He might have stolen hearts on last seasons Starfactory before the show discontinued without notice, but aspiring recording artist and accomplished songwriter Erik Zullo is looking to take the world by storm in 2015 as he gets ready to release his debut single in April, as we wait, here is a trivia of Erik, enjoy.
What is your name?
Erik Zullo
Do you like your name?
I do, especially my last name.
How old are you?
What is your ethnicity?
My father is fully Italian, and my mother is Palestinian-Lebanese. I'm sure there's a few other mixes in there somewhere but those are the main ones.
What is your worst habit?
My worst habit would be the fact that I trust people too easily. I've learned a few times in the past that you have to be really selective with the people you trust and especially share information with. I learned to kick that habit now that I am 21, but it was definitely my worst habit growing up.
Recording or Performing Live?
I've got to go with performing live. I love it, that feeling you get while your on stage and there's people cheering you on, it's surreal and it never gets old for me. Don't get me wrong though, I enjoy recording too. It's a lot more discreet and intimate and it's always fulfilling to see your work progress and you feel accomplished hearing it's final form but there's nothing like hitting that stage.
Morning or Evening?
Morning. I really like to get things done and I feel like I'm alot more proactive in the morning like most people. I treat the evening alot like chill time and my mornings as work time.
What is your favorite sport?
I like basketball and boxing.
What is your favourite song of the moment?
I am really enjoying Valentina Hart's "Bruised". Lyrically it just takes me to another place. I love a song that has depth and emotion but could still be catchy and she really delivered that so kudos to Valentina, it's my favorite song of the moment.
What is your favourite song of all time?
Whoaaaa. That's a good question. I'm gonna be really cliche and say Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Truly iconic song and a musical masterpiece. I also love Lady by Modjo. That song never gets old to me, the song is old but is still on my top 10 played songs of my ipod. The song just puts me in a good mood and I just want to dance haha. Black or White by king Michael is another song that is an all time favorite of mine.
What is the worst song you have ever heard
I know she will probably be so mad at me for saying this but Love Feels Like Osama Bin Laden by Suzie. That song just hurt my ears so bad I'm sorry Suzie. She has come a far way since then so it is okay but yeah that song.
Who is your favorite artist of all time?
I think I'm gonna go with Michael Jackson. Despite what the tabloids depicted him as, he was truly a gifted individual who as made for music. His story is inspirational yet so tragic. I know people have their opinions of Mike, but to me there will be no other like him and that's why he's my favorite act of all time.
What was your favourite Starfactory moment?
Just getting on stage and doing what I love to do. I'm bummed that the show never finished, but yeah, just getting out on that stage.
What is your favourite movie?
Scarface! I can watch that movie every day all day long. Al Pacino is bad ass, he fulfilled that role to a tee.
What is your favourite book?
A child called it. I read it a really long time ago but it's a really good book that's sad. Maniac Magee was a middle school classic for me. Great book.
What would be your perfect day?
Laying in the sun, relaxing with the people I love, with absolutely no worries about life and responsibilities. That would be perfect for me. Just to have that feeling of complete freedom with no stress.
What is your best memory of your childhood?
Singing at my moms wedding when I was 9 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was so damn nervous, I was shaking before I went sang. My moms wedding was a big deal. So many people were there and I remember after singing my little 9 year old heart out...I felt so good. Everyone was cheering for me and happy, it was really monumental.
What is your worst memory?
Easy, getting jumped in eighth grade by people I thought were my friends. That feeling of betrayal I felt....shit, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, it really sucked. Even to this day, I wonder what was it exactly for since ever since that day I haven't seen or spoken to them. One of them tried to reach out once they saw me apart of Starfactory. I'd forgive them but I'd just ask why did it even happen.
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?
I'm a vampire! Just kidding. People always accuse me of that because my canine teeth happen to be really sharp. So yup, no one knows that I feast on blood.....I'm kidding of course.
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?
That's too hard of a question. There are simply too many good looking people in this industry for me to pinpoint certain people, but I do find Isabel and Sabina to be very attractive. I heard they're going to be on tour together too, I've got to catch a show. There's more I wouldn't mind dating but I'll just sound like a weirdo listening.
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?
Right now, I really want the worldwide success. I've always wanted to know what it felt like. Chasing love is something that we can do for an eternity and get along the way. But I want to be successful right now and if I fall in love, I got the jack of all trades
If you could change something about the world, what would it be
Imperialism, mass genocide, and war. The things going on in Lebanon, specifically where my mom grew up... with all the Islamic militants, Syrian refugees, terrorism and religion tensions is devastating and I wish it would just stop.
What do you think happens when we die?
We truly won't know until it happens.