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#1 Posted : 09 June 2014 12:48:39(UTC)
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Streaming Live on radiovine.com, popjustice.com, musicsociety.com

Title: Easy to Forgive
Songwriters: Radio Vine
Producers: Housi, Radio Vine, Stories Inc.
Length: 3:55 (Single Version) 3:55 (Album Version)


" My story is like sequels. It's so much that has happened.. it will take sequels to explain. My sequels are my music..."

Radio Vine releases her highly anticipated single 'Easy to Forgive' after confirming for months of the single, Radio is finally releasing the smooth and creative track that is attached to her album about her brutal and heartbreaking domestic relationships 'Echos of Silence' Radio is confirming the album's release date for June 24th. Her previous hits, 'Your Vow' and 'Us' has had highly reviewed singles of 2014. She calls her new music 'masterpieces' 'art of music' 'perfect story-telling' Radio has came a long way from her album 'Invention of Me' that sold over seven million copies back in 2012. It's been almost two years since Radio has released an album, but this has to be her best work yet simply because her approach to pop and alternative music that has gotten the attention of many fellow musician in the industry and stamps to Radio's tracked life. In the recent months, Radio's orphan mother Odeal Pearl died of an heart attack. Radio escaped to Paris in the middle of her album marketing and recording to get away of the emotional destroyed image of Miss Pearl seeing her final days. She didn't get to see Pearl before she died. Radio was busy working on the album when Miss Pearl, that raised Radio from the age of 6 to 18 in Los Angles. Radio had her doubts about Pearl because she believed that she knew her real mother and took her away at the young age after plenty of people told Radio that her mother was on drugs and her father was addicted to Heroin. Pearl left Radio's an detailed voice mail that said, " I always wanted to forgive you for what you put me though... I know that you think I knew your mother.. I will never take that away from you Destiny. I love you and I know how much you miss your mother sweetheart...." The voice mail started fading away when Radio recalled hearing children crying in background. Radio hanged up the phone and went into a strong state of depression. She tried calling her several times but never gotten an answer. She got in touch with her lawyer earlier in the month of May when her lawyer told her that she was in the hospital. Radio didn't want to go, she cried because she knew that she was soon to meet heaven. She sent her flowers and more sadder, sent her the first letter Suzie wrote her when she was 7. The part that stood out the most for Radio was when Pearl said.. " Life is meaningful if your dreams are like waves, all flow so well in the distance of the nights, you're my dream that I never had... a child simply lost in one complexes world... I know you're soul is here, but you're mind is still gone... I know you well.. I want to say goodbye for now.. but never forever.." Pearl left her orphan home for months to travel to London to meet a potential lover. A woman named Tiffany replaced Pearl for two months. Tiffany bought many men thought the home... drunk men and sex addicted men... Radio saw the love and passion that Tiffany will receive then saw the mentally and physically abuse of those men that was combined with love and hate. Were the men beating her for the bleeding love of an beautiful woman or were the men obsessed with seeing the beautiful hurt? Radio will stare at the men kissing Tiffany and then sexual moans in the room late nights and when the men will say " I'm sorry if I ever hurt you..." Tiffany will smile and the passion returned. Clearly, you saw it was no heartbreak in the man's body from physically hurting Tiffany. He will hurt you then act as if nothing took place. The men will the extremely good looks and money will always over power Tiffany with the downfall of money. Tiffany was raised in an low income household, so she often searched for a man to support her financially and emotionally.... but it wasn't too long that Tiffany was found dead just weeks after Pearl returned. Radio cried, not because that Tiffany died because crazy enough... Radio enjoyed seeing that roller coaster rides of one crazy relationship that was filled with remorse, confront, love and forbidden secrets that both held. The other children always thought that Radio was really different because she thought it was interested seeing others get hurt emotionally and then see how they recover. Radio never recovered to the simple fact that her life was like an train, it goes and goes and when it stops many personalities and people get on an train that may just crush from Radio's objectives of pushing people away that loves her and always keeping that hurt inside to hurt others because she was hurt so many times before the age of 10. Tiffany was died and Pearl came back. Pearl shared before she died when the producers were getting some in sight on the album's background that " Radio was very touched by Tiffany's death. She wanted to see Tiffany grow.. but it was too late and she told me she wanted an beat to emotionally hurt her so she can see how it feels because she wanted to be beautiful like Tiffany and get the men she wanted... with her looks... and sex... it was very shocking that a child thought that way.." Radio will take pictures of Tiffany night and day when Tiffany will be around the home... then she was sit down and listen to all Tiffany's love stories and even saw the letters the men written Tiffany. Radio will go in and her room and dream of the day she will meet her beautiful man and they will have a family... then she will think that if her face is not even the aspect people like at, what will be? Her music became the study to find out why does her heart and mind think the way it does? And why must Radio think about things that many others doesn't even mention. Radio started to get involved with men at the age of 16, older men.. she hide the secret from Pearl for an while after finding out that Radio was dating an 21 year old man. The man just turned 21 and started to party and drink normally. Radio even got involved with alcohol at the age of 16 when she will go to parties with the 21 year old. Radio felt she was an sex and love slave. She was only wanted when HE was ready for her to feel WANTED. She dated him for six months after Radio discovered he wasn't hurting her the way Tiffany was hurt. Ironically, the man name was Steven.. the same name of Tiffany's murder. Pearl started to say and talk to Radio about her reckless decisions.. Radio at the time was already diagnosed for an mental disorder. Radio will scream and throw things at Pearl and always say, " My life is what I want.. your life is already over.. let me live mines.." And run out to Pearl's garden where she will often find Radio sleeping at. Radio's best friend for years, Allison With always use to ask Radio after Radio will just start fighting with her and hurting her verbally with her insults. Allison with say sorry and then ask Radio, " Do you forgive me..?" Radio will just look at her and smile and then say, " No.." very softly, hours later Radio will come back and hug Radio and say, " I just love you... I'm sorry now..." Allison will always begin crying because she knew Radio's mind was already gone but her talent was there and that may just save her from an reckless life. Radio has recorded an track with Allison 'Free Bird' on her new album about the times her and Radio had in the home. One of Radio's most memorable is when her manager asked her before leaving Radio's team, " Will you ever forgive those will hurt you..?" Radio was silent.. she continued to do her makeup in the mirror after hearing the door shut behind her. She never heard from her again. Radio smiled in the mirror as she got her notepad out and wrote in big red letters, 'EASY TO FORGIVE' The record went into recording just days later.. it's one of Radio's sadness but deepness. Her best record to date. Take a listen at the born story of an forgetting woman.

Beginning Arrangement:

As the track begins, the listeners hear sweet ocean waves as you hear whispers in the background. You can't tell what they are saying but the beautiful sound of the waves calms you as you feel deeply mentally in the track. You begin to wonder how will the track change as then you hear crushing waves, sounding as if they are crushing on an sea of rocks. You hear laughter as the ocean waves crushing. You start to hear the whisper become more vocally as you hear them really low and mysterious, " I'm sorry... I'm sorry" as they fade in and out of the background. You then hear an roaring shout of the word 'Sorry' as the ocean waves suddenly stops.

The emotional piano begins to play slow and dragging. The piano arrangement was played and arranged by Radio as she sings in a low alto notes, it goes smoothly with the keys of the piano. She sings: " You're not my secrets anymore. I come around and love you. But without any harm, you do damage to my heart. You're so so so easy to forgive.." She whispers, " Forgive me"

Pre- Chorus Arrangement

When the whisper fades out, an Indian type of language is heard with Radio's powerful and sheer vocals in the background belting out E-e-e-e-easy to forgive in the background. Her strong head voice that echos out thought the stunning track. She speaks along with the Blangtic language as the mixing of the track includes her head voice transferring over to a high falsetto. Her falsetto is the vocal point of the track, the most vocal performance on the album. Her falsetto is heartfelt and short, very sweet and slow. The different language is heard over Radio belting " Easy to Forgive" in the background. This arrangement comes in before every verse. You can hear sticks beating hardly on drums.

(begins 0:35-1:00)

Verse Arrangement

Radio wanted something as beautiful as the song is. The chorus is as sweet and enduring as her vocals. You hear her the heartbreak and sadness in Radio's flawless falsetto that mixes perfectly with her vibrato and lung power in her steer and relaxed vocal pitch. She takes the chorus very slow as she takes her time getting the verses to the listener's ears for them to understand the story and concept of the verse. Similar to the Pre Chorus arrangement of the verses that are very slow and focused on the harmony and melody of the verses. Radio takes her vocal ranges to a new heights as her falsetto takes stronger in her head voice and during the verses, she even does several Opera influenced adlibs that are as powerful as her sweet and low falsetto that is ranging from an Soprano to an medium tone alto at the end of the verses. During the first verse, she is stronger than ever. After that strong deliever, Radio vocals start to sound as if they are breaking apart as she tries to hold her emotions in, in such an mellow smooth record that touches you deeply. When the verses are done, you hear the sticks hitting softly on the drums and then it into the pre-chorus arrangement then smoothly goes into the chorus, which is the highlight of the song.

Vocal Breakdown

Radio's vocals is as heartbreaking as the record 'Us' During the first verse, her falsetto is the highlight of the verse because how low and depressing it is. Her emotions over shines her vocals because her sheer and devoloped her falsetto is. The chrous begins more of a powerhouse vocalist, she takes her influence soul and blues to make her vocals powerful. She takes her Opera chest notes and rises her throat to the top of her soft palette that makes the chest notes smooth and easy. She continues to do her chest registers during the verse two, her heavy breathing to keep up with the slow harmony is heard, her vocals begin to break but she rises her soft palette has every end of the verses are high alto notes reaches to the high keys of the piano arrangement in the beginning and she controls her vocals with taking it down to the smooth falsetto notes so she can maintain her power during the bridge. The bridge is not as powerful as you hear the breakage of tears beginning to come in as she is low, her vocals become weak but her lower notes are as strong. She takes a deep breath to a note that is in her mixture of head and chest. Her ablibs during the song are low, she uses her bass deep voice to control the heavy notes that takes you back to the undeniable vocal performance from Radio.


You see the monster inside of me,
no one apologized for making me this way
Your secrets are more to my day, I break
out without any warning, do you taste a familiar
taste? My back is against a broken wall. As you ask
me if I can apologize for doing you so wrong. Pride
is what kills me inside. I know what I do, you never
know the hurtful truth. I can feel what I felt years ago.
My inspiration died just moments ago.

You can kill my heart without bledding, your strength
is as bad as my mental illness.

Easy to Forgive, when I kiss your tenderness.
You're easy to Forgive when you say you're going to change.
No one can be so forgiven, with no forbidden. You're easy
to forgive when I get that feeling...

You're so-rry for how you made me feel. My heart is
stones when you talk to me. I'm so tired of being
the one you're holding too. I can't be the woman
of aplogizes, I know this will never end. You're so
easy to forgive, when I know you're both in deep ends.

The same pain with no intensions,
You're love cries me a river,
drowning so you wont leave me.
The water becomes so deepen.
It's so easy for me to say I forgive you,
I do it because I know I wanna be with you.
I can taste the bitterness in your throat.
You never mean the words that comes out of
your heart. I'm sorry for making beauty breakable.

Easy to Forgive, when I kiss your tenderness.
You're easy to Forgive when you say you're going to change.
No one can be so forgiven, with no forbidden. You're easy
to forgive when I get that feeling...

You're so-rry for how you made me feel. My heart is
stones when you talk to me. I'm so tired of being
the one you're holding too. I can't be the woman
of aplogizes, I know this will never end. You're so
easy to forgive, when I know you're both in deep ends.

Say you're sorry, nevermind just go on.
I never wanted to be the girl you lost,
but my heart is still in the rough. I'm sorry,
I'm sorry. So fucking sorry. For what you did to me
last night? Or what you did when you knew it wasn't right?
Is it false? So fake as my eyes, when I look away
because I see the devil in your eyes. Does sorry count
for the hit and misses? The sex and fixes? You're sorry
for making beauty breakable, it's takes a toll on me
to see the hurting keeps getting dismissful.

You're so-rry for how you made me feel. My heart is
stones when you talk to me. I'm so tired of being
the one you're holding too. I can't be the woman
of aplogizes, I know this will never end. You're so
easy to forgive, when I know you're both in deep ends.

Easy to Forgive, when I kiss your tenderness.
You're easy to Forgive when you say you're going to change.
No one can be so forgiven, with no forbidden. You're easy
to forgive when I get that feeling...

Mistakes are you're love,
considering you're just the lost one.
Mistakes are your love,
considering you're just the lost one.
I'm sorry for making everything seem
so forgotten.

End Commentary

As the track comes to the end, the sounds of the waves crashing on rocks are heard. " I'm so sorry for what you wanted and you never got.." a man voice is heard. It's silence to a woman speaking very slowly... " What about the times I wanted it and never got it..." the track fades out..

Edited by user 17 June 2014 03:58:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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freestylechamp on 09/06/2014(UTC), erich hess on 09/06/2014(UTC), snap_itshannah on 09/06/2014(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 09/06/2014(UTC), TishaJackson!!!! on 09/06/2014(UTC), AmyJayneXoX on 09/06/2014(UTC), kandii on 09/06/2014(UTC), BrownSugar on 17/06/2014(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 30/06/2014(UTC)
Online erich hess  
#2 Posted : 09 June 2014 12:58:17(UTC)
erich hess
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erica: i think this is my favorite song you have ever done,radio!

ooc:not just erica's,but mine too.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Moquel on 10/06/2014(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 09 June 2014 13:15:08(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
erica: i think this is my favorite song you have ever done,radio!

ooc:not just erica's,but mine too.

Radio: ERICA! My doll. Play this shit when a fucking man thinks he has you with the sorry's. Fuck that. I'm glad you got your favorite from me. You KNOW WHAT!? You're easy to forgive. I still love you Erica.

OOC: I worked really hard on this single so I'm so glad you love it character wise and personally wise. Thank you so much.
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erich hess on 09/06/2014(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 09 June 2014 13:22:25(UTC)
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Kidd: I'm just going to just stop and say you win. I can't complete with this , you win I will have to fight it out to see who is the second best musician. Really just an amazing song.

OOC: You really did good, breaking the music up and having it mesh pretty well, and having such a story with her. Radio's is like this forum Lady gaga you just come up with so many interesting story and songs for her.

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Moquel on 09/06/2014(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 09 June 2014 21:13:09(UTC)
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Allison : ... Aaaand now we have to YuGiOh battle this shit out . There cannot be 2 crazy sheriffs in town , Radio . But seriously , I love this song . It's everything . We have to get together soon :*

OOC : Dammit , you've done it again .

Edited by user 09 June 2014 23:47:39(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Moquel on 10/06/2014(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#6 Posted : 09 June 2014 23:42:15(UTC)
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Stephanie Fierce: Easy To Forgive is definitely a timeless record. Loved how the songs builds up, Ms. Vine you are so a talented at what you do. Your artistry is truly one of a kind, there's literally no one out there that does what you do and that's special. The lyrics are also very well written, I'm just amazed!

OOC: Wow amazing job with this one! This is no surprise to me because you always come through with amazing RP's! I love how you've literally broke down every part of the song and the music arrangements all fit together pretty good! The lyrics are on point as well! Good job! :)
thanks 1 user thanked stephaniewazhere for this useful post.
Moquel on 10/06/2014(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 10 June 2014 14:01:33(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post

Stephanie Fierce: Easy To Forgive is definitely a timeless record. Loved how the songs builds up, Ms. Vine you are so a talented at what you do. Your artistry is truly one of a kind, there's literally no one out there that does what you do and that's special. The lyrics are also very well written, I'm just amazed!

OOC: Wow amazing job with this one! This is no surprise to me because you always come through with amazing RP's! I love how you've literally broke down every part of the song and the music arrangements all fit together pretty good! The lyrics are on point as well! Good job! :)

Radio: I'm so emotionally out of place because I never felt like I did music or myself justice... I still feel that way but to see you, the icon really love my art and my artisty is very special to me Mrs. Fierce, thank you so much from my bottom of my crazy heart and my nut sheel mind. You're as epic doll.

OOC: So glad you loved it Daniel. Thank you for taking time to even read the RP! Thanks for the support.
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stephaniewazhere on 10/06/2014(UTC)
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#8 Posted : 10 June 2014 14:03:37(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: kandii Go to Quoted Post
Allison : ... Aaaand now we have to YuGiOh battle this shit out . There cannot be 2 crazy sheriffs in town , Radio . But seriously , I love this song . It's everything . We have to get together soon :*

OOC : Dammit , you've done it again .

Radio: Please bitch.. it will alwas be one crazy bitch in town and that's me. It always has. My school use to call me 'Carrie' because bitches knew that when shit gets CRAY CRAY, it's gets fucking CRAZY!!! Allision... be aware doll, but I'll love to hang out with you lovely.

OOC: The timing was perfect, thank you for the support!! Love you for that.
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kandii on 11/06/2014(UTC)
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#9 Posted : 17 June 2014 03:57:25(UTC)
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#10 Posted : 30 June 2014 06:13:41(UTC)
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Harmony: Times like these, I'm glad I can see or I wouldn't be able to hear your awesome music! You're totally adorbs. I'm dedicating the next #WCW to you giiiifriend!

thanks 1 user thanked Princess_Valentine for this useful post.
Moquel on 01/07/2014(UTC)
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