Joshua Grimmie - Prayer - Live On Ellen

The video opens up as it does we see Ellen DeGeneres standing on the set of her talk show "The Ellen Show" holding a physical copy of Joshua Grimmie's debut single "Prayer" which has a different cover from the digital version in the back a picture of Joshua can also be seen Ellen then starts talking to introduce the younger Grimmie as she does the crowd begin to cheer slightly "
Our next guest is a brother of former StarFactory contestant and a former contestant himself here to perform his debut single "Prayer please welcome Joshua Grimmie!!" the live audience then begin cheering louder as the camera begins to pan away from Ellen and over to Joshua who is surrounded by fans as he prepares to give his first televised performance since StarFactory the audience begin to calm down slightly as he begins plucking the intro to his top ten debut single "Prayer" plucking the strings lightly as the camera begins to zoom in towards him slowly until it's moved up all the way towards his face as Joshua begins singing the first few parts to the song a few fans can be seen singing along in the background as well but can't be heard as the fans seem to be muted Joshua sings in a lower voice like we hear on the studio version keeping it laid back and soft his smooth vocals working well with the lightly plucked guitar strings as he sings the first verse of the song after finishing the first verse he heads into the pre-chorus plucking the strings in the same way however his voice changes slightly as he builds up to the chorus building anticipation with just his vocals before he finally gets into the chorus he then begins strumming his guitar rather than plucking it the other instruments we heard in the studio version are nonexistent here as we only hear Joshua's guitar and vocals which actually sound better than they did on the studio version as the emotion can be heard more without the distractions of the other instruments of course he isn't the best singer in the world but intimate performances like this definitely show off the good side to his vocals quite well he slightly changes up some of the lyrics rather than saying "Watch me burn up this shit" we hear him say "Watch me burn up all this" to keep it television friendly he continues singing in that higher voice throughout the chorus until he finally finishes it up
I thought this was just like before
But unlike those times you've walked out the door
Didn't know how I would survive
But without you here I'm doing just fine
Clear skies no more rain and thunder
The sun is shining everything will be alright
I'm tired I don't want to wonder
So come on
I'm gonna patch up wherever I bleed
Wake up won't be brought to my knees
And I'll go on without sweet lips
Watch me burn up all this
I'll be picking up myself
No more begging you to come back
And I'll go on without sweet lips
Watch me burn up all this
After finishing up the chorus Joshua slows it down again but instead of plucking he continues to strum however he mutes some of the strums he also sings a bit higher as he goes through the second verse of the song once again a few of the fans can be seen singing along to the song and now begin waving their hands back and fourth which brings a small smile to Joshua's face as he continues singing throughout the second verse of the song again as he sings it seems very apparent that laid back intimate performances like this one is where he shines as it gives him a chance to not only show off his voice more but his guitar skills and sure this song doesn't do an amazing job at showing the latter off but it still does it also gives him a chance to connect with the fans more as well after finishing off the second verse we hear Joshua begin to sing the bridge again this time muting the guitar throughout it as he continues to strum to help build up along with his vocals rather than just having his vocals do the work after finishing the pre-chorus we hear him go in for the chorus a second time singing it in a similar way as he did before showing off his smooth vocals slightly more
Just when I thought that you had put out my flame
There were sparks left and they just start growing
You're ice cold that's not what I want
So I'm gonna burn this fire oh
And you'll be crying on your own
Clear skies no more rain and thunder
The sun is shining everything will be alright
I'm tired I don't want to wonder
So come on
I'm gonna patch up wherever I bleed
Wake up won't be brought to my knees
And I'll go on without sweet lips
Watch me burn up all this
I'll be picking up myself
No more begging you to come back
And I'll go on without sweet lips
Watch me burn up all this
After finishing the chorus for a second time Joshua backs up away from the microphone a little bit as he now begins just strumming his guitar he looks down and slightly nods his head a bit as he plays the guitar slowly building up the anticipation to the bridge which is one one of if not the best parts of the song Joshua then moves closer to the microphone and continues strumming in the same way he was before and closes his eyes as he sings the anticipated Bridge to the song he closes his eyes as if he was praying as he sings the lyrics "I don't need no prayer cause I can do this on my own, I don't need no prayer I'd rather be alone" he starts it off with the guitar muted singing light and low the first few times as he continues on though he unmutes the guitar and strums it as he sings the parts of the song higher with more passion than before really showing off his vocals more however it isn't until he sings the first part of the chorus "I'm gonna" where he really shows off his talent singing it a lot higher really showing off the emotion and passion in his voice he continues singing this way throughout the chorus however towards the end of the chorus rather than strumming the whole thing he does a few single strums also adding a small run to "No more begging you to come back" after that he begins lightly plucking the strings like before as he finishes up the song bringing it to an end we then see him take a slight bow as the people surrounding him go insane before we see the Ellen show logo come up at the ending
I don't need no prayer cause I can do this on my own
I don't need no prayer I'd rather be alone
I don't need no prayer cause I can do this on my own
I don't need no prayer I'd rather be alone
I don't need no prayer cause I can do this on my own
I don't need no prayer I'd rather be alone
I don't need no prayer cause I can do this on my own, I can do this on my own
I'm gonna patch up wherever I bleed
Wake up won't be brought to my knees
And I'll go on without sweet lips
Watch me burn up all this
I'll be picking up myself
No more begging you to come back
And I'll go on without sweet lips
Watch me burn up all this