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Offline infinite135  
#1 Posted : 05 August 2010 05:54:47(UTC)
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Matt Roberts
The bassist of Infinite is the most blunt and honest when it comes to answering questions, but is paradoxically the most difficult to talk to.

"There are just things I'd rather do with my time than be interviewed"

Age: 23
Instruments: Bass, occasional backing vocals
Favorite Artists/Bands: Ryan Ross Hernandez, Eminem, Queen, The Rolling Stones
Likes: Parties, playing concerts, dicking around on the bass
Dislikes: Hangovers, being called lazy

You’re without a doubt the least active member of Infinite. Is there any particular reason for this?
I just don’t care for interviews. I’m not the kind of guy who doesn’t want to get interviewed because “Oh, it doesn’t have to do with our music.” I’m not some douchey indie kid who tries to maintain a sense of secrecy just for attention. There are just things I’d rather do with my time than be interviewed. I leave that responsibility up to Eric and Greg.

Speaking of your other band mates; both of them are multi-instrumentalists, and contribute to the songs in other ways besides guitar and drums, while you mostly stick with bass. Why?
Because I like playing bass. I’m not going to get any sense of accomplishment by playing more instruments, so why put in extra effort? If the band has two multi-instrumentalists, there’s no need for a third.

What convinced Eric and Greg to have you join their band?
I’m two years older than them, so I could buy beer when they were 19. There’s your answer.

I can trust you to answer this without sugar-coating it; what’re your relationships with each other like off stage?
Eric and Greg kind of hate each other at the moment, since Greg can be a manipulative jerk and Quillington’s been a bit of a moody bitch lately. Greg and I don’t exactly talk very much; we don’t have much in common. Quillington and I also have nothing in common… but, oddly enough, he considers me his closest friend. Not sure if I feel the same way, but him and I definitely have the best relationship in the band.

Not much else to talk about… how about a few odd questions?
Why the fuck not.

Where would you rather be? Heaven or hell?
Hell; that’s where all my heroes would be. Heaven would bore me to tears.

If you couldn’t be in Infinite, what band would you want to be in?
I like really over-the-top bands, who don’t take themselves seriously at all. I know it’s weird, because Infinite is kind of the complete opposite… but, if I wasn’t in this band, I’d love to be in Queen.

If you died today, would you have any regrets?
I’ve lived life on the fast lane, and I don’t regret anything. People can call me an ass, a douche… I don’t care. I’m happy, so it doesn’t bother me if everybody else isn’t.

OOC: I'm writing a seperate interview for each member of Infinite, because I'm trying to show the incredibly different personalities each has. This one's the shortest, since Matt hates being interviewed.

Edited by user 05 August 2010 06:18:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline infinite135  
#2 Posted : 10 August 2010 09:55:39(UTC)
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Eric Quillington
Infinite's neurotic frontman has an incredible emotional range from naively honest to cripplingly sarcastic

"I'm walking a really thin line between being a stupidly modest singer, and a really arrogant rock star."

Age: 21
Instruments: Lead Vocals, Guitar, Piano, Main Lyricist
Favorite Artists/Bands: Muse, Radiohead, Reckoner, Mind
Likes: Touring with his musical heroes, not having a college debt at the age of 21
Dislikes: Bono, the fact that he actually likes several U2 songs

Out of all the members of Infinite, you have the most infamous reputation when it comes to being interviewed.
In thet Fuse Interview that one time, I was going through heroin withdrawl, so it's rather unfortunate that many people base their opinion of me based on that interview. Musicians are human, despite alot of people thinking contrary. If I ever shock someone by appearing as angry, then I'm sorry I'm not the unemotional robot you perceive me as.

You’re often referred to as the most talented member of the band. Would you say this is a fair assessment?
It’d be really egotistical of me to say yes. This may not answer your question; but, I definitely feel like I’m the one people most expect to have good ideas for Infinite’s songs. It’s a shitload of pressure, because if I fail at something, people automatically assume it’s the entire band’s fault. I guess it’s the curse of being the frontman.

That doesn’t exactly answer the question, though.
Well, what do you want me to say? That, yeah, I’m an incredibly talented person, Greg and Matt would be working as garbage-men if it wasn’t for me? No, I’m not like that. I really, really appreciate people saying that about me, though... so I’m walking a really thin line between being a stupidly modest singer, and a really arrogant rock star. The best part about being an egotistical rock star is that I can choose to ignore questions. Next, please.

Do you ever feel like the spotlight is focused on you as a person more than the band as a whole?
Yeah, especially when people like you ask whether I consider myself the most talented. If I wanted to have the spotlight completely focused on me, I would have a band called the Eric Quillington Experience. (Sorry, Jimi). If it ever seems like I’m trying to be a show-off… I dunno, it’s a complete accident. I never want to seem like I’m stealing attention from Greg and Matt.

You hate having an ego, then… but, it must be an incredible confidence booster to be so highly rated by many top critics.
I don’t take a single word of positive feedback at face value. So many shitty bands nowadays get praise, it’s basically lost all meaning to me. I appreciate anything an actual musician or fan says to me, whether it’s positive or negative, but it means nothing to me when a critic calls Blue Nebula the best debut album of the decade, and then sucks Nickelback’s balls the next day.

Do you think that the lyrical themes of your debut album will still be there on the second?
Oh, definitely. Writing about falling utopias, insanity… it’s the only thing I actually can write, honestly. All of my lyrics are external, not internal; they have nothing to do with me. I’ve tried writing personal songs, and they all turn to shit. I really do envy people that can make a good love song. Some people write really happy songs about the girl next door, and I guess I’ll just always be the one writing really depressing songs about stars exploding.

Edited by user 10 August 2010 09:57:44(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline Synxhard  
#3 Posted : 11 August 2010 08:50:49(UTC)
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OOC: No honest criticism needed man, that's some spot on excellent rp right there. Yo've really managed to develop a personal style of your own with this thread, and I really hope this gets some more attention, cause it was a great pleasure to read. makes me want to pick it up and do a couple more Junkhead interviews when next possible, really great stuff. Cheers.
Offline infinite135  
#4 Posted : 11 August 2010 12:50:32(UTC)
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Synxhard wrote:
OOC: No honest criticism needed man, that's some spot on excellent rp right there. Yo've really managed to develop a personal style of your own with this thread, and I really hope this gets some more attention, cause it was a great pleasure to read. makes me want to pick it up and do a couple more Junkhead interviews when next possible, really great stuff. Cheers.

OOC: That means alot, mate, thanks. I'm really glad you like this, since the Junkhead interview you made a while back was a really strong inspiration for this one. I am kind of sad that this didn't get too much attention, because it took alot more time than it probably looks. But, it doesn't matter, I'm happy that someone enjoyed it!
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline erich hess  
#5 Posted : 11 August 2010 13:00:24(UTC)
erich hess
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ooc:that was pretty slick indeed.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline JakeTheSnake  
#6 Posted : 11 August 2010 13:28:19(UTC)
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OOC: Great interviews, man. I mean, thats the whole point of roleplaying right? Giving your characters a an induvidual personality. You've done a great job of that. I enjoyed Roberts interview, especially on how he joined the band. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for any future interviews or performances.
Titan - Progressive Groove Metal from Denver, CO
Debut Single, Devoured By An Angry God, Out Now!
Currently Signed To Shooting Star Records
Offline infinite135  
#7 Posted : 11 August 2010 13:38:31(UTC)
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JakeTheSnake wrote:
OOC: Great interviews, man. I mean, thats the whole point of roleplaying right? Giving your characters a an induvidual personality. You've done a great job of that. I enjoyed Roberts interview, especially on how he joined the band. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for any future interviews or performances.

Thanks so much, man... I was so worried that it might seem like they're both the same. You're completely right, though; roleplaying should be character-driven, and it's useless if they're all the same. You've done a great job with Titan so far, though; the members all seem very well developed.
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline JakeTheSnake  
#8 Posted : 11 August 2010 13:57:00(UTC)
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OOC: Thanks, i'm still working on getting band member profiles up for them, which should happen soon. Are you gonna do an interview for Greg too? If so cant wait to read it.
Titan - Progressive Groove Metal from Denver, CO
Debut Single, Devoured By An Angry God, Out Now!
Currently Signed To Shooting Star Records
Offline infinite135  
#9 Posted : 11 August 2010 14:02:54(UTC)
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JakeTheSnake wrote:
OOC: Thanks, i'm still working on getting band member profiles up for them, which should happen soon. Are you gonna do an interview for Greg too? If so cant wait to read it.

I might make one, it depends if the interview is good enough. Greg's a really complicated character; he's extremely self-centered and manipulative, but he always acts very nice and charming in front of other people. If I do have an interview with him to show his personality, it'd be alot harder to write than Eric and Matt.
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline Synxhard  
#10 Posted : 12 August 2010 08:34:55(UTC)
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infinite135 wrote:
JakeTheSnake wrote:
OOC: Thanks, i'm still working on getting band member profiles up for them, which should happen soon. Are you gonna do an interview for Greg too? If so cant wait to read it.

I might make one, it depends if the interview is good enough. Greg's a really complicated character; he's extremely self-centered and manipulative, but he always acts very nice and charming in front of other people. If I do have an interview with him to show his personality, it'd be alot harder to write than Eric and Matt.

OOC: Haha, yeah, those are always the tough ones, the ones with multiple layers of personality. That's what it's like when I try to right stuff for Junkhead's Luke Haley, it always is a bitch to really get into the character, but hell, from the way this thread has shaped up so far, Greg's should be killer as well. And I agree, the attention is a bit disappointing, but, as has been said before, it's always the best rp's that unfortunately get ignored.
Offline Ronny Rocken  
#11 Posted : 12 August 2010 09:51:35(UTC)
Ronny Rocken
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ooc: Short, and you get a good feeling for the characters. Right from the first question. Very well done.
Offline infinite135  
#12 Posted : 12 August 2010 13:12:31(UTC)
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OOC: Haha, yeah, those are always the tough ones, the ones with multiple layers of personality. That's what it's like when I try to right stuff for Junkhead's Luke Haley, it always is a bitch to really get into the character, but hell, from the way this thread has shaped up so far, Greg's should be killer as well. And I agree, the attention is a bit disappointing, but, as has been said before, it's always the best rp's that unfortunately get ignored.

Yeah, it's a bitch to actually write in character for Greg. I think it can be done; if I make it seem like he's sucking up to a bunch of musicians, people might get an idea of the kind of person he is, even if he's acting. I wasn't originally going to write for him, honestly; but, response for this has been so much better than I originally anticipated, so I'll definetely be writing for him. I'm thinking of having one more post after his interview to kind of wrap things up. I dunno what it'll be yet, I'll have to see how everything plays out.

ooc: Short, and you get a good feeling for the characters. Right from the first question. Very well done.

Thanks so much, I'm so happy this thread is having such a good response! I didn't want to make this extremely long, because people for the most part are more willing to read every word for shorter interviews than really long ones.

Edited by user 12 August 2010 13:13:15(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#13 Posted : 12 August 2010 14:43:59(UTC)
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OOC: Nice job. I like the honesty with Robert lol good job with the personas! And I Agree with what Charlie said "Sometimes the best role plays don't get noticed". But now they are :)
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