http://www.therockstarga...ingle.asp?SingleID=55624MY POSTER!!!!!!
My poster
Verse 1
I've got a poster
it's of the Ramones
hanging next to the pistols
and over the Rolling stones
Joey and Dee Dee
John and Tommy oh
the top says Gabba Gabba hey!
the bottom says Hey ho let's go!!!
It's my Poster
whoah oh oh
It hangs on my wall
My favorite thing
my everything, my all
It's my poster
yeah yeah yeah
Verse 2
I've got a poster
it's trainspotting
hangs next to a towell
and a body that's rotting
I bought it at the record store
same day I got love bites
and my pulp fiction poster
I've looked at so many lonely nights
life might be rollercoaster
but I'll always have my poster
I wanna pick a side
Verse 1
I'm at a pub
it's a drunked out night
or a stupid nightclub
someone is having a fight
some dude hit on a girl
that the others wanted to do
the other started to hurl
the crowd started to boo
I wanna pick a side
If they gonna fight one
I wanna pick the right one
So I chant
I wanna pick a side!
but I can't
Verse 2
I'm on a date
we're watching tv
it's a debate
between candidates for presidency
the other wants to lower taxes
but is never gonna do it
the other wants to cut the axes
but he think that's pretty stupid
Verse 3
I have seen it all the time
and I can't get a grip
Between Israel and Palestine
and the battle of the Gaza strip
there are so many opinions
from punks and soccer moms
about the state and their minions
about partisan suicide bombs
I wanna pick a side
stand up tall
against them all
Yell, rave and rant
I wanna pick a side
but I can't