SPIN: Kurt sits down with Stephanie Fierce
A preview of the July Issue of Spin! Looks, like Stephanie Fierce is getting ready to start cranking up the airwaves again, because she will soon be releasing her new single "Bless Me" to the airwaves this Sunday June 16, 2013. The smash hit single, has already topped the Digital songs chart coming in at #1 with over 300,000 downloads in its first week of release and its already been certified gold within its second week. The song is now being distributed as the lead single of her highly anticipated album "Immortal", which is officially set to be released September 1st, 2013. While her album had a false start, with the hit single "Insane", Fierce took a step back to rework certain things and is now ready to release the music and play no games while doing so.
Still, fans who loved "Insane" shouldn't feel too down, because Fierce promises a special surprise with the song very soon. No other details were provided, but we're sure it will be something special! But who can really be mad at her, Fierce has been extremely busy on her currently on her sold out world tour called "History Revealed", she is set to wrap up her final date in July at South Africa, which will also feature a live online and televised concert for the whole world to see. The show's revenue will also be donated to charity, which will only add the many list of things Fierce has already done for charity.
Believe it or not, people have been feeling disconnected with the star lately. With the confusion of her new album, its false start and cancelling an entire month's worth of television promo, fans were left wondering if the singer was leaving them for good! The good news is Fierce is already lining up a new single set to be released sometime in July and Fierce has lined up a buck load of promo for this month. According to Fierce herself, her music is about to make a serious turn with the release "Immortal" and her fans are in for a long awaited special treat.
So here's a preview of her VIDEO interview, in which she spilled the "tea" on many topics:
VIDEO: Stephanie Fierce (Part 1) Kurt:How are you feeling at this very moment Ms Fierce? Wait...is it Mrs. Fierce or Ms. Fierce? Wait, is that a ring I see on your finger?
Stephanie Fierce: (laughs) Well, you can call me whatever, I'll leave it at that! But to answer your question, yes I am very happy at this very moment. Actually I could even almost say that I'm anxious, because something big is going to happen in my life!
Kurt: And you're going to throw that at us, just like that, without going into any sort of deliberation??? (Laughs)
Stephanie Fierce: You know I like to tease Kurt. However, moving on to the next question!
Kurt: So you've sold your records, you've won your awards, you've got your #1's, what else can you possibly do? The industry probably wants to see you fail, at least once in your life.
Stephanie Fierce: You know I hate that people say that. There are SOOOOOO many things I've still haven't done. I'm a baby in this industry.
(laughs) Kurt: Some people are now starting to say that "Bless Me" going number one on the charts was the reason, you changed the sound and direction of the album, is that true?
Stephanie Fierce: It definitely wasn't. I initially planned to release the music that I already recorded as an EP, but I didn't want to ruin the anticipation that was the album "Immortal". I didn't want fans to get confused, and I'm all about the original idea and concept behind "Immortal". I still think that the album is going to be something worth waiting for and I can't wait for the fans to hear it. I want them to really get a good album from me and my goal ultimately is to do something I'm comfortable with putting out as well. I think that Bless Me was just something that happened out of surprise, and it's ironic the name of the song, but at the same time, It didn't really change what the album was turning out to be. I'm still recording and writing the record, and I'm just simply taking my time.
Kurt: You said on twitter that you will not be releasing this album independently as originally planned, are you joining a record label soon?
Stephanie Fierce: I can't talk too much on this, matter of fact, I was suppose to ignore this question.
(laughs) But yes, I am signing to a record label, and it will be announced very soon! This is going to be big, so stay tuned!
Kurt: So when can fans finally get their ears ready for the record?
Stephanie Fierce: September 1st, is the concrete date. It is not changing for sh*t. Sorry for cursing, but I'm so definite about this. That will be the date.
Kurt: What do you think about what other artists are doing right now with music?
Stephanie Fierce: I'm no longer going to be talking about other artists as much in my interviews and I don't mean to come off as a bitch. I think that that at this point in my career, whatever I say get's taken out of context and it ends up falling back on me. But I will say that music is extremely boring and predictable at the moment.
Kurt: Now, there are rumors out there, that you will be starting writing and producing for other artists. Is that true?
Stephanie Fierce: I definitely am. I'm gonna now start writing and producing records for other aritsts, which should be fun. I'm looking for a new adventure in music and I think it's about time I start using my gift for other artist's benefits. It also brings a new light for me creatively. It allows to open up into other people's world and see what they want to offer creatively. But I'm already jumping the gun, I'm actually producing a new record for a band called "If You Seek Amy" and I'm gonna start branching to other artists soon. Can't wait for you all to see what I'm cooking!
Kurt: Where do you hope to be in your life 10 years for now? What do you wish to accomplish?
Stephanie Fierce: I hope to have the same relationship I have now with my daughter in the future. I know a lot of parents lose touch with their kids once their kids become teenagers so that is my greatest fear. I want to be the best mother I can be to my daughter Helle and make her dreams come true. I also wish to be doing what I'm doing now, and to be helping the world and empowering women.
Kurt:Talking about empowering women. Recently, Tisha Jackson spoke very highly of you during an interview, which shocked many people. Obviously because people have been under the impression that you two have been feuding and throwing shade at each other via twitter and other social media outlet. Is is true, that you still are going at it?
Stephanie Fierce: At the very moment, I wont say we are, but we were before. There's no denying that. I do tend to hold a grudge against people sometimes and she was that person. I personally feel like everything was blown out of proportion on both of our behalves but at the same time I had to protect what I had and the music industry is very double standard when it comes to women fighting against each other. No one ever wants to see the men fight anymore. It's much more interesting these days to see two pop divas going at it. But that the end of the day, we are two very different artists, with different backgrounds. The feud between us, was very confusing to me because at the end of the day no one is completely greater than no one. I feel like we both can come together and do something positive for once and not be so negative towards each other, because at the end of the day it's not helping either of us out.
I personally think that Tisha Jackson is a very young and beautiful girl. She's doing it big and I won't deny that. I think that since she's working very hard, and now that she's finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I couldn't be any happier for her. I don't think anyone in the industry is doing what she's doing when it comes to contemporary R&B/pop music. I support her movement.
In terms of our feud, once again I think the whole story is somewhat confusing and yes at one point I hated the girl, but right now, I really don't know who she is and I have no reason to be mad at her. She's obviously successful at what she does, so she must be doing something right. I too feel the same way, so why be mad? I'm 27 years old, and a mother, so I feel like at this point, as a woman. I'm dealing with things and experiences that are different from what she's experiencing. So us fighting each other is going to look petty, and disrespectful on both of our ends. I wish nothing but the best for her.
I will say though, that we did have an encounter recently and we showed nothing but love to each other, so the fans need to stop fighting and I think it's time for the media to move on.