OOC: Felt like coming back after a lot of support from AmyJayneXoX. I'm a bit rusty, but I hope it'll be worth reading, I promise to not give up this time and there are more surprises to come from us :)
"How long had it been since I last stepped out of my house? Weeks, months, ... I just don't know anymore. I don't even think I care." - those were the first thoughts that came into Andrew Guinnard's mind when he first stepped out of his house. Despite the fact it's still summer and things were warm in England, he was still wearing long dark clothes and always had that face that said he wasn't getting enough sleep lately.
An interview with the press was scheduled for today to announce the release of his first EP in a really long time. But this time Andrew promised he'd answer all questions, and his answers would be longer than one second. Lighting a cigarette he chose to walk all the way around Manchester to where the interview would happen. Perhaps this time we'll finally understand this young genious' mind.
Interviewer: First of all, thank you so much for being here, we know how you hate to leave your house. Please, have a sit, and do you mind putting off that cigarette? It's not allowed in here.
Andrew Guinnard: Please, don't spoil my second biggest pleasure in life, you already ruined the first one.
I: Okay, I'll open up a window. But tell us more about your pleasures in life, I guess that's not something we see in most of your songs.
Andrew: I guess the two things I enjoy the most are isolation and cigarettes. I don't really care much about the rest. I have a genetic condition in which I can't drink and I don't trust my mind to do any other drug out there. The mind can be really dangerous, specially my mind...I know there are dark corners there that would probably make me go insane or kill myself.
I: What about women, family? I didn't mean only chemical pleasures.
Andrew: I hate children, so there it goes your family theory. About women, I guess I don't really care much for sex or love, they've destroyed me once and they most certainlly will do it again anytime I let them into my life. And to me, pleasure is a purely chemical process.
I: Most people find it difficult to be alone for a long time, how do you manage it? We are, after all, social animals. And what about boredom, don't you feel bored of being in the same room for such a long time?
Andrew: When we finally learn who we are, we feel comfortable enough spending time with ourselves. Surely that most of my time I spend torturing my sick mind to create art or simply understand a little more about itself, but it pays off.
I hate the concept of boredom, I just don't feel it. There's always something you can do when you're alone with your mind.
I: If you understand yourself so much, why can't you find inner peace? What is it that tortures your soul so much that you choose isolation and torture over joy and people?
Andrew: I understand myself to the point I know I'm not supposed to find peace or happiness. It just won't happen, it's a chemical defect.
Sometimes I ask myself the same question, why am I here alone when I can be out there with people and enjoying myself. The point is, every time I try to do something 'normal' it just doesn't feel right. I don't think I deserve something like that, I'm a selfish idiot whose interests are more dull than watching paint dry. I just don't belong anywhere, and only in isolation I can feel a little better about existing.
I: But now that you're famous among other depressed youngsters out there, I'm sure you can find someone that understands you.
Andrew: No, I can't. I don't think people will ever fully understand the concept of my songs and poems.
I: And why is that?
Andrew: I'm a unique human being, just like you, just like everyone else.
If you don't mind, I have said more words today than I ever did in my life, so I'm a little tired. *gets an acoustic guitar* This is a sample of what people can expect of my next EP, and later album.
He then started to play the first chords to a new song, another acoustic depressing song than fits in nicely with Andrew's voice. His Joy Division influence can clearly be felt as it sounds a bit more raging than his previous work, the lack of words that rhyme shows his lack of concern that his songs will be 'catchy' and make it even harder to assemble a melody that fits, but showing a little bit more of passion instead of the usual zombie-like voice and emotions he was able to make this a piece of self-hating jewel. This guy is a ticking bomb, about to explode anytime soon.
"I crucify my body.
In the vain attempt of making it pure.
I crucify my body.
In the vain attempt of curing myself.
Will there ever be a place for me?
I mutilate my members, make them bleed.
In the vain attempt of changing myself.
Will there ever be a place for me, for me?
I paint all mirrors black
In the vain attempt of hiding myself, my monstruosity.
What's the point? Ignoring won't make it better.
Will there ever be a place for meeee?..."
Without saying anything else, he put the guitar down, lit a cigarette and walked his way out of the studio. Expect more to come from Andrew Guinnard.