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Offline erich hess  
#741 Posted : 15 January 2021 09:12:36(UTC)
erich hess
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erica didnt say much about the corpse. she assumed it was one of two things: someone who killed for pleasure,or someone that wanted to make a statement. she didnt see anyone around to claim ownership,so it was probably the first. blake was playing with fire by trying to irritate her as she was the sort that would make statements. before joining with billy ,she and mariko ran with pirates from Okinawa. they were the scourge of the indian ocean and mostly intercepted british merchant ships or occasionally passenger ships. this is how they met nina. the pirates would entertain themselves by arming the third class passengers and letting them murder to the other passengers in order to be set free. erich also joined the pirate group after going awol from a united states naval ship in the region. this bound was probably the reason that billy never let the entire group go out alone. they were all loyal to billy but would certainly cover for each other. "we'll need to be extra careful no one follows us back home. i wouldnt want to end up like..that." erica states,making sure all her weapons were in place and ready.

nina studies the interaction between blake and riley. the gears start turning and she does wonder if riley would rat them out if they just killed blake. its not like anyone liked the man and she couldnt figure out exactly what he DID for the group. nina wasnt exactly the sort to kill for such reasons,but it was in the back of her mind. "probably got a hernia from jerking it all the time,love. not like anyone else is going to do it for you." nina says while the wagon comes to a stop. erica poorly stifles some laughter. "also,if these lazy bastards would clean the pen,it wouldnt smell so bad." nina quips,making eye contact with a man leaning on a fence post and chewing tobacco.

"the heck do you boys do with so much pomade?!" nina asks when the list is rattled off. they werent in town much,so why did it matter if your hair looked nice when in camp?

"we should just hit one of the oil wagons and save us some money and time. it'd be worth the gunfight just to have a ready supply of pomade for you dandies." erica adds. she didnt get it either. theyre barely scraping by,but these people want nice hair.

nina takes rileys hand and lightly hops off the wagon. she appreciated such things. sometimes it was hard to feel too ladylike when constantly running from the law and robbing trains. for that split second,she was like any other woman in the town.

"its almost like billy should've given you the money in the first place." erica spats when she sees what happens. she nods to riley but doesnt accept his hand. she tries to never show weakness,she had her pride. to a fault.

"we'll come shopping with you,blake. i could use some new..well,something. it'd just make me feel better." she laughs and shakes her head after blake heads towards the saloon. she almost wanted to go,but in these frontier towns,people assume a woman in a saloon is a whore and she wasnt that desperate for money. these people made the sheep smell good in comparison.

"keep your ears open!" erica calls after blake. they were here for work,not play. since blake wasnt shopping,he damned well better be looking out for opportunities and not just losing at cards and getting drunk.

"your dad is right." erich says with a nod. the world was changing and there wasnt going to be much use for the outlaw skillset. st denis was spreading as were the rest of the towns. the land was being tamed and with it came law and order. shay was a sweet kid and probably deserved better. his own son...well,it was sort of too late for. even if the man was innocent,by this time micah was guilty by association. "no need to be a dummy if you dont have to be." he finishes and lights up an opium tipped cigarette. erich follows dustyns words over to where joshua and layla were. they looked happy and not like the outlaws they were. erich inhales and holds it for a moment before speaking. "do they? i think they just fancy a roll in the hay. fine way to pass the time between jobs. " he muses before putting on his preacher voice, "my boy,the lord said to procreate. how shall we do so without lots and lots of practice?"
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#742 Posted : 15 January 2021 10:35:08(UTC)
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"My ears will be fully open, don't you worry about it. Of course, I'll be ordering a beverage or two so that I fit right in." Blake saunters up the steps and into the saloon, leaving the other three outside Worths General Store - a rather damp smelling wooden building that has been painted a mossy green colour. Hardly high end but it sells everything they need and it has become their new local store since setting up camp down in Horseshoe Overlook a month or two back. Riley's even on friendly terms with the owner, Jacob Worth.

A cheery looking bearded gentleman from behind the counter gives them a warm welcome. "Ah, welcome back Mr...uh...forgive me."

"Hilton," Riley states. OK, maybe they aren't BEST friends. Living an outlaw life, it's not wise to drop real names and spread around your business, especially if you are on the run from Pinkerton agents. "Hope you ain't low on supplies, Jacob. We've got a lot of hungry mouths to feed back at our ranch." Riley makes sure to say his lies out loud and clearly for Erica and Nina to hear so they can go along with it, should any questions be thrown their way. Riley created the ranch cover story a few visits back when asked why he was purchasing so many supplies. A family and ranch hands to feed sounds better than a gang of outlaws camping out in a clearing.

"And whose company am I also blessed with on this fine day?" Mr Worth asks, looking over at Nina and Erica.

"Ladies," Riley says with a nod and a hand gesture which states that the floor is theirs. Now's a chance for them to come up with their own fake names.

Back at camp, Dustyn giggles and shakes his head at Erich's remarks. "Well, maybe they want a roll in the hay too but I think it's a little more than that. They go all giddy around each other. I see how they look at each other from across the camp. When it's Layla's turn to plate up the food, she always gives Joshua a bigger helping. It's cute." Dustyn looks over at the pair for a little longer and can't help but smile along with them. In the back of his mind, he's pondering whether or not he should ask Erich about his stance on two men rolling in the hay. The subject of premarital sex is right there but finding a segue from one "sin" to another would just feel too obvious. He might as well just turn around and flat out say he's a homosexual. Instead, he asks another important question that still applies to his little situation with Dallas. "Do...do you think it could last? You know, being a couple whilst part of a gang that's on the run?"

Mercedes perches herself up on her elbows as she lays on her sleeping mat, watching Mariko skin the deer. "Ooh, Mariko. Just watching you do all that work is making me feel exhausted!"




Offline erich hess  
#743 Posted : 16 January 2021 04:19:17(UTC)
erich hess
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Erica doubted Blake's words. He probably be drunk as hell and hitting on the saloon girls within half an hour. She couldn't be too against that idea. She could certainly use a night of drink and music to wind down. In any case,they could get real work done now .

Nina was a fairly decent actress. Her act was at least as believable as Erich's pastor scam. She caught on to where Riley was taking things,so she figured they couldn't pull off the chemistry required to be husband and wife . So she took on the role of head cook for the ranch. "Miss Elizabeth Meriwether,not of the blackwater Meriwethers, obviously." Nina tells the man politely. She was enjoying every moment of this. If life went differently,nina would have liked to have been on stages. Also,it was something she did infinitely better than Erica. "We'll probably clean you right out,mr worth. Took on a lot of hands for the season."

"Mai suchong." Erica states before giving a little nod and greeting with,"good day." She didn't say much in these situations. She was a terrible liar and felt she was too easily seen through. She also had to hide her amusement at using an alias to cover an alias. Only her sister used her actual name.

"Could be calling him scrawny." Erich quips at Dustyns observation of Joshua's portion size when layla was involved. Erich rarely spoke to the woman. Perhaps subconsciously out of respect for Joshua. "Hmm?" Erich asks Dustyn as takes a long draw on his cigarette. He also studies the pair before blowing a a few smoke rings. He watches them float away as he answers dustyn. " I'd imagine so,dust. Look at us,we experience life in distilled and intense form. You get to know the people around you to their very core. " Erich pauses to take more of the cigarette in and continues. " How could one not love someone in the camp? " Erich doesn't elaborate further at the moment. He and Erica were certainly more than friends,but still would do whatever with whomever if the mood took.

Mariko looks over her shoulder as she opens the deer, spilling it's insides. If mercedes wasn't so endearing,Mariko would be rather miffed at the words. "It is hard work,I do wonder if Lincoln knows what he's doing by having me do this part " Mariko grunts while pulling something gory from the animals chest. Unless things were real desperate, she wasn't saving organ meat. Usually she used this in crab traps so it didn't go to waste. She grins and fully turns to mercedes. "I May need spoon feed you later,huh?" She jokes pleasantly.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#744 Posted : 16 January 2021 05:59:22(UTC)
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"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both," says the shopkeeper as he moves out from behind his desk. "I'll go get some crates ready for you."

"I'll come help," Riley says but not before Jacob is a few paces ahead of him. He quickly slips a piece of paper from next to the till towards Nina and gives a mischievous wink. It states that the store will be delivering bulk supplies to the sheriff's office in Annesburg at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning. That's a lot of goods to intercept and either keep for themselves or sell on to another shady character. "Best behaviour, ladies," Riley gives a smirk says it in a way that suggests they can steal a few things but remain subtle about it. With that, Riley heads to the back with the shopkeeper.

Dustyn looks on at Layla and Joshua as Erich speaks all the while thinking about what he has going on with Dallas. He's sure it's more than just sex. Dustyn is insanely attracted to him and their friendship has gone back five years now. He feels deeply for him. It may even be love. All Dustyn is sure of though is that he's scared and making things messier day by day. He's scared of confessing his love to Dallas in case it doesn't work out. Even if he does, he still doesn't want to tell the rest of the camp because of how they might react. He's also not exactly staying away from Dallas either. He knows that he can't have his cake and eat it too. The day where he has to make a brave decision is looming nearer each time he wakes up. "Is there someone in camp you'd like to give extra portions too?" Dustyn asks with a giggle. He's glad that Erich made a statement regarding love in the camp. It allows him to push the conversation a little further.

"Oh no, you've done enough. I'll feed myself as much as it pains me. A woman's work is never done, Mariko." Mercedes yawns and stretches before running her fingers through her hair to move it back from her face. "You know, I wish we weren't on the run from Pinkertons. I'd like to put on my finest gown and go see a show in Saint Denis. I think Cher is playing tonight."

"It's 1899! She needs to hang it up already!" Dustyn pipes up from across the way.




Offline erich hess  
#745 Posted : 16 January 2021 10:42:32(UTC)
erich hess
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nina is also far quicker on the uptake than erica and quickly takes the offered paper and slips it into the waist of her dress and continues on her way. it may be stereotypical being that she speaks like a dickens character,she is also a talented pickpocket. "we always are,mister hilton. as long was we keep that one away from the gambling table. poor dear lost about 2 dollars last time we were in town." nina chats away,while thumbing towards erica. erica's face registers the slightest irritation at being the butt of nina's act. she cant really fire back without breaking the scheme they had going. instead,as soon as shopkeeper turned his back,erica started stuffing several cans of pomade and beans into her clothes. she didnt wear a dress,but the mens clothes she wore were far too big for her which made petty theft easier. they were small items,but everything stolen was something they didnt have to pay for later. nina sauntered around nabbing bullets and shells when other customers werent around. neither she or erica liked stealing from small shops ,but desperate times.

erich laughs dirtily at dustyn's question before answering. " like are we talking just for one meal? because..." erich shrugs and looks over at pretty much any woman in the camp. lust was by far his favorite of the sins,followed close by whatever opium and certain desert cactus fell under. dustyn was a bright man and probably wouldnt poke too much fun at erich for admitting things. so erich took the last puff of the cigarette before tossing it on the ground. "well...someone and i have been sharing portions for quite some time,but we dont make too big a deal of it. unscrupulous characters could catch on." erich said softly while surveying the camp. he assumed whatever he said wasnt going to be relayed directly to billy when it came to talking to dustyn. if this got out too much,things could be difficult. he didnt really want people to think it was more than just keeping each other company when it came to erica. "that lovable little psycho,erica." erich says quietly and towards the ground. " not just a friend." he says.

"an inspiration." mariko says,putting a bloody hand to her chest and smiling at mercedes. she felt amused by joking with Mercedes about her...delicate nature. if anyone seriously had a go at her? they'd be strung up like this deer. mariko had had her fill of violence and killing during the piracy days. but she could still go there if need be. "oh my god." mariko near swoons at mercedes' words. "i'd give anything to be in st denis now. clean,all in silk,sitting there just taking in a show. even if i think cher is the worst singer ever. this damned deer sounded just like her as it died."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#746 Posted : 19 January 2021 04:54:21(UTC)
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"I'm definitely going to see a show as soon as this is all over. We need a much deserved break," Mercedes says as she closes her eyes and feels the rays from the sun beaming down through the tall trees that surround the camp. Horseshoe Overlook is a very beautiful spot and Mercedes has been working hard so it'd be stupid not to lay down and bask in what nature has to offer.

"You're overly optimistic." Scott interrupts the conversation with Mariko and Mercedes in his usual gruff, drunken manner. "We'll never see Saint Denis again. Not that I'd ever want to. All them rich folk with their electricity and baths." Scott spits on the ground in disgust. "We are on the run from Pinkerton agents. Billy's plan is to keep moving but it's always a matter of time before they find us. We're being herded like sheep. They'll eventually close in on us. Face it, we'll have to leave the country in the end. Mexico or some place." Scott spits again.

Oscar walks by clutching his books, wearing his glasses and rather crisp attire, looking far smarter than Scott and most others in the camp. He's the brains and far from the brawn. He stops in his tracks as Scott spits again, almost getting it on his shoe. "Charming as ever, Mr. Wellington. You'd make a fascinating case study in the theory of evolution. It appears the process can halt itself midway..."

"Get on out of here..." Scott grumbles, raising a fist to Oscar. He can't stand him with his big words.

Oscar stifles his laughter and nods at the ladies before making his way to one of the tables.

Dustyn is taken aback when Erich tells him that Erica is more than just a friend. "Really?! I wouldn't have guessed it. You two seem...well, actually, about as wild as one another. Guess it makes sense." Dustyn giggles and kicks around some of the little rocks within the blades of grass. He looks down at his shoes, as a way of trying to centre himself before pushing the conversation even further. "Do you think...n-never mind..." Dustyn shakes his head, not feeling brave enough to get the rest of his sentence out.

Back at Worth's General Store, Riley walks out of the store room holding an empty crate, ready to stock up on supplies. That is of course until he hears the sounds of screaming and two gun shots being fired from outside. The colour drains on his face and he places the crate down on the counter. He gives a knowing look to Nina and Erica. There's no denying who has caused trouble. "This fucking guy..."




Offline erich hess  
#747 Posted : 19 January 2021 09:30:57(UTC)
erich hess
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mariko nods as mercedes speaks. the woman had the right idea and knew how to spend down time....which she seemed to always have a lot of. mariko thought about this as was very carefully removing the deer's bladder. that is one balloon you DONT want to pop. "maybe you guys." mariko laughs while using the knife to point at mercedes and scott. "to those pinkertons,my sister and i could be any number of people. look at the wanted posters of us,if my name wasnt on it,i wouldnt even recognize me. and mexico? ugh. no. too hot and dry. i like things warm and moist." mariko giggles while patting the very cold deer carcass. "unlike our friend here." she deftly starts cutting the meat from the deer into unrecognizable pieces. she wasnt sure of lincoln's plans for it and she didnt want to ask. she always felt like a joke was being played on her,but she wasnt in on it. how could anyone be as dim as that boy? mariko studies oscar for a bit and still couldnt get a read on him. he was the opposite of lincoln. in her mind,he was probably a disgraced professor who was too interested in his students. "fucking jules verne over there." mariko giggles as oscars words. still,he was a welcome change from some of the other people around here.

erich nods along and lights another cigarette from his case. he was a man of vice and every vice was carried to its limit and slightly beyond. "exactly. thats why we rarely spend a lot of time together. we just enhance the other's bad habits. like these." erich motions to dustyn with his cigarette. "things will put you in an early grave...unless you smoke so many you turn into jerky. thats my plan." he grins and slips the silver case back in his shirt. "dust,sometimes i think yes. sometimes i think no. sometimes i think maybe." erich pauses and lets the weight of these (in his opinion) heavy words hang in the air." cmon,dust. whats on your mind? put the right things in a cigarette and one starts feeling mighty thoughtful." he says cheerfully, moving the cigarette through the air and making little smoke trails with it.

nina sighs and rolls her eyes as she starts stuffing the small items she took into the crate.the ruckus had already started and she was in no mood for it. she just wanted to put the groceries away and be left alone. "listen,love. we could just get in the cart and go. we have an entire ride home to get the story straight." she laughs weakly knowing this wasnt an option.

erica's hand slips to where her sawed off shotgun was tucked. she was onboard with nina's idea. it was blake. of course it was blake. without even looking up from the strap she was tightening on the wagon,she knew it was blake. he was mouthy sober,he was mouthy drunk. "i swear if i get to hell and am held accountable for the people this bastard made me kill..." she trails off in a huff.

"slow down,nutter. we might be able to smooth this over." nina warns erica. she was far more sensible than erica who usually just went for the most lethal option right away.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#748 Posted : 19 January 2021 20:26:46(UTC)
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"Ah, Jules Verne! Such a wonderful writer!" Oscar hears Mariko's quip and brightly gets up from the table, turning on his heels. "Though sadly as his work grew and words spread, the very harsh and cynical contemporary critics formed a very skewed perception of Mr. Verne and his pen. When a select few believed in him and supported his work, he was championed in the literary world. As his audience widened and many outside voices, often uneducated voices, chimed in...well, Verne's work was simply viewed as mainstream storytelling. Basic tales with no real depth. Unworthy of academic study despite his brilliant pieces. He wasn't taken seriously, which I can sadly relate to..." Oscar looks over at the beer swigging Scott with a look of utter disdain that says it all. "Still, I firmly believe he'll go down as one of the greats. Even after his passing, his words will transcend generations. When we are pushing up daisies, our great, great, great, great grandchildren will be getting lost in his magnificent works. Words hold so much power. Words matter, Miss. Mariko. Remember that!" Oscar cheerily saunters away.

"Is that so? Well I got a few choice words for him!" Scott grumbles and narrows his eyes, watching Oscar closely as he walks away. He takes another swig of beer. "When we get to Mexico, there's a big spiny cactus with his name on it."

"Well, I was...wondering..." Dustyn sighs and continues to kick at the little rocks, not really knowing what he's doing right now. Part of him wants to tell someone and get it over and done with. Part of him is too afraid to complete his sentences. Dustyn doesn't even have a plan should something bad happen once he reveals the truth. He has found himself in an awkward position, in the middle of a conversation but no clear way of steering or shutting it. He's piqued Erich's interest. He takes a deep breath and decides to eek it out a little more, finding it more comfortable to drop it piece by piece. "What you said about being more than friends with Erica...having relations with another member of the gang and all that...d-do...do you think it would still be OK if it...if it..." Dustyn sighs and closes his eyes for a second, centring himself again. "If it was with another man?". Dustyn looks Erich straight in the eye, trying to communicate the fact that this is a personal question and not a general one. A look that says don't make me spell it out.

"Yeah, no time for groceries now, I'm afraid." Riley darts out of the store, taking hold of his revolver as it seems things are getting hairy. He doesn't wish to defend Blake and his shitty actions but he's part of the gang. They're all riding back on the wagon together. It's only a matter of seconds before they're guilty by association anyway.

Sure enough, Blake is seen running backwards on the muddy main street of Valentine, firing his revolver towards some men outside the saloon. "Hey it's not my fault your cousin's a whore!! It ain't my fault I don't wanna be pissing needles either!!". Blake fires two shoots and one of the men fall down. As the guys lifeless body splats down on the mud, the sound of a lawman's whistle blows.

"Williams what the HELL have you done this time?!" Riley scolds as he crouches behind the wheel of the wagon. He quickly assesses the situation, seeing the handful of armed men and local sheriff down the street taking aim and firing. Won't be long before more law arrive on horses too. Staying in the town and shooting them all up is going to result in a bloodbath with even more heat, making it even harder to ride away. Climbing up onto the wagon and allowing their horses to pick up enough speed is the perfect opportunity for one or more of them to get killed and also allow the law to close in. They'll have to meet in the middle, ride AND shoot anyone who dares follow. "Erica, Nina, who's the better shot and who's the better driver?!"

Mr Worth comes out of his store to see all of the commotion. He notices his customers seemingly at the centre of it, yielding weapons. "Y-you ain't no ranchers! Just who the hell are you people!? You st-stay away from my store, you hear me?!". Jacob runs back into his store, effectively banning them from their local supply source. Still, they have the information on the Annesburg delivery coach.




Offline erich hess  
#749 Posted : 20 January 2021 04:29:26(UTC)
erich hess
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Mariko listens to Oscar speak and alternates between looking at him and Riley. The man's passionate for sure and probably was excited to be around people who could read. It probably was rare indeed. Mariko listens and wordlessly removes the last of the meat from the deer. Well,at least as much as she was willing to do. Times weren't hard enough to really get every tiny scrap off of it. " I prefer poe." She says flatly.

"I also prefer here to mexico. " Mariko tells Riley while collecting all the deer chunks into a large pile. "Even if.." Mariko clears her throat for the upcoming change in her tone. "There might be a certain flora with sharp spines destined for my my buttocks." She finishes with a giggle. Oscar was easy to goof on,but she certainly preferred his company to someone stupid.

Erich's eyes start to feel heavy from the opium in the cigarettes taking effect,so he pops some cocaine gum in his mouth and starts chewing. He doesn't even give that much of a reaction to Dustyns question. He gives a little shrug and answers, "what I think is right and what the world thinks is right are two very different from things. Personally,I think this is a cruel world and we need to find love and understanding where ever we can. I .. wouldn't go strolling through town arm in arm. It could bring you trouble." Erich says carefully. He'd never known a man who loved another man before this moment. But he knew Mariko. And Mariko had never shown interest in a man,but had been in relationships with other women. Erica? She didn't mind one way or the other.

Nina's face falls after the commotion gets louder and more intense. there'd be no smoothing this over. Even if blake probably was right about the sister being a whore. Erica grins at her friends as she pulls the guns and gets ready to dive into the chaos. On paper,she and blake should get along. But somehow they just didn't. Probably because his love for chaos had s good dose of asshole tossed in. The women climb into the wagon,using the wheel as a foothold. "Do me proud, Nina." Erica shouts, ducking her head down and tossing her revolver to Nina. For all her bravado, Erica wasn't that good of a shot from a moving vehicle. Nina catches the gun and takes a spot low in the wagon. The wood at least would offer some protection. Erica snaps the straps to the horses and gets them in in motion towards where blake is heard.

At the sound of mr worth, nina throws a can of pilfered pomade through his shop window. " Oh fuck off! We're the best costumers you'll have,love ," she shouts.
The pomade broke the window,but also broke an oil lamp. So the open window is now starting to show fire and smoke. "That was a total fucking accident..I'm sending an apology letter the next time I get to the post office.," She whimpers
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#750 Posted : 20 January 2021 17:25:52(UTC)
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Dustyn nods along with a rathe neutral expression on his face. He doesn't know how to feel right now. On one hand, he's happy that Erich hasn't raised the alarm and choked him out. On the other hand, Erich is right about public displays possibly bringing him trouble. It's going to be extremely tough navigating it in life. "Do you think that it could bring trouble in the camp?". Dustyn looks over in the general direction of Scott and their leader, Billy. Scott is abrasive and narrow minded. Billy, although great friends with Dustyn, holds a lot of power and if he's not happy for whatever reason, it could lead to dire consequences. Blake would also be included in the group he fears most but thankfully he's out on an errand right now.

Andrea finally makes an appearance, stumbling out of one of the tents with sleepy eyes and wild hair. If her night wasn't filled with booze and a sing-song, it was a terrible one.

"Hi Andrea!" Lincoln perks up, giving her a friendly smile and a wave.

"N-no...I can't..." Andrea mumbles, holding a hand up and stumbling away from Lincoln. He's a lovely boy but she doesn't have the energy to deal with him right now. His perkiness is too much at the best of times let alone when you're nursing a hangover. She makes a beeline for the crate of beer, taking out the very last one.

Scott however, grabs the bottom of the bottle in an attempt to snatch it from her. "That one's mine!"

"Try me you goddamn son of a bitch!!" Andrea yells, whipping out a pistol and pressing it right against Scott's chest.

Meanwhile, in even more chaotic scenes, Valentine is getting rowdier by the second. More shots are being fired from the armed men spilling out of the saloon while two horses with lawmen arrive on the scene down by the church. "Wagon. Now!" Riley exclaims as he hops on board, sitting next to Erica at the front. She can ride the group to safety while Riley protects her head and takes care of any threat that comes towards them. Blake jumps into the back of the wagon alongside Nina, laying low and picking off those shooting at them.

"Woohoo! Bullseye!!" Blake exclaims as he shoots one of the lawmen in the head, causing the body to fly right off the horse at high speed. He laughs and sports a huge grin on his face as he fires into Valentine. Even for a bunch of outlaws, Blake seems to get a very questionable thrill out of killing. "Don't worry, Nina. I'll protect you."




Offline erich hess  
#751 Posted : 21 January 2021 06:12:49(UTC)
erich hess
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Dustyn didn't say who his lover was or even if they existed and Erich didn't ask. Wasn't his business. In the line of work they were in,one got used to portions of lives remaining a mystery. Erich takes a contemplative look over the camp. There were a few who he knew for sure that wouldn't care what dustyn got up to. "Well,dust. I dunno. There's some real sons of bitches in this camp. Personally,I'd cut the dead weight that serves discord in the ranks. But not my call to make." Erich answers,rubbing his chin in thought. It was sort of a non answer but in this swath of personalities here, people could find odd bits of morality to cling to. Erich also realized he needed a shave soon. Jesus may have been scruffy,but nobody wanted to give a stubble bearing minister money.

Mariko grins at andreas reaction to lincoln. She could sympathize. He could be a bit much to handle. She'd be concerned if someone did want to see him first thing in the morning. She let out a grunt as hefted the basket with the meat in it and walked over towards lincoln. "Lincoln. I got a lot of meat for you. Where do you want me to stick it?" She asks innocently. She knew what she was saying and that Lincoln wouldn't get it. But,it amused her anyway. She watches the action between andrea and Riley with amusement. It wasn't her job to intervene and technically Andrea had the bottle first. "You're going to look awfully silly when scott and them come back from town with lots of beer and you're dead, Riley. " She laughs while wiping her knife clean and slipping it into it's sheath.

Erica snaps the reins furiously to get the horses going faster once blake is in the wagon. She could bitch at him later,there were far bigger issues at hand. "C'mon,you glue factory rejects. Move your asses." She sneers at the horses. She makes a squeak when the distinct feeling of wood being splintered by a bullet is felt under her butt. As the wagon careens through town,a scream is heard as the wheels bump up and down. Someone didn't get out of the way in time and Erica didn't bother looking back to see who it was. " Fuck em if they can't take a joke." She says grimly.

Going for the efficient,if less honorable method for getting people off their trail,nina aims for the horses the pursuers are riding. Six shots fired in quick succession,six less people following them. "Have fun walking!" She giggles... nevermind the wounded horses fell on the men riding them and probably killed them. She ducks back in the wagon and reloads her guns before scoffing at blake. "Blake,the day I need you to protect me will the day Lincoln learns to read.".
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#752 Posted : 22 January 2021 01:37:52(UTC)
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Dustyn doesn't really wish to say who he's with as Dallas hasn't given the all clear. Plus, he finds it more comfortable to drop little pieces of information. Stating that he and Dallas have been in a secret homosexual relationship for months and have been consummating it behind a big tree above the camp may be a little too much to reveal all at once. "You...you don't feel any differently about me, right?" Dustyn asks with a little smile. He's pretty sure Erich has figured out that these aren't just general questions and is a subtle way of coming out. Dustyn just wants to be 100% sure things are cool with Erich before he can even consider relaxing around him. He's had his guard up for such a long time.

"I'll take it!" Lincoln says with a smile, taking hold of the basket of meat and not getting the innuendo as predicted. He screws up his face while looking at the contents. "It smells like blood and dead things but don't worry, I will make it nice, OK?". He smiles sweetly at Mariko before heading over to his cooking station. Only Lincoln could be so cheery about cooking for 19 people every single day.

"Well I think she had enough beer last night!" Scott bites, still holding onto the bottle.

"And I think you've had enough right now...and right now is all we got!" Andrea kicks Scott in the shin, causing him to let go of the bottle. "Follow me and you're dead," she warns, still pointing her pistol. Scott isn't her favourite campmate.

"That was Mr Worth's wife!" Riley exclaims as he looks back to see who Erica had ran over. "Well, it's not as if we were welcome back to his store anyway," he says flatly. Despite bullets flying around, Riley keeps his nerve. Sure, he has the fear of catching one between his eyes but he represses it as much as possible. A steady hand, unclenched jaw, calm breathing and firing on empty lungs makes for a good shot. Riley takes aim and fires at the other lawman, killing him and sending him off the horse. That's the law dealt with for now but it's only a matter of time before backup arrives. "Stay on guard everyone," Riley states as they exit the town and head towards the path home.

"Woo!" Blake chuckles and lays on his back in the wagon, clearly satisfied with the buzz from all of that carnage. "The rumours are true. Valentine IS actually cursed. Everyone there is a fucking moron. That's their eternal punishment." Blake then winks at Nina after her Lincoln quip. "Well, I hear he's making amazing progress on his ABCs".

Edited by user 22 January 2021 02:34:57(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





Offline erich hess  
#753 Posted : 22 January 2021 04:01:00(UTC)
erich hess
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" can't fault someone for living how they want,dust." Erich tells dustyn with a stretch and a yawn. Too little gum,too much opium. He looks a bit deflated after the stretch but content. " So,no. Still the same old Dustyn to me. This'll be between you,me,and the fencepost.' Erich says with a wink. Well,he was sure at least one person knew about this other than himself . But he was a great pretty good keeper of secrets. Besides, he knew nobody took him seriously. He had a protective layer of bullshit that prevented that. "If it's someone hideous,I will think less of you. I think you deserve better.* Says seriously turning to Dustyn.

"You sure you can handle all that meat? I have a lot for you." Mariko giggles. She removes the apron and hangs it over the tree branch nearest to her. The dead smell was definitely coming from the apron. She'd ask for a new one when the next party went into town . "I'm sure what you make will be suitable for... Whoever is the president now. " She tells Lincoln happily. The guy probably would drown by staring up during a rainstorm,but he worked magic with food . She rinsed her hands in the basin until they were nice and clean. It was filthy,but better than washing clothes. She'd rather be elbow deep in gore than in other people's filth .even if sometimes the animal carcasses brought back memories she didn't like.

Mariko watches scott and Andrea with a half smile. After Andrea leaves, Mariko looks to scott and tosses a pebble playfully at him. "You two should just fuck and get it over with." She smiles widely. "Sexual tension is so thick in the air." She jokes while waving her arms in hopes of dispersing it

"Not putting that in the apology letter,loves." Nina yells when the identity of the wagon victim is revealed. It was rather hard to hear over the rattle of the wagon and gunfire. She levels her pistol and makes two more widows for the evening. The undertaker was going to be in good business tomorrow.

Erica keeps up the pace until the horses can give no more. They were far enough out of town where the animals could get some relief. At this point,smacking the reins only made them shriek in protest. The wagon slows to a steady pace and Erica silently fumes. This was soley the fault of one person, but she wasn't even in the mood to speak. She just sullenly steers the wagon along

Nina hands the one pistol back to Erica and starts reloading her own. She failed to see the thrill in this. A lot of people were killed needlessly. Attention was on them more. Nina preferred to be the one shooting rather than being shot at. " So. I'm taking it all that was because you learned of a train carrying gold that is only guarded by a scarecrow? Because if not,love....what was that all about?!" She says to blake angrily. She wasn't done shopping and had only just started to browse the latest toiletries.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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