I'm baaaaaaack. JK, not really.
Though.. I know it doesn't matter now. I just wanted to apologize for being such a pain back then. Back in 07 I was just an angry 13 yr. old who constantly trolled just as an outlet for my frustrations, I didn't assume many would take me seriously and when you guys responded, it just fanned my then-limitless rage. I remember the ridiculous things I said. I see now that I really should have stopped being a nuisance and left.
I didn't though, this place was the first where even though nobody agreed with me and very few tolerated, you still acknowledged me, you still put me in my place(though I'd never admit it then) and gave me a voice I never deserved.
I know I can't make up for what was done and most of you guys have moved on so this is only being posted as a last word. Thank you all for playing with me, it was a great privilege to have learned so much from talking and fruitlessly arguing with you.
To those I might have offended to any degree, I'm full of regret and really wished that I wasn't such a shitty kid. I see now after diving into past threads that were kept that you guys dealt with real issues while I tried to pour my frustrations out upon you all. I'm grateful for the occasional kindness Bikz and others showed me even though I was still an incessant jerk. I wish all of you well. You were my only friends for a time, despite how pathetic that sounds you guys will always be remembered fondly.
If the above sounded/read unintelligible, I couldn't settle on what could and couldn't be articulated so please accept my sincerity where you find it.
Edited by user 11 years ago
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