JAN 2011: A Recap for the Drunken
January was a big month for music fans and a great start of the year, but some of us aren't in the know as well as others. Don't worry, Culture Uncut has your back.
-Experimental-Pop Rising Star "Daniel" is back and he's hitting us all with 'Rio" his sophomore album. The entire world(well, except for non-experimental pop fans) is holding their breath to see if he falls for the slump.
-The Underground.com began, highlighting several artists that threaten to break into the scene during 2011.
-A new label, going by the title of Monk on Fire Music has arrived and drafted a large number of multi-genre musicians onto its roster.
-Stephanie Fierce has further delayed her newest album.
-Brittany Knox has been hitting the studio hard for her sophomore release.
-Several indie musicians(Edward Barat, Joe Lee Dayton, Dan Richerds, Ethan Plyth and Laura Paige) form Full-Time Supergroup 'Left of the Dial'.
-Book of Love announce their forty song debut album and plans to become a "part-time band"
-Brandon Caulfield announced that he was extending the tracklist of his debut album and even the run-time as the new album will hold two-discs.
-Rapper Shantel Stiletto heads to the studio and finishes off her debut album.
-Rapper Rel goes through a series of events beginning with a shooting and ending with him in jail.
That was January has far as I could see it and that's the know. Get ready for another month of music which is sure to bring as much controversy, sexiness, love, hate, tears and cheers as any other.
Edited by user 27 January 2011 10:59:16(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified