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Offline Welat65  
#1 Posted : 31 May 2015 05:53:09(UTC)
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*The audience cheers as Ezra slowly walks into the Studio, to her chair, wearing a beatiful red dress which has a length until her knees. Her red hair is styled into a bun.*

Thank you, guys! It's awesome to be back, I literally missed this place here. The first episode was such a huge success, nobody expected this. I don't know the reason, but it could be Billy. He was a awesome guest, I'm really thankful. It's been quite a while since the first episode, we changed some stuff up for today. We have new game, which we are going to play with our guest today! And, we have a exclusive performance by Barbie Doll! It's going to be a world-premiere of her new single , "Human". I'm really excited, so let's start with...


So, we have delicious tea today. *sips on her tea* I'm just kidding! *laughs* But for real, we have some good stuff. Mister Billy Khan turned 22! *Cheers* He celebrated his birthday in the Devil's Playground, It's his own Club. But, the real hot topic is about to drop. First, we heard that Miss Honor was , I quote , 'Bitchy' towards Billy's boyfriend Jerry. I didn't believe, because I think that she's super humble and really nice. But, sadly, it was true. Let me quote a Twitter conversation between Jerry and Miss Wynter Honor. Everything started pretty calm, I qoute "Beautiful getaway with my beautiful boyfriend. He's had the best birthday ever and that's all I really wanted for him :)" , and then he continued with a apologise "Also, @erica_rox is stunning and super cool. Sorry for being a *piep* to you in the past. :/". She accepted, etc. Then he said "lol but yeah, glad you fun! We planned a lot for it so thanks for coming. I appreciate that you were mature unlike few people there too. Who cares about a Twitter war that happened ages ago.", and that was the part where everything started. Wynter responded " Fuck off @AyoItzJerry seriously. You've never apologized to half of the people you've been a dick to so don't expect some of us to come groveling for you to be nice. Your little shady tweets just show how immature you are. Wish someone would teach you how to be a fucking man for once." Jerry responed too, but much calmer. He said, "@WynterHonor I mean, if you feel that way then cool. I care nothing for you but still said hi to be nice, if you feel the shoe fits, wear it.", Honor wrote back "@AyoItzJerry: If you care nothing for me, don't act fake around me. Simple as that." *Sips on her tea* I think. I'm not gonna be on any side, on this one. I don't know the background of all this. But, let's be real. I doubt that Wynter would be like this, if you're nice. But, I'm not gonna say anything on this one, because I do respect both of them, and I do respect Billy. I can't shade Billy's boyfriend. But whatever, let's continue. So, we have Aaron Styles. We heard a lot about him lately, and this time he's covering the major Magazine "Man About Town". He answered some questions, including some about the upcoming series "Finding Tom", which confirmed several people as actors/actresses including Riley Hamilton and Aliya Rose. He also spoke about some fashion. He looked cute, tho. But, he's too young for probably most of us here.
Let's continue with..

Number one on the charts, is once again GirlSpice! The second single, "Good Lookin'" debuted at #1 and guess who said that it will go #1? Ah, right! ME! It's literally my song for the summer, it's just perfect. We have also Riot! In The Boulevard, who released a new single which is for charity. It's called "To Write Love On Her Arms", and it debuted at #3. I do believe that it could go #1, but who knows. I also got asked to do a review about the song, and I'm gonna do it. I just didn't had time lately, but I'm gonna do it! Other than that, we have last weeks #1, by Carmen V. It's currently on the second place, and debuted at #1 on the Airplay Charts. I'm hearing it the whole time on the Radio, so that's nothing I didn't expected. But, it's nice to see another Latina, who's ruling the charts other than Isabel. Miss Isabel is currently on Tour, which is SOLD-OUT. I hope she's announcing something new sooner or later.

And, now..I'm happy to announce that Miami is here! She's currently one of the hottest Hip Hop acts we have, and I'm really happy to announce that she came all the way to us, just for this show! So, here is Miami!! *screams*


Hello, Miami! Thank you so much for coming,it's a pleasure to have you here!
Hey girl, thank you for having me. Definitely a pleasure to be here.

You have several #1 Hit singles, one of the biggest Hip Hop Albums, is there even anything left, you actually want to reach?
Ah well, that's a good question. I never really expected all of the success to come my way, and that's the truth. When I first debuted with Blazin' My Trail it wasn't exactly a major commercial success and I was instantly dubbed a 'flop' and that's really unfortunate because now it seems that most people care about where we chart instead of the quality of the music. But even with the success, I don't really know what I want to reach, I guess I'm still growing and searching. I have goals but that's mainly to release music that I enjoy and go where life takes me really. I never been the type of give myself monumental achievements that I want to reach, I like to go with the flow and see where I end up. Setting goals and not reaching them does a lot more harm.

You've worked with Gemma on the single "Diamonds", tell us how it was to work with her.
Yes! Diamonds, it's going to be out really soon. Gemma and I had plans to work with each other for a long time coming now but we never exactly got around to it. You know me, I'm always open to do a collaboration when the time was right. Her people actually contacted me some months ago letting me know that she wanted to work on something for summer, something fun and anthemic. A couple of weeks after she actually called me and we had a super cool conversation on the phone about the song and her idea for the video. She's so eager and ready to work! We winded up meeting up for brunch and a studio session with where she was cutting vocals for the early stages of the track. I heard it and was like yes and started writing my verse right away. It's such a catchy record, it gets me pumped and feeling pretty every time I listen to it. We also had Christopher Hudson be apart of the song, he's a really good songwriter and made the song that much better. Gemma and I met up one more time three days later and I rapped my verse, and we collaborated on the hook and chorus too where we are going back and forth. It's a real collaboration and I can't wait for people to hear it. When I can end off saying is that I left the experience with a new friend. Gemma is super cool despite what people might say, don't always believe what you read!

I actually want to talk about something serious. There are some people out there, in the Rap Business, who are saying that Rap is something just for people who are black. Especially white female rappers get criticized, how do you feel about that?
Don't want to start a debate or anything so I am not going to get too deep into it. I really dislike judging people so excuse me for this but anyone who says that is incredibly naive and ignorant. I mean, it's 2015. We as people should have the freedom to express ourselves musically through any type of music that we want. It shouldn't be a "black" or a "white" thing... it's a human thing. That's how I feel about it. Rapping is something that I feel I was born to do I loved it since childhood, that shouldn't negate me just because the color of my skin.

So, are you working on the next Album currently? Is it already done?
I just began working on the next album. two weeks ago actually so it's in the very early stages. What I can say is that I am about 90 percent done with a side project, though. It's my first EP and it's called 'Amethyst'. The EP is going to be the bridge between now, and the next album and will feature a single and all that stuff. I'm really happy with the way it's turning out so everyone could expect that by mid to end of the summer.


Do you think, that you can get the same success with the next album?
I definitely feel the pressure but I try not to pay that any attention. I want do exactly what I did the last time when it comes to recording the album. I just like to go in the studio and write what my heart feels with no intent. I know a lot of people who go into the studio with the intent to "make the next big hit" and that really creates a sense of angst for me. I just write what I feel and release it, and if people love it I'm really happy and glad, and if people don't at least I can say that I tried right? That's not going to stop me from making music because it's what I love to do so I can flop tomorrow and still release five albums after because my mine is constantly thinking of ideas and songs and stuff.

So, girl..There are rumors that you're in a relationship? Are they true? And if not, is there anybody who you are looking at?
No..no..no. I saw those rumors. It's like, if you're in a picture with one of your buddies everyone suddenly thinks you're dating! I am happily ...single. There are a few nice looking men in the industry but I am so consumed in my music and things like that, that I haven't really had the chance to truly be invested in a relationship.

Do you plan on getting children and married? You are still young, so you have a long way to go, but are there any plans?
Yes I do. Maybe about eight years from now I want to settle down and start a family. Or who knows, even earlier! I'm 21 one right now, soon to be twenty two. I don't really want a child and all of that as of right now but later down the line, definitely.

Is there anybody, who you would like to collaborate with? And if there is, tell us why.
There's many people I'd like to work with but at the top of my list would be Deneil Khan. I think he's a really talented, underrated rapper. In fact, I don't even think he knows how good he actually is. I love the way he raps, he's got a cool accent and flow that goes really well with his beats. I think if we collaborated it'd be something worth listening to, so if you watch this Deneil *whispers* call me. *Laughs*, I completely look like a stalker right now but yeah, he's a great artist. There's more but we'd probably be here all day.

We've read your Tweet, that you're a little bit scared to play the 'game', which we played with Billy. And because of that, we've made a new game, just for you!
Nooooooooooooo. Aw shucks. *laughs*


So, the game is called "One-Night Stand, Marry, Kill", basically, we are going to name you 3 people and you are going to tell us, which one you would marry, have a one-night stand with and who you would kill. You can't skip anyone, so you always NEED to kill one of the three people, we name you.
Oh my goodness, okay. Please don't get offended, people. I am totally thrown against a wall here!


Cara Zayn, Erik Zullo and Kidd Amaze
Did you HAVE to put boss up there? Okay.... so I guess I'll start with marry, It'd be Kidd Amaze because he seems like a super chill guy, I'd one night stand Erik Zullo because I probably wouldn't marry him but he is attractive. I'd kill Cara. I'm sorry Cara! Only killing her because if I was to say I wanted to one night stand with her, or marry her it'd make the work place incredibly awkward *laughs*

Koda Espinosa (From Penetralia), Riley Hamilton and Dominic Brown
Going to have to kill Koda, he just isn't my type. I'd one night stand with Dominic Brown because who wouldn't? And I'd marry Riley Hamilton. He is just adorable! Do you see his tweets about all the animals and stuff? He's just the most fragile little thing, he'd be such a family man. I do not believe the rumors Riley! *laughs*

Elyar Black, Alex Simms and Jake Baskett
Okay, so I am not exactly sure who Jake Baskett is so I am going to have to kill him. That leaves Alex Simms and Elyar Black, oh man. um... I am going to one night stand Elyar Black because I probably wouldn't have sex with him on a basis no offense so I'd do the one night stand and get it over with quickly, maybe even fake it *laughs* let me stop..... I'd marry Alex Simms. Don't really know him but he's very attractive.

This game isn't all that hard actally, haha.

Kato, Billy and mISTER_b
Super tough. Alright so I'll marry Kato. Do you see that face? I'd kill off mister_b, mister_b seems like a really nice guy and he's really talented but he really isn't exactly my type?.. I'd one night stand Billy, I would have probably chosen marry but I'm afraid that after an argument I'd be sleeping and I'd wake up to find him wielding a knife at me *laughs*. Billy also seems pretty cool, unless you piss him off.

Magie, Tisha and Aubrey Mikkel
Triple threat here! Ummm, going to have to marry Magie because she's probably the most down to earth and honest out of all. I'd one night stand Tisha and I guess that leaves to kill Aubrey! Ugh, don't want to kill anyone!

Austin Nimmo, Meth Rollins, Chris Hudson
I am going to choose to marry Chris Hudson because he's just a really nice individual with goals and a head on his shoulders. I'd one night stand the Rollins guy because he doesn't seem like a family man, might be wrong though. And I'd kill Austin. He's adorable and talented but too young for me to even consider him for the other two options without feeling weird.

That's it! So, we asked some of your fans on Twitter, what we should ask you. Are you ready to hear them?
Phew! Glad that's over! Don't kill me everyone haha.. Sure, bring them on.

From @Ihatemusic "Miami, have you actually ever been to Miami? If so, how was the experience?"
I was born and raised in Miami so it's not exactly an experience but more of a lifestyle. I personally hated it. I didn't really have the best time growing up, was bullied a lot. Literally social torture at school just for being the "pale white girl who thought she was black".

Here's one from @KeepItReal101, "How do you feel about the current state of rap?"
I think rap is doing well right now. I think us woman are holding it down! And doing a damn good job at it too.

Another one from @WhaDoUKno ," what did you do to get that ass" That's actually a good question, is your ass real? I mean, that ass is on point.
Thank you! There seems to be this odd obsessing with my buttocks.... Yeah, it's real. People accuse me of having butt shots and I think that's totally bonkers. I'm too afraid to have anything injected into my butt. What I do.. I love to work out. I have an entire regimen that includes squats, stair climbing and step ups, leg presses, and dead lifts. You can also get into Whey Protein and work out. But you have to be careful with that because the protein can easily become muscle and you don't want an overly muscly butt.

The last one is from @RealTalkFan "What's your favourite song at the moment?"
My favorite songs right now would be Downtime by Rum and Abie Lena's "The Worst Side Of Me". Two totally different songs that left a lasting impression on me, love those.

Thank you so much for coming, Miami! It's been a pleasure to have you here!
Thank you, I had a blast!

That was Miami guys! She's so beautiful, and god bless that ass. It just needed to be said! But, we are not over yet! We still have a performance by Barbie Doll! Here she is, Barbie Doll with her upcoming Single "Human"! *Screams*

*The cameres goes away from Ezra and zooms to the other side of the Studio*

Barbie Doll slowly enters the stage, stands in the middle of the Stage infront of the Micro. Behind her, is a huge screen, which shows nothing. It's just black. She closed her eyes, waiting for the beginning of the song. When the first Verse started, the huge screen started to show pictures/videos of destroyed homes, people running away, The 'I Can't Breathe' shield, people getting attacked by the police, 9/11 etc.


Murder kills Lifes
So does Wars
Surviving in a cruel world
Rich against poor
at the end of the day
We're human species
It's deep in our DNA

Barbie Doll doesn't move much, but she took the Micro to her hand, standing in the same spot.


One Man can build a bomb
Another one runs a race
to save somebody's life
It just blows my mind
I'm not alone, Not the only one
Who can't understand
I'm not scared of God
I'm scared of Human
Is It in our blood
Is it in our brain
Is it in our genes
Is it in our DNA
Humans aren't pretty at all
as we think, as we speak
Human kills, Human kills

As Barbie Doll continued to sing, the Screen in the back started to show 'Media' responses.

Undernath it all, we're just selfish
hidden behind clothes, ties and marriages
How could we expect good at all?
we're just animals who can't live together
We live, We die
We murder, We kill, we lie
worse than animals
but with no face
We laugh, We cry
all in the same time
One sided laugh, one sided cry
The same world
Same Day, same tale of rape
another bomb is ticking deep down and detonate
I'm not alone, Not the only one
Who can't understand
I'm not scared of god
I'm scared of Human
Watch it on the news
Watch it on the TV
watch it on your phone
It's a cruel world
Humans are cruel, cruel , cruel
Yeah, we can be bad , really bad

Undernath it all, we're just selfish
hidden behind clothes, ties and marriages
How could we expect good at all?
we're just animals who can't live together
Undernath it all, we're just selfish
hidden behind clothes, ties and marriages
It's the truth, we make our own graves
we're worse than animals, killing our own species
All the hate coming from the same generation
Who got everything nothing guided by temptation
were we born to abuse, shoot a gun to run
or are we undone?
is it human trait or a learned behaviour?
Are we killing for ourselfs or are we killing us?

She closed her eyes, breathes out loud and took the micro in 2 hands, keeping her eyes still closed. The lights went a little bit darker, giving everything a dramatic vibe.

Undernath it all, we're just selfish
hidden behind clothes, ties and marriages
How could we expect good at all?
we're just animals who can't live together

She continued with the last 'Chorus' , starting with a whisper-like voice until she got louder and literally screamed the last 'together'.


Undernath it all, we're just selfish
hidden behind clothes, ties and marriages
How could we expect good at all?
we're just animals who can't live together

Sounds Like

*The cameras turns back to Ezra*
That's it. That's the end of the second episode, it's been once again a amazing Show, and I hope you guys don't miss the next episode! Don't forget to Follow us on Twitter, where we are going to announce our next guest! Thanks to everyone, I love you guys!

Ezra's Hairstyle: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/105623553732310588/
Ezra's Dress: http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/0gqnb9-l.jpg
Ezra's Shoes: http://picture-cdn.where...2Bstrap-high%2Bheels.jpg

OOC: Thanks to Famous7x7 for making this possible! Loved the interview! ;)

Edited by user 31 May 2015 06:13:05(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


thanks 13 users thanked Welat65 for this useful post.
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Offline RoseJapanFan  
#2 Posted : 31 May 2015 11:24:07(UTC)
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Nova: Miami is sooooo amazing, I love her. She seems really down to earth and sweet, my two favorite combinations! I can't wait to hear yours and Gemma's collaboration, sure it will be a banger.

And Babrie, you know I'm still your number one fan but now I'm upgrading myself to fan club president because that performance, pure slayage girl. Those lyrics are hands down the best from a newcomer this year, seriously. I think you're wise beyond your years. And don't get me started on your hair, omg.

Ooc: Awesome work :) Really a great addition to the forums.
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Welat65 on 31/05/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 01/06/2015(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#3 Posted : 31 May 2015 14:01:43(UTC)
erich hess
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Ooc: for real. Snazzy work.

Erica: I was folding laundry while this show was on,and I ended up folding the couch...I don't even know how I managed this. Any ways,Ezra is a totally good host. Maimi was adorable. And Barbie....well,she was Barbie. So you know it rocked.I need a new couch now
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Welat65 on 31/05/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 01/06/2015(UTC)
Offline AmyJayneXoX  
#4 Posted : 31 May 2015 23:50:24(UTC)
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Elyar: I loved this interview, didn't like the game much though, trust me you definitely would not be faking it!
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Welat65 on 01/06/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 01/06/2015(UTC)
User is suspended until 19/07/2638 13:30:53(UTC) chaotic_princess  
#5 Posted : 01 June 2015 00:41:43(UTC)
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Zinner: Barbie Doll you did such a fabulous job with that performance!!

ooc: This is such a cool avenue for artists! Feels so realistic and it was fun to read :)
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Welat65 on 01/06/2015(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#6 Posted : 02 June 2015 11:40:28(UTC)
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Magie: I'd marry you too Miami, not only because you're such a sweetheart, but because of your talent skills, I love being surrounded by creative people like you ;)

OOC: This is coming out greater each time. :)

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
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Famouss7x7 on 02/06/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 03/06/2015(UTC)
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