I had a chance to sit down with the punk band On The Horizon, it was a Friday morning in Seattle where we agreed to meet at a local Starbucks. I spent hours asking question while they spent hours answering, I also got to tour the studio where they are currently recording tracks for a debut album( Jack Straw the mastermind producer wasn't at the studio) here is the full interview.
- David Jones Editor
AP:So we meet again on this beautiful morning in Seattle, how is everybody?
OTH: we are good, but kinda stressed about the album, I mean it's hard to write and record a good album.
AP: You mean the writers block your dealing with? It's a rumor all over the internet
Robert: I'm struggling to write quality songs, I hate writing simple songs with no meaning so that's why I bought in Jack.
AP: So Jack writes the songs too?
Robert: I write the songs but he puts the songs in order, takes out bits, adds lyrics, you know takes a crappy song and makes it amazing, he gets credit for sing writing too.
AP: When we went into the studio and you played some demos I was impressed, it seems like the album is taking shape.
Lily Rose: it is slowly, I mean I write bits, Robert writes bits and we send it off to Jack who says hey Lily I love your song! oh Robert your sing is a little weak! we love Jack for letting us know this. Just a week ago I wrote a song which my god I've been writing since 2005 and I still can't get it right and I give it to Jack and he turns coal into diamonds.
AP: I saw an interview where you said the album would have "Raw Punk" sound but the demos you played for me today I think the one song was Xanax Valentine was a little pop punkish. It was a catchy song but I think people want to hear different.
Robert: We have an outtake where PrettyLittleFreaks didn't sing on the song, it sounds like a little sex pistolish but I'm a fan of PrettyLittleFreaks a huge fan and right away Jack said you need a guest star and I knew who I wanted right away. Xanax Valentine is going to be huge. It's a catchy song that everyone will sing to.
AP: Another song I heard had the line, " why dream of tomorrow, if you can't survive today" it sounded more like a dark ballad.
Robert: Dreams Of Tomorrow was written a long time ago and we knew if it didn't make this album it wouldn't be released, I pitched 3 songs to Jack and he liked this one the most so we spent 48 hours straight working on lyrics and the melody seemed right to have a ballad on the album.
AP: News on the net said the album was delayed, is this another Guns N Roses in the making?
Lily Rose: I won't go that far, but Robert & I want want perfection, if we don't think the song is perfect we will write and re write. So far we have one song done, like the demos showed we have many in the process, time will tell when the album is released.
AP: Last Question, What will the other songs sound like?
Robert: Who knows, we have this killer song called " Cigarettes" that The Harlots would be outstanding on. We are looking to Make raw punk mixed with pop punk mixed with alt rock. Like maybe if Nirvana had baby named Paramore who knocked up The Smashing Pumpkins, it's hard to say.
Edited by user 24 February 2014 13:40:32(UTC)
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