Hello Sabina! Thank you for being here with us today, it is an honor to be speaking with you.It's such an honor to be here speaking with you. This is actually my first real interview, so thank you for having me. I am excited!
How are you feeling today?I feel great a bit tired. Just finished a rehearsal session, but I am in high spirits and happy to be here today.
So for people who don't exactly know who you are, how would you describe yourself in a nutshell? Well my name is Sabina. I am from Romania! I've had a passion for music since I was a very little girl, 22 years old now... I love to sing, write music and perform and I am ready to release music for people in the world so they can have something to listen to, enjoy, relate to, party and dance to. Everything, you know? I'd consider myself to be a relatively laid back person who doesn't let bad things get to them and someone who loves positive things. I like to have a good time as well, when I am not writing or recording music I love to go out and have a good time, responsibly of course!
I've got to say, I totally love your accent. How long have you been speaking English? Mulțumesc! That is thank you in Romanian, hehe. I've been speaking English for a very long time! I think since I was about 7. In school it's required, so I kind of had to but my accent will never leave me. It's apart of who I am and where I come from. Over time I have become better in my English though, really hard at first. I remember when I first came to the United States when I was 18, everyone would speak so complicated and I had so much trouble. I think that's what made me really start seeking how to speak better English. I still have some trouble at times but I think I am pretty fluent now. Thankfully, hehe.
How was life for you growing up in Romania? My parents were any regular parents who spent hard time working. We weren't rich or anything like that but we weren't exactly poor. Very simple life in Romania.
When did you realize that music was for you?Very early on. I've always wanted to be a singer right from the moment when I use to sing with my brush like its a microphone in my bathroom when I was about 7 years old. I use to love performing in front of family, they use to call me a little star all the time since they thought I had such a unique voice early on. When I got older, about 12, that's when I really started taking things seriously. After a talent show at school, I was so happy about the reaction I got, I actually went home and started creating a website as if I was an actual singer at the time. My mom was really unhappy, turned the computer off and told me to focus on school and no music. I was so sad but it was like...like my destiny to become a singer. No matter what she had to say or my father or anyone else really.
With your parents not being very supportive of your love, was it harder for you to express yourself and really strive to become a musician?The more I got older the more they really just didn't want me to sing. My parents wanted me to focus on being a doctor. I didn't want to be a doctor, they finally realized nothing they were doing to stop me was working so they let me express myself and gave up really. I was finally able to be myself and that's when I really able to express myself and go for it.
When you were really just starting out as a singer, what did you do to get your name out there?That website that my mom stopped me from creating was actually created. Although probably a small number of people actually knew about the website I put some at home recordings on the website and stuff. I really thought I was a pop superstar! When I turned 16, I was started performing covers in lounges and stuff. I think that's how people started to get to know me, in my town at least. I didn't have any major successes. I was a local singer who people noticed and it was nice, I thought I was getting somewhere. I really did.
You also were a part of a group in 2011 that was very short lived named "Fierbinte". How was the group started? My friends Adela and Filip who quickly became the best of friends with me in school wanted to create a group. So we did. Since I wasn't alone, it was much easier having two other put work in to have a result. We actually got tour around Romania in small venues. People really liked us.
What caused the break up? They wanted to go and do other things. Adela wanted to get into higher education. Filip just didn't want to carry on. Not everything can last, it was no dirty break up. We all came to an agreement that it's best if we went and did other things.
Do you regret being a part of the group? Do you still communicate with the other members? Not at all! Hehe, being in Fierbinte really opened up many doors for me that's we were underground, but we had an underground following. It gave me my first taste of ..I'd say...success was. We had a fan base, people really liked us. We even started getting small record deals, but it was like if we signed those things we would totally sell our lives away and at 18, we weren't ready for that. I gained a lot of knowledge in entertainment being with them. I still talk to both Filip and Adela, always will!
Fast forward two years later, 2013 was a really great year for you wasn't it? It was! That's when I met Marcel, Radu and Sebastian. Who go by the name of Play&Win! Hehe.
How was the first encounter with Play & Win? Did they call you or did you see them? What brought all four of you together?I got an email and a phone call. I didn't answer the phone call since I don't usually answer to numbers I don't know but they left a message saying that it was Sebastian of Play and Win and how they wanted to record a song with me. I seriously thought it was a joke, I was like...what the?... how did these fakes even get my number. My friends knew I really were big fans of Play & Win so I just thought it was a big joke they might've been playing on me but when I checked my email and the same number and basically the same message was there, I decided to call. I was so nervous and just shocked. It was unbelievable, they wanted to have a meeting with me. I told my parents about it and my dad of course didn't allow me to go alone so we both went to Alba Iulia in October. Spoke with them and we got some studio time not too long after and recorded Don't Try To Stop Me. Pretty crazy!
Don't Try To Stop Me was a big hit in Romania late last year, do you feel this really opened doors for you musically since it got so much heavy airplay in your country?Yes, yes of course. When that song came out it was insane. Even though my name wasn't credited on the title, people quickly found out who I was and it's much different now. It definitely opened up many doors for me because that opportunity gave me the chance to launch my solo career so I really thank them, alot. People actually want to work with me now and don't just want to get with me in exchange for a song and stuff like that...
When you say ...get with you. What do you mean?It was very tough before. Which is why my dad has become very protective of me. It can be very dangerous for women in the industry, I know that now. Before I thought it was fun and games of glitz and glamour that I always imagined you know? Before Play & Win, I would ask producers to work with me and they would tell me to do things to them for a song since you know, I wasn't well known at all and producing a song for me would do more good for me then them and they'd just say disgusting things and request for me to do stuff. I am not gonna get into it but in the end, I'm happy that Play & Win were very respectful and cared only about the music and that opportunity really opened doors.
It has certainly made you a very adored being in your home country. Are you there often? Not so much as before unfortunately but when I am, it is a huge deal. I love everyone when I come there! Everyone is always so sweet and they give me gifts and so much nice mail. The people who support me really motivate me. I love doing what I do because of people like them aside from me just loving the art of music and creation....they are just great ...so sweet.
This year is already seeming to pick up for you, with your music trending on social media and your name popping up in many places, were you really expecting a buzz internationally so quickly? No. I really wasn't. I am in England the other day and people actually noticed me. Running up for pictures and stuff. I am like oh wow, this is seriously getting real!
How has the industry been treating you?Very nice actually. I've met a few people who are really cool and other not so much! Hehe, but I do not expect everyone to be nice all the time but on Twitter and stuff, when you get noticed the bullies run wild. At first it was a bit hurtful but now I've learned how to just block all that stuff out. I love to make music, why focus on the bullies of the internet?
You've also just released a free E.P on itunes as well. How exciting is that?VERY! Just knowing my first project out is like a dream really. Those six songs mean alot to me just because it's my first body of work and the reaction I have gotten is just crazy! Mister b literally told me he really enjoys my music, that is huge.
For someone who maybe wasn't familiar with your work, how would you describe it? It's Electro pop and dance. But I would also like to experiment with different music as well in the future.
Did you choose a single from the E.P yet to represent the EP and your debut single?Yes I have!
What song will it be? Drunk Enough. Alot seem to really enjoy that song in particular so I felt it was best to go with that first. It's great news too. I love all the songs on the E.P but Drunk Enough is my favourite.
Many have even gone on to compare you to Cinzia Ricci, how do you feel about the comparisons ?I think it's huge! She's very iconic. I am waiting on music just as everyone else is from her, but I feel that would happen since we both make dance influenced music but I think we are very different artists. I appreciate the comparisons and I adore her, but we are very different. She's made it easier for artists like myself however, to make it through. That I can say.
If you could choose any singer to record a collaboration with.... who would it be and why? How would the song sound like?Probably Cinzia or Pixie. Cinzia and I would make a huge dance record and I would like to add in more electro vibes with Pixie. I love her style and voice...maybe a slow beginning and a big chorus. I can hear it already! Hehe.
Starting off from just Romania, now the name Sabina is being heard alot, what does this mean for a young artist like you?Whatever god wants it to be. I'm hoping my music reaches worldwide status. I want to tour the world. I want to create music. I want to meet fans all over the world, provide for my family. So much, if everything works out it means alot for me and the people who like me.
You have a very distinct look, do people notice you easily now that you've become some what of a hot prospect for the near future?I think more so every single day. And thank you!
Since you are traveling a lot, have you been adjusting to the changes easily? I think so. I like to travel so it's been alot of fun recently.
Speaking of traveling, you'll be making your first official U.S appearance at Cosmo Fest in just a few weeks. It's your first major U.S show, are you nervous?I am. My first US show!!
What can fans expect from your set? Alot of dancing and singing and lights and a big party. I am looking to make the people in attendance who don't know me, remember my name by the time they leave. It's a huge opportunity for me.
I am sure you will do a great job! I hope so! Thank you.
Last question, what are your plans for the rest of the year? Can you let us in on some things you have planned?Some more new music, touring, a record deal! I've gotten some artists who want to record some music and I'll be beginning work on my debut album later this year! I have a lot planned and a lot that I want to do so 2014 will be amazing. I know it.
Sabina's brand new single "Drunk Enough" will be out on May 25th.
Songwriters: Sabina Alexandrescu, Marcel Amanar
Genre: Dance
Release Date: 5/25/14
Label: Unsigned
Producers: Marcel Amanar
The first release from Sabina, one of music's hottest new prospects is the elegant "Drunk Enough". The record has been cited by established artists such as Allison, as a caption on an instagram photo causing the song to garner quite an early following on the internet, the caption even caused the song and Sabina's EP to trend for more than two days. The song is also known as Sabina's favorite off the the 'Sabina EP' and is the very first track. The record was recorded 2013, shortly after the release of Don't Try And Stop Me. The record is known to start off elegantly and smooth. The track which was produced by Marcel Amanar is the perfect way to start the E.P off. Drunk Enough is a swooning mid tempo-ed dance jam that screams European pop music that pits a female and a male together as they break free together and go out drinking, but the big question is, is he drunk enough to say he loves her? The record is also gives off a care free vibe. Sabina shows off her elegant, sensual and whispery vocals that sells the song perfectly throughout the track. The chorus has the beat pick up a bit with horns that escalate throughout the track until the song comes to an end.
Trying to escape from them
And have some fun with your one day friends
He says I will take you home
But I want to be free
I'm tired of captivity
I was searching for you so long, only for you
You could take me anywhere you want
And I know that you will take me where there is people and merry-making
Take me there, shining here
We are drinking over the sea, under the sky
Oh, no magic while I'm gone
It is what it is
It was what it was
Are you drunk enough to say I love you?
Do you wanna be my savior tonight?
Save me from my mad papi
Naughtiness is our queen
We don't want to get bored never and ever
We are drinking over the sea, under the sky
Oh, no magic while I'm gone
It is what it is
It was what it was
Are you drunk enough to say I love you?
Today we will get drunk in the old bar
Tomorrow in the lonely hotel
Let's start everything from the start
Today we will get drunk in the old bar
Tomorrow in the lonely hotel
Today we will get drunk in the old bar
Tomorrow in the lonely hotel
Let's start everything from the start
Today we will get drunk in the old bar
Tomorrow in the lonely hotel
We are drinking over the sea, under the sky
Oh, no magic while I'm gone
It is what it is
It was what it was
Are you drunk enough to say I love you?
We are drinking over the sea, under the sky
Oh, no magic while I'm gone
It is what it is
It was what it was
Are you drunk enough to say I love you?