Some Kind of Planet and Police Code Split Lip S/T Tape
Some Kind of Planet:Recorded: February 2014-May 2014 at Saturn Records Studio
Length: 14:06
Release Date: 7/10/14
Produced by: Jeremy Salazar
Label: Saturn Records
Format: Digital, Cassette, and Vinyl
Record Size: 7"
1.Sleep Deprivation
2.The Red Planet
3.Backwards, Forwards, Backwards, Fowards
4.Killer Moths from Canada
Some Kind of Planet's side of the split contains four tracks described to have a punk feel with elements of surf rock and synth punk. Noel Houston quoted
"A lot of bands don't really try that hard with split tapes, this is out first split tape and we really feel we outdid ourselves with this and so did Police Code, the whole release is killer."The band spent all of February and the first week of March recording scratch takes and writing songs until they chose the best four songs to put on the split. Some Kind of Planet has been rumored to be playing secret shows around basements in Seattle in which they take on a new band name called "Teardrop Black." During these shows, all filming of the band has been prohibited, though pictures have been permitted and this one was sent to twitter.

When news of Teardrop Black actually being Some Kind of Planet arrived, Noel Houston stated that the songs were their's and they were going to be in the split. He described the split as being very minimal on lyrics, mostly being jam tracks and that the lyrics would be the usual nonsensical lyrics the band usually has and that the band would be debuting them during their tour.
Police Code:
Recorded: March 2014-June 2014
Length: 10:02
Release Date: 6/10/2014
Produced by: Bryan Kobayashi
Label:Saturn Records
Format: Digital, Cassette, and Vinyl
Record Size: 7"
Winter Formal
Just Say No
What the F Minus?
YesContrary to Some Kind of Planet's side of the split, Police Code's side has more meaning behind their lyrics and more lyrics as well. Frontwoman, Erica LaForge stated
"Our side is mostly about failing school, which never happened to me but I had plenty of friends who failed, drug addiction, and having to choose between your rent or your weed money," Though Erica assumes a role as a vocalist, she mostly plays guitar for the record and the regular guitarist assumes the role as a vocalist. The last track is mostly Erica screaming swear words into the microphone and Jared Sandoval doing a long feedback solo. Police Code is planning on merging these songs into their sets during their tour, Erica stated they would be the primary focus of the tour.
The record will feature two seven inch records, one blue for Some Kind of Planet, and the other red of Police Code. The liner notes will feature a poster, one half of it drawn by Some Kind of Planet, and the other by Police Code with liner notes on the back. All records sold at shows will come with a pack of stickers from each band. Winter Formal and Sleep Deprivation will be streaming June 17th and will each have free downloads for only one hour. Details will slowly be released until July 8th.