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Offline RoseJapanFan  
#1 Posted : 21 November 2013 09:58:02(UTC)
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"Ladies and gentlemen, as part of the historic and brand new, 'Merjos Week', my next guest is a multiplatnium selling artist with 5 Chaos Awards and 4 Goldies to her name and she's also starring in her own t.v. show which is set to premiere next year, please welcome Isabel!"

As Izzy walks from behind the curtain to the side of the stage, her single with mISTER_b, 'Recovery' starts to play, her vocals being heard in the Chorus with the booming bass. She smiles and waves at the crowd while they cheer loudly for her. Izzy was wearing a cute white and blue dress with her hair down and curly. Once she gets over to the stage, she gives Jimmy a quick hug and then sits down, positioning herself towards him as she continued to smile and thank the crowd.

Jimmy: "Wow! They seem to love you every time you come here, it's amazing isn't it?"

Izzy shakes her head and laughs.

Isabel: "It is, I love it each time."

Jimmy: "So, refresh my memory. The last time you were here..."

Isabel: "We played, um, Golf Shoe, and I ate ice cream."

Jimmy: "Yes! You did, you didn't share but yes and we did play Golf Shoe. Let's take a look for those who aren't familiar with the game."

Jimmy shows a clip of a previous show from last year where they were positioned a little ways off to the side of the stage where a clear bucket was placed in the center on top of a green rug which resembled grass. They were kicking off their shoes, trying to get them into the bucket. Izzy giggles as she watches and then nods as the audience laughs.


Isabel: "Yeah, great times. Although, I will say I think I've gotten the hang of it so any time you want a rematch, I'm down."

The crowd laughs and so does Jimmy.

Jimmy: "Good, good! I'd be honored to play with you again. I won't go easy this time because you know last time you were a girl to me so.."

The audience laughs as does Izzy, looking a bit confused.

Isabel: "Geez, Jimmy I haven't changed that much. I'm still a female, I mean really."

He chuckles before nodding his head.

Jimmy: "Of course, I don't-I don't know where I was going with that one. Okay, so.." (He pauses to laugh). "So, also the last time I saw you, you did not have 4 Goldies. What's that like?"

Isabel: "Uhh, it's really awesome and humbling at the same time. I was really caught off guard by those because I thought maybe the more recent albums and artist would win. At that time, I wasn't even making music. I had just gotten off tour and working on other projects so it's safe to say...I wasn't expecting that at all. I'm really grateful."

Jimmy: "It was the first awards and you already set the bar high with winning so much. Do you feel like everyone else has to catch up with you now? Since you're basically like...amazing? Because when I won a trophy at school, I basically told everyone that it meant how amazing I was and they would all compare to nothing after we went to middle school."

Isabel: "Oh, gosh, no! I would never say that. Each artist that was nominated is super talented so it could have gone either way. I, in no way, think I was like amazing or whatever. I'm just happy with the results but I mean who wouldn't be? It's an honor."

Jimmy: "Well congratulations to you for those wins, in my opinion they were very much deserved."

Isabel: "Aw, thank you."

Jimmy: "Also, you currently have the number one song in the world with mISTER_b, which we just heard..." (The crowd starts to cheer loudly as he pauses and then continues to talk.) Thank you, I thought I did a wonderful job on that sentence too. I was a little iffy but, thank you." (He grin.) "That must feel amazing. You're not even fully back in music yet and you're still getting number ones, what are you?"


Izzy laughs loudly and then shakes her head.

Isabel: "I'm human. I was surprised. I mean, working with mISTER_b was awesome. He's really sweet and he has a wonderful ear for music. Funnily enough, we had worked together before on a song that I ended up not putting on my album just for my own reasoning but I did love the song."

Jimmy: "Really? You rejected him? Turning into a diva already?"

She smirks.

Isabel: "No! I loved the song but it ended up going to Pixie and I think she sounds better on it than I would have but we ended up working together again and created 'Recovery' which I love. I think patience and not rushing just to get songs on an album, it really helped. But I love both songs."

Jimmy: "Now, rumor has it that he has proclaimed his love for you? Please tell me about this and what you did."

The audience chuckles and so does Izzy.

Isabel: "Oh boy." (Giggles) "Erm, well from what I know, he's said that he's fond of me and I'm his celebrity crush so.." (The audience starts to holler and 'woo' at her and she laughs) "Guys, stop you're gonna make me blush. He's really sweet and really cute. That's all I'm gonna say."

Jimmy: "So he has no chance?"

Isabel: "I don't- he's really nice so, I don't know. He's a good friend to have. You guys are terrible to me, so terrible. I'm like turning red and acting like I just got caught robbing a bank, my goodness."

She giggles and Jimmy smiles at her.

Jimmy: "Well if you two get the ball rolling...I helped."

Isabel: "I will be sure to keep that in mind." (Laughs)

Jimmy: "So are you single now? I've been hearing some things but....are you?"

Isabel: "I am not. I am officially off the market."

A random crowd member cheers for Izzy which makes her look over at him and laugh.

Jimmy: "Really? That's heartbreaking for a lot of guys to hear tonight, but apparently not that guy." (The audience laughs) "Do I know him? Would I like him?"


Isabel: "Umm...you probably do. He's sort of known, a little." (Giggles) "Would you like him? I'd bet you would, he's really sweet but I know how picky you can be when it comes to guys in my life so, I'm not sure."

Jimmy: "I can't have you just date anyone you know. I just can't allow it on my show Izzy, you know that. There's a strict code around here for all guests to date someone I'm fond of."

They both smile at each other as Izzy laughs.

Jimmy: "So is 'Recovery' the only single we'll hear from you until next year or do you have some more secret collaborations stashed away somewhere?"

Isabel: "You never know with me. I guess I'm just at a point where I'm not really releasing any new music until next year because I like the filming and the fashion things I'm doing right now, so I don't want to overdo it. Um, I do have some new music coming out next year which I can't wait to release it. There's not like an album or anything yet, just a lot of rough demos and recordings."

Jimmy:"Are you intimidated to return with all the new artists and old artists reviving? It's safe to say you were one of the dominant artists last year, you were everywhere."

Isabel: "I mean I'm not intimidated, no. I never see it as a competition on my part. I'm more focused on my fans and what they want or what they like. I'm enjoying all of these new artists, actually. I think it's wonderful. I've been listening to a lot of the urban new artists, Rum & Coke, Barbarian, Cassie Valentine-"

Jimmy: "You two have been friends for a while right?"

Isabel: "Yes, she's been a good friend of mine for a few years now. We practically grew up together in this business, basically. I'm excited for her to be back and you know, do what she does."

Jimmy: "Will you be doing urban in your new music?"

Isabel: "I can't really say, it's kind of too early to say what my album's direction is going for. I do love it though and I love a lot of other genres as well. It's like a little baby right now. I need a few more months to get things moving."

Jimmy: "Music and babies, you are fast. I haven't even gotten to the baby questions yet, one at a time Izzy!"

She laughs along with the audience.

Jimmy: "So you're a big sister and an aunt, how does that feel? Are you protective or kind of laid back, let the kids go crazy as long as they live, type?"

Isabel: "I'm waaaay overprotective. I'm so overbearing and annoying with my siblings, especially my little baby brother Noah. I'm always paranoid and hoping nothing happens to him. I'm the same with my niece and nephew, Charlotte and Caleb. They are so tiny and so cute so I'm super careful with them all the time. I'm probably going to be a nagger when I have kids."

Jimmy: "No kids yet right? I can't deal with you dating yet so I don't want any babies."

Isabel: "No kids, not for a loooong time. I prefer to not be traveling and busy all the time, and married. So, there's that."

Jimmy: "Let's get into your new show that will be premiering next year, 'Alistair'.
(The crowd cheers loudly as Izzy smiles) "You play Quinn and, okay so already off the bat, we know at least one character dies. That kind of spoils it don't you think?"

Isabel: (Laughs) "No, trust me there are way more surprises in the show than that. I think it was a genius way to start things off because usually, you're in the dark all the time and you don't know anything, it's like suspense but the writer, she basically wanted to give that little clue and then run with it."

Jimmy: "What is Quinn like? Judging by the clip I've seen, she's pretty much going to be detective Quinn, right?"


Isabel: "Haha, well Quinn is very courageous and bold. She is also very smart and a little overbearing with it sometimes, in a sort of know-it-all way. She has many faults and a lot of pluses to her as well. She's a very diverse character and I loved playing her. She's just sort of a typical teen who has to go through all of these things, her boyfriend dying and trying to track down someone who knows anything about it. She's just going on pure emotion and that can be good and bad."

Jimmy: "Well let's take a look at the clip for those of you who haven't seen it!"

After the clip, the audience applauds and Jimmy looks excited.

Jimmy: "That was great, I'm looking forward to it. How did you come about this role?"

Isabel: "My mom actually, she was the one who knew about it first and told me I should do it. I read the script and then I agreed it was definitely something I could do. I love acting and I love new characters to get away from my own personality. It makes acting so much more fun when I can go outside of what I'm used to."

Jimmy: "I think so. Will you be, let's see opposite of you....doing drugs and having sex? Because by that scene, I'm guessing there's some intercourse. It's also a very start studded cast, Victoria Black, Isaac Lovelock, Harmony Sparks from Metallic Swan, Elle Mills from The Dolls, Keegan Dawson, Julian Morello, Zac Hale, Sara Daniels....wow, such a great group of people as well."

Isabel: "There's some mature things in there but nothing too crazy. I didn't want to strip down and get naked just to prove that I can do it, no no." (Laughs) "It's just not innocent and it's just very different to what I used to do as a child. No more Barney and Friends.. The cast list is insane, such a talented group of people and they are very fun to work with as well. I would have never thought to bring us all together."

The audience laughs and Jimmy grins at her.

Jimmy: "I also got a chance to see that fun video of you and your friends dancing, was that planned or did you guys just do it?"

Isabel: "It was planned, it was choreographed but we just decided to do it because I love dancing and they love dancing. It's the only way I really exercise much." (Laughs) "I don't like going to the gym and sweating so dancing is my workout."

Jimmy: "You looked happy, as always, are you planning on ever giving me whatever it is that makes you so happy? I don't think anyone in this industry smiles as much as you."

Isabel: "It's just, I'm happy to just be doing this and my fans, I'm just always happy because I have so much to be happy for. No drugs involved, say no to drugs!" (Giggles)

Jimmy: "I hear you also have this crazy obsession with Mario Kart? Is that true?"

Isabel: "Yes! It's my favorite game ever."

Jimmy: "Who's your favorite character?"

Isabel: "Peach, princess Peach. I loved her. She had all the guys after her, the female dream right?"

He laughs along with her as does the audience.

Jimmy: "Great! Then I have this thing I want to do but it involves both of us so will you be my Princess Peach?"

The audience laughs as Izzy looks shocked and is also giggling.

Isabel: "Oh my, what are you going to do? I'll do it but I'm scared now."

Jimmy: "Really? Am I intimidating? I did grow some muscle over the weekend."

She laughs again.

"Jimmy: "We'll be right back with Isabel after this commercial break!"

The band starts to play as the crowd applauds and Jimmy and Izzy get up from their seats, talking. After the commercial break, the audience is applauding again as a man stands on the stage and introduces the next segment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here to perform a cover of Sam Heart's 'Mario Kart Love Song', Jimmy Fallon and Isabel!" After that, the crowd cheers as the camera pans over to the two of them on stage together. Izzy is seated wearing a fake mustache and a crown on her head, similar to the one from the game that Princess Peach wears and Jimmy is wearing the hat Mario wears, with a guitar strapped around him.


Jimmy starts to lightly strum on the guitar as Izzy is swaying a little from side to side and Jimmy is ad libbing. Izzy can barely keep her composure as he does this but tries to not laugh at him. They alternate between each verse and sing the chorus together. In between each verse, the audience laughs at the wacky and silly lyrics as does Izzy and Jimmy.


You be my princess and I'll be your toad
I'll follow behind you on rainbow road
I'll protect you from red shells wherever we go
I promise

You be my toad and I'll be your peach
I'll follow behind you on koopa beach
I may take a shortcut but I'll never cheat
I promise

No one will touch us if we pick up a star
And if you spin out you can ride in my car
When we slide together we generate sparks
In our wheels and our hearts


And the finish line is just around the bend
I'll pause this game so our love will never end
Let's go again

The blue shell is coming so I'll go ahead
If you hang behind it'll hit me instead
But never look back 'cause I'm down but not dead
I'll catch up to you

I'll wait for you if you hit a chain chomp
And I won't go on if you're flattened by thwomp
We'll rank it together or finish on top
You're my special car

The finish line is just around the bend
I'll pause this game so our love will never end
Let's go again

To the Mushroom Cup
And the Flower Cup
And the Star Cup
And the Reverse Cup


The crowd cheers loudly for the both of them. "Thank you very much for that, we'll be right back, don't go anywhere!"

Edited by user 23 November 2013 06:40:54(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Walton on 21/11/2013(UTC), BrownSugar on 21/11/2013(UTC), erich hess on 21/11/2013(UTC), freestylechamp on 21/11/2013(UTC), AmyJayneXoX on 21/11/2013(UTC), kandii on 21/11/2013(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 21/11/2013(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 21/11/2013(UTC), GirlSpice on 21/11/2013(UTC), PANIC! on 23/11/2013(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#2 Posted : 21 November 2013 10:18:22(UTC)
erich hess
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ooc:too cute.

karoliena:i see that bastard,jimmy snubbed me...I WAS IN THE FUCKING CLIP,YOU MORON!!. ugh. its nice to see izzy being as sweet as ever. i think i want her to play me in my biopic....if i ever have one.

erich: even izzy couldnt put a shine on THAT turd.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 2 users thanked erich hess for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC), kandii on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#3 Posted : 21 November 2013 10:29:43(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: Nice work. Good interview and seems a lot of fun.

Kai: Normally I say stuff to try to be controversial. I admit that. But this is real opinion - this bitch tries too hard.
thanks 2 users thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC), kandii on 21/11/2013(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#4 Posted : 21 November 2013 10:30:46(UTC)
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Barbarian: Wow the fact that you listen to my music means so much to me, I really loved this interview, you seem like a cool person to hang around with and chill :) That performance was hilarious but cute at the same time

Daniel: I must say you two take make a very hot Mario and Princess Peach. Can I be Luigi? ;) I think you are growing up to be a very sexy lady and I enjoyed the interview overall :)

OOC: Great job with this, Looks really nice! I love Jimmy Fallon and you captured his personality really well :)
thanks 1 user thanked stephaniewazhere for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline kandii  
#5 Posted : 21 November 2013 10:34:52(UTC)
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OOC : Lmfao , I love love love this interview ! It was really funny and it flowed through very well . Really great job on this !

Mi Su : Izzy ! That mustache was so pretty on you :D I just cannot wait for your new music ! And that show ? I need to make sure Miki and I stock up on popcorn before it premieres !
thanks 1 user thanked kandii for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline AmyJayneXoX  
#6 Posted : 21 November 2013 10:47:06(UTC)
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OOC - great job on this I'm excited for the other two

Elle: girl you had some real personal questions, you handled them well, it's been so fun working with you on the show :D
thanks 1 user thanked AmyJayneXoX for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#7 Posted : 21 November 2013 11:14:28(UTC)
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Sophia: OH MY BLONDE! Babes! I like... looooooooove Princess Peach too! Hehe! Soooooooo cute! And the song at the end is like my fave fave FAVE new song of all time! Yaaaaaaaay!

Chantal: Sophia, just WHAT do you think you're doing?

Sophia: Watching Isabel babes!

Chantal: Stop watching this whore. *turns TV off*

Sophia: You said a rude word! Hehe! That's rude!

OOC: Loved this, great job. :)

Vanity x Nadia Berry
thanks 1 user thanked GirlSpice for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#8 Posted : 21 November 2013 12:24:39(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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mISTER_b: Got be careful on what I say in this business, never wanted to put you on trouble Izzy! LOL, it was all a joke between friends, you know that! By the way you look so sexy with that mustache singing for Mario... LOL

Magie: How adorable you are! I'm so excited for your show premiering next year! It will be a new challenge for you but as we could see on that sneak preview you came along very well! Congrats ;)

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
thanks 1 user thanked Andre Gandra for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC)
User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#9 Posted : 21 November 2013 13:34:02(UTC)
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Serenity: It's great to see such a talented and young female artist riding high on success. You deserve all the best and I can't wait to hear your new stuff!

P.S. this interview was sawesome and funny. :')

OOC: Great work. Loving the 'Merjos Week' so far. :)
thanks 1 user thanked Walton for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#10 Posted : 21 November 2013 14:56:18(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
ooc:too cute.

karoliena:i see that bastard,jimmy snubbed me...I WAS IN THE FUCKING CLIP,YOU MORON!!. ugh. its nice to see izzy being as sweet as ever. i think i want her to play me in my biopic....if i ever have one.

erich: even izzy couldnt put a shine on THAT turd.

OOC: Thank you :)

Isabel: Really? I don't know, I don't think I'd do your physical features justice :P

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Nice work. Good interview and seems a lot of fun.

Kai: Normally I say stuff to try to be controversial. I admit that. But this is real opinion - this bitch tries too hard.

OOC: Thank you :)

Isabel: Well thanks for watching anyway! :)

Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post

Barbarian: Wow the fact that you listen to my music means so much to me, I really loved this interview, you seem like a cool person to hang around with and chill :) That performance was hilarious but cute at the same time

Daniel: I must say you two take make a very hot Mario and Princess Peach. Can I be Luigi? ;) I think you are growing up to be a very sexy lady and I enjoyed the interview overall :)

OOC: Great job with this, Looks really nice! I love Jimmy Fallon and you captured his personality really well :)

Isabel: Of course, you're an amazing artist :) Thank you! I enjoyed it as well hehe.

@Daniel: Haha, you surely can! We need the whole team up there, can you imagine? Thank you :)

OOC: Thank you very much :)

Originally Posted by: kandii Go to Quoted Post
OOC : Lmfao , I love love love this interview ! It was really funny and it flowed through very well . Really great job on this !

Mi Su : Izzy ! That mustache was so pretty on you :D I just cannot wait for your new music ! And that show ? I need to make sure Miki and I stock up on popcorn before it premieres !

OOC: Lol thank you!

Isabel: Thank you Mi Su! I loved it too, not all that itchy either ;) It's called 'Alistair' it'll be out next year so make sure you watch out for it <3

Originally Posted by: AmyJayneXoX Go to Quoted Post
OOC - great job on this I'm excited for the other two

Elle: girl you had some real personal questions, you handled them well, it's been so fun working with you on the show :D

OOC: Thank you :)

Isabel: Thank you! You're wonderful to work with as well, awww :)

Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Sophia: OH MY BLONDE! Babes! I like... looooooooove Princess Peach too! Hehe! Soooooooo cute! And the song at the end is like my fave fave FAVE new song of all time! Yaaaaaaaay!

Chantal: Sophia, just WHAT do you think you're doing?

Sophia: Watching Isabel babes!

Chantal: Stop watching this whore. *turns TV off*

Sophia: You said a rude word! Hehe! That's rude!

OOC: Loved this, great job. :)

Isabel: Thank you Sophia! I love that song now too, hehe :)

OOC: Thank you :D

Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
mISTER_b: Got be careful on what I say in this business, never wanted to put you on trouble Izzy! LOL, it was all a joke between friends, you know that! By the way you look so sexy with that mustache singing for Mario... LOL

Magie: How adorable you are! I'm so excited for your show premiering next year! It will be a new challenge for you but as we could see on that sneak preview you came along very well! Congrats ;)

Isabel: Lol, It was all fun, no harm done at all :P And thanks!

@Magie: Thank you :)

Originally Posted by: Walton Go to Quoted Post
Serenity: It's great to see such a talented and young female artist riding high on success. You deserve all the best and I can't wait to hear your new stuff!

P.S. this interview was sawesome and funny. :')

OOC: Great work. Loving the 'Merjos Week' so far. :)

Isabel: Aww thanks Serenity, you're too sweet! :) Can't wait to hear more from you as well <3

OOC: Thank you :)
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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

thanks 2 users thanked RoseJapanFan for this useful post.
kandii on 21/11/2013(UTC), erich hess on 21/11/2013(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#11 Posted : 23 November 2013 06:53:13(UTC)
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To continue on with 'Merjos Week' our next guest is the eldest of the Merjos clan and oftentimes gets confused as the mother of Hayden and Izzy. Because when you're old, the public lets you know it. (Audience laughs) She is also a multiplatnium selling artist and has a new single, 'Tables Turnin' that she will perform for us on tomorrow's show but for now she's here for pleasant conversation. Please welcome, Hannah Beth!

As her single is heard in the background, playing by the band, Hannah Beth walks out, greeting the crowd, as she is smiling and in a seemingly happy mood. The 26 year old was wear a nice black skirt and matching black sweater with a very cute necklace and leather jacket to match. She gives Jimmy a hug before sitting down in the blue velvet chair and takes in the cheer from the crowd.


Jimmy: "This crowd just seems to love the Merjos family, don't you agree? They're on fire right now."

Hannah Beth: "I know, they are so sweet, hi!" (She waves at them and smirks)

Jimmy: "We finally got you, you and Hayden are like the hardest people to track down to get an interview, why is that? I understand Hayden doesn't really do many interviews?"

Hannah Beth: "No, he doesn't. He's actually probably the most introvert when it comes to things like that, which is surprising given how he is on social media and around us. I, on the other hand, have recently been busy with twins and a husband so things sort of get lost around me. (Laughs)"

Jimmy: "I can imagine, twins! Congratulations on them, how old are they now?"

Hannah Beth: "They are now 9 months old, I can't believe how fast they are growing! I remember just taking them home with Brandon a few months ago and they were the tiniest things ever."

Jimmy: "Tiny things are always great. They never stay tiny though, which is great in some cases. Children? Not so much."

Hannah Beth: "I think I'll freak out when they start going to school and become teenagers. They are the worst!"

Jimmy: "I agree, although you've probably insulted half of the viewers watching right now so....then again teens aren't so bad. We get to claim them on taxes."

Hannah laughs and so does the audience.

Jimmy: "Were you shocked when you found out you were having twins? Two for the price of one are my favorite type of deals in life."

Hannah Beth: "Brandon and I were super shocked. I think we were both going into this with the mindset of, 'Okay, we're gonna have a baby, an extra person in our home and lives' but then the doctor told us he saw two heartbeats and I was like, 'Okay well either we're having twins or we're having a mutant. I'm preferring twins!' It was crazy. (Giggles)"

Jimmy: "I might prefer a mutant but to each their own." (Chuckles) "Overall, how is motherhood? Has it changed you? Made you better?"


Hannah Beth: "Absolutely, all of that. I think when you have children of your own, you just realize that life is special and important. It just wakes up a whole new and different side of you that you never knew existed. You just want to be the best parent ever and you know you're gonna fail and do weird things but that's all apart of being a new parent. Brandon and I have been lucky to have some quite colorful children so there's not many dull moments ever. They are just the cutest human beings ever and I'm just so anxious to be there."

The audience 'Awws' and then claps after she finished speaking.

Jimmy: "And I heard you want more kids, am I correct?"

Hannah Beth: "Yes, I would love to have more kids. I think I'd like to have one at a time though, no more doubles or triples. I mean either way, a baby will be born so I guess I don't really mind as much." (Laughs) "But I wouldn't mind having more. I'm not planning any just yet, having two 9 month olds is plenty right now."

Jimmy: "Is it hard going back into music because before you had about 20 pounds less to look after."

Hannah Beth: "It is hard. I hate leaving them and I know Brandon hates it too. You just want to be there for anything and not miss a beat. I think touring will probably be the hardest ever. But I know I love music and I really want to continue it. I think a good balance is all I need. We definitely have family to look after them but I mean, you really want all the quality time you can get with your children while they are young."

Jimmy: "It sounds delightful, congratulations to both you and Brandon again on the twins. Now let's talk about your new single, 'Tables Turnin' which is a fantastic single by the way and you'll be performing that here tomorrow night for us."

Hannah Beth: "Thank you."

Jimmy: "I love the throwback feel in it, you're always good at that. Is that like your signature style?"

Hannah Beth: "I think I've just been fortunate to grow up on a lot of Motown music and I had a lot of musical influences so I think as all artists do, we tend to let our influence shine on a record and this was no different."

Jimmy: "It's quite a sexy single, I always feel weird playing your music because we're friends so it's like I'm about to get it on with you in the background. See the weirdness factor there?"

Hannah laughs loudly and shakes her head.

Hannah Beth: "Oh, god. That-I didn't need to know that. Thank you but oh goodness." (Laughs)

Jimmy: "Yes, always a good time on here. Merjos week, we have been playing tons of old clips from when you guys were here before and I have this clip from when you were here and you let me write on your face because, well I wanted to test out my new sharpie."

Hannah Beth: "I remember that. I had writing on my face for a good few hours." (Laughs) "It was very hard to get into restaurants after that, very hard."

Jimmy: "It would have been great had you just stayed still and not moved. I thought it was amazing, and we have a video for it!"

The video starts to play of Hannah sitting on the other side of a small desk as Jimmy is drawing on her face with a sharpie. Hannah is laughing as Jimmy continues to draw, writing random things like 'I Love Jimmy' on her forehead and cheeks.
"Is this permanent?"
"You know....I think it is but they lie. It'll wash right off soon."
"Really? Okay well carry on. At least make me cute."
He continues and then starts to smirk at her. Clearly, she looks ridiculous with all the drawings on her face and she laughs.
"Aren't you supposed to be doing the show now?"
"I figure I'd give it a few minutes, let you dry off. Are we good? Okay, we're good."

The audience claps as the video stops and the camera is back on the two of them again.

Hannah Beth: "And it took me HOURS to get that marker off, HOURS Jimmy. Never again!"

Jimmy: "But my penmanship was beautiful right?"

Hannah Beth: "It lacked in some areas." (Giggles)

Jimmy: "Gee, thank you. As if I needed some support from friends at all, thanks."

Audience laughs.

Jimmy: "Back to your single, there's a remix that is coming out soon, what can you spill about that?"


Hannah Beth: "Well, this is an exclusive but the remix features two rappers, Isaac Lovelock and Miami. Both did a wonderful job on it, yeah!" (She pauses as the audience cheers) "And it will come out in the next few weeks after the video which will premiere next weekend."

Jimmy: "So that's some exclusive names being dropped right now, Isaac Lovelock and Mimai? Wow, how did this come about? Forgive me but you don't seem very...hip."

Hannah Beth: (Laughs) "I am not. I reached out to Isaac and Miami because I love his music, it's very different and memorable in my opinion. I reached out to Miami because I think her music is also different and very unique. Together, they really made the track like 100 x better. It was interesting to work with them because I am about the most non-hip person ever. And I have kids now so that's even worse."

Jimmy: "Now you have two rappers to give you some street cred?"

Hannah Beth: "Yes, yes I do Jimmy."

They both laugh at each other.

Jimmy: "Now, your brother will be performing here tonight, his new single, because whenever you guys do anything it's like right after each other....have you heard it?"

Hannah Beth: "Yes! I love it. My brother is very talented and passionate about his music so I support him all the way."

Jimmy: "Do you both share the same influences in music?"

Hannah Beth: "For the most part...yes. We were raised on the same music and then we started venturing out to our own side, I took more to Pop and R&B and he took more to Folk and Indie, Rock and you know so we just sort of did our own thing. He has a very old soul as well. But I love his new single, it's absolutely amazing."

Jimmy: "So you can join me when he performs up next right?"

Hannah Beth: "Of course! I'm not missing this, just don't try to draw on me again."

Jimmy: "You're not stable enough right now. I'll wait." (Chuckles) "Don't go anywhere folks, we'll be right back with Hayden!"

The band starts to play as the crowd applauds and Jimmy and Hannah get up from their seats, talking. After the commercial break, the audience is applauding again as Jimmy stands on the stage and introduces the performer.

"Ladies and gentleman, as part of Merjos week, please help me in welcoming another valued Merjos family member as he performs his new single, 'How To Get On By' which is available on iTunes right now, Hayden!"


Once the audience is cheering, the camera pans over to Hayden standing on stage with his guitar and the lights shining brightly on him. He starts to play the beginning for his single, 'How To Get On By' as the crowd is still cheering and then quiet down just in time for him to utter out the first few lines of his verse. He was accompanied by a few of his stage band that assisted him in playing the song, drums, horns, all of that which Hayden couldn't do at the same time as play guitar. He smirks at the crowd. It had been a while since Hayden had even performed and the first time he had performed his new single, the high energy, aggressive tone that was taken well by his critics.

[Verse 1]
"You left me in the dust of all your empty thoughts
You'll be another lover that I'll come across
Where is the sympathy for man, when he's down?
I guess we're just too tough and only get aroused

You threw the gasoline and caused the flames
I'm just waiting for you
When all my hatred pours it rains
And I'm not praying for you"

Once he starts to get into the chorus, Hayden encourages the audience members to clap along to the beat as he prepares himself for the epic music that was about to be graced upon them. He starts getting to work with his guitar, the band joining him as well. He gives the song lots of energy, as he should, and is enjoying himself all around. He starts to go into the second verse, drawing his voice back into it's deep sound again but loud enough for the mic to carry into the audience. His eyes seem to connect with everyone there, everyone is stunned by his performance. Hayden always had stage presence and could always entertain. He thought it was his duty as a performer.

"I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by

How to get on by

[Verse 2]
There's something about you that burns through my soul
I want you to get hurt but I've got no control
I guess inseparable is only for a while
You can walk in my shoes if you can't take a mile

You threw the gasoline and caused the flames
I'm just waiting for you
When all my hatred pours it rains
And I'm not praying for you"

Into the next singing of the chorus, Hayden proceeds to start a jam session with his band as they play. He's getting into it, really taking in the moment as he appears to be going to the mic again to sing the next part of the song, the thunderous bridge. Now is when the horns and trumpets get their time to shine, as well as the drums that are being pounded on to, making it for an epic climax. Hayden's voice goes up higher this time as he's almost shouting out the lyrics, but not in an unappealing way at all. He takes his aggression and puts it into his vocals so he sounds like the record, the way it was meant to sound.

"I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by

How to get on by

I've warned you once before
You don't listen, you never listened at all
I've warned you once before
You don't listen, you never listened at all"

After the bridge, he again encourages the crowd to clap their hands to his rhythmic guitar playing back into the catchy beat. He smiles into the mic and shouts, 'Woo!' before he sounds off on the chorus, singing it again with the addition of the band. He gives it his all, one last time before the end of the song draws near. Hayden walks to the center of the stage, his own solo before the song fades out and then one final note to add in with the rest of the band as all the instruments come to a close at the same time. The crowd is cheering loudly for the young artist and he thanks them.


I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by (O-o-ohh)
I don't have to try, I've learned after time
How to get on by

How to get on by""

Jimmy then walks to the stage, alongside him and shakes his hand, smiling at the audience and camera. "Wow, incredible performance! That was Hayden and his new single, 'How To Get On By' which is on iTunes right now! Thank you to Hannah Beth and Hayden for both stopping by here, tune in tomorrow night to see Hannah take the stage with her new single, 'Tables Turnin'! We'll be right back."

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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

thanks 8 users thanked RoseJapanFan for this useful post.
AmyJayneXoX on 23/11/2013(UTC), erich hess on 23/11/2013(UTC), PANIC! on 23/11/2013(UTC), Walton on 23/11/2013(UTC), BrownSugar on 23/11/2013(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 24/11/2013(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 24/11/2013(UTC), DistortedAudio on 24/11/2013(UTC)
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#12 Posted : 24 November 2013 02:57:27(UTC)
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OOC: Omg! Sorry it took me so long to get to this but this is really all amazing. I see the effort that you put in each segment of these interviews and how you capture each of the Merjos's personalities, as well as Jimmy's. My favorite interview is of course Isabel's because she's my fave and she has such a bubbly personality. but I really love everything you did here. Great work :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
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RoseJapanFan on 24/11/2013(UTC)
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#13 Posted : 24 November 2013 03:03:43(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Omg! Sorry it took me so long to get to this but this is really all amazing. I see the effort that you put in each segment of these interviews and how you capture each of the Merjos's personalities, as well as Jimmy's. My favorite interview is of course Isabel's because she's my fave and she has such a bubbly personality. but I really love everything you did here. Great work :)

OOC: Thank you, no problem :) I'm glad you got a chance to look at it anyway though lol. Thanks a lot :]
Do you like reading reviews on anime? Manga? Games? Do you wanna support a fellow black nerd? Then click above.

Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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