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Bow Wow: Welcome back to 106 n Park! And today we have a very special guest! She mends broken hearts, she empowers women all over the globe with her music, she has a voice to die for and an amazing new album in stores now.... please give it up for CASSIE VALENTINE!!

The crowd goes in a massive cheer, Cassie has a smile on her face waving to the cameras as her glistening blonde hair and smile shines throughout 106 n Park venue. Bow Wow and Angelina Simmons also cheer for her.
Angela: Welcome to the show Cassie, its good to have you here today. You look amazing!
Bow Wow: I was personally waiting for this very day, you know....*Bow Wow winks at Cassie*. Cassie laughs holding the mic up to her mouth
Cassie: Its good to be here today, and thank you Angelina! It's been a while since I've last seen y'all so I'm excited. And Bow Wow, you are somethin' else.
Bow Wow grins nodding in a cocky way before smiling
Bow Wow: What can I say?
Cassie: Nothing at all!
The audience starts laughing, Cassie laughs as well "I'm kidding of course Bow". Bow Wow shakes his head playfully.
Angela: So you've got a new album out in stores now! Its called Love&War. What can you tell everyone at home about the album?

Cassie: Well Love & War is my second album, followup to my debut album Pink Romannce that was released back in 2011. Love & War is the type of album you can listen to when you are in love, the type of record you can listen to when your heart broken, or the type of record you want to listen to when you are about to make love. It can really tend to different types of people from all types of walks of life. Not just females, not just men but it can be therapeutic or relate able for anyone that listens to it. Whether their a person who just got out a relationship, going through hardships in a relationship or just trying to find love. I sing about things that have really happened to be people, things that have happened to me and it's a true, honest R&B record and I've worked incredibly hard to complete. I'm just so glad to have it finished for each and everyone. I didn't want the album to be only about love & heart break, but there's so many things in between love & war, so many topics and things I have elaborated on with this new album that I didn't get to do last time around and I've had an amazing time doing that. It really shows growth, and thats what makes me so proud of the album more than anything. I am continuously growing.
Angela: I mean I'm going to be honest, I've listened to the album and I really love it. I really encourage everyone to go out and get that. Love &War!
Cassie: Aww! Angela... that really means alot to me. I am so happy with the reception I've got so far with the album, its good to know that people are enjoying something you've put hard work into.
Bow Wow: What I personally really like about the album is the content. to be real with you, I thought the album was going to be one of those R&B albums that throughout album it talks about how mess up us men are! Sometimes a man don't appreciate that you know? *laughs* but you really speak about a lot of different things on the album. And your voice of course.
Cassie: Thank you Bow. When I hear a man say they like my music I do feel accomplished in a way because guys are always quick to look past a women because they cant really relate to our music a lot with the topics we speak of to thank you. I mean, don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be a true Cassie valentine album if there wasn't those songs on it, but I definitely cut the amount of those types of records down on Love & War because I don't want people to keep perceiving me as this sexist female who hates men! *laughs*. I got more vulnerable with this one and broadened things out. But if anyone thought they weren't gonna get one of those songs on the album, you talking to the wrong girl.
Angela: What are some of your favorite songs off the album?
Cassie: That's a really hard question, I really love all of them to tell you the honest truth Angelina. I really can't really pin point a specific record because I love them all equally.
Angela: It took you a while to get the album out, do you feel like you came into this as an underdog?
Bow Wow: Whaaat, that's Cassie Valentine sitting next to us. Don't sleep on her Angelina!
Angela: *Laughs* I'm not! Cassie you know what I mean right?
Cassie: I do Angela, I'm not paying that boy no mind! *laughs*. But in a sense, I'll keep it real and say that I did in a sense. No matter of what stature you might think you are at, you can still feel like an underdog. I think me feeling that way really caused me to work harder then ever, you know? I had alot of people who doubted me and said hurtful things to me but I knew that I just needed to continue to focus. I feel like alot of people didn't see me coming but little did they know, there was a fire brewing and each time I perform, each time I sing I'm releasing all the fire I've kept built in as the months and years passed by where people started to doubt my existence, its good though. I am so happy in my skin and happy with myself right now, I haven't felt this good in a very long time.
Angelina: You also have stated that you were very unhappy with alot of the songs you recorded prior to Love & War, what do you think caused this?
Cassie: I just wasn't feeling the direction I was going in. I wanted to try doing the pop thing for some reason and when it was set and done, it just wasn't for me. I like to think of myself as a perfectionist and I really get at myself if I don't like the way something comes out and I didn't like the songs I once recorded so I scrapped alot of songs and started fresh. I rather take longer to deliver my fans music of quality then to give them music that I don't believe in myself, how do I expect them to take it in if I don't believe it, you know?
Angelina: Now you back to topping charts, congratulations Cassie.
Bow Wow: It seems like everywhere I go someone's either singing Single(Go) or blasting it out there car. I even caught myself singing it to keep it a buck, did you think the song would take off the way it did?
Cassie: I didn't! I knew it was such a great track but Deneil and Nevaeh believed in the track then I did. Not because I didn't feel like it was a hit, but because I wasn't around for a long time and there was really no major hype for me. But when I see my fans were really there for me, it took me aback. It was crazy finding out how successful the single became, I really couldn't believe it ya'll. I'm like wow, they're still there for me. My own fans made me believe in myself again and that's why I really love them.
Angela: It was co written by Deneil and produced by Nevaeh Martinez, how was it working with them?
Cassie: They're great. The chemistry I've had with both Deniel and Nevaeh was amazing. They are both really hard workers and know what they're doing. I loved writing the song with Deniel and it was very much so straight to work with Nevaeh, she wants the work done and the right way and then when we're done, we can sit back...joke around and maybe have a glass of wine. I love Nev.
Bow Wow: And now Lotus hopped on the remix and it sounds off the hook. Now I must ask, is she really as catty as people say?

Cassie: Not at all! Lotus is so chill. Like she's really a chill girl, I mean, it goes for everyone ...soon as you get on their bad side they're going to act the way they act. I think alot of people dwell and then confuse the fact that she has a dominant personality with her being catty. She's very cool and she does what she does very well. I was glad to see her interested in doing the remix. It came out really good.
Angela: Other then Lotus, you didn't work with anyone else on the songs for the album. Nowadays, it seems like everyone is featuring. What made you not do the same?
Cassie: I felt that it was best to keep the album with just me since its really been a while. I really wanted it to focus solely on me. But for the next album, I definitely look to work with more people.
Bow Wow: I respect that. Is there anyone you would like to work with in the future though?
Cassie: Ummm....I really don't know exactly at this point. There are so many people I'd love to work with that I cant really choose right now, I mean, you'll just have to wait and see what the future holds!
Angela: A lot of people have asked us to ask about your tremendous weight loss. Like I said earlier, you really look great.
Cassie: Thank you, it means alot.
Bow Wow: You looking really good Cassie. Congrats.
Cassie: Thank you Bow. You two are just too nice.
Angela: What made you want to slim down and what are some tips for those here today and at home who want to lose weight like you have?
Cassie: I'm from North Carolina! We know how to eat! I never had the intentions to become super slim and I still don't which is why I am still very much curvy and I love my body shape and curves. I think within the industry and most of the world itself, its this disgusting stigma that comes with female musicians and entertainers....they have to be skinny. I've gotten called fat, pig, slob so many hurtful things and that never really got me to get up and start shaving off my weight or to get surgery. It took my own conscience and myself to say cassie, its time to get to a healthy weight and thats what i have to say to anyone who wants to lose weight. Don't do it because what people are saying about you, do it because in your heart YOU want to do it. It's your body. Love yourself for whatever size you are. And when you take that step, never give up. Get yo butt in the gym, eat healthy and stay focused. I've lost over 75 pounds and I feel amazing, anyone can do it!
Bow Wow and Angela both nod, clapping along with the audience.
Bow Down: You plan on touring anytime soon? I mean there's alot of us who wanna see you live
Cassie: Yes! I am actually in talks to do a tour right now in the next few months!
*The audience goes into a pop of cheering*
Bow Wow: I better get front row tickets!
Cassie: You better pay for them front row tickets! Just play! Haha!

They both laugh.
Angela: When we get back from the commercial, we have a special game to play with Cassie, and Cassie will be performing here for us tonight!

Bow Wow: Welcome back to 106 n Park. We have the beautiful Cassie Valentine here with us today and we are now about to play Pounce, Kill, Marry. The rules are simple...
Cassie: Ohhhhh nooo.....
Bow Wow: I hope you know what we mean by Pounce. We can't really say. But you know.....On the screen behind us, three pictures will show up. You will choose who you will pounce, who you would kill and you would marry. Ready?
Cassie: Oh god no....I don't want anyone to be mad at me! I cant believe you are making me do this! If there's any guys on here that's taken, then girlfriends or wives, I am so sorry. This was not my choice to do this.
Angela laughs

Bow Wow: First......

Audience: Oooooooooo
The crowd starts laughing as do Cassie, Angela and Bow Wow.
Angela: We got our very own Bow Wow, Dominic Brown and Kidd Amaze!
Everyone looks at Cassie as she stares at the pictures as she thinks for a few seconds
Cassie: This is hard! Ya'll are really making me do this. Okay... um....this is so not me to be playing this game.......I would marry Kidd Amaze. He just seems really down to earth and he is just adorable........um....I would pounce...*facepalms* Dominic and I would kill Bow Wow. Even though you are cute also!
Bow Wow: Wow! That's messed up! I thought we had somethin...you know?
Cassie laughs putting her head down..
Bow Down: Its all good, shaking my head *Bow Wow laughs*
Angela: Next!
Cassie: Okay...

Angela: Here is Drew Westbrook, Isaac Lovelock and Atlas!
Cassie laughs
Cassie: Isaac is such a talented rapper, so talented but I would have to kill him. He's just not my type, even though I am so sure he's really sweet. Why couldn't it by instead of kill...it could be reject. I would never kill someone.
Angelina: Hypothetically speaking. I mean, you can look at it as the one you are rejecting if that makes you feel better about it *laughs*
Cassie: It very much so does! Okay, I would marry Drew. He looks like he can be a really nice guy and Atlas would get pounced, he doesn't look like the type to get married, but I can be wrong......
The crowd laughs along with Angela
Angela: Imma have to agree with you on that one.
Cassie: ugh.....I feel so disgusting right now.
Bow Wow: Next one ....

Angela can't help but burst in laughter
Angela: Its Kato, Billy Khan and Austin Nimmo!
Cassie: Y'all got to be kidding me! Can I pass? These boys are barely even legal! No! No! No!
Bow Wow: Its a game Cassie. Dont back out now! You had no problem killin me!
The audience laughs
Cassie: Okay, I am going to reject, kill whatever you want me to say...Austin Nimmo. He's too cute but just too young. Maybe for my little cousins or something..now...Kato and Billy, this is just odd. I couldn't see myself pouncing Kato either, he's also too young. So what I'm gonna do it, pounce Billy...I think he's married so to his wife, I am not a homewrecker so please don't get the wrong idea! And I would marry Kato, maybe when he's in his 20's or something. I cant believe I'm saying all this!
Angela laughs
Bow Bow: Now the last one!

Angela: There's Daniel, Kai, and mister B!
Bow Dow: Only person I know there is Daniel....
Cassie: Okay ummm.....I would kill/reject Kai. I don't know him personally but he really is crazy on twitter. Like the things he says to girls, are just out of this world. We don't like womanizers. I would pounce Daniel and marry mister B, but I'd have to really get to know him..or anyone I plan on marrying! I think I took this game too literal....*laughs*
Angela: This is not an easy game so thank you Cassie for playing! Give it up to her!
The audience cheers for her.
Cassie: Can't believe I really just played that.....but thank you.
Bow Wow: When we come back, Cassie will be performing for us so keep it locked on 106 n Park!

Angela: Give it up for Cassie Valentine performing her #1 single, Single (Go)!
*The camera pan over to the performance area and the crowd begins cheering loudly. Automatically the opening chords of "Single (Go)" are heard, triggering an even larger response from the crowd as they begin clapping and getting ready to sing along. Oh, what was I thinking? Why did I ever let you in? You took my heart and tore it into little pieces You told all my secrets, spilled every little bit What did I ever see in you? I'm just so glad that we're through Who you gonna run to? Who you gonna cry to? It won't be me anymore, walking these heels up out the door Who you gonna lie to? Who you gonna turn to? I feel sorry for the next chick, oh boy you're such a Don't be thinking that you are all that Don't be tripping, you can't have me back I'm young, sexy, single and totally loving it You ain't on my mind, don't miss you one bit Don't be running your mouth around town Don't be saying how much I've let you down You were the one who let it crash and burn You had a good time, now I think it's my turn
Go, go, go, go-oh-oh-oh Go, go, go, go-oh-oh-ohWhy did I believe in all the things you had told me? Guess I was just too naive, too blinded by you to see Why did it take me so long to see behind your mask? You had me fooled for a while, I guess I'll give you that Who you gonna run to? Who you gonna cry to? It won't be me anymore, walking these heels up out the door Who you gonna lie to? Who you gonna turn to? I feel sorry for the next chick, oh boy you're such a Don't be thinking that you are all that Don't be tripping, you can't have me back I'm young, sexy, single and totally loving it You ain't on my mind, don't miss you one bit Don't be running your mouth around town Don't be saying how much I've let you down You were the one who let it crash and burn You had a good time, now I think it's my turn
Go, go, go, go-oh-oh-oh Go, go, go, go-oh-oh-oh Go, go, go, go-oh-oh-oh Go, go, go, go-oh-oh-ohYou didn't miss a good thing till it was gone Now you realise that you're all alone I bet you wish that I was back Do you really think I'm stupid like that? If you could just make it all rewind Would you do things differently this time? Don't matter what you say Cos I'm so gone, flying far away Don't be thinking that you are all that Don't be tripping, you can't have me back I'm young, sexy, single and totally loving it You ain't on my mind, don't miss you one bit Don't be running your mouth around town Don't be saying how much I've let you down You were the one who let it crash and burn You had a good time, now I think it's my turn
Don't be thinking that you are all that Don't be tripping, you can't have me back I'm young, sexy, single and totally loving it You ain't on my mind, don't miss you one bit Don't be running your mouth around town....
After the performance the crowd goes into a loud cheer and Angela and Bow Wow come on the stage clapping with large smiles on their faces.Angela: Thats my song! Amazing! Bow Wow: That was dope! Thank you so much for coming out here to show some love! Cassie: No thank you! I had so much fun! Bow Wow: Love & War, the new album by the amazing Cassie: Valentine is in stores now! They both clap for her once more, as they each hug as the cameras pan away. IN STORES NOW |