Erica kobayashi

Nina drake

Interviewer: we have a rare treat today,ladies and gentlemen. The harlots haven't done an interview in many,many months.
Erica: it's really great to be here,bob.
Nina:*rolling her eyes* in our home. Cheap bastards wouldnt even pony up for a hotel,love.
Erica: I know. How are we supposed to be our creative best...here.
Nina: couldn't even been arsed to bring us a fruit basket.
Interviewer: it really isn't common practice to provide a fruit basket and hotel just for an interview.
Erica: do you even care about our vitamin c levels?
Nina:with those beady eyes,love? Fat fucking chance of that.
Interviewer: it really is just a few questions.
Nina: I need folic acid. Its for my feminine well being.
Erica: mine too. If Nina's feminine well being is off by a teeeeeeny hair? Fucking riots break out in Hyde park.
Nina:*proudly* the queen has nothing on me,love.
Interviewer: Questions? Please?
Nina: go on,bossy boots.
Erica:*under her breath* bossy boob more like it. Who the fuck wears a pith helmet?!
Nina: you pissed in your helmet?!??! Ew!'* scoots further away from the interviewer.*
Interviewer: *sighs*
Erica: *looks very offended I'm sorry,are we boring you? Were you hoping for a fucking lesbian make out session?-
Nina: *interrupting* without my folic acid? Not bloody likely.
Erica: what? Because we are female we should be like the ones in your girly magazines??
Nina: you make us sick.
Interviewer: No,I just have some questions people want to know.
Erica: so we aren't good enough to make out for you?
Nina: i know Erica has small boobs,love. But she is trying.dear god, is she trying.
Erica: I got a pump and everything! What more do you want from me! * Starts crying*
Nina: look what you did! *She wraps her arms around Erica* you fucking monster! She is super sensitive about her appearance. And you are all " pancake polly" and" can I use your chest, love? I need to draw a straight line." .
Erica: we come here for a simple question and answer symposium and we are blindsided. Yes,BLINDSIDED by wild accusations and personal attacks. I think its best you leave,mister.
Nina:me too. *Stands*
Interviewer: are you standing to show me out?!
Erica: she said good day,sir!
Interviewer: no,she didn't! I have all sorts of questions about fall festivals,Erica's numerous spats over Twitter,possible new music in the future.....
Nina: well,crap in the other hand and see which piles up quicker.
She and Erica stand and curtly leave the room.
Interviewer: the hell was that about?