Title: “Blood Rush”
Artist: Miami
From: Hotel Miami (2014)
Release Date: 20 December, 2014
Length: 4:49
Genre: Rap, Pop, Hip-Hop
Label: Songs to Love and Die By
Writer(s): Amelle ‘Miami’ Sebert
Director(s): Christian Fallon

The opening scene begins with Miami walking through a kind of desert wearing shorts and a bikini top, a gold chain around her neck and her hair down, she’s looking a little lost and alone, stranded in the desert, she’s hot too as the sun blazes down on her in the opening scenes of her first official music video. When she’s walking through the desert, she is walking with a confidence almost like she’s walking towards something as the opening instrumental plays out over the video, it matches the video as it possess a beat that feels very much like a summer dance anthem.

The speed of the beat increases and the scene suddenly changes to a nightime in the deserted area, she’s set a blaze of fire behind her and begins dancing, looking decidedly happier than in the previous scene. Her attire has changed slightly as has her attitude as she dances and sings lyrics of passion
“I guess I got a blood rush, runnin’ through my head
Takes just one look, no words need to be said
I know how to work you baby
Get just what I need
I know you can’t resist my touch
But, I’mma make you beg and plead
Beg and plead, beg and plead
Beg and plead
Drop to your knees”

Another quick change of scene as she’s now in a local bar, again a change of attire and it becomes apparent that as the song progresses, the outfits become a little more and more revealing each time. This time, in the bar with the American flag and a neon bar sign as the backdrop, giving it a sort of Americana vibe she is dancing seductively towards a man in a chair, directly in the centre of the room, as she slowly makes her way over towards him, the sound of the song continues to play out over the video
“Dominatrix in the bedroom, swagger in the streets
Calm when I need to be, I’m wild underneath the sheets
Rock that body back and forth
Give me what you got
Don’t go easy, babe just please me
I’mma need ya to hit that spot
Hit that spot, hit that spot
I’mma need ya to hit that spot
Hit that spot, hit that spot
Give me everything you got”
She continues to grind up and down on the guy sat at the chair, they both clearly enjoying it but as you’ll later realize in the song that this is a metaphor for the struggle that you go through in order to achieve all the things that you want to achieve. As the opening scene shows Miami with nothing, the second scene showing her working at a rundown bar, doing whatever she needs to in order to make money and the following scenes showing her with wealth.

Again the song plays out over the music video, this scene shows the difference as Miami is seen flirtatiously moving around a giant bed. Her appearance looking more well groomed and her clothing a lot more expensive looking. But the core thought process behind the video shows that sometimes no matter where your life takes you or no matter what you achieve, you are still the same person with the same urges and vices and it shows as she continues to move around the bed seductively and cut scenes show her on the hood of a sports car seamingly having sex with a guy that we assume is also wealthy, the difference between this scene and the bar scene is that she has more superficial things like the expensive clothes, the heels and the car and the guy appears a lot more well-groomed than the one she was grinding on in the bar.

For the final scene, we see Miami laying on a pool raft wearing what looks like a mesh/gold bikini top with a smile on her face as it shows you the difference in wealth and success and how ultimately it’s all very superficial.
“Trace my fingers around your body
You know nothin’ can’t stop me
I wanna feel that touch
Feel that touch, feel that touch
Familiar blood rush
Feel that touch, feel that touch
Feel that touch
Familiar blood rush
Feel your soul connect with me
Got me screaming out in ecstasy
This is what you do to me
When you give me what I need
Got me moving, grinding and grooving
You got me moving, grinding and grooving
Feel me shudder, feel me shake
Like a f*cking whirlwind
Like a motherf*ckin earthquake”