Before Police Code starts setting up for their set, a group of people documenting the festival approaches them. "Hey, we're documenting Warped Tour, do you have a moment?"
Erica replies with "Yeah, totally, what's up?"
The camera focus on Erica and you can hear one of the crew members ask "Well first, welcome to Warped Tour, we understand it's your first time, have you ever done anything like this?"
"Sort of, we were planning on touring with Some Kind of Planet but we felt like this was more important, so yeah. And we've also played Cosmosfest, we were the first band to play that. But we've never toured outside of California, Washington, or Oregon."
"Okay, okay, so are you playing the whole tour"
"We're going to be playing as many as we can, we're a little low on funds so we could use some donations, we definitely want to do the whole thing though."
"I forgot to do this earlier, could you state your names, what you do, and maybe you could give us a run down of your band?"
"Sure thing, I'm Erica, I sing and I've been doing a lot of guitar for the band, we're releasing a split with Some Kind of Planet and we thought it'd be cool if Jared sang instead of me for most of the tracks. That's Jenny, our bassist, Jared, our main guitarist, and Rodger, our drummer. We're from Seattle, Washington, we actually formed last year so to be doing things like this so early in our career as a band is awesome. We've currently released a demo and like I said we're releasing a five inch split in July, it's going to be really fucking rad, and we're going to be playing songs from it so come hang out."
The camera crew thanks the band for their time and allows them to set up. Erica drives the van closer to the stage as having heavy gear made it difficult to get it all on stage. Rodger begins setting up his drumset. "Ohh, shit, I lost my tuning key. Keep setting up I'm going to go bum one off of someone." The band continues setting up amps, guitars, bass, and Erica starts bring Rodger's drum equipment on stage.
"Kay, let's start checking." Erica says as she turns on the mic. She calls for a roadie to toggle the mixer accordingly. "Check check check check, 1 2 3, keep going up, louder, louder. Check check. Okay, I think I'm good, we'll play a couple seconds of a song once Rodger comes back. How's your bass, Jen?"
Jenny lifts her head up. "I'm still untangling this damn cable hang on." After thirty seconds of untangling, she finally plugs it into her bass amp and turns it up loud. She plucks her E string. "Fuck, that is really out of tune, it must be the humidity here. Yo, Jared, could I borrow a tuner." He doesn't reply only tossing her a tuner. She catches it and plugs it in and begins to tune. Rodger comes back and tunes his snare quickly and they go through the beginning of Winter Formal.
"Ready?" Erica says and the band nods in approval. The band then walks off stage and waits until it's time for them to play.
A few minutes pass and Police Code walks on stage. The crowd cheers for them, most not knowing who they are. Erica walks up to her microphone, her Gibson LPJ in hand. The band goes into the closer of their split "Yes."

"Hey, Mesa fucking Arizona, how's going? Do we sound good?" The crowd cheers in approval. "I noticed a mosh pit was starting to form, I think that's pretty fucking rad, it's really hot here so I tip my hat to all of you moshing cause it gets really hot.I stepped out of the van earlier today and this wave of humid heat hit me in the face. The van was hot, I mean really hot but this is worse, it's so dry. That's why I brought water. So, I'm pretty much done singing you guys, I'm trading places with Jared"
"Give it up for Erica LaForge everyone! This next song is also on our split. It's called Winter Formal! One two three four"
The band goes into Winter Formal and a huge mosh pit erupts. They then go into the next song "Just Say No."
"Alright, this next ones a cover. Raise your hand if you know Neutral Milk Hotel." A sea of hands raise. "Then you'll love this one, it's called Song Against Sex." The band goes into a fast punk version of Song Against Sex prompting a huge mosh pit.
"Okay, this is our last song, I hope you enjoyed our set, give it up for Molly's Chamber they fucking rocked. All the way from Australia and I'm afraid my bands gonna go bankrupt on tour, we're only a day's straight worth of driving away. We've got T-shirts but they're in short supply, we'll be in the merch booth so we'll sign 'em!" The band goes into What the F Minus and they start jumping on top of speakers, moshing into each other, and by the end all the instruments are out of tune. The song ends, Jared puts his guitar down and dives into Rodger's Drumset causing the whole thing to collapse. Erica grabs the microphone.
"Thanks, everybody! We're Police Code, peace out!" The band tears down for the next group.