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Offline AmyJayneXoX  
#1 Posted : 07 August 2014 12:17:56(UTC)
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OOC- sorry for any spelling mistakes etc!



Well hello Britney, how are you?

I am amazing thanks babe you ok?

Im good, so thing thing we are dying to know is when did you first start singing?

Oh I can't remember exactly but I must of been very young probably about five or six if I was to guess it's never been something I loved but I liked to sing and now Im making a go if it

It's never to late to try something new as they say, so as we know both your cousin Adam and Elyar sing and your now deceased cousin Emerald, but is there anyone else that sings in your family?

You'd be surprised not many actually, personally my mother or father cannot sing but my aunt can she's Adam and Elyars's mum she is like Whitney a power house singer, but other that no one else that I know of can sing

Your good at leading me into questions, so speaking of Adam, how do you feel about the whole Mariko and Dustyn drama that went on with him?

In all honesty im ashamed to call him my family I find it absolutely disgusting what he did who could hit cute little Dustyn I mean that is just mean, poor boy, and as for Mariko to be honest she did provoke him and stuff but that still did not give him the right to lay his fingers on her, I'm literally am so mad at him

Jeez, seems like his got issues with not just other but his family to?

It's his own fault, he did those things he pays the price simple as that

Ok, so going back to you now who would you say are your musical inspirations?

My inspirations vary if im honest but if I were to choose three, I would go with Isabel, Michelle and probably Andrea, I just think Isabel is amazing if I could get anywhere the success she has had it would be great, I know I won't im just saying, Michelle is a lucky bitch what girl can say there married to someone from Weekend, you get me, I think her indie sound is her best but her last album was amazing, and Andrea just because of her new image or as im calling it 'slutty image', she trying to take mine and Suzie's job haha

Her new image rocks though especially for us boys, so next question now.....what kind of music do you listen to today?, as so artists listen to a different genre than what they sing?

I do genuinely listen to pretty much, pop, dance, club music, I also listen to indie music depending on who it is and also that rule applies with rock I love a bit of AC/DC, weird I know but it's true


I did not expect AC/DC to leave yor mouth that's pretty cool, ok so this one is by far my favourite question to ask and that question is what embarrassing songs might I find on your MP3 player?

Oh good one, anything by Suzie, don't no why but I love that her, her music is awful it's production is what makes me listen to it, erm probably Barbie Girl by Aqua, it's on there somewhere to, so embarrassing other than that I think im pretry much not embarrassed by any of the other music on there

Ouch! Barbie Girl, is always one that comes up ok next question if there was one place in the world you could perform where would it be and why?

Erm probably a really obvious answer by probably madison square garden or maybe the north pole if im gonna be out of the blue I would go to corrupt those people that live there, you know maybe flash a few me lady at them

WOW,to much information there, me lady never heard anyone call it that before anyway moving swithly on from that awkward question, ok so who would you most like to open a tour for?

Oh hard one, but probably Pixie because she is one odd chick but odd is fun and colorful and her last tour was both of those so to be able to open a tour for her would be so cool

nice choice, so if you wasn't about to become a singer, what would you be doing right now?

I would probably try and get back into modeling or something, if not then I would probably be looking after my son Jackson who is ten today, happy birthday baby

aww, happy birthday Jackson, so speaking of modeling is t true that you used to be a playboy playmate

Yes!, that is in fact true I did used to be a playboy playmate and I was also a cover girl on their mags and stuff, so that is indeed true im not called a bit of a slut for nothing you know

I wouldn't go that far, if your hot then your hot, ok so moving back to music now if there was any genre at all you could dabble in what would it be and why?

Well considering you were shocked by my AC/DC comment early you might not be surprised by this as much, if I could dabble in any genre it would definitely be rock, I mean my hair is red after all and I love to were leather with spikes coming out of it and stuff, so I could totally pass as a rock chick

Nice, I would love to see that totally happen for real, so is there amy genre you can't stand to listen to?


Yeah that genre were the just bloody scream the songs, metalcore or something it's called cannot stand that can you seriously even call that singing anyone could scream like that if they wanted to that's not a talent, plus that asshole Kai sings that crap so now I hate it even more than I did before

ok, that's a little harsh but what even happened between you and Kai on twitter?

I have been waiting for you to ask this just so I can rant, haha, basically right he called me ugly, so I hit back at him and stuff then I said I was a model but he didn't believe me like I care, and then this really annoyed the hell out of me, I posted a picture of my video that I shot it's me dacing all sexy on a grave right and then he says oh look at you dancing on your sisters grave, I mean how rude plus he could of got his facts right first you know what I mean, Emerald wasn't my siser she was my cousin but still it was damn rude

I can just see him hitting back at you after this this you know?

I don't care bring it on I say, his just a heartless asshole anyway, I mean he married a chick who quite frankly I'm not sure he ever loved and while he was married her he was to busy having it with some of else cheating git

Ok, let's move on before you saying to much, I always ask this one it's kind of a typical questions, what hidden talents do you have?

I could talk about that asshole for a whole interview no lie, anyway to answer your question im super flexible I literally can bend backwards and put my head between my legs

Ok that sounds both cool and painful, so tell me who is your celebrity crush?

Erm that reviewer guy, Alec I think his so hot like smoking hot I would jump on him any day of the week, ops can I say that?

Yes you can in the context that you used, so Britney tell me about what we can expect from you soon music wise of course?

Well my first single called 'Talk To The Hand' is going to been released on Itunes this Sunday as a free download so that's coming up and also I have a performance at the dirty bastard coming up which im super excited about, oh and an EP is coming soon it's gonna be call Kaleidoscope so I am looking forward to release that other than those things nothing

So when can we expect a full length album from you?

To be honest because im currently an independent artist im gonna see how well this project does before I even think of moving on to a new one, otherwise I'll be wasting my time and money

Ok so that's it interview done, thansk for agreeing to chat with us at NME Britney

No problem anytime, I'll galdy come back and do this again, if you ever wanted , e of course

We would gladly have you back, I would just like to remind anyone reading this to go to www.nme.com because we have an exclusive thrity second preview of Britney's song 'Talk To The Hand' up on the site so check it out



Talk to the hand because the face ain't listening
Im done with you and your routine it's boring
I remember when we first met and all the fun we had
We need to re-light, re-light that spark we once had
I can't do that if you won't change and listen
Im tired of trying to get through to you, you
So talk to the hand because my face ain't listening

Everything is always the same with you
Everyday your routine is the same and it bores me
I always tell you to lighten up and try something new
But you never listen to me so im tired of trying
Why do you have to be so dull and plain
Why can't you just make a change, change
All you do is stay the same


Edited by user 07 August 2014 12:33:49(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 4 users thanked AmyJayneXoX for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 07/08/2014(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 07/08/2014(UTC), BrownSugar on 07/08/2014(UTC), erich hess on 07/08/2014(UTC)
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#2 Posted : 07 August 2014 13:22:20(UTC)
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Erica: amazing. Not getting it must be a family trait blame the victim. Admirable. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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AmyJayneXoX on 07/08/2014(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#3 Posted : 07 August 2014 13:27:38(UTC)
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Honor: If you could put as much effort into making a good song as you do worrying about other peoples business, maybe you wouldn't be some washed up playboy model desperately trying for a singing career. I think you've already said enough stupid shit in your 30 second career, you can leave now.

Ooc: Nice intro for her :)
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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AmyJayneXoX on 07/08/2014(UTC)
Offline AmyJayneXoX  
#4 Posted : 08 August 2014 10:14:46(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Erica: amazing. Not getting it must be a family trait blame the victim. Admirable. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

Britney: I have no idea what your on about girl

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Honor: If you could put as much effort into making a good song as you do worrying about other peoples business, maybe you wouldn't be some washed up playboy model desperately trying for a singing career. I think you've already said enough stupid shit in your 30 second career, you can leave now.

Ooc: Nice intro for her :)

Britney: Ok my respect for you just went out the window literally, I couldn't care about you or Kai

OOC - thanks :D

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erich hess on 08/08/2014(UTC)
Offline freestylechamp  
#5 Posted : 08 August 2014 10:19:21(UTC)
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Chris: Your a Suzie fan me too!

Jordan: Do you even know her song?

Chris: Details, details, you sweat the small stuff too much. beside they both have something in common they are hot! Something tell me the similarities don't end their either.

thanks 2 users thanked freestylechamp for this useful post.
AmyJayneXoX on 08/08/2014(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 08/08/2014(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#6 Posted : 08 August 2014 18:52:06(UTC)
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Alex: Exactly how many bitches of pop are there? I'm sorry just curious anyway you said you could do a whole interview about Kai which is kinda sad in a way I mean if you're so obsessed with someone that doesn't like you and calls you out I don't see you going too far because if you get that obsessed over "haters" then it's going to be tough for you because honestly haters are bound to come if you get popular and by what you're saying about Kai I can see you going into a downward spiral if you get any more and saying any genre of music takes no talent is wrong all music takes talent and some metal is actually good but I'm not going to talk about that it's your opinion however back to Kai again if you can let someone make you dislike a genre of music more that's kinda sad anyway I just hope your music is good because I'm not going to judge you off of your personality since we already have so many "bitches" in the industry it's a bit unoriginal anyway I'm done talking now good luck with the whole music thing

ooc: Really good job on the interview :)
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AmyJayneXoX on 08/08/2014(UTC)
Online BrownSugar  
#7 Posted : 08 August 2014 19:52:21(UTC)
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Andrea: Fucking love this bitch! xx




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AmyJayneXoX on 08/08/2014(UTC)
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