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#1 Posted : 06 October 2014 07:25:00(UTC)
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We recognise him for being one quarter of controversial boy band The Stat Nerds, his close relationship with Daisy on Celebrity Big Brother, rather questionable fashion choices and that permanent jet black quiff of his but how well do we REALLY know Christopher Kyle Hudson? We get under the skin of the twenty-four year-old pop star in his first ever interview outside of the band. Reality TV, music, celebrity feuds, band mates, family life, sex, relationships and drugs. Nothing is left off the table in this exclusive interview.

Born on 4th August 1990 as Christopher Piero Napoliello into an all singing, all dancing family and raised within the Hollywood area of Los Angeles, it was safe to say that this handsome devil was destined for a life in the spotlight. Although, things weren't exactly handed to him on a plate as you might have expected and life certainly hasn't always been a bed of roses for the heartthrob. We delve further into his past as Hudson sits with us in a private suite in an upscale London hotel, sipping on some hocus pocus herbal throat remedy mixture as he takes us back to his very beginnings. He appears to be very open and approachable, immediately putting everyone in the room at ease. "I guess you could say a life in the entertainment business was written in the stars. It was meant to be. I grew up in a family where everyone was involved in the business one way or another. There was many different levels, many different jobs but the majority of my family were in the business in some form. My father was an up and coming director when I was born. He worked on many TV shows, mainly those over dramatic 80's soap operas and was hoping to break into the film field. My mom was a demo singer and a professional dancer. I wasn't the son of Hollywood's hottest couple but I definitely had a very privileged lifestyle and upbringing, I'm not going to lie about that." As Christopher pauses to drink some of his rather pleasant smelling vocal potion, I ask if he remembers his first musical experience and the moment when he decided that was the right career choice for him. He smirks halfway through the question, obviously bringing up some fond memories as he recalls it all. "I am a total mommy's boy. I used to come with her into the studio all the time. She has a wonderful voice and I just used to love listening to it. Then I'd try to mimic her, failing dramatically I might add! My dad was never one for singing so all of that came from my mother. I have a great story about the first time I was actually recorded in a studio. I was six years old and as usual, I came into the studio with my mom. Now most of the songs she recorded the demo for where never picked up or made it big. However that day she was asked to record the demo of a song titled "Don't Let Go (Love)" which later went to En Vogue and became huge for them. I was in the studio along with her, it was the end of the day and since I was a cute little thing with big puppy dog eyes, the guys in the studio let me sing in the booth just for fun. I sang a few lines plus the chorus because I couldn't remember much else. So yeah, I sang that song before En Vogue even heard it and there's a recording of it floating around at my mom's house somewhere!"

Listening to Christopher it's not hard to see which parent he is closest to and relates with the most. During his time on the hit reality television show, Celebrity Big Brother 4, he made many remarks about his father but did not go into much detail and it seems like a touchy subject. Everything may be all smiles now but easygoing, lovable Christopher has endured some extremely dark times which he has only just revealed to the world right here in this conversation. "My dad and I...we had a healthy father and son relationship for a while. He was the main male figure in my life that I looked up to in my very early years. Things took quite a drastic turn though when I was around seven or eight. My dad always had a temper but it became uncontrollable around that time and he became really unpredictable....and violent." It may seem hard to believe but the ever so chatty and upbeat Christopher appears to be lost for words. He looks around the room for a few moments as he tries to collect his thoughts and think about his words carefully as he summons up his old demons. "Well that was the first time it became apparent to me. I found out a few years down the line that he was like that with my mother even before I was born. I was just seeing it all through rose tinted glasses for a long time. My dad would just go off at absolutely anything. I remember pouring myself a glass of milk and a splash of it, a tiny splash, landed on the counter top and he just beat me right there in the middle of the kitchen. It wasn't just a slap, he nearly broke my arm and he actually broke my little finger. When I went to the hospital and when mom came home, he had a cover story ready. I fell down the stairs. I was young and scared, didn't have a clue what was going on, so I went along with that story for a good year and a half." I was completely taken aback while listening to the story. Sitting on the same sofa and getting to know this lovely gentleman, it's hard to believe that anyone could be that cruel to someone with such a lovely nature. My curiosity is aroused when Hudson starts to roll up his left sleeve. At first I thought he was going to show off his tattoo but upon closer inspection, following his instruction, I then see a lot of scarring in the inside of his upper arm. Being close to his side, mostly covered with a top and partly tattooed over it's not very obvious put when it was pointed out, I could clearly see deep set marks which, despite being years old, still look as if they'd be excruciatingly painful to even graze with your fingertips. "That was my dad. New Year's Eve 1998. It was the first time I witnessed him hit my mother. She was in her room crying all day and I was in mine doing the same thing for a few hours. My dad was just going around, doing his usual thing. He was doing some ironing and watching TV in the lounge. I plucked up the courage, wiped my tears away and stormed out of the room to take on my dad. I was eight years old and was a mentally unstable 6'2 fully grown man so who was I kidding? He hurt my mom though so I wanted to kick his ass. I just ran towards him, throwing my arms around frantically but inevitably he got the better of me. He grabbed hold of me, called me a "little sh*t" and said that I had to be "taught a lesson". He burned my arm with the iron, treated the burn almost immediately afterwards and said that it was all my fault. I was hard to love. I was difficult. I was making him do all of that. As a kid, I believed it! I blamed myself for it all. Three days later, my dad set the house on fire." Surprisingly, Christopher lets out a little chuckle. It's almost as if he's forcing himself to take the sting out of it all. "You know, it's funny. I read comments about me, especially ones left on CBB videos on YouTube and on CBB's official website. They always say I look a little distant at times and I've heard some people call me 'disturbed' and the reason for that is probably because I am! Every so often I just get these random flashbacks and certain things trigger them off. Even when someone lights up a cigarette, it puts me on edge. I'm just so uncomfortable around naked flames. So yeah, I am a little detached and far away at times because I tend to be taken into my own little world a lot." A forced smile and twiddling of the thumbs indicate that it's time to end this line of questioning.

Things weren't always dark for Christopher during his childhood though. Phoebe Paton, his mother, eventually filed for divorce in 1998 and Napoliello was later sentenced to 12 years in prison with charges of aggravated assault, child cruelty and grievous bodily harm. In the summer of 2000, Paton met high school chemistry teacher Gabriel Hudson and the pair soon married. With his father out of his life and finally living in a happy family environment, things were starting to look up for young Christopher. He seems joyous when recalling the new millennium, smiling from ear to ear. "When my mom met Gabriel it was like the best thing ever. He made her so happy and still does to this day. I was completely comfortable around him and he treated me like I was his own. That guy is more of a father to me than that...monster ever was. When Gabriel and my mom got married, I wanted to change my name too. I really admired my stepfather and looked up to him. I dropped 'Piero Napoliello' because that was my dad's full name. I picked up Gabriel's surname and chose a new middle name, Kyle. I just always liked that name!" he says, while giving a rather infectious chuckle.

"When people at university discovered my real name they were actually disappointed that I changed it. I went to a private performing arts one and everyone thought that "Napoliello" was fancy and had more of a showbiz ring to it than "Hudson" did. I just brushed all of that off though. I was loving being a completely different person. Things were going right for once, well for Christopher Hudson. Christopher Napoliello was a poor, unfortunate soul. Hudson was attending a top school, living in a wonderful family environment and wasn't afraid to leave his bedroom anymore. I know which life I prefer." His eye contact seems to break multiple times throughout this conversation and he appears to be rather restless. For someone that rarely lacks in personality and confidence, it is odd to see him recoil sporadically throughout this statement. Hudson appears to be all smiles but his body language is telling me otherwise. Perhaps the lives of "Christopher Napoliello" and "Christopher Hudson" are not really entirely different worlds away just yet?

As time went on, Christopher's new positive outlook on life really began to pay off. Hudson became a straight A student upon graduating from high school and then proceeded to achieve a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Musical Theatre. Although you may not think it, he is so much more than a pretty face with an obsession for animal print Onesies. "Hard work and dedication always pays off. I believe that if you put your mind to it then nothing is impossible. I learned from my mom, stepfather and even my real dad that you can't expect everything to be handed to you on a plate." Christopher pauses for a moment and then begins to slowly ease back into his usual mannerisms, feeling more comfortable now that revisiting the old demons of his childhood is now over and the subject has changed. "Financially, my mom and Gabriel helped out a little and I mean a little. For University, I had to move to San Diego for a while. It's only three hours away by car but it was a big step having to move away. I got a part time job in Burger King, I sold a bunch of my stuff online, I was babysitting for everyone and anyone, I did....well....'other stuff' for money but I'll touch on that later. I made my own way in life and I'm so grateful that even though I had a lot of privileges growing up, I was always told that I would have to stand on my own two feet and I hard to work in order to achieve. I took my studies very seriously and yeah it was annoying juggling everything at once and not having a moment to myself but it was only a small part of my life and if I knuckled down then, it would set me up for the rest of my days."

I am now presented with a rather red-faced pop star before he delves into the other activities he took part in to gain a few notes. He sits on the sofa with his shoes off and legs crossed, pulling at a thread in one of his white socks. Hudson is clearly far too embarrassed to even look me in the face. His slight smirk tells me that he finds it awkward to talk about but not something he hates himself for or deeply regrets. "I got to know a guy in university and to cut a long story short, he used to sell weed. Nothing exciting, I know. When we became "friends", I offered to go out and sell it because people were starting to get suspicious of him and he had already been in trouble with the police. I would go and sell when I had some free time, he'd give me a cut of the profit for my work and then I'd get high. I was a hard working student but I still liked a joint now and then. I don't do that stuff anymore and I wouldn't encourage it to be honest." Christopher laughs nervously and finally pulls the hanging thread out from his sock, wrapping it around his fingers. "In my second year, I was starting to struggle financially and so I began to look for new job opportunities. Burger King was alright but paid peanuts. After one of our shows at the school, a guy from a modelling agency approached me and asked if I was willing to take part in a few shoots for his portfolio. The money was good, upfront and a one off thing so I didn't have to sign any contracts. Didn't make millions from all of the photos but it was fairly decent. I then found myself struggling again later that year but the photographer remembered me and contacted me with a new opportunity." At this point, Christopher cannot even dare to look me in the eye. "A few weeks later....I found myself posing for a gay porn website. Yeah." After finally letting it all out, he laughs hysterically and the redness slowly fades from his face as the band aid has now been ripped off. "It was just photographs. All solo, I didn't do anything with a guy and no I am not gay. It was just a way of making good, fast money. Before you ask, the site was deleted a few years back and those pictures don't exist anymore. Sorry, folks!" Gulping more of his potent drink, he snickers into the cup before confession to even more. "I actually had a girlfriend at the time. She found out. She slapped me. She dumped me. It was truly one of the most tragic, dramatic breakups in the history of man. I can joke about it now because I can see how stupid I was. I can answer anything on algebraic geometry but don't come to me for relationship advice"


After attaining all of his incredible academic achievements and setting out for a career on Broadway one can only wonder what led Hudson to leave his dreams of musical theatre work behind in favour of joining on of the most controversial pop groups of the last decade. "Well I was still in university when I joined The Stat Nerds. In fact I only really graduated like a year and a half ago and that's kind of why our releases have been all over the place and we haven't toured or done any heavy promo work just yet. So yeah, blame me!"He seems to have already cleared up the matter of many release delays which was my next line of questioning so I decide to let him continue, hoping he'll spill on some more inside secrets. "I tried out for Shooting Aces Records just for a bit of fun. They were having a showcase and like, anyone could step up to the mic. I didn't have anything planned or had high hopes. I was more into musical theatre obviously but trying something else out wouldn't hurt. I remember singing "Long Live the Queen" by Frank Turner and finding it so difficult because I'd been so used to performing in a certain way on stage. I couldn't go up there and start singing a number from Annie though, now could I? I had that song playing on my iPod constantly until it was time for me to take the stage, just going over it constantly. After I performed, the crowd cheered and I even received a few wolf whistles from the ladies so it was all good. I could relax." He jokingly preens himself and clears his throat as if to say that he is proud of his voice and looks. Hudson may be joking but the truth is, this gentleman certainly does have the whole package. "They were impressed with a number of people that night. Usually talent scouts will only pick out one or two people but honestly, nearly everyone that performed that night was out of this world. Since there were so many people, they decided to form a group and I was told that they wanted me to be part of it. By the end of the week the other three members were selected and then I was introduced to Jerry, Brian and Dennis. The group was actually jokingly named after me because I'm a bit of a nerd, especially when it comes to numbers and such. We love to laugh and joke around together so a name that was an inside joke about one of the members just made sense. The label wanted to call us something like..."Party Boys"....you can imagine our reactions when they suggested that!"

The Stat Nerds initially launched to a fairly successful start in 2011, with their debut single "Going On" reaching the top ten in many countries around the globe but with a busy studying schedule, Hudson found it difficult to commit and with a less than stellar management and label behind them, things slowly took a turn for the worst. I ask Christopher about his take on their first record deal and the drama behind the first album. "I was extremely lucky that the label and group were based so near to me. It wasn't like I was jetting across the world and ditching my studies but that's how the label viewed it. They wanted to kick me out but the boys fought to keep me which I'm so grateful for. Recording our first album, "Want To Be", was fairly straightforward since most of it was already written for us since we were new to it all but actually getting it released was a nightmare. The label didn't have the funds to press the discs let alone even promote us. Only ten physical copies were pressed for us and, like, our friends and family. Even those physical ones were just promo copies in a slipcase with the artwork. The album was eventually released for free online and the label eventually went bust." The band briefly returned to the music scene in late 2012 but by that time, Weekend had claimed the pop throne, The Zone's followers were drastically increasing, their one and only single hadn't received airplay for over a year and to be honest, most people have forgotten about the group of handsome young men. "2012 was a disaster. We had been fighting with Lawrence Matlock over the publishing rights to the group. We weren't desperate to record a new album because I was still working towards my degree but we still wanted to continue the band and he was just making things difficult. We eventually won the rights to everything in a LONG battle. When we finally signed a new deal with Studio 60 though, the industry was very different. Weekend were just everywhere. Any other young male artist was a threat or more like a joke and a lot of their dedicated fans would attack. Certain members of TSN thought, for some odd reason, going for the biggest and most popular band on the planet was a wise idea. Obviously it wasn't and although at that time we released two promotional tracks and a Christmas single that did well, the majority of the general public, the media and fellow musicians just didn't want us around. We went away to unwind, I graduated with a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Musical Theatre and we just took things day by day, figured out what we wanted to do as a band before we finally go for it again. All of our attempts had been cut short before and it was almost as if we hadn't officially started. One single, one Christmas song, two promo tracks and an album that was released online and 80% of it wasn't even written by us. We needed another break to think about how we could execute this comeback successfully and finally become the band we wanted to be." After the overwhelmingly negative response they received from late 2012 to early 2013, a break away from the limelight does seem like it was the most sensible thing to do.

Despite all of the backlash that has came along with being a member, The Stat Nerds is what made Christopher the star he is today and the band well and truly keep him on his toes. "I wouldn't say that I'm angry about how other members have behaved in the past. Yeah, we got a lot of stick for that but I honestly believe that it was just down to worry and panicking. We all know Jerry had his feuds but I think it was because we felt so small in comparison to other male pop artists at the time, he thought that it was the only way to get us noticed and he didn't really know what else to do. In a way it did work but it didn't paint a pretty picture of the group." Christopher appears to be showing genuine affection towards Jerry and I can sense in the tone of his voice that he somewhat feels sorry for the troubled member of his band. It's common knowledge that Jerry's antics have managed to tar the rest of the group with the same brush and inevitably caused even more star studded social media battles. "It was hard logging on to Twitter and seeing lots of nasty comments when I hadn't even said a word. Out on the streets, I'd get abuse from fans of other artists that had felt "attacked" by The Stat Nerds. We were even banned from certain award shows and events because of one person's behaviour. I like to think that I'm cool with people now. I've never felt the need to start a feud with any fellow musician and I respect everyone. I feel like there are still some people who are wary of me because they hear the words "Stat Nerd" but if they get to know me, I can hopefully change their opinion." Throughout the conversation I was hoping he would bring up the matter of Billy Khan and his psychotic tendencies but as he avoids the subject I have to ask him upfront about it. Sucking in air through his teeth and looking rather tense, it's plain to see that everything is still rather raw at the moment. "Um...I'm just trying to put all of that behind me. He's just not worth all of the worry. I know he's friends with Jerry and I will make an effort if I have to be in the same room as him but I don't think he'll ever like me....it's cool. I've tried with him but he's not interested. I still admire his work, he's a great businessman and a wonderful performer but I find him to be a rather negative person and I don't need to be around that. There's a reason for the mute option on Twitter. Although Dennis tells me that he's always tweeting me and telling me to f*** off whenever I mention that I'm going to be on television again. I find that funny though!"

Christopher graced our screens back in July as a contestant on the fourth series of Celebrity Big Brother. A huge grin covers his face as I bring up the show. "I absolutely loved every minute of that show! It is so intense, you live in each other's pockets, you're starving, you get claustrophobic, you have to make your own fun but I enjoyed it. I tried my best to put a smile on everyone's faces and provide some entertainment. It is kinda odd knowing that people have watched me while I eat, sleep, shower, burp, fart, whatever but I'd totally do it all again. After a few days, you forget about all the cameras and millions watching. I made some great friends on that show, had a total blast, I got so used to the place that I just felt so at home and I even got my bare butt out. Sorry, mom. Well I even did more than that but that was under the covers. Again, I am sorry, mother." Christopher wasn't well received upon entering the house due to carrying the TSN label but quickly won over not just the hearts of the viewers but his fellow contestants too. Hudson quickly became the heartthrob of the house with many of the female housemates, as well as Edward Barat, drooling and lusting after him. A shirtless snap would always make its way into magazines and blogs so when Christopher finally stripped off and fooled around with lesbian friend Daisy, social media went into a frenzy and the romp became one of the highlights of the series. "I didn't mind stripping off and fooling around on television. I'm definitely not a prude. I didn't set out to do it, it wasn't a goal of mine but....human nature and all...plus it had been a very, very long time since I had felt "relieved" so the sex and nudity was just like one big wild release. I'm not really embarrassed about that, it was under the covers. It was only when we all stripped off and got into the pool when people caught a glimpse of things. Watching it back though, I just love how the producers zoomed in on my butt when I was getting out of the pool. That's something you want to see when you're trying to eat! Although, saying that, I was the guy who lost his virginity in the Burger King toilets and who was j***ed off by his best friend's sister in the middle of the dance floor at his 20th birthday party so I can't say that I've ever been tasteful in that department." We both laugh together and I notice that even the slightest mention of the show brings a wide smile to his face. His time there obviously meant a lot to him. The viewers loved his antics, big heart, animal onesies, colourful boxer shorts, infectious laugh and buff body so much that he went on to place second overall in the series, losing out to Nova in the closest ever reality television vote in British history. Only 0.2% separated the pair. "Nova totally deserved to win. She is a wonderful girl and there's no crap with her. She's just so chill yet knows how to have fun. I thought I would actually be one of the first ones to go so reaching the final, placing second and just missing out on the title was very unexpected but I'm very happy. Very happy." Towards the end of the ratings smash of a series, the contestants vowed to stay in contact with one another. I ask Christopher if he kept his promise and still speaks to many of them and if there are any that he wishes to avoid at all costs. "Daisy and I are best friends now. I adore that girl, she's just a wonderful human being. I always feel very protective of her. We're still in contact. Nova and I still tweet, I'm going to go visit Mariko and Vara soon too. Unfortunately that's about it. Everyone else has just went sort of quiet. There are some people like Daniel and Tyron that are still going about their business but we were never close in the house and I don't think we have much in common anyway."

Although us here at Fiasco love a bit of the hunky Christopher Hudson on our television screens, Billy Khan may have a point if you're one of the strange bunch who can't stomach his vibrant personality. He seems to be everywhere as of late but thankfully he has been bringing joy to all of our screens and isn't being a daily feature on TMZ, being filmed getting into all sorts of mischief unlike certain other male stars around his age. Since leaving the Big Brother house, Christopher has landed many exciting new opportunities to help further his career. He now presents the entertainment section on British breakfast news programme, Good Morning Britain, every Wednesday morning as well as hosting the Feelgood Friday Top 20 show on Capital TV. On top of those side projects, Hudson will be presenting the sister show to CBB5 which is titled "Big Brother's Bit On The Side". The programme will be a weekly news/magazine based show about Celebrity Big Brother, airing on Saturday nights from February 2015 to coincide with the fifth series of the hit reality show. "Being asked to be the main presenter of 'BOTS' was a huge honor. The CBB franchise is just growing and growing. It's probably the most talked about show and nearly everyone tunes in to watch it so to be part of the CBB family is amazing. I'm doing bits of presenting here and there but it's nothing too heavy. With this new show however, it will be a little more challenging since it's nothing but me for an entire hour and I'll be jumping from different things throughout the duration of the show. I know it will be great fun though and I'm all about taking on new challenges and opportunities." After placing second on CBB4, he found a new fan base in the UK, where the show is filmed. While he is most known in the States, the United Kingdom seem to still be in awe of this shiny, new, sexy pop star and seem to be taking advantage of his presence while they can. "The Stat Nerds have had success in the UK but apart from our die hard British fans, the general public weren't really taking notice of us as a group let alone as individuals. When I started to get offered all of these deals in the UK, seeing my followers grow, have fans approach me in the streets of London...it was really weird but very gratifying. It's all new and exciting to me. I've actually bought a house in London now, although I technically don't live in it just yet. I just love Britain. Everyone is just so nice here and the majority of fans and the public in general seem to be a lot more reserved and respectful. Back in the States, people seem to be a lot more upfront, over the top and it can be very intimidating at times. I'm still getting my head around certain phrases used here...like I didn't know what a tosser was. I then found out and died a little inside when I realised that that was what the cab driver called me. I love the food here as well! I just had my first full English breakfast two days ago and I've also discovered that I like those um, those little Yorkshire Pudding things. They're nice. Not a fan of jellied eels though. I recently tried one as part of a game in an interview. The video for that traumatic experience is now online!" Christopher laughs and looks over my shoulder before relaxing when I tell him that I'm not hiding any "delicacies" behind my back. After witnessing his reaction to eating jellied eels, scotch eggs and haggis in the aforementioned interview, I think it would be unfair to whip out a bag of periwinkles. The guy would flee the country.


Edited by user 06 October 2014 07:26:03(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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Offline BrownSugar  
#2 Posted : 06 October 2014 07:25:20(UTC)
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After discussing his celebrity life and his past, I am curious to learn about what he has planned for the future and more importantly, how he feels about becoming a father. A lot of celebrities seem to be becoming parents at an extremely young age and although most of them are doing terrific jobs, there are a handful which can't even be trusted to look after a goldfish let alone a child. Christopher is nearing his mid-twenties and while that is not old at all, it makes more sense to start a family at this age rather than in his mid-teens like many of his industry colleagues. "I honestly can't wait to become a dad. Gabriela and I recently found out that we will be having a little boy so the world will be graced with a mini Christopher! It is finally starting to sink in now. When I first found out, I was overjoyed but was obviously very nervous because I'll be a first time dad. Then the nerves subsided and it was just excitement. Now I've calmed down a little. Of course, I'm still absolutely elated about it all but I've got my serious head on too and now we're doing a lot of planning and thinking towards the future. We've started to discuss baby names now that we know it's a boy. There's a lot of names on the table at the moment so it might take us some time to decide on one! The joy upon Christopher's face and the sheer excitement in his voice is enough to fill everyone in the entire room up with glee.

While he looks forward to fatherhood and giving his relationship with model Garbiela Vega another go, things haven't always went smoothly for the couple. The beautiful pair unfortunately split up not long before Christopher entered the Big Brother house. The nasty separation was another reason why Hudson signed up for the show. A break from all the drama and the outside world was what he needed in order to clear his head. "Yeah, I wasn't exactly kind when describing her on the show and I regret that. When you're just out of a relationship, you're quite raw and sometimes you say things you don't mean. We split up maybe like a month before I entered the house and then after the second week in the show, Gabriela found out that she was pregnant. Since you're not allowed any contact with the outside world, she obviously couldn't pass this message on which I don't think is fair because it's a very serious issue. Didn't I have the right to know that I was going to become a dad? So yeah, I was told by Gabriela the night after the show had finished. I was shocked as you can imagine but we were very mature and sensible about it all. We kept in touch, continued to meet up and well, eventually we decided to give it another go. We both agreed that we were hasty to end it the first time around and now that there's going to be a baby in the equation, we need to think about his needs too. I wouldn't like for him to be flown across the world to spend some time with one parent, flown back to see the other or only read about one of us in a magazine. We said that we'd soldier on, become a nice little family and so far things are going great between us. I'm in a great place right now. We both are. One only has to check either Hudson or Vega's Instagram profiles to see how enamoured they are with one another. Adorable cuddled up snaps galore! They have even bought their own puppy, Buttercup, and are set to finally move into their new London home together just shortly. My guess is that it won't be too long before Christopher gets down on one knee and pops the big question.

So with a baby on the way, multiple presenting deals in the bag and new found reality television fame, what is next for Christopher musically? It's what he is initially known for and I even have to confess to him that he is by far my favourite vocalist in The Stat Nerds and not just because he's in front of me. Not many people are willing to give the group a listen but I urge you to give a few songs a spin and even if you are not a fan of the typical boy band pop genre, just listen to Hudson's vocal ability and the control he has over it. This man has a naturally good singing voice and has trained it professionally so it seems like a thousand kisses to the ears. I confess my fear to him that his career as a singer may be overshadowed by his recent presenting and reality show stints. "Music will always be my first love and I'm not going anywhere. The Stat Nerds are still together, we've nearly finished our second album. Well it's actually our first official one that you can buy and support. It's been a long time coming since the first one that was released for free was put out back in early 2011. We just revealed the cover to our new single, "Out With A Bang" and that will premiere on Sunday and if I remember correctly, this interview will be published on Sunday so technically the single comes out today while you're reading this....but it's not out for another few days while I'm sitting here and saying this. I hope you get what I mean! This song will be our official second single and the lead single for our album. We released a free download a while back called "This Life" and that will also appear on the record. The other promo singles like "Ready For The Weekend" and "Want Ur Love" from way back in like 2012 won't be included. They were s*** anyway!" Christopher laughs loudly and seems to be joyous when speaking of his groups return, putting a lot of rumours to rest. Lately, it has been speculated that there have been many fights between the band members and that Christopher plans on releasing a solo record. "I love the band. The boys are like annoying little brothers to me and we've worked so hard on this project, it would be stupid to just ditch it. After all of the label issues, court battles, media controversy, hectic schedules that we've all overcome just to keep this band going, it would be pointless to walk away as soon as things are finally on track after three chaotic years. If the timing was right and I was approached to do a solo album then yeah, I would do it but it's not something I'm actively seeking. I'd also ask for permission from the other members and make sure that the band was on a break at the time. I don't see myself as a solo star in the making. I just think that it would be nice for people to hear what I would do on my own. My personal taste is far different from what I do in The Stat Nerds. If you haven't already sussed it out in this interview, I'm all about trying new things and just going straight for it. I lived a big part of my life out in total fear but now, I'm going to take every opportunity I can and make the most out of each day."

I end the interview on this rather inspirational quote from Hudson and we shake hands. From start to finish, he has been a true gentleman and wonderful interviewee. Questions that may have been too hard to answer for others and some that just absolutely cannot be brought up when interviewing other stars were not a problem for this down to earth Cali boy. His openness, honesty and the detail he went into whenever I asked him anything has to be applauded, especially for someone who has never opened up about many dark and sometimes humiliating times that he has endured. He might not be the next Scott Rose-Hilton of the music industry but I believe that if people have any sense, this fine young man will flourish and finally receive all of the recognition he deserves. Putting his abusive father behind bars, erasing him from his name, working his backside off to make his own way in life, earning a MFA degree, managing to convince a lesbian to sleep with him, holding his own against Billy Khan and putting up with Jerry Holmes on a daily basis. Christopher Kyle Hudson, I salute you, sir!




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#3 Posted : 06 October 2014 07:49:27(UTC)
erich hess
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ooc: very snazzy

mariko: chris is such a sweetheart. we all loved him on that show. which is rather remarkable for a show filled with backstabbing..front stabbing,and general discord. he will be such a great father,i just know it.

erich:the mg....do you own and how much do you want for it?...or it might be a sunbeam..either way,let me know.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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BrownSugar on 06/10/2014(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 06 October 2014 08:18:11(UTC)
genocidal king
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Ooc: Great work on writing this. I always like when someone does an interview that's written in longform rather than just question and answer. It paints a much better picture of the whole interview. Great interview for Christopher as well.

Daisy: Aww you're my best pal as well, Chrissy. I'm glad we got the chance to go on Big Brother since I got to meet some amazing people on there.I hope we'll all be friends forever.
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BrownSugar on 06/10/2014(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 07 October 2014 06:51:48(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
ooc: very snazzy

mariko: chris is such a sweetheart. we all loved him on that show. which is rather remarkable for a show filled with backstabbing..front stabbing,and general discord. he will be such a great father,i just know it.

erich:the mg....do you own and how much do you want for it?...or it might be a sunbeam..either way,let me know.

OOC: Thank you :)

Christopher: Thank you for the kind words, Mariko!! :P Yeah that show was very chaotic at times but I just tried my best to enjoy every minute of that regardless of knife crime haha. I'm reading all the baby books ever printed. Going to be the most awesome dad ever ;P

@Erich Oh I dunno, you'll have to ask the folks over at Fiasco. They're pretty taken with that car. They were even apprehensive about having me rest my butt against it, ha!

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: Great work on writing this. I always like when someone does an interview that's written in longform rather than just question and answer. It paints a much better picture of the whole interview. Great interview for Christopher as well.

Daisy: Aww you're my best pal as well, Chrissy. I'm glad we got the chance to go on Big Brother since I got to meet some amazing people on there.I hope we'll all be friends forever.

OOC: Thank you, it took forever to type up on this crappy laptop lol. Yeah, I prefer to do them in this style too. Think it flows much better. Thanks for reading it over and for the kind words :)

Christopher: Daisy!!!! Of course we'll be friends forever. I'd even give you my last Rolo!




thanks 1 user thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
erich hess on 07/10/2014(UTC)
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