OCC: Disclaimer, A lot of Smileys were use to show the "Expression" of the characters.Radio Host: Good Morning everyone, This is your boy Tano Omaka.
And I'm here with the beautiful Medina who just flew from L.A a couple of hours ago. *Chuckles*
Medina: Hello people of Japan

, Good thing you can see me cause I look like total shit today.
Host: No you don't.
Medina: Stop lying to me, You know I do *laughs*
Host: So, You just released your new Single "Sundown", which was released by Warner..which is a MAJOR label by the way. How do you feel with such a huge name representing you...well actually you representing them.
Medina: Ummm, Great I would say. It's a accomplishment I always wanted but of course their is always going to be bits and pieces of things that can sometimes make things VERY complicated.
Host: Like what necessarily?
Medina: Well like promotions, Royalties giving from sales and ect. It may look like a lavish life and I'm fairly new to this, But its a very hard working job...if your not at 100% you can be fined or even dropped..so its hard.
Host: Oh wow, so when did you sign..and what did you sign?
Medina: I signed to Warner in April of 2014, When they got a demo of mine a they said they "saw" something inside me that can be very well marketed. The deal I signed was fairly simple...
Host: How much did they give you? I know it didn't just have 6 digits.
Medina: *Laughs* Well it was a simple 1.5 Million Dollar contract..300K in advance for each album that I release.
Host: Wow, pretty good for a Rockie like you...so what did you buy with the money?
Medina: Nothing really..A new house for my parents and I. I bought some nice clothes here and then but I didn't want to go full on shopping because I have to have a plan B if it all goes wrong...don't want to end up broke.
Host: Well at least I know you got your priorities right..Most artist would have gone all out and been fully broke by the 2nd record.
Medina: Oh I know...
Host: So how was it working with Max Martin?
Medina: It was very great working with a man like Max Martin..He is very well know but still doesn't have a ego like most producers or celebrities...He is very humble and knows what he is doing.
Host: So any hints on the Album...tracks...album cover?
Medina: Hmmm...Its almost completed, Just a couple of tracks needed and we will be ready to go.
Right now I'm working with many Swedish producers on it...so yeah...soon.
Host: Was it cold in Sweden?
Medina: Not really...just very cloudy but I liked it, But I didn't go out much.
They had me locked in the studio recording and writing so I didn't really get to experience "Sweden".
Host: Well, It was great speaking with you Medina. This little interview went very well, I hope to have another one with you and I wish you the best with this record.
Medina: Awww, Thank you it was very nice speaking to you too. Sayonara (さようなら).
Host Also don't forget to buy Medina's debut Japanese CD-single "Sundown".