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TITLE: Burn Brighter ARTIST: Evangeline Wolfe WRITERS: Evangeline Wolfe LENGTH: 4:39 GENRE: Indie rock, indie pop PRODUCER: Reza Vranitzky LABEL: FREEDOM RELEASED: January 10th, 2015 From the Album: TBA All celebrities have their own problems that they try to keep to themselves - some do so better than others. Whether it's a drug problem or a sketchy past, celebrities are still human, and they still have the same problems that non-celebrities would have. Evangeline Wolfe has been one of the celebrities that has been pretty open with her past. Even her award-winning song, "Five More Minutes," was about the death of her mother when she was younger, and the reprecussions of her death - her father turning into a helicopter parent, being taken out of school, and the general isolation that she felt from her peers afterwards. In fact, it recently came out that Evangeline Wolfe had never even kissed somebody until the 2014 Chaos Awards, when fellow winner mISTER_b and her shared a passionate kiss at the after-party. They have been dating ever since. Many fans assumed that they knew everything there was to know about Evangeline, up until this point. Her openness and raw lyrics caught many off-guard, but they came to accept her and love her for exactly that. Nobody knew what new confessions Evangeline was about to make in her newest song, "Burn Brighter."
On January 8th, two days before the release of the new single, Evangeline wrote on Twitter that this was the hardest song she's ever written, and that she needed the support of her family, friends, and fans to get through the release. Fans quickly came to her comfort over Twitter, sending her sweet messages, but Evangeline remained nervous about the single being released. Rumor has it that she considered not only cancelling the release, but stopping the song from being put on her upcoming album altogether. Ultimately, she decided that the song needed to be heard, and released it on January 10th. The song depicts Evangeline's struggles with her anorexia - something that her never been known or talked about by Evangeline to her fans before. She talks in the song about how her mornings start, when she wakes up, immediately feeling worthless and ugly as she looks into the mirror, not being able to look directly at herself. The song starts off with Evangeline's voice being the focus of the song, with a soft electric organ piano playing along with her. She goes on to sing that her legs quiver from the exhaustion - a sign of anorexia, especially when they haven't eaten in a long time. Evangeline says that she knows that she's not seeing herself clearly, and that it's the disease that's making her think that she's ugly and fat, but she can't help but believe it. Knowing that nobody will be able to catch her this time, she gives into the words in her head that are telling her, "You'll never live up to her." The phrasing of "catch her" has a double meaning - her legs are shaking, and she might fall from exhaustion, so nobody will be there to catch her from that; but also, nobody will be able to catch her from falling into hole of negative thinking that she's circling around. The "this time" lets the listener know that this is definitely not the first time that Evangeline has struggled with these thoughts, and probably not the last time. She tells herself that she'll never live up to her. Although it's up for debate as to who "her" is, the most accepted person is Evangeline's mother, Greta Wolfe, who was also a singer, although not near as famous as Evangeline has become. But in Evangeline's mind, Greta Wolfe is still the best there is, and she is trying to be as good as her. Evangeline thinks to herself that maybe if she were skinner, or taller, or blonder, she wouldn't feel so ugly anymore, and everything would be perfect. She finishes the first verse by singing, "One day I'll be able to write a song about self-love / But that day's not today," leaving that heartbreaking line for the listeners to think about before she goes into her second verse.
The song picks up considerably in the second verse, giving it a marching band feeling as Evangeline's voice fights with the percussion for focus in the song. Evangeline's lyrics keep the listeners focused on her, as she describes how life is with her, and her anorexia and depression. She says that when she's "on," then she's "really fucking on" - this being the first time Evangeline has ever cursed in one of her songs - and her crowds at her shows cheer for her, "like I earned it." But on the other side of that coin, she says that her lows are as extreme that it makes her highs seem "fucking cheap." In her lows, her mirror stays covered like it's been broken so that she doesn't have to see herself. The song changes it's sound in the verse few lines, where Evangeline lists off everything that she's going to do to try to combat this depression. She starts with saying that she's smile and fake it like she's okay, and fight through the depression just to get through to herself that she's going to be okay. She'll forget all that people have told her before, and she'll burn brighter than she ever has before. She makes several promises to herself, saying that she's going to be a fighter, more mature, a better singer, and a better friend. Other promises sound like promises to other people - such as her friends - like as she promises that she'll be sexy, alert, and she'll stay awake even when she just wants to go to sleep and forget all about her problems. The next three promises are to her fans - she'll respond to all her fan mail, she'll be a good role model, she'll stay sober, and she'll behave. And then the last three are again more to herself, although they seem more like wishes than actual promises to herself - she'll be honest, she'll be beautiful, and she'll be happy. A small guitar solo fills the gap between the second verse and the third verse, echoing the same harmony that Evangeline had been singing before.
The third and final verse brings the whole song together, with Evangeline describing exactly what her problem is: Although she wants to be happy, it's hard to achieve, because all her depression and anorexia makes her want to do is give up. The third verse almost seems like a call-to-arms for all women struggling with depression or anorexia as Evangeline asks them all to stand strong for the other women who are going through exactly what she are. She ends the song by telling everybody to keep their smiles, because one day, they'll all be smiling with the best of them. The music continues playing after Evangeline's last lyric, letting the marching band style drums take over the song now. The listener can just barely hear Evangeline's soft voice occasionally as she hums to herself under the percussion, before the song fades out. My mirror reflects back at me all I don't want to see Stand still, eyes averted to the side And my legs quiver from the exhaustion Too blind, I can't see I know no one will catch me this time And I still hear the words echoing in my ears "You'll never live up to her" And I can't help but wonder if what they're saying is the truth All the voices that live in my head Maybe if I were skinnier, taller, or a bit blonder Then I wouldn't hate who I see staring back One day I'll be able to write a song about self-love But that day's not today
Because when I am on I'm really fucking on And the crowd, they cheer me on Like I earned it But my lows are so extreme That the highs are fucking cheap And my mirror stays covered like it's broken But I'll smile, I'll fake it, too I'll fight it just to get through And I'll forget all I've heard before And I'll burn brighter, Be a fighter, More mature, and a better singer and friend And I'll call my dad more And I'll be sexy I'll be alert I'll stay awake when it all hurts And I'll respond to all my fan mail And I'll be a good role model I'll be sober I'll behave I'll be honest, and I'll be beautiful I'll be happy
Happy is hard to achieve When you really want to leave But just keep standing strong for the women like you Yeah, happy is hard to achieve When you really want to leave Keep your smile, you'll smile with the best of themSOUNDS LIKE: Rilo Kiley - A Better Son/Daughter
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