ooc: this was written in march 2019. dont know how complete it is. but i saved if for this long,so this is my ending for the fallout thing mr sugar and i did:
In the end, erich did not stay in vault 81. He hugged Karoliena Good bye for the last time and set off for diamond city. His conscious was at ease knowing Karoliena was safe and would probably live out her natural lifespan. When he arrived in diamond city,erich set about keeping his promise to Joshua. First he performed the easiest task: disposing of the mayor. Perhaps to prove Joshua wrong about him and to validate Joshua and piper's theory about the mayor, erich threw the mayor off the stadium roof, splattering his body on the entrance ramp to diamond city. It was a gory display but the shattered skull's synth component was there for all citizens to see. To this day,diamond city assumes the mayor's program glitched and caused a suicide. Later the same day,while piper was writing the inevitable article about the mayor,erich told her of her boyfriend's fate. The two spent the day drinking and telling Joshua stories. Erich told her every bit of prewar experience and knowledge of Joshua he had. Respectfully, he did not ask piper to confirm the pee rumor. Due to his previous actions and lingering guilt about the Blake debacle, erich did not visit dustyn and Dallas before leaving diamond City . from there,erich met back up again with Erica and Nina in good neighbor. Ruling over vice in such a settlement was a pretty good place to be in. While he never reveled in violence the say erica would, erich could match her sadism when the situation called for it. At far harbor,erich was saved the fate that awaited the harlots. He was chatting up the mariner in the bar and missed going out on the raid. The mariner was surprised to see Erich's circumcised willy. She didn't believe people willingly deformed their children in such a way,nor did she believe Erich was pre war. She assumed he was part of a very warlike tribe and this was some sort of toughness ritual. From this drunken fling,erich and the mariner started a life together. Several years later,erich planned an expedition to Europe. He is presumed lost at sea.
After a brief stay in vault 81 to recuperate,Erica and Nina returned to good neighbor. Erica was a slightly changed woman. She and by extension ,the harlots now left most wastelanders alone. After Rueben's death,she thought maybe there was innocence in the world and she should stop trying to snuff it out. She hadn't gone soft however. A customer once spit on the lobby floor of her brothel, she forced his friends to either beat him to death then and there or they would all be shot. But the typical farmer or trader was safe now. So...progress? With erica semi reined in now, Nina took back the helm of the harlots ship. Under her lead,the harlots cloned and enhanced the memory den's technology and offered sex unbound by the limitations of reality. Only the wealthiest customers could try this and most were instantly hooked. In weeks most users would be penniless and working in the "normal" areas of the brothel. It was a win win for the harlots.
A few years later erica and nina gathered their gang and set back off into the wastes. So began the great purge of atom. The harlots had a goal after their experiences with Blake: the absolute destruction of the children of atom. The harlots would pounce on children of atom settlements and execute the entire populace. Acres of land were filled with the crucified cult members. Their crusade encompassed Boston,D.C. Virginia,and eventually Maine. It was in the coastal forests of Maine that the harlots met their match. Ill prepared for the radiation they would encounter there, the harlots succumbed to radiation sickness. Their numbers dwindled until the gang started turning on each other. Erica and Nina escaped into the surrounding cranberry bogs. This is where Nina sangria perished from the radiation. Erica remained in the bog after giving her best friend a Viking funeral. Erica lost track of the days.but she didn't die.instead,she turned ghoul. She now faced an eternity of loneliness.
For about ten years,vault 81 continued under the direction of Cassie and Karoliena summers. The two kept things running smoothly so that eris summers could continue with making a working G.E.C.K. , with such an item vault 81 would change the Commonwealth and bring lush greenery and pure water back to the people. Eris had drastically miscalculated the radiation absorbing matrix. The moment it was turned on,the bootleg G.E.C.K instantly vaporized all organic material in the vault. From people to bacteria. Everything was gone. The G.E.C.K's initial EMP burst fried the vault's electronics. In a very short time the reactor melted down and the vault imploded. If anyone was left during the vault's last moments,they would have seen two Synth components where Karoliena and Cassie stood. Unbeknownst to each other,they were both synths. The real Karoliena had been replaced fairly recently. While the real Cassie had been replaced years ago.
current non canon bit:

takara kobayashi (manager)

eris summers (wrestler under the name of eris)
the pair are fairly well known to segments of the crowd. they were a semi popular act in stardom.
music hits and eris and takara walk down the ramp. takara wears a tight and low cut suit jacket and skirt while eris sports the military jacket in the photo and a red plaid skirt."
Watashitachiha Nihon kara koko ni kite, haisha ni kore ga dono yō ni okonawa rerubeki ka o shimeshimasu. (we are here from japan to show you losers how this should be done.)" eris says into the mic as the stride to the middle of the ramp and stop. to the japanese words,the crowd replies with the usual,and obnoxious "what" chant.
"Nani?" takara replies.
"what?" the crowd keeps going.
"nani?" takara says,now with a large smirk on her face.
"WHAT?" the crowd yells.
"NANI?!" takara screams into the mic before clearing her throat. "oh. you guys dont know what i am saying. you'd think with all the hana uzaki body pillows that reside in your crispy beds,you would." takara says in her most patronizing while turning her head and pouting.
the crowd boos her with pretty intense heat. takara is naturally rather haughty and is instantly unlikable.
eris flips her hair and holds her hand up to shush takara. "i've kicked ass through japan and the united kingdom. i dont expect things to be much different here.. if i am being honest." she states and checks her nails before continuing. "so.." she just finishes with a bored shrug.
ooc: i dont think anyone is using rachel mcadams. i am near certain lyn z isnt being used.