester and it was really fun to work with him. His voice was really stunning and it fit with the male voice I needed for the song. It was a blast working with him as well.

Nice, now, with all the positive energy surrounding the album there's also a negative energy that is seen here too in the media, what do you think about that?
I mean everywhere you go you'll get negative energy , everyone had to hear what I said about me being an artist and me being not being generic, I'm not going to even comment on that anymore because its pointless. I know I have talent, I produce my music, write it and sing it. I do what I love, I work for my fans that's all i care about, I do not wish to speak upon people who makes comment, it doesn't matter. And with my boss H.P, I'm not going to speak on that either. What I'm worrying about is the success of my album and whatever happens, happens. I am thankful of H.P for the fact of that matter that i do have a label that gives me a freedom and is giving me the backup to release my album instead of independently....

What could you say to the people who buy the album
What I can say is, they need to be ready for a electronic and raw ride of fun, deepness and love and I worked SO hard on this album and i want to prove to people that all the buzz and anticipation will pay off, and for the people who just want to buy it to trash it, hey, its giving me more sales (laughs).


Heavy Punisher: What's a synopsis??????
Offline Famouss7x7  
#5 Posted : 11 August 2010 03:46:50(UTC)
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Brittany: A summary -_-
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline GrungeScornRecords  
#6 Posted : 11 August 2010 03:48:56(UTC)
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Famouss7x7 wrote:
Brittany: A summary -_-

Heavy Punisher: Oh ok! I'm not so sure when it comes to words that I don't really care about...
Offline C4AJoh  
#7 Posted : 11 August 2010 03:55:56(UTC)
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Danny: Awesome interview. I'm actually blown away by your vocal ability and your performance skills and I've worked with The Bards, Reckoner and Miss Vanity so that's a pretty big compliment, I hope this album does as well as expected.
Offline GirlSpice  
#8 Posted : 11 August 2010 04:00:58(UTC)
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Glamazon: Can't wait to pick up the album sweetheart, great in depth interview, made me even more excited. :)

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline Famouss7x7  
#9 Posted : 11 August 2010 04:42:03(UTC)
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Brittany: Danny, it was a pleasure to work with you and thanks for the compliment it really, really means a lot. And Glamazon, thank you, Im sure you'll love the album.
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Moquel  
#10 Posted : 11 August 2010 06:39:15(UTC)
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" Excited to pick it up girl. Can't wait to get it girl. Power up Brittany."
- G2L
Offline Famouss7x7  
#11 Posted : 11 August 2010 06:50:31(UTC)
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Brittany: Aw! Im very happy your going to pick it up!
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
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#12 Posted : 11 August 2010 07:38:11(UTC)
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I'm not usually into the pop scene, but this actually looks like a very promising album. As the title shows, you're making an effort to make your own unique music, and I completely respect that. This album deserves all the attention it gets!
-Eric Quillington
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline Ronny Rocken  
#13 Posted : 11 August 2010 07:49:04(UTC)
Ronny Rocken
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Ronny: Wow. I managed to read through a whole interview. That's a whole new feeling. The whole thing sounds promising as well. keep it up.
Offline Famouss7x7  
#14 Posted : 11 August 2010 11:06:22(UTC)
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Brittany: This really means alot to me, im very happy you guys enjoyed the interview !
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Famouss7x7  
#15 Posted : 11 August 2010 18:47:05(UTC)
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The SONG Synopsis has been posted above!
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline bikz  
#16 Posted : 12 August 2010 00:43:45(UTC)
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I was glad to be part of this! Though Kaethe and Nick tease me that I thought that Brittany was just a pretty face or, in their words, a 'buxom babe', there's actually a lot more to Brittany than that. She's a great musician, this girl knows what she's doing. Looking forward to the album! (:
-Lukey Comatose, Moronic Changeling
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
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#17 Posted : 12 August 2010 02:02:11(UTC)
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Linda Fea: How pathetic and delusional this industry is! But there is no shock there, I must say this type of contradiction has been going on and on for the past decade. I can't, I just really can't. Maybe I have sand in my vagina or something? No. This is clearly pop at it's worst. Obviously this whole music thing isn't for Brittany. Judging the whole song synopsis, there isn't really anything to look forward to this album. Nothing new really, just some silly and typical little concepts that pop stars tend to cover over an over. The title obviously fits you, because that is exactly what you are. A Mannequin.

It's funny how many of these songs have "synopsis's because you could basically summarize what each song was about about in one word and that would be a description. Brittany by far is the greatest hype of the year and sadly the masses will fall into her spell.

Edited by user 12 August 2010 02:31:18(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#18 Posted : 13 August 2010 03:37:57(UTC)
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Happy to say that Mannequin is NOW in stores! Everyone go and purchase it!
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Moquel  
#19 Posted : 13 August 2010 06:38:10(UTC)
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Famouss7x7 wrote:
Happy to say that Mannequin is NOW in stores! Everyone go and purchase it!

" Already got the copy girly! ONE HOT DEBUT FROM ONE HOT GIRL!"
- G2L
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#20 Posted : 13 August 2010 16:49:49(UTC)
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Brittany: Aw thanks Im happy you enjoy it .
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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