Forum Rules1. No pornography.
2. No persistent unwarranted abuse, while debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. ie. bullying.
The definition of bullying here should be obvious, but in some cases a person will perceive a heated discussion with bullying. So there should be a distinction between attacking a person and attacking an idea. This should be flexible of course, to allow for playful insults between friends and the like.3. No spam. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.
defined as creating useless threads, as well as posting too many times in a rowdealt with by thread merging or locking in the case of unintentional spam, thread deletion in the case of intentional spam along with a warning.4. Open threads in the appropriate section.
Otherwise we have to move them5. If you are going to post non-English on these forums, please also post an English Translation of your post.
6. We also reserve the right to Suspend anyone who wilfully violates the forum rules, as access to our forum is a privilege and not a right.
7. Any Problems with a moderator and/or a moderators decision should be dealt with via the pm system, not on the public forums..
8. And Most importantly..... Be nice, and have fun.
In Return the moderators promise to be fair and unbiased in their dealings with the forum, we will not jump in on the side of our friends but will instead look at the situation impartially and judge the best course of action after careful thought and possible discussion with other moderators.
Edited by moderator 11 years ago
| Reason: Not specified