Den at BBC Radio 2 DenVEVO
The video only shows a picture of Den with BBC Radio 2 logo. After a few seconds Chris Evans start speaking just after Victoria's Black 'Religion' stops playing.Chris: Soo everyone. This morning we have one special guest. He was in a band very famous and he released a new single just yesterday, after like... How much?
Den: Well, it's six years as a solo artist.
Chris: Right. Well, here he is, Den from The Titans!
Den: Yeeah ! (Chuckles) Hi everyone, how are you all doing? Whether you're in a car, in a gym, elsewhere. I hope you're ok!
Chris chuckles.Chris: Right. So, first of all, yesterday you released 'Yourself', I mean your new single called 'Yourself'.
Den: Yup. (Laughs) I like playing on the title, when I tweet I'm like enjoy 'Yourself' everyone.
Chris: So let's talk about it.
Den: Well, what do you wanna know? (Says jokingly)
Chris: I don't know you tell me. It's your song. I guess... I guess everyone is waiting to hear that 'something'.
Den just laughs and sighs playfully.Den: Uh, I knew this was coming. Well, this song is about my ex and yes it's a big F beeep you!
Chris: Okk
Chris shouts, making it fun and a sound of triumphant trumpets is played in a funny way as background sound and Den just laughs out very loud.Chris: So tell me more now though.
Den: Yeah, it's about empowering. I just want actually everyone to feel like you don't need anyone to depend on. We are all indipendent people, with our own qualities. You know, be it a friend, a lover, anyone.
Chris: That makes sense, let's just listen to it, shall we?
Den: Yeaaah.
Chris: 'Yourself' by Den everyone, out now.
'Yourself' plays in full and towards the end, Chris speaks.Chris: Ok guys, so that was 'Yourself' by Den, which is out now and we are in company of him, Den himself.
Den: Hey everyone.
Chris: So tell me, you just said this was a big f beep you to your ex. So you're single now.
Den: I am. I'm loving my freedom, I'm loving myself, my little girl Britney, my music.
Chris: How is your little girl?
Den: She is fine, growing up so fast, making me proud. There's infinity things I could say and I would talk about her all day, but I think we can't.
Chris: Actually no, I'm afraid.
Den: Shaaame.
Chris: So I know you were criticised for, you know, bringing up a child alone.
Den: I actually wasn't alone. Britney was born out of my love for another person which was Kegan Dawson. We were plannibg marriage, back in 2013, but things didn't go well. My only mistake was rushing things, but having my girl was criticised too. So I would like to tell that she's growing up like a normal, beautiful girl. Not feeling ashamed among her other heterosexual-families kids. She's not the only kid to gorw up with a single parent and I would like to say give a child love, before you judge.
Chris: True, I agree totally. I like you for standing up like that for this.
Den: Yes, lgbt community fights everyday and if I can inspire someone, help in my own way, this is it.
Chris: That's important. I'm glad you're having this strong attitude.
Den: Thanks! It's called experience. (laughs)
Chris: I hear you said you didn't feel as strong in the past.
Den: Yes, as I said, living as a gay man is never too easy. There are many walls to bring down and when put other personal stuff in the mix, you just have a demon that follows around to fight. Bad things tough you up though.
Chris: What's going on in your life lately? How are you bandmates doing?
Den: Well, quite a few things, my album is coming out soon and well as I said just enjoying life. I meet the guys every once in a while, we're always in contact. We actually have a WhatsApp group.
Chris: Yeah? Who writes the most?
Den: Oh Jo! He just says and sends stuff I can't possibly say here.
Chris: Ok, I thank you for not saying it. We can imagine.
Den laughs as Chris continues.
Chris: So I have to ask you this one. You've been tweeting about Australia, australians...
Den: Ohh, I know where this is going.
Chris: Yes, what does the name Ciaran Chambers say to you? You tweeted him and he was your ex as we know...
Den: Yeah, I mean... (Chuckles) Ciaran is a funny person. You never get bored talking to him, he's very honest too. We actually dated in the past and it's common knowledge that after a few months of dating, we broke up because of someone else. I've felt like I had to apologise to him lately, he didn't deserve what happened, so we spoke again. I was in a very bad place, I think he knows that now. Things change.
Chris: And nothin' goin' on between you guys again?
Den laughs for a few seconds.
Den: Chris I wouldn't tell on here...
Chris: Well, you guys can't see but he blushed
Den: I know, I know. I just feel embarassed. Well, me and Ciaran are not dating. That's the truth. I've met people saying we should, we looked cute. I could agree on that, but I'm not sure he would. Maybe what happened was too much, maybe sometimes there are people who just move on. I know that he disappeared lately though. I actually asked him to meet sometime, but he hasn't contacted me anymore since a long time.
Chris: Well, I guess you're just busy.
Den: I don't know, like I said he's amazing but I have no more expectations. I feel like it's kinda hard for him to talk to me again, he's not like before. I just hope maybe we can work it out somehow.
Chris: Is that a proposal?
Den: No, I mean... (laughs) I mean just at least be on good terms. I find him a pleasing person. I don't set any expectations anymore like I said. I'm just taking anything as it comes, with anyone. I'm just loving my freedom and what happens happens. It may take sometime to actually form a couple again for me. But I may just fall in love again... That could happen.
Chris: Anything could happen.
Den: Yes..
Chris: So, changing subject. Tell me more about your music and album.
Den: Ok first of all, it's gonna be 'controversial'. It's gonna be about my freedom, it's gonna be camp Pop music for who has ears for it and the eyes to enjoy all the visual that comes with it. It's a new era, I've stopped with the flashy colored style, now things are gonna get more camp and interesting. It will all reflect who I am today.
Chris: That's good! Any hint on some new songs?
Den: Uhm, they're all pretty much in the vibe of 'Yourself'. Disco, dancey, Pop. There is even a song about coming out. It's called 'Coming Out Beautiful You'. My LGBT friends will love every bit of it. They will understand it more than anyone.
Chris: That is cool. I wish you all the best with it.
Den: Thanks!
Chris: So thank you for being here, good luck for the rest. 'Yourself' is out now and this was Den everyone!
Den: Thank youu, good day everybody! Peace and love!