A documentary special revolving around a secret concert show that took place
on October 17th in an undisclosed location to highly devoted fans. Chapter 1: Intro + "Newborn" Peformance
An alternative instrumental of "Bless Me" begins to play. It is a softer rendition version of the live version Stephanie Fierce would sing to later on in the day but with minimal vocals and an upbeat outro.
[Narrator; Thom Beers does the narration in between dialogues and live performance footage]
Stephanie Fierce is known as one of the industry's most successful artists of all time! She's also been labeled as one of the industries biggest icons, has influenced many artists over the years and is still topping the charts! That kind of stature of course and critical acclaim can bother a lot people, but there's no doubt of her massive success.
"Whether good or bad, people will talk about Stephanie Fierce. She's sold the records, she has the countless #1 hits and she's won all of the important awards. So why is Stephanie Fierce is still in this business? is the debate. Does an artist stop making art, or is there some sort of legacy involved? Stephanie Fierce has a legacy and she's choosing to continue and people will follow her journey" -
Billboard Magazine Stephanie Fierce has fought the criticism and she's often caught herself in many controversial situation, but It has never stopped her from achieving anything in her career. It is pretty obvious that from the very beginning, Mrs. Fierce knew what she was doing.
"The coolest thing about Stephanie Fierce is that she was probably one of the most hated artists of all time at the very beginning of her career and now she is the most critically acclaimed. It is unbelievable because no one believed in her, no one said she would make it and look at her now she's broken records for pop artists everywhere. She was the first pop solo act to win "Best Album" at the Birdies. That's a huge accomplishment within itself. Her debut single went straight to number one. She's sold over 100 million records worldwide to date and is still selling millions. So what is she suppose to do next? It's pretty obvious that she's no longer in it for the success. She just wants to keep her music alive and until it's her time to go and that's what artists are suppose to do" -
MTV Stephanie Fierce's name itself captured many people's attention. Top critics and music fans ridiculed Stephanie for not only her stage name, but for her sexy persona and feisty attitude. But it's not just Stephanie Fierce's looks that caught everyone's attention, it was the talent that possessed the pop star on stage when she performed, making people wonder, is she really singing live?
"Many people are trained to do this, but no many break the ice and look over their fears and actually do it. I remember when I first started, people were already putting labels on me. They really thought I was a puppet. But I think it had more to do with the fact I was a woman and I had the attitude of a bossy man. I was in total control, and I didn't come in as the cookie cutter pop star that everyone is suppose to love. Representing sexy women everywhere, I wanted to prove that pop stars aren't all about the looks and the sexy videos. We're much more, and we can be more. We don't have to sell ourselves short to be successful. Maybe at firs we do, but that doesn't need to continue. IT's all part of the game plan and I knew that from the very beginning. Newborn and free were both a huge testimony for me because it was the first two albums that didn't even scratch a bit of mainstream in terms of sound, and it still became number one. I didn't expect that but I believed in the vision. No matter what people say, I'm still pushing forward and I'm still breaking boundaries people think I can't break". -
Stephanie FierceBut what has made Stephanie Fierce really special is her versatility in music. Fierce music ranges from many genres and sub-genres. From pop, soul and R&B to country, alternative rock, Indie, ambient and experimental music. This however confused many critics over time. Many artists are marked with the stigma the general public portrays for mainstream pop artists and in result many artists end up sinking their own ship. Stephanie Fierce is still however, sailing to an unknown destination and she's still breaking the mold. It all began with her smash hit single "Hot Shot" with the Rockers. Fast forwarding to today and Stephanie Fierce is still breaking records. Just recently, Stephanie Fierce managed to get another solo number one hit on both the digital and airplay charts with the lead single off her upcoming album "Amplified". The song is a indie Rock, folk rock anthem and the track is called "Bless Me".
"Dying in the Airwaves is what really separated me from the other pop artists and it really created a new energy for me. Creating a total new sound for yourself can be risky and isn't always the best idea because people have certain expectations after having a successful record.I know that people love to label me R&B, and it's simply because I'm a African american woman. It's very double standard. People wouldn't had labeled me R&B if I were white and did the same music I did now. Adele is white and if anything she's more R&B than I am! I'm not trying to play the race card, but it's true. I think that's why I'm sort of a rebel toward R&B, I adore it, but I try to stay away from it as much as possible. It isn't me. But that's why I also love Adele, because she isn't making music that people expect white people to make." -
Stephanie FierceGoing eight albums deep, Stephanie Fierce's upcoming studio album "Amplified" has been a working progress and fans have been waiting patiently for the release. With that, a wave of hype has rapped around Fierce's music and the pressure is on for her to delayed work to deliver. That however, is the last thing on Stephanie Fierce's mind. The superstar is more focused on rehearsals ton an upcoming gig that would change her life forever. This secret show was planned months before, but fans in the local and undisclosed area were invited and informed about the show 48 hours before the concert took place. Stephanie Fierce is no stranger to selling out tickets in less than an hour after going up on sale but this gig, unlike her many others was quite different. The set-lists wasn't the typical Stephanie Fierce set-list. Focusing less on the hits, the star for the very first time will give non-singles the live treatment they so desperately deserved.
"My shows are usually a huge spectacle, but this show we're kind of taking that spectacle and stripping it down to the core of talent and it's genuinely all about the music tonight. We're not focusing on the hits because the purpose of the show is to showcase a side of my discography that I didn't necessarily pay attention to, or at least the mainstream world hasn't caught on to or comprehended. In other words, I kind of wanted to take songs that I felt you know were some of my favorites but didn't really receive the attention they deserved. It's about embracing those kind of songs that were overshadowed and then making them a spectacle. Because every song I do record has some sort of significance or message of importance behind it. As an artist, as a pop artist, you're always suppose to release songs that not only the fans will love but the mainstream world could catch on to as well. That sometimes gets in the way of you showcasing these king of songs." -
Stephanie Fierce

Since the show was planned very last minute, Stephanie Fierce was unsure of how people were going to actually show up to the concert. As the evening hours started creeping in the night before the concert, the outside venue was packed immediately, as highly devoted fans had camped out the night before to make sure they were as close as possible to the star. It seemed like the wait was worth it as the gates to the main stage opened and the excited yet respectfully calmed audience made their way inside and waited once more at the location as they watched Stephanie Fierce's crew members finishing setting up stage in the outside area. Sooner than later, with no announcement, Stephanie Fierce made her way down the stage and an outburst of cheer flooded the whole concert area. Stephanie Fierce waves as she made her way to the stage.
Stephanie Fierce is then gathered around by the audience all wrapped around her with their cameras and their curious faces. Two monitors stood up high allowing people in the back to see her.
"How are you all doing on this fine evening?" The audience cheered loudly as cameras hovered around the whole venue.
"You guys look so good to me right now. I just want to say thank you for waiting patiently. You guys have no clue how hard my heart is beating right now. So why don't we get this show started?" Stephanie Fierce said that almost crying in disbelief that all those people showed up and waited for her, since there were probably 12,000 people there fading into the darkness.
"I'm going to be opening up my set tonight with a song from my fourth studio album "Newborn"! Band begins to play the song with precaution as they wait for her to begin.
"I really you guys like it" She beings to move side to side and then stands up straight.
As Stephanie Fierce began her performance, people in the audience were greeted by something that Mrs. Fierce had no control over whatsoever. Rain.
"Oh shit, it's raining yall! I promised you this wasn't planned, it is kind of giving me goose bumps right now, but I guess that means my performance will look a little melodramatic" people in the audience laughed and cheered her on, not leaving her sight. Some sort of worry slapped Stephanie Fierce in the face, but seeing the dedicated fans stay in the rain with her, made it all the more special.
Finally, the performance continued. Light began to shine the while outdoor area, and through the rain, Stephanie Fierce was seen clearly from all sights.
The group of violinist begin to play the intro of the song at low volume, until the song's trip-hop beats comes in. The audience cheering over melanchonic beat gives Stephanie Fierce an overwhelming feeling of love and excitement. She continues to sing in a calm and emotional manner. The ambients sounds incorporated in the live version are very liquid and people are impressed by the songs live rendition.
She continues singing the song with all of her might, rain coming down her whole body. As the songs reached it's climax, Stephanie Fierce's strong grew stronger and with more grime, until all of the sudden she hits the 15 second note adlib. A gasp is heard from the crowd which is then followed by cheerful claps. She positions her face off the mic to catch her breath. She then continues the emotional piece as the bands ads a jazzy hip hip touch to the song until the performance reaches it's end.
"You are full of life,
There's nothing to be scared of
you are full of life,
you have to trust me
Maybe not from theses sources,
you have to pour your luck
maybe not from to these directions
you are starting and
thrust your head around
It's all around you
You've been given life
it's all around you
You just ain't receiving
you're off the umbilical cord
your are newborn
You demon angel,
you are full of life
you are full of life
You areeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You are full of life
You are full of life
You just ain't receiving
You're off the umbilical chord
you are newborn
Para pa pa pa pa
Para pa pa pa pa"
The first song of the night ended with a bang, but the rain continued to pour down as Stephanie Fierce got ready for her next song, she grew more worried if fans would actually stay, but no one was caught leaving the area as the rain began to tame down to a drizzle.
"Thank you" Stephanie warmly told the audience, as water drained down her body.
"I do feel like sometimes people don't really pay attention to the music, they pay attention to the hype, which is why many people don't really know my music. They know me for my success and that's fine, that's what a pop star is suppose to be looked for. But my music has such a personal message and as an artist you want people to understand your work. I'm not just trying to be self self-indulgent, but I want people to know me for who I really am. Where did this music come from, and why it's much more important than it being #1 on the charts or it being played on the radio. I always say this, you're in for two reasons. You're either in it for the music or in it for the fame. But a lot of people don't want to admit that they are in it for the fame. At the end of the day, no matter what you're in it for, it's a business. In China they always say. The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell. My music has really evolved over the years, which is why it is hard for me write pop records and to go with that's 'current'. The music out today is trash and I won't conform to that sound." -
Stephanie Fierce