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#1 Posted : 19 April 2015 00:41:02(UTC)
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“Ladies and Gentleberries!

Tonight marks the final episode of the third season of Late Night. Time certainly does fly when you’re having fun, which is why one Tisha Jackson concert feels like it goes on for two months. Again, not a lot happened this week. Ezra Allan wrote a new blog where she talked about possibly getting her own talk show, b*tch, you tryna take my crown? I’ll rip that cheap weave of ya head! I joke of course, I think it’d be great to see more from Ezra, I think she’s the best thing to come out of Iraq since the execution of Saddam.

But since it’s the final episode of the season, I would just like to take a quick moment to thank all of the guests that we’ve had during the past four episodes, it’s been a blast getting the opportunity to revive a show that I thought was basically dead in the water but here we are three years later finishing up another season.
Sadly, I can’t tell you that there’ll be a fourth season, I would do it all again in a second if I was asked, but I don’t make those decisions and thusly your voices need to be heard loudly if you’d like to see a return.
All we can do now is just enjoy tonight, so please welcome the most fun musician in the industry right now, ladies and gentlemen ... NOVA!”

It’s been a year since you came to some sort of prominence in the industry and you’re already one of the bigger names around these days, just how surprised are you at how quickly things have taken off in the past year?

"First off, thank you for inviting me on this show, I love it so much! It has been a magnificent and magical year! I'm truly shocked and just so happy at all that has happened so far, from Celebrity Big Brother to my album being released, it's been so wonderful. I'm surprised but I'm really happy that I was able to do so well as rookie. Some people take forever to really break out but sometimes just when the stars align at the right time, things happen. That's what I think happened."

You must have seen all of the same sort of things happen with your half-sister ‘Glamazon’, she quickly became one of the biggest names around in a very short space of time. Has she had any sort of words of wisdom for you since you broke through into this crazy music world?


"You know, everyone always asks me what she thinks I should do and what deep, devoting advice she has given to me. Honestly, she's only ever given me one piece of advice and it's the most important, which is to just be myself and slay!" [Laughs] "She told me to really use myself as my biggest marketing ploy, to not just become something I'm not and then try to become this fame whore. She doesn't really tell me what to do because she knows that I'll do what I want anyway, but that's been the best advice really. Oh and to give everyone hell!" [Giggles]

You had a string of popular singles but it was the release of your debut album ‘Morning After’ that really put things on that next level, some have already said it’s a contender for album of the year. How do you feel about your work on that album? Did it become everything you had envisioned?

"I think it's truly great that some think that already, probably will be changing their tune once everyone else release, but I'm happy nonetheless! I just really poured years and years of anticipation and hard work into the album and it turned out great. I feel like it's, not to sound cocky, but one of the best albums in a long time. Maybe I just think that because it's me but I really loved the concept and the lyrics. You don't get many concept albums anymore so when I see them, they automatically shoot up on my radar. It became everything and more. Like, things sound okay in your head but once they get on paper and you actually make it happen, it's better than you imagined."

What was your favourite song from the album?

"That's so tough, I love all of them for different reasons. I'd have to say either 'Kill My Buzz' or 'Tasty'. And you know what, I'll also say 'Mama Would Be Proud' Those are my top 3 if I was forced at gunpoint to choose." [Laughs] "Wait, what is your favorite song, Jake?"

Oh, well now there’s a question. “Kill My Buzz” is obviously my jaaaaam! But sometimes you need to slow it down a little and “Mama Would Be Proud”, I think I relate to it because I’m such a playa!
You played your first real headlining shows in February which shows just how ambitious you are with your career, were there any nerves when you began planning those tour dates?

"I think there weren't many nerves because I've always been a natural performer and risk taker, so I'm not afraid of much. And, I was mainly in my home country for half of it so I was around familiar faces and personalities. I wanted to test the waters just to see if there was legit interest in me touring and surprisingly there was, so we went for it."

And you’re going to be supporting GirlSpice in the summer on their European tour, how did that come about and how excited are you about touring with those iconic popstars?

"If we're being honest, I completely hounded them via social media and begged them to let me go. No, I'm kidding!" [Laughs] "Our people just decided it would be a good thing and I love my people. I actually asked them if it were possible and they pulled some magical strings so yay team. I'm- words can't explain how excited I am. It's like a beautiful dream, to be touring with the main reason you are here today. I owe a lot of those women and their phenomenal music taste."

You worked alongside Jared Nevo on the album, he’s a handsome fellow, how difficult was it for you two to remain professional when you were in the studio together? I always assume that when two sexy people work together there’s always a weird sort of vibe in the air.

"He is quite handsome isn't he? No, we were strictly professional in the studio. It was more of a creative attraction at the time because we have similar visions and tastes with our music. It wasn't difficult because in the studio, it's sort of another dimension where the outside feelings don't get in. It's whatever I have there, in the moment, so it was easy. Now, when it was done, it was terribly, terribly hard! He's a hot man and you just want to squeeze his bum." [Laughs] "But it was fun and I loved it. I would work with him again, anytime."

The GirlSpice tour keeps you busy up to August, do you have anything else lined-up beyond that?

"At the moment, I've been invited to play a few festivals but I've not got anything else planned really. I've started writing again but I don't have any set plans for another album yet. I don't like when people rush albums because it kills the previous album for me. I like people to live out their eras fully and then commence with the album slayage."

Every January/February it seems like we get a bunch of new acts that show up ready to claim the year as their own. You were one of those last year, what do you think of the crop we have this year and who do you think will shine brightest?

"God, there's been so many this year, I can hardly remember. I think.....whoever wants it more and is willing to think outside the box...will shine brighter than the rest. It's tough as it is with so many new talents but you have to find ways to make yourself not just blend in with them, it's tough. But I know that whomever really wants to be the stand out will do that. So far, I feel like Valentina has just made everyone forget anyone and just focus on her, and good for her! As a new artist in a big sea of artists, that's what is supposed to happen. And she's actually talented so it's a double plus. Either her or I see Barbie Doll. Both of them are my favorites and each are so unique and different. You can tell that they really get it."

What would be your best advice to give them?

"Just go for it, for anything. Don't think too much about a response. Just do what you know and what you want."

Okay, time for quick questions.

"Yay! I've prepared for this, I've been watching so I'm ready to be put in the hot seat, Jake." [Laughs]


What’s the one thing you miss most about England?

"Uhhhhh........the dreary weather. It's so sunny in LA. It hardly rains and it's always hot. I didn't get this pale by being out there, you know."

Out of all the members of GirlSpice, which one would you set on fire first and why?

"What?! Don't get me kicked off before the tour even starts!" [Giggles] "Well.....probably Kimberly. She's always been so fun so I think she would probably be completely wasted when it happens, and then she'd dance around like a girl on fire, it would be insane. Like, you don't believe me but just try it. No, don't try it, oh my god." [Laughs]

Who do you think is the most excruciatingly annoying musician in the music industry at this moment in time?

"In the entire industry? Besides me, because my voice is enough to drive even a siren mad. But.....I think sometimes Elyar Black? Sometimes he says things that really creep me out, and I love creepy things, but he's on a new level of creepy. It's like funny but creepy. Like, he's like a dead baby joke, you just don't know whether to laugh hysterically or just shake your head."

If you could choose how you die, what would you choose? And what would be your last words?

"If I choose how to die....it would most likely be during sex. Like right after the big moment and I'm laying down with my man, and then I just die. My last words would most likely be 'Damn, that was good.' I'm a dreamer." [Chuckles]

Here’s a scenario ... So, you’ve just murdered Dustyn Blue from Weekend in his home, all of his band mates were witnesses to this insane moment. How do you get away with the murder?

[color=darkviolet]"Oh no, I love Dustyn. Well, I'd obviously have to kill them all, sadly. Billy will be tough though, he'll most likely end up murdering me in the process. But I'll go down fighting like a champ. Maybe I'll just....lock them in and throw carbon monoxide through the vents or something. And film it fr proof. Weekenders are gonna kill me soon, but at least I was on the Jake Wilson show before it all was over."

That’s it for the final episode of the season, I hope you have joined us. Please give your thanks to Nova and all of the guests from the previous episodes. Goodnight.

Edited by user 19 April 2015 00:49:58(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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freestylechamp on 19/04/2015(UTC), DistortedAudio on 19/04/2015(UTC), GirlSpice on 19/04/2015(UTC), snap_itshannah on 19/04/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 19/04/2015(UTC), Clampdown on 19/04/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 19/04/2015(UTC), BrownSugar on 19/04/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 19/04/2015(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 19/04/2015(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#2 Posted : 19 April 2015 01:29:13(UTC)
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Jared: Truth be told, I have a very squeezable bum. Thanks for noticing, Tiff... knew I could count on you to point that one out, haha. Captivating and gorgeous as ever, even if you do miss the dreary British weather, weirdo.

Valentina: WOO LORD thank you for the shoutout, honey... totally caught me off guard and I was sat there for a second thinking "I'm called Valentina, is she talking about me?" I hope you were, I don't know any other Valentina chicks. Awk if not. Either way, such kind words! But no one can forget your own achievements, like, you're still pretty new yourself and you've achieved so much already, so I truly hope to follow in your footsteps, girl. Keep on being a sassy lil British queen. :)

Vanity x Nadia Berry
thanks 2 users thanked GirlSpice for this useful post.
C4AJoh on 19/04/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 19/04/2015(UTC)
Offline Welat65  
#3 Posted : 19 April 2015 01:39:40(UTC)
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BarbieDoll: Thank you sooo much Nova! You're so nice and 100% one of my inspirations at the moment. I love you, girl!
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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C4AJoh on 19/04/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 19/04/2015(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 20 April 2015 09:14:26(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Jared: Truth be told, I have a very squeezable bum. Thanks for noticing, Tiff... knew I could count on you to point that one out, haha. Captivating and gorgeous as ever, even if you do miss the dreary British weather, weirdo.

Valentina: WOO LORD thank you for the shoutout, honey... totally caught me off guard and I was sat there for a second thinking "I'm called Valentina, is she talking about me?" I hope you were, I don't know any other Valentina chicks. Awk if not. Either way, such kind words! But no one can forget your own achievements, like, you're still pretty new yourself and you've achieved so much already, so I truly hope to follow in your footsteps, girl. Keep on being a sassy lil British queen. :)

Nova: And I just wanna squeeze it all day long ;) And you you, Scar. Don't make me give you another :*

@Valentina: Thank you! I know, I do that any time someone says my name in an interview, I'm like 'Whaaaat?' but it happens. Some people appreciate awesome artists such as yourself ;) Oh please, you'll be even bigger than me and I can't wait to watch it all happen. Good luck baby doll!

Originally Posted by: Welat65 Go to Quoted Post
BarbieDoll: Thank you sooo much Nova! You're so nice and 100% one of my inspirations at the moment. I love you, girl!

Nova: Thank you Barbie :) I love you too, and loved your tour!

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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

thanks 1 user thanked RoseJapanFan for this useful post.
GirlSpice on 20/04/2015(UTC)
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