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[Picture reads: Sarojini . What an odd—yet mystical— name for a rapper . If you were to study Hindi or even Chinese , you'd learn that it's meaning is to have lotuses or a lotus pond . But if you were to take a trip to any Hindi/Chinese speaking country , and ask it's true meaning , you'd end up with multiple different answers . I should know , I did myself . " If you have this name you are spiritually intense and can sting or charm . Your name brings love and new starts into life and attracts money . In business , you are the creator and promoter of original ideas and usually enjoy considerable financial success . You are bold , independent , inquisitive and interested in research . You know what you want and why you want it . " One wise Nǎinai—who in this case is a reliable source—told me and each and everyone word made me think of Lotus .]
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It's All In The Name

It’s almost midnight in Shanghai as I pull up to a rural area . Why am I here ? I passed all the houses and hotels 3 minutes ago , yet I was given specific directions to meet at this place , at a road where there is acres of free land on one side and what looks like could be an abandoned factory on the other . I don't know if I read the instructions wrong or someone was pulling a prank , but I wasn't about to stay . I know nothing about Shanghai but at this hour I doubt people are having family-loving musicals in the streets . I was just about to turn around back to the car , when a young , handsome guy in a suit appears . He asked me what's my name and my purpose for being here sternly , and so I answered , not trying to seem like a pushover , but still sounding very nervous . Afterwards , he immediately slapped me on the back and laughed . " Chill , bruh ! " He begins signaling to someone towards the abandoned building whom I cannot see . We began to walk towards this abandoned building and standing right there at the door , waiting for me , is Lotus .
Usually we're invited to someone's favorite restaurant or a nice hotel or a flashy condo—that was most likely rented out just for our visit—but only Lotus would invite us to her childhood hideout and currently turned residence . " My older brothers used to hang out here all the time and when I was old enough , I did too . " She pointed out the window on the back wall . " You see , our old house was right back there , through that little path . It was only a short distance and it was a great get-away for every time we didn't want to be bothered by our parents' fighting and whatnot . "
Though Vogue is the top fashion magazine , worldwide , Lotus wasn't trying to impress us one bit . Before I tell you , just guess . Is Lotus wearing something chic ? Something sexy ? Something ... slutty ? ERRNT , WRONG ! More like a nerdy—whatever your definition of that may be (if you ask me , it was awesome)—pajama outfit . Pokémon themed to be exact . She had on a dark gray tank top—which had in the middle a big Poké Ball—Poké Ball style pajama pants and the cutest , fluffiest Pikachu shoes , ever ! It was all just so adorable ! Her hair—just how we love it—was in that fun , wild and curly style again . Looking at how comfortably she was dressed was like taking a breath of fresh air after all the bazaar wardrobe that has been trending amongst celebrities lately .
Her laid back style camouflaged with the inside of the abandoned building that she now calls home . On the outside , it looked old , but not creepy old , and at the same time looked modern . It was shaped like a plain rectangular prism , no curves , no pipes—or whatever else stereotypical abandoned factory characteristics you could come up with—no nothing . It was big , but not too big .The rust on the outside really helped capture the vintage of the building , but on the inside , it was ... beautiful . Very different . The walls were white and the colors black , blue , pink and yellow , continuously popped up in the furniture . It was also very spacial and simple . To me , it screamed minimalism and when I shared with Lotus my thoughts , she shrugged . " When I had it cleaned up a few months ago , I left the designing , colors and everything up to me . I wasn't aiming for an exact style . I'm not that organized . " She laughs .

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The style of someone , whether it be their sense in decor or the way they like to do things , always says a lot about who they are and sometimes even explains deeper things like who they were , where they came from and more . But why just assume when you have the person right in front of you , wiling to answer all of your questions ? " Who am I ? Usually I would try to insert a joke right about now and all , but to be honest , I don't know . I turned 20 in July and I'm still very young . Since then I've shifted my career twice . I'm obviously a work in progress and until I am officially done and settled down , I don't think I'll ever be able to just state who I am . " Kind of like the way she styled her new home . No exact aim , just waiting to see how it turns out .
" Some people need to learn to accept the fact that who you want to be and who life makes you are two different things that most likely will never be the same and are impossible to control . Too many stress over it and it's pointless . " Lotus points out after we somehow trailed into a deeper conversation . " It's common sense ... but sadly common sense isn't so common ." She says , sharing the deep quote with us that's been around for ages and sadly , still explains why most of our current problems occur .
" Are you an opportunist ? " I asked her after sharing a few words . Lotus shook her head . " But I'm—in a way—optimistic . Like , if I feel like I can put something into my hands , better believe I wont let go of it , " She laughs a little , " but if I can't , then I do let it go and I think the best of it . God allows things to happen for a reason . " Yet not even Lotus could explain who she is , I easily got a good image of who the "tough" rapper just might be . Strong willed ... but willing , just like the lines from her last single , 'The Prophecy' , implies and states . When I share my thoughts with Lotus again , she shrugs . " I guess . It's just my way of making up excuses for every cautionary tale I find myself in . "
Lotus seems very mature at her age—despite the Pokémon PJ's and the abandoned building that she is crashing , most likely illegally—which she has mentioned in pretty much all 3 of her previous singles . I don't mean to go out on a limb , but if you asked me , she's somewhat of a living example on how wisdom doesn't always come from age . Just experience , even if solely . " At all costs , I try to avoid getting hurt . Then ultimately I realize that getting hurt is inevitable when I'm focused on not getting hurt and is still inevitable vice versa . Almost like when people talk about jinxing their fate and then not thinking about it and being caught off guard . I'm paranoid , I guess . "

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[Picture reads: Sarojini Lui shares her name with Indian poet , writer and social activist , Sarojini Naidu . She is known for a lot of things , one being the first woman to become President of the Indian National Congress . ]
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By now , we've all heard at least one song by Lotus and it seems that no matter the theme of the song , her lyrical composition is definitely something to pay attention to . She indeed has a way with words and ironic enough , she shares her name with an Indian poet , writer and social activist , Sarojini Naidu . " I would have never became a rapper if I didn't have a magical way with words . I mean , Stephanie Fierce could write the crappiest lyrics ever but hit every note and give you an eargasm to earn herself a number 1 . Rappers can't do that ... I mean unless you rap really fast . That seems to hype a lot of people up these days ... " We shared a laugh together . " But the point is , all we can do is not talk monotonically , add a few sound effects and have our production on point . The lyrics are everything , because there isn't anything else to rely on . "
In all 3 of her previous songs , she continuously calls out those who she refers to as , " ringtone rappers " . It's quite evident what she means by that , but it doesn't hurt to find out exactly what Lotus is talking about . " Well , you know how I just talked about how as rappers , the only thing we really have to determine who's the greatest is our lyrics , ringtone rappers are the rappers who do the opposite . It's almost like every single one of their songs depends on production and they support it with a catchy hook . It just defies the whole meaning of being a rapper , you know , being a lyricists , and it just puts a bad description of it out there , especially when one becomes really successful . "
It makes sense why Lotus would be so anti-ringtone rappers . For the first few weeks of her career , Lotus was "slept" on , charting low on the charts and getting little airplay , but just 2 weeks ago , On The Curb shot up 23 spots on the charts , giving On the Curb the highest jump ever made by a single . It was a hit single , reaching to #1 on the airplay charts—her first—having a calculated 450 million plays , putting her in the top 5 ( behind 515 , 495 , 490 and 455 ) of the highest plays ever . Now she has the highest first week sales for any female rapper from her single Forgotten Ceremony . I had to point this out because this reminds me of a line or two from her B-side single , 'The Prophecy' : Please , excuse the French that I insert in these rhymes / I swear in time , your mind will no longer be adjusted to the basics / I already knew there would be a process before you could take this in .
" To know that things people called me egoistic and full of myself for are coming true and proving everyone wrong assures me that I am doing the right thing . I've been attempting to do everything—short of acting—in Hollywood and I really do believe I have found something I wont get tired of . " Lotus first arrived on the scene as a Hollywood "personality" , after a video that she submitted for a reality show went viral and captured many hearts . She then became a blogger a few months ago and then announced that she left the reality show contract and instead signed a modelling contract . This all happened in the span of 4 months and now here she is , in her 6th month of being in the public eye , topping charts and breaking records .

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" The thing about me is , I never know what I want , but I always know what I won't settle for . " She adds . " That's why I've been switching careers a lot . I don't think I've ever kept a job for more than a month . " She laughed at herself . " I know it sounds stupid but I get bored really easily . Just can't stay in one place for long . Kind of why I moved out from my condo in Jersey to here . This is a nice lil' change , but give me a good month after I've done all I could with these damn mosquitoes . " She shakes her head as she slowly reaches over to the coffee table in front of us and throws a magazine at the wall on the other side of the room . Did she get the mosquito ? I have no idea , but I was amazed at her aim . " I'm already sick and tired of them . "
" So no more TV show , no more blogging , no more modeling , just rapping from here on out ? The old Lotus is dead ? " I asked , pretty sure everyone would want to know . We all loved us some NulemboNucifera.com when Lotus kept it alive and running . " Now I wouldn't say all that . Still getting paychecks from old Lotus ... " She giggled . " I'm still modeling and I still have the website up . Haven't deleted it just yet . Planning on posting another blog soon ... maybe . But yea , no TV show . My main focus will always be rapping from now on but I'll still have some fun with blogs and I'll continue spreading my beautiful face everywhere . I know there are people out there who need that to go on in life . " Lotus smirked right after saying that and immediately we busted out laughing .
It was already late when I first arrived , but now it was getting extremely late ... well technically early . Lotus and I have been talking so much that we lost track of time . This didn't even feel like another interview for Vogue , just me chilling out with an outrageous bestie . The sky outside was no longer that navy blue—faded purple in my opinion , but whatever . Apparently the whole rest of the world is color blind—but now a light blue , still with a hint of darkness . It was 3 in the morning . My bedtime was 8 hours ago and Lotus didn't get dressed in her best Pokémon PJs for nothing . We decided now would be the best time to stop the interview before we got carried away . I know I would've stayed up all night messing with Lotus . That would've been a huge mistake considering the fact that Lotus and I were going to meet up again the next day to finish the interview while she had her photo shoot .

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Edited by user 22 November 2013 13:15:14(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified |