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#1 Posted : 21 January 2014 02:11:58(UTC)
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Organizer: Good Afternoon everyone, we're glad to have you all here for another press conference. This one is quite similar to the last but more of a chance to set the record straight, as asked by label owner, Gia Rose-Hilton. We will start the usual way, Gia will make her statements and give her thoughts and then we will have a brief question part where you'll get the chance to ask and she will answer to the best of knowledge and ability. Afterwards, Ms. Anniken Dahl-Smith will also make a statement and will take a few questions. Mrs. Rose-Hilton, the floor is all yours.

Gia Rose-Hilton: (Smiles) Thank you. Hello everyone, thank you for joining me again. (She sighs a little) I want to start off by saying first that walking into this position, being label owner, I fully accepted all that would come with the title. I expected judgement, harsh criticism, all of that. I can't say that sometimes it doesn't hurt because, well that would be a lie. Everyone gets hurt by things even if they put on a brave face and say they don't, they do. Regardless, I've been running the label with the best of my abilities. I've done a lot for the company, or should I say we have. The team at Studio60 is impeccable and unbreakable. With the exception of a few, we've had virtually the same workers since the company started so we're all familiar with one another, we all know each other. We've grown together. I also want to thank everyone at the label for their constant support and dedication to their work. As co-owner, Layla Raine has done a marvelous job. She's honestly one of the hardest working women I've known and she truly loves Tric-Jam Records and Studio60. All of the staff work day in and day out to make sure our label is in tip top shape and I truly thank all of you.

We've succeeded in ways other labels haven't. We've showed constant and consistent growth and to me that's important. Despite the bad press we've been receiving, we still manage to stand on our own feet. We don't ask help from anyone else. Truth be told, we're practically alone over here. If I'm being honest, besides Chaos Records, no other label has reached out to us for anything, which is okay. I don't expect friendly faces from everyone. The point of this press conference is for me to set the record straight and to weed out the lies that have been spread around throughout the industry.

I'll get right to it. The first order of business, the departure of Nevaeh Martinez. This has been completely hazy for everyone involved but I'm going to get it unhazy because it seems that it's hard for others to just say the simple truth. Nevaeh left due to her feeling she was not apart of the label. She felt there was a lack of communication on my part and therefore she felt as though she wasn't needed. I will say, communication can always be better than it is but she was the only person to complain of such a thing. Everyone else clearly understood. I contacted them and they contacted me, on their free will. Nevaeh did not in any circumstance reach out to me and communicate majority of the time herself. While I was talking to everyone else, getting things done here and there, communication was perfect. In fact, you can ask any of the artists on the label if there are any communication problems and I'm certain no one would digress. The fact of the matter is when you don't speak up, things don't get heard. Labels tend to be a fast paced environment and if you can't say what's on your mind, you will get looked over, simple as that. Should I have talked to her? Probably but by then, she had already announced her departure. Now why I didn't get her back or ask for her to stay? I just thought it was best for business to not do so. No doubt she was a great asset but we've been taught to move on and to not let things slow us down. As far as her label, I wish her all the success and luck with it.

The second order of business, the Tisha Jackson ordeal. I honestly do not know what happened except that some words were exchanged between her and one of the workers of the label, Anniken. It got out of hand and I stepped in to try and calm it down but one, Tisha Jackson, escalated the argument by demanding I get an apology or else we'd lose our 'money maker'. First of all, I've never treated any employee as a slave. The artists work at their own pace but I do guide them. The fact of the matter is, she got big headed and wanted something she didn't have which was for me to bow to her. I treat the artists on the label with respect until I am disrespected. Then she added more fuel to the fire by signing with another label. The only reason I was angered was because she was breaking her contract which she had no right to do, not because I needed her. I will never say I need her because truth be told, there are far more harder working artists on the label who deserve my attention and not her mess. I've always gave her the respect she wanted, even when she was going through tough times but I never got that from her so therefore, she just couldn't handle being signed there. I also wish her luck with her future.

The third thing I want to address is the misinterpretation about how I run the label. I do not force anyone to do anything they are uncomfortable with. I may seem a little intense but that's because it gets the job done. If you slack off and allow people to run over you, well nothing would ever get done. Like I've stated before, I run a business. The bonus is that we are all friends but the main point of the business is to produce a product that will gain revenue. People have constantly attacked me saying I'm only out for money. If that were true, I'd have each artist probably working to the bone but I don't. The artist comes first because if they are not well then the label is not well. I take pride in this label. I love this label. It's essentially my second life. So far me running the label has shown efficiency. We've gained tons of new artists and we've had a few departures but a label shouldn't be measured by the amount of artists it has. It should be measured by the quality and we are amazing at that. We've seen artists signed and watched them progress over the years. It's an amazing feeling to know you've played a part in that.

I guess the point I wanted to make here today was that.....the lies and fabrications about me and Studio60 are just that. People have been trying to throw us under the dirt to make themselves look better but at the end of the day we have a very dedicated family who put forth their all to make sure we stay running. I have no regrets at all because after all of the carnage, things pick up and we essentially get better. 2014 is going to be an amazing year for us just as 2013 and the previous years. We're not in a race to sign all the hottest acts or anything like that. That's not what we're all about. We're about signing acts we know will better the label and care about their music. People who we know will give 110%. We have so much in store for our label, we don't have time to focus on the negativity we receive from other labels or artists. I'm a fighting woman but I'm also a smart woman. That's all I have to say so I'll take some questions now. (Smiles)

Reporter 1: Will you be taking legal action against Tisha Jackson and Isaac Lovelock for their breach of contracts?
Gia: As of right now, there are things being discussed and we are trying to level the situation rather than make a huge mess of it. But, if we can't reach an agreement then legal action will be taken. It's not for the money, it's for the principal of walking out on a signed agreement.

Reporter 2: How do you respond to the comments from other artists, criticizing the way you run your label as well as the departures?
Gia: I simply don't. They simply want attention in order to further their career and obviously have no idea what's even going on. People leave labels all the time, I don't know why Studio60 is being put under a microscope so often. We are doing nothing wrong here.


Reporter 3: What do you think about the rumors of artists wanting to leave due to the Tisha Jackson situation?
Gia: I respect their decision but I also ask they communicate with me and not the public about that decision. I try to be respectful and professional but I want the same in return.

Reporter 4: What's your reaction to Isaac Lovelock's GQ open letter about leaving the label?
Gia: You know, I'll be honest, it was totally unprofessional. I've never heard of someone going to a magazine, that has nothing to even do with our label, and saying they are leaving. First of all, it's almost as if he felt he couldn't have a meeting with me which isn't true. My door is always open. Second of all, he must have understood he was breaking his contract as he is signed for 2 albums. Even if he were to release an album under us, it still wouldn't satisfy his agreement.

Reporter 5: Do you feel that FREEDOM was created out of spite? Also, do you believe they are your biggest competition?
Gia: I'd have to say on a personal level, yes. Clearly though, it had been thought out beforehand. One might assume she was just waiting for the right time to leave. She continues to state that 'Communication is Key' but she too had lots of communication problems. She hardly spoke to me about many things and she only really associated herself with certain artists on Tric-Jam. I feel if that's going to be your motto, you should be the Dhali Lama at communication then. As far as competition, I consider all labels competition but at the end of the day, numbers are pretty much the determining factor. I don't feel the need to have to associate myself with FREEDOM at all. They do their own thing, so do I. The 'going the extra mile to try and outdo me' bit is getting old and frankly, I'm on to bigger and better things now.

Reporter 6: Do you have any new signings after opening your doors again?
Gia: Yes we have quite a few to be announced really soon. Like I said, we have a developmental program so we really like to see artists progress and not just look for an instant star. We want to help make careers and not one-hit wonders.

Reporter 7: Are there any special projects coming up for Studio60?
Gia: Yes, as a matter of fact, we have something big coming up soon. I won't say much about it but trust me when I say it will be amazing.

Reporter 8: Do you have anything to say about the Ellie-Grace manager situation?

Gia: I do, yes. Um....unprofessional. I know as a former manager myself, I would have never done anything to try and jeopardize my artist's career like that. It was a complete blind sided attack on us as a label. Now, I will speak for myself when I say Ellie has not contacted anyone about anything. When we renewed her contract, that was essentially it. Then she took to social media, which really seems to be the root of evil in all of this, to announce she wasn't sure if she wanted to stay on our label or not. Again, did not contact us at all just simply said that. Now, I know not all artists know what to do and what not do but that's just common sense. You should ALWAYS speak to your boss before making statements as such. I think any manager should know the basic skills, I mean really. If she does wish to leave the label I will say it was great having her but if we have to deal with this sort of press from her camp, we certainly don't need her on our roster. She's a great artist and would survive anywhere, I believe. But I'm not going to allow one artist to try and tear down an entire family of artists who can have their reputations tarnished due to someone else's mistake.

Reporter 9: How's motherhood treating you?
Gia: Very well, thank you. I'm happy to have 3 beautiful little children who love their parents very much. In fact, I hope to one day pass the label on to them when I can no longer run it. I'm honestly very happy even with everything going on with the label. Most people aren't lucky to have a loving family like I do so I'm appreciating it every day.

Gia: Well, now I'm going to pass it to Ms. Anniken Dahl-Smith and she will take some questions as well. Thank you. (Smiles)


Anniken Dahl-Smith: (Smiles) Thank you , Mrs. Gia Rose-Hilton . Before we begin , I would like to apologize to Gia , Layla , the whole Studio60 family and all of the artists signed . Everyone here is aware of the incident between former Tric-Jam act Tisha Jackson and I . You guys all know what took place and what words were exchanged and I am fully aware that the the whole fiasco was not the best representation of the label -- far from it , and I just wanted to take the time to say I am sorry . I really do regret the fact that I let it spiral to where Studio60 was even apart of the conversation . I am a grown woman -- though my words may not show that all the time (laughs lightly) -- but most importantly , I am a business woman and I know way better than that . I give you all at the label my word that nothing like such will ever happen again . If so , Gia , I ask that you take all steps necessary to penalize my actions . Whatever need be -- suspension or termination -- I'll accept my consequences .

I know that everyone is expecting me to get up here and make a statement about or to Tisha Jackson but no . I've said all I needed to say on the topic and what's done is done . I'm over it so now I'm just waiting for the media to get over it as well . What I am here to talk about is a current misconception that has been made about my career and how I handle my work . Though I consider this statement more aimed towards the public , it does highlight some of the things that were said about me by Neveah Martinez around the time the whole Tisha incident was fresh .

Like everyone in this business , I have worked hard to get where I am in my career . This journey dates all the way back to my college days in Norway and as we all know , that was some time ago (Laughs) . My point is , I have obviously put in the hard work and overtime -- probably more so than those who claim I haven't . There is a reason why I am more than qualified for this job . There is a reason why I have this job . There is a reason why I have remained at this job despite apparently being responsible for the loss of the self-proclaimed "money maker" of the label . Like stated before , I am a business woman and when it comes to being Head of Sales Department & Promotions , I am the best at what I do . So please , do not discredit my career over something like a comment over what's feminism and what isn't . Despite working on the label she co-owned for a few months , I've never once met or talked to Ms. Martinez before the time we went back and forth on the Culture Uncut website . I don't know her from a can of paint and it's vice versa . But I do not appreciate her even thinking for a second that I'm not "filling her shoes" or whatever she meant -- let alone posting it on Twitter . I could say some things right now that would make you think the very opposite but I won't . Everything would get messy that way and that's the last thing I need right now . All I ask from Neveah is for her to not go there . It's what I ask from everyone really . I am passionate about my work and everything I do and I can't deal with my career being stigmatized like that , especially when it's guided by a misconception .

Glad I got all of that out of the way . Now we can move on to the important matters . So what we've been hearing lately is that according to once inside sources , Studio60 has a big communication problem . I think I'm speaking for everyone here at Studio60 when I say that we have no idea where that came from . At least to where it is completely on our behalf . I've noticed that to back up these lies , people would try and mention our quote , unquote "cutting spree" so to set the record straight , I've decided to address it . I don't know who put this out there , but the cuts Studio60 made early November were in no way shape or form random . The acts who had their contracts terminated were acts we have not heard from in months . And in a lot of cases , years . Those people didn't so much as keep their social media accounts such as Twitter or Instagram active . Some of those acts have been inactive since before Instagram had even hit it's peak in April of 2012 . That is completely ridiculous to think about seeing how this is a record label and not a mattress . You just don't sign on , release a single or two and then never call again .That isn't how things work . We noticed how big of a problem this was becoming for the label , seeing how the excessive amount of signed artists were making us second guess new signings . So in late October we began to try and get a reach of all the inactive artists and it was a struggle all around . As far as I can remember , we only got a hold of one artist which is Ellie Grace-Summers and that wasn't until after the fact . So yes , there were a huge bunch of Studio60 acts cut on November 4th, 2013 , but there was definitely a reason for it .


Moving on . Just in case any of you were wondering , yes , we are aware that our site hasn't been updated since December of 2013 . This is not a mistake or anything , we have actually been remodeling the website . It's taking longer than we expected but it should be running by the end of the week . Our first post for the new year will look completely different from what it did last year . Just because we left 2013 on top doesn't mean we are going to slack in 2014 . We are planning to work even harder this year and remain where Studio60 belongs . At the top stop . I'm guessing we have some time left for a few questions . Does anyone want to start ?

Reporter 1: Yes , a few nights ago on Twitter , Ellie Grace-Summers' manager pointed out that she was no longer on the roster of Studio60 . You quickly took the fall for it so can you explain why ?
Anniken: Ellie Grace-Summers is not off our roster . For some reason she was just missing from our website and that was my fault . As Head of Promotions I should be on top of that at all times and I can't believe I wasn't . But there isn't anything to worry about , all is going to be taken care of . Though I do think Ms. Ellie should come in and discuss some things with us . As a manager , I know I would never insult something or someone while representing my client unless they actually felt that way themselves and if she feels the way he does , a meeting needs to be held as soon as possible .

Reporter 2: You say you're going to avoid getting into any other feuds with artists on the label , correct ?
Anniken: Yes sir .

Reporter 2: So does that mean you won't be writing negative reviews for your website on artists signed to Studio60 ?
Anniken: Ohh , that's a good question . Umm .. no . I'll still write reviews on whoever I please . I don't think a review should start a feud in the first place . For the most part , it's constructive criticism which you'll be receiving from me either way so I might as well . However , if anyone is uncomfortable with that , they can feel free to let me know .

Reporter 3: Ever since she left the label everyone has been wondering -- was Tisha Jackson really the "money maker" of Studio60 ? And what are your feelings on her stating such ?
Anniken: Absolutely not . I don't even have to pull out any records to prove so . I could just simply state some names that are way bigger than her . Like Glamazon , Reported Failure and Isabel . And that's just Studio60 . The fact that she basically said "I'm the reason this label exists" didn't upset me as a person who works on this label but upset me for all the acts signed on to it . That was highly disrespectful , to just claim that her contract is cherished more than others . We aren't one of those label who have a "center" . We treat everyone the same , we promote everyone the same , we fund everyone the same . We don't just focus on the "money makers" even if she was actually one of them and not just claiming to be . That's why Studio60 has had so much success as a label . Because we realize that with the right promotion , funding and support , anyone can be made into a "money maker" .

Gia: Those are all the questions we are taking right now. Thank you for coming and we hope to see you at some of our future label events this year. (Smiles)
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#2 Posted : 21 January 2014 04:42:43(UTC)
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Jimmy: All I'm hearing is "she should have done that, he should have done that" and blah blah blah. Can't you guys take the blame on your behalf for once? If it's more than one artist who's been/had problems with the label, then know that it's not the artist. Second, MY artist has NEVER and would never take to Twitter to say something like that. Ellie never stated that she wanted to leave Studio60 on Twitter. Please, if so, tell me when this happened. Third, her whole profile was taken off of that artist roster and on top of that, her tour wasn't ever spoken of on the 'News' category on Studio60's site. Oh and Ellie's tour is sponsored by Pepsi. It is in NO WAY shape or form funded by Studio60. If my artist's name doesn't go back on that roster and doesn't get the proper backing she deserves, legal action will be taken. Ellie will also be leaving Studio60 as well. I'm not always right and none of us are. Be an adult for Christ's sakes.
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#3 Posted : 21 January 2014 04:53:24(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Walton Go to Quoted Post
Jimmy: All I'm hearing is "she should have done that, he should have done that" and blah blah blah. Can't you guys take the blame on your behalf for once? If it's more than one artist who's been/had problems with the label, then know that it's not the artist. Second, MY artist has NEVER and would never take to Twitter to say something like that. Ellie never stated that she wanted to leave Studio60 on Twitter. Please, if so, tell me when this happened. Third, her whole profile was taken off of that artist roster and on top of that, her tour wasn't ever spoken of on the 'News' category on Studio60's site. Oh and Ellie's tour is sponsored by Pepsi. It is in NO WAY shape or form funded by Studio60. If my artist's name doesn't go back on that roster and doesn't get the proper backing she deserves, legal action will be taken. Ellie will also be leaving Studio60 as well. I'm not always right and none of us are. Be an adult for Christ's sakes.

Gia: And all I'm hearing from you is "Ellie needs this and Ellie needs that" she is NOT above the label. If you pay attention, the site has not been updated recently. There are a lot of artists who have not been added to the promotion list. CLEARLY, we are behind but we're working on it. And yes your artist most certainly did go on Twitter and say that. Now if she deleted that tweet, that is on her but I saw it and I know others did as well. You can lie about it, doesn't really bother me. I hope she finds a better manager for her because you sweetheart are definitely not up to par. I think you are the one who needs to be an adult. We've told you over and over we would talk to you, actually Anniken did, but you still sit there and try to act big and bad. Saying 'legal action' is not going to scare us. Trust me, we've taken on bigger and worse legal cases than your temper tantrum. And by the way, what's the point of you saying you will take legal action if you just stated she was leaving? Spruce your stories up better sir. You also went on a rampage saying the other day how her tour was not getting funding from us yet....you're saying it's getting funded by Pepsi, so which is it? The holes in your arguments are digging themselves deeper. Do what you must, so will we.

Edited by user 21 January 2014 04:53:57(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#4 Posted : 21 January 2014 05:00:31(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Walton Go to Quoted Post
Jimmy: All I'm hearing is "she should have done that, he should have done that" and blah blah blah. Can't you guys take the blame on your behalf for once? If it's more than one artist who's been/had problems with the label, then know that it's not the artist. Second, MY artist has NEVER and would never take to Twitter to say something like that. Ellie never stated that she wanted to leave Studio60 on Twitter. Please, if so, tell me when this happened. Third, her whole profile was taken off of that artist roster and on top of that, her tour wasn't ever spoken of on the 'News' category on Studio60's site. Oh and Ellie's tour is sponsored by Pepsi. It is in NO WAY shape or form funded by Studio60. If my artist's name doesn't go back on that roster and doesn't get the proper backing she deserves, legal action will be taken. Ellie will also be leaving Studio60 as well. I'm not always right and none of us are. Be an adult for Christ's sakes.

Gia: And all I'm hearing from you is "Ellie needs this and Ellie needs that" she is NOT above the label. If you pay attention, the site has not been updated recently. There are a lot of artists who have not been added to the promotion list. CLEARLY, we are behind but we're working on it. And yes your artist most certainly did go on Twitter and say that. Now if she deleted that tweet, that is on her but I saw it and I know others did as well. You can lie about it, doesn't really bother me. I hope she finds a better manager for her because you sweetheart are definitely not up to par. I think you are the one who needs to be an adult. We've told you over and over we would talk to you, actually Anniken did, but you still sit there and try to act big and bad. Saying 'legal action' is not going to scare us. Trust me, we've taken on bigger and worse legal cases than your temper tantrum. And by the way, what's the point of you saying you will take legal action if you just stated she was leaving? Spruce your stories up better sir. You also went on a rampage saying the other day how her tour was not getting funding from us yet....you're saying it's getting funded by Pepsi, so which is it? The holes in your arguments are digging themselves deeper. Do what you must, so will we.

Jimmy: I will be speaking with you in person soon! Oh and my saying that Pepsi is sponsoring/funding the tour is a response to when Ms. Anniken stated on TWITTER that the tour was funded by Studio60. Said that since I didn't respond to that until just now. Nonetheless, things need to get cleared ASAP and it sure the hell will.
Offline Princess_Valentine  
#5 Posted : 21 January 2014 05:33:20(UTC)
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Gia, despite what some may think, I think that you, Layla Raine, Anniken Dahl-Smith, and many others are doing an exceptional job at Studio60. I feel as though this press conference did a splendid job of addressing the issues and setting the record straight. You both spoke the truth and I can only hope that people will start to believe and understand that the employees here at Studio60 really do value each and every artist. I certainly pride myself in being an employee for Studio60 and there's no other place I'd rather be. I'm looking forward to many years here at the label and all that it will teach me. Here's to the future.

- Leslie Nielsen (Talent Scout)

Edited by user 21 January 2014 05:37:17(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified


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#6 Posted : 21 January 2014 08:44:28(UTC)
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Anniken Dahl-Smith : I'd hate to call anybody a liar , so I'll just say that these decisions to have her tour funded by Pepsi were "last minute" . You didn't bring this up last night on Twitter and just now when I just tried to reach her tour's website I am unable to reach it at the moment . Okay . No real suspicion there . But I do kind of remember this picture being on that site .


Now see , usually when our logo is on something (especially events and tours) that means that it has something to do with us or we have taken some part in it . The logo is obviously not put on every tour of the acts signed to Studio60 , seeing that artists like Rum & Coke doesn't have one on theirs and mISTER_b does . They are put there for specific reasons . Now if Pepsi was funding this tour , wouldn't it make sense for Pepsi's logo to be there and not ours ? Wouldn't it make sense that it would be generally known by everyone that Pepsi had some take in it ? Because if that was known , I would have not gotten something like that mixed up . Though I am unable to reach the website of the tour , I remember pretty much everything on that website from when I first checked it and Pepsi wasn't mentioned once . But enough of my conspiracy . Here is what's about to happen : the website will be updated by tomorrow with EVERYONE'S promotion for singles , tours and etc. Which means , like every other act on Studio60 , Ellie Grace-Summers will have to wait . I guess you don't understand how the judicial system works because anyone could tell you there is no way that any of this will be held up against us in court . If anything , Ellie would probably be the one sued for walking out on her contract . And please , please , PLEASE , tell me how much of an adult you are being . I cannot begin to explain all the patience it is taking in me to not scoop down to your ignorant level right now . I really don't even understand your whole reasoning behind .. whatever you're trying to pull . It's really all just giving me a big headache that I don't need . I do ask that before you threaten us with anymore lawsuits or attempt to insult us furthermore that you find this press conference somewhere on YouTube and replay it over and over until you listen to and comprehend every single word stated . Thanks .
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RoseJapanFan on 21/01/2014(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#7 Posted : 21 January 2014 09:20:52(UTC)
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Dallas: I know little about these arguments, but all I can say is that I doubt someone who I've always respected, a businesswoman and mother, would stoop as low as she is being accused of here. That's the sort of childish thing I think Gia has proved she is totally above for the past few years at the head of this industry. And although I'm not as familiar with Ms Smith, I'm sure she is professional and cool. She seems to have handled all of this as professionally as anyone could hope. I'll stand in the corner of Studio 60 on this one, I reckon. They have always seemed to be the best at treating their artists well and I think they are being as professional as they can with the way everyone is treating them lately. Muchos respecto, ladies.
thanks 2 users thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
kandii on 21/01/2014(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 21/01/2014(UTC)
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#8 Posted : 21 January 2014 09:42:24(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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Abie: Right in the middle of my vacations I had the obligation to come up in defense of such a visionary woman like Gia-Rose Hilton. I don't wanna take sides, so I really don't care what happened to other artists hired by Studio60, but I must say that all my career has been managed and funded by Studio60, of course I have my manager Mark Stuart, but he always had a good relationship with folks at Studio60, he even signed mISTER_b with them due to that relationship, I never experienced any disrespect from Gia or any other employee of the label and I can say that if I'm successful, that if I sold some millions of records, it's thanks to Studio60 and their visionary way to promote and manage their artists career. It's shame to see names like Tisha Jackson leave the label, once I always was so honored to be her mate and always admired her talent and work, but don't say that Studio60 is an awful label that doesn't care for their artists, 'cause that's not true! I'm the proof that Gia-Rose has an incredible heart. Back at 2012 I got sick and really sick, Gia helped a lot in that situation, I had all the support I needed and I was about to start a really big world tour and Studio60 took all the injury for themselves. Anyway, just wanna say that maybe there were too much egos involved in this whole situation and a little neglect from some people, but Studio60 is way bigger than that and I keep being a Gia-Rose Hilton's fan!

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
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RoseJapanFan on 21/01/2014(UTC), kandii on 21/01/2014(UTC)
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#9 Posted : 22 January 2014 01:52:00(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Princess_Valentine Go to Quoted Post
Gia, despite what some may think, I think that you, Layla Raine, Anniken Dahl-Smith, and many others are doing an exceptional job at Studio60. I feel as though this press conference did a splendid job of addressing the issues and setting the record straight. You both spoke the truth and I can only hope that people will start to believe and understand that the employees here at Studio60 really do value each and every artist. I certainly pride myself in being an employee for Studio60 and there's no other place I'd rather be. I'm looking forward to many years here at the label and all that it will teach me. Here's to the future.

- Leslie Nielsen (Talent Scout)

Gia: Thank you Leslie, and we're glad to have you apart of our team :)

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Dallas: I know little about these arguments, but all I can say is that I doubt someone who I've always respected, a businesswoman and mother, would stoop as low as she is being accused of here. That's the sort of childish thing I think Gia has proved she is totally above for the past few years at the head of this industry. And although I'm not as familiar with Ms Smith, I'm sure she is professional and cool. She seems to have handled all of this as professionally as anyone could hope. I'll stand in the corner of Studio 60 on this one, I reckon. They have always seemed to be the best at treating their artists well and I think they are being as professional as they can with the way everyone is treating them lately. Muchos respecto, ladies.

Gia: Thank you sir. We appreciate your ability to see past the "scandals" and base judgement on the facts.

Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
Abie: Right in the middle of my vacations I had the obligation to come up in defense of such a visionary woman like Gia-Rose Hilton. I don't wanna take sides, so I really don't care what happened to other artists hired by Studio60, but I must say that all my career has been managed and funded by Studio60, of course I have my manager Mark Stuart, but he always had a good relationship with folks at Studio60, he even signed mISTER_b with them due to that relationship, I never experienced any disrespect from Gia or any other employee of the label and I can say that if I'm successful, that if I sold some millions of records, it's thanks to Studio60 and their visionary way to promote and manage their artists career. It's shame to see names like Tisha Jackson leave the label, once I always was so honored to be her mate and always admired her talent and work, but don't say that Studio60 is an awful label that doesn't care for their artists, 'cause that's not true! I'm the proof that Gia-Rose has an incredible heart. Back at 2012 I got sick and really sick, Gia helped a lot in that situation, I had all the support I needed and I was about to start a really big world tour and Studio60 took all the injury for themselves. Anyway, just wanna say that maybe there were too much egos involved in this whole situation and a little neglect from some people, but Studio60 is way bigger than that and I keep being a Gia-Rose Hilton's fan!

Gia: Thank you Abie. I don't want to put anyone in the middle of this except for the people responsible for their wrongdoing so hopefully no one thinks that's my purpose of everything.
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