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#1 Posted : 18 July 2015 08:27:32(UTC)
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Today I'm joined in the studio by arguably one of the biggest girl groups right now they've released three albums and numerous chart topping singles they've been up for multiple awards and hold the record for most Chaos awards performance and they're preparing to go on the road to headline their first tour later this year that's right it's Layla, Nicole. Naomi, Alex and Jamie SYNCO how are you today ladies?

The five girls of SYNCO all all speak at the same time making it hard to hear what each are saying before Alex looks over at the girlls a shushes them they each go quiet after this Alex then speaks "Thank you for that introduction Ryan we're all really great" she says with a smile the girls each nod along Alex might've come off a bit bitchy there but it's she's known as the one who usually keeps the girls in check and stops them from speaking over each other during interviews the girls seem not to mind much anyway

Okay good glad to hear so you've recently released your third album and it's had an amazing response so far from the fans and artists alike what's it like to be able to see all of these positive responses and able to put out your third studio album

Layla speaks this time as the other girls turn their attention to her and listen "It's really amazing seeing how much the fans and our fellow musicians are enjoying the album we're so happy with how well they've all responded" the girls nod then Nicole speaks up "Yeah it's amazing seeing their response and just getting to release our third album we feel so blessed and grateful that we even got the opportunity to release or debut album which is something a lot of amazing talented musicians don't get to do too often so we're super happy about that" Nicole says before smiling the girls each nod along agreeing with her answer

And you've released three singles from the album two of which peaked in the top five on the airplay and digital charts and one which peaked in the top ten what could you tell me how did these singles come along what was the process of picking them out?

The girls look around to see who will respond to the question so they know not to talk over each other when Naomi notices nobody speaking up immediately she decides to speak up quickly "Well the process is basically first we talk with each other about which single to put out then when we either all or get enough girls to agree on it we go to out manager and go through all the other boring stuff you probably don't care to hear about to release it after getting the go ahead that's the single" Naomi says simplifying the process a lot

So you said you either get all the girls or enough girls to agree on it how often do you not all agree on a single?

The girls all laugh before Alex speaks once again "Almost every time we rarely all agree on a single the only one we actually all collectively agreed on for this album was "Love Me Right" but other than that there's usually a majority like three girls will go for one and then the others will go for a different one and the majority rules" the girls all nod before Naomi speaks "Yeah and I'm usually the minority" the girls laugh once again and Jamie nods as she was also one of the minorities when it came to choosing singles

Okay so it's a simple process right? It must suck to be in the minority though sorry Naomi Ryan says before laughing the girls also join in So speaking of singles I know that Layla and Naomi are releasing a single today but do you guys have anymore singles lined up from the album?

Jamie speaks up this time for the first time sounding a bit odd hearing a British accent this time rather than an American one which the other four girls have"Oh yeah we've got a few more coming out from the album actually one of them is set for release in August actually...can I say which one?" she asks looking over at the other girls Alex speaks up "Umm I don't think so" she laughs then Jamie also laughs before speaking again "Okay I won't spoil it but I know I can say it has a music video let me not say anything further about it though" the girls all laugh as does Ryan


Okay so as I said before Naomi and Layla are both releasing solo singles tonight Layla's is actually coming up pretty soon Layla what can you tell us about it before we play it?"

Layla speaks and the girls turn their attention to her as she does "Well it was written by this totally hipster unkiwn writer Alex Grey ever heard of her? Probably not" she says obviously joking the girls laugh a little before she speaks once again "Anyway yeah it was written by Alex and produced by her and her brother Brandon which is actually the first time she's ever produced anything so that's cool it's basically about a bad break up and a toxic relationship that people knew would fall but not believing what they say until it finally happened it's a really great song and lil mami over there is an incredible writer so yeah" Alex says before pounding on her chest then throwing a peace sign over to Alex Alex laughs before doing the same back to her the girls then all laugh

Okay well we're about to play it now would you like to do the honors Layla?

Layla laughs a little before shrugging "Okay sure...Layla Seacrest here with the world premiere of "Bleeding Out" by myself" she says before laughing

After the song finishes playing the girls and people in the studio all clap and cheer for Layla she laughs a little "Guys it's Alex's song" she says before clapping for Alex followed by the other people there as well and the girls

Great job girls so Alex I have a question if you wrote this song and it sounds like a rather personal track why would you not choose to sing on it at all?

Alex begins speaking as the girls' eyes as well as Ryan's fall onto her "Well I did write the lyrics and it was personal about a personal relationship yes guys if you couldn't tell I suck with relationships" she laughs along with the girls and Ryan "Anyway I loved the song and we did record it as a group but it didn't all go together too well then I recorded it on my own and I still didn't love it I then begged Layla to record it and she finally did it was perfect then I forced her to release it and that's that"

Okay so let's talk go back to the album for a second you guys had some pretty big collaborations on it Dominic Brown, Rum, Kidd Amaze and Foxxy who everyone actually thought was done with music what was it like working with all of those people for this record?

Naomi takes this question as the girls and Ryan turn their attention to her "It was cool they're all really talented and cool so it was easy to work with them plus we already worked with Dom before on our last album he produced "Whatever You Like" so it was cool seeing him again and working with him again in a different way yeah everyone was cool" the girls all nod in agreement

Okay so let's move on to the Fan Choice awards for a minute you guys have been nominated for eight awards in total including Sexiest female with Jamie the girls begin cheering for Jamie Ryan and amie both laugh and of course the biggest award of the night the Fan Favorite Award what's it like to be up for all of these awards?

Layla speaks again with all eyes once again on her "Oh it's awesome because we've been working so hard on this album and on our music and we're just so happy to see people getting into it and that the judges or whatever looked at us and put us up for all of those awards as for the sexiest female Jamie didn't really have to work on that she's a natural goddess the girls laugh and Jamie shakes her head

Well congratulations and good luck on those so we're going to be playing Naomi's single really soon but first I think it'd be a good idea if we got into a few fan questions what do you think girls

The girls all cheer obviously agreeing and excited to answer some fan questions

Okay let's get into this then the first one is from Norma P she wants to know if the rumors that you guys are already recording for your next album are true

The girls all make faces as if they were hiding something before Alex finally speaks up "Okay you know what yeah we'll confirm we are currently in the studio again we've actually been in it for awhile now working on new stuff and all we can say is this album is going to be our biggest yet but we're still in the very early stages of writing and all of that"

You heard it hear first SYNCO are already working on their newest album okay the next question is from LaylasBooty they want to know what was the most funniest rumor you've ever heard about yourself

Jamie speaks up first "Well I've been pregnant for about three years now so there's that" Layla then tells hers "I've been found dead in a few hotels" Naomi then comes in "Alex and I hate each other and she almost kicked me out of the group once" Alex laughs "That wasn't a rumor Naomi" she says jokingly before continuing on "Um well since coming out I've been dating Katie Coyle, Rum, Daisy, Erica Hess, Cassie Summers and a few other ladies" Nicole then speaks "Well these four have it rough the only rumor I can think of is that I divorced Jake which is not true"

Wow those are pretty out there okay the next one is from SYNCOAteMyBurrito they want to know who is your favorite new artist right now

Alex is the first to speak "Well I wouldn't exactly call her new but she did recently release her debut album and she is up for best new artist I'm going to go with Nova she also wrote my favorite song this year so far" Layla then speaks "This is going to sound so biased but you could have asked me back when she debuted and before we ever even spoke Valentina Hart is my favorite she released an incredible album and a lor of incredible singles and she's super rad" Naomi comes in next "Hmm I think I'm going to have to go with Johnny Carter he's pretty talented and I like what I've been hearing from him so far even if I think he should throw on a shirt every once in awhile" Naomi says before laughing a little Jamie then speaks after "I personally love Aliya Rose her EP was incredible and I have a feeling her debut album will be even better" "Hmm I'm going to say Medina she's doing something a bit different right now and she's a really talented lady so yeah her"

Okay last question comes from Weekender668 they want to know what the fans can expect on this tour

Layla speaks "Hair flips, booty dips and truth telling hips" she laughs at her own joke before Alex actually answers "Expect more choreography, lots of chairs, interactions, covers, just expect a lot we plan on making this huge guys


Okay great so Naomi your single is going to premiere in just a few minutes is there anything you want to tell us about it before we play it?

Naomi nods before speaking the girls and Ryan listen to her as she speaks about her single "Yeah it's a sexy slow jam written by myself and Miami it was produced by Melanie Houston and Miami slayed on her part that's about it" she says before laughing

Okay then take it away Naomi

Naomi nods"What's up it's your girl Naomi and this is my new single "Lips" with Miami

After the song finishes everyone begins clapping and cheering for Naomi

"That was "Lips" by Naomi White and Miami thanks for joining me ladies it was great speaking with you all

The girls each say their goodbyes at the same time before the interview comes to an end
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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erich hess on 18/07/2015(UTC), AmyJayneXoX on 18/07/2015(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 18/07/2015(UTC), Atonic Records on 18/07/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 18/07/2015(UTC), kandii on 18/07/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 18/07/2015(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 19/07/2015(UTC), GirlSpice on 19/07/2015(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 19/07/2015(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#2 Posted : 18 July 2015 08:28:54(UTC)
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Title: Bleeding Out
Artist: Layla
Writer(s) Alex Grey
Producer: Alex Grey, Brandon Grey
Label: Five Pesky Kids Records
Length: 3:45
Genre: Syntpop, Pop
Released: July 17th 2015

"Bleeding Out" is the second solo single released from SYNCO member Layla Sanchez the song was written by Alex Grey who gave the song to Layla after not liking her own solo version out the groups version of the track Layla was hesitant to take the track after releasing an already extremely successful solo single "Love Me Right Now" which topped both the Digital and Airplay top 20 charts staying at number one on the Digital charts two weeks in a row after awhile of insisting Layla finally agreed to record the track she stepped into the studio with Alex's brother Brandon Grey and Alex Grey who for the first time co-produced an track after hearing the track recorded Alex once again began insisting on her to release it Layla agreed on but only if another member would release a solo track as well Naomi agreed to this and will later release her debut solo single lyrically Alex is one of if not the best writers in SYNCO so the song lyrically is great very different from what we heard on the album the same could be said for the production which was done by both the Grey's and done excellently I might add with a synthpop track like this you can't really go wrong

The track starts out slow it has these easy synths going around the really draws the listener in this track is already completely different from Layla's debut single after a short intro with the synths playing we finally hear Layla come in singing in a lower voice which sounds a little bit odd on her as she has a unique voice more suited for higher parts or riffs which this song is lacking on so far after the first verse is finished we hear Layla go into the pre-chorus which suites her voice a bit more as she builds up to the chorus with her vocals adding barely noticeable runs she goes a bit higher before she finally enters the chorus the beat now fully in effect which are mainly just a bunch of easy going synths Layla's voice is slightly higher here which really shows off the vocals abilities of the youngest member after finishing the chorus she heads into the second verse which is much shorter than the first it's sung in a very similar way the beat is also similar she then heads into the pre-chorus which is once again done the same then into the chorus which once again is done the same the beat then slows down as we hear mainly Layla's voice she sings the first few parts but by the next few she holds them a bit longer and once again adds small runs a bit of auto tune can be heard in her voice as she sings these parts we then hear her go into the chorus which is done the same again before finishing it singing the words "We both know we're bleeding out tonight" adding a riff once again before the song comes to an end

Gnashing our teeth
As the other screams
With words like guns
We keep firing
This war started with no intent of peace
We're both too loud can't hear a thing

And the disbelief is showing
It looks like we proved the doubters right
We cut our wings off no more soaring
Stuck on the ground when we were supposed to fly

I can feel us bleeding out this time
And our loves breathing stopped cause you and I
No we're not dead but it doesn't feel like we're alive
I feel us bleeding out you know I'm right

I didn't know how fast lovers could become enemies
With just some words we couldn't keep
We fell for love we were deceived, it pulled us in and we believed

And the disbelief is showing
It looks like we proved the doubters right
We cut our wings off no more soaring
Stuck on the ground when we were supposed to fly

I can feel us bleeding out this time
And our loves breathing stopped cause you and I
No we're not dead but it doesn't feel like we're alive
I feel us bleeding out you know I'm right

Not much to say now this love is deranged
Two half full beds tonight
Couldn't put our tempers aside
Couldn't put our tempers as-i-i-i-i-de
Couldn't put our tempers as-i-i-i-i-de

I can feel us bleeding out this time
And our loves breathing stopped cause you and I
No we're not dead but it doesn't feel like we're alive
I feel us bleeding out you know I'm right

We know we're bleeding out tonight


ooc: Thanks to Semeria (kandii) for the artwork and Jaime (Famous7x7) for Miami's verse :)


Title: Lips
Artist: Naomi
Writer(s) Naomi White, Miami
Producer: Melanie Houston
Label: Five Pesky Kids Records
Length: 4:10
Genre: R&B
Released: July 17th 2015

"Lips" is the debut solo single from SYNCO member Naomi White the song was written by White for SYNCO however it didn't make the final cut for the album after Layla came to her asking for Naomi to release a solo single along with her Naomi agreed she knew she wanted the song to get out there anyway and this was the perfect opportunity to release it so she went back in to record the track on her own with Melanie Houston however both of them felt something was missing from the track Melanie suggested a rap verse Naomi then agreed however rather than going the easy way and contacting someone the girls had already worked with she decided to look at a few other rappers before finally deciding on Miami she then contacted the rapper who agreed to feature on the track the girls went back into the studio re-wrote a few parts of the song along with Miami writing a whole new verse for herself on the track after hearing it herself then showing it to the girls she knew this would have to be the single she released the production is slow, smooth and sexy and Naomi's deeper vocals fit perfectly on the track Miami's steady flow though in her verse definitely brought the track to a whole new level the lyrics were also done really well speaking about what sounds like oral sex in a sort of radio friendly style if people were two judge the two singles released by the band mates this one might just take the cake

The song starts out with a sexy light beat playing over and over pulling the listener into the track this continues as Naomi begins singing the first verse adding her sexy smooth vocals to the already sexy R&B track after singing the first half of the first verse we hear the beat kick in a bit more remaining slow after Naomi finishes the first verse she heads into what can only be described as a pre-chorus the betgoes back to the way it was in the intro and first half however Naomi changes it up vocally a little bit going slightly higher however keeping it smooth she then sings the next part which is rather risque but far from the only risque part as she sings "Tonight we dine, tonight you dine" she then goes into the chorus the beat kicks back in the way it was earlier and Naomi continues singing with her sexy and smooth vocals going a little bit higher on certain parts of the chorus she then sings a part after the chorus which is slightly different she sounds almost as if she's singing and talking at the same time which can almost be compared to Rihanna in a way after this we hear Miami come in for her verse bringing the track to new heights of sexiness after finishing the verse we hear Naomi come back in and sing the chorus ad the part after the chorus doing it the same way as before after she finishes those parts we hear Naomi show off the versatility in her extremely underrated vocals as she sings the next few lyrics in a falsetto before going higher as she sings the next few "Ooohs" she then heads into the chorus which is done the same except with a few adlibs from Naomi before doing the part after the chorus the same way but again with a few adlibs added before the song slowly and smoothly goes into an outro and begins to fade out


Boy I know we just met in the club
But I want it right now
Got me feeling things I've never felt
Come and turn my lights out, yeah
Could be what I've got in my cup
But I've never felt this way
Boy I don't even know your name
It don't matter anyway

Boy you can call me Naomi
But words aren't really important tonight
I'm not asking you to love me
But tonight we dine, tonight you dine

We're goin' downtown tonight
We can pass those red lights
Just put your lips on mine
And then glide, then glide
You can go south tonight
Just blow my mind right
Come and put your lips on mine
And then glide, then glide

Baby you got me feeling something
So come over and do something
Like my kisses low you got me?
So glide
Baby you got me feeling something
So come over and do something
Like my kisses low you got me?
So glide

See the things you do got me feining over you
And every time the phone rings boy I’m hoping its you
He got a swagger like no other; papi is so rare
And all my bitches say I’m crazy but I don’t even care
Cuz I’m stuck on you, I ain't going nowhere
They say love can pass you by so I’m trying not to blink
And you really drive me crazy; Britney Spears correlate
The way he put it on me I can never get enough
I’m addicted like a crack head smoke you up, puff puff
6'3, brown eyes, light skin, cute face
Nice hair, muscular, long thang, nice taste!
Cuz he do what he do and he really does it well
Got your girl in spell saying baby all hail
Late nights at your crib ignoring the doorbell
Turn off the ringer to the cell, boy we gliding like hell!

We're goin' downtown tonight
We can pass those red lights
Just put your lips on mine
And then glide, then glide
You can go south tonight
Just blow my mind right
Come and put your lips on mine
And then glide, then glide

Baby you got me feeling something
So come over and do something
Like my kisses low you got me?
So glide
Baby you got me feeling something
So come over and do something
Like my kisses low you got me?
So glide

So come and light my skin up with your lips boy and don't stop
And when we're done boy you know I got you boy I got you

We're goin' downtown tonight
We can pass those red lights
Just put your lips on mine
And then glide, then glide
You can go south tonight
Just blow my mind right
Come and put your lips on mine
And then glide, then glide

Baby you got me feeling something
So come over and do something
Like my kisses low you got me?
So glide
Baby you got me feeling something
So come over and do something
Like my kisses low you got me?
So glide
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

thanks 11 users thanked mebeme101 for this useful post.
AmyJayneXoX on 18/07/2015(UTC), erich hess on 18/07/2015(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 18/07/2015(UTC), Atonic Records on 18/07/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 18/07/2015(UTC), kandii on 18/07/2015(UTC), PANIC! on 18/07/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 18/07/2015(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 19/07/2015(UTC), GirlSpice on 19/07/2015(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 19/07/2015(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#3 Posted : 18 July 2015 23:58:53(UTC)
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OOC: Really an excellent RP from start to finish. I love how you give each of the girls something to do individually and not only are they active musically as a group but each are active on our pop culture and they all have found one in themselves. You really deserve to pay yourself on the back for being able to maneuver that alone with a five piece girl band! Aside from that, the interview was very interesting to read since the girls covered so much. Layla and Noami's singles were really good too. Thanks for having one of my acts on Noami's song. Glad to be on a nice track :)good job John!!
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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Atonic Records on 19/07/2015(UTC), mebeme101 on 19/07/2015(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#4 Posted : 19 July 2015 04:30:32(UTC)
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Valentina: Awwwwwh my girlfriend and her cute lil shoutout, thanks for gettin me that promo heheh. Super stoked for the tour and wow oh wow at two SYNCO girls puttin out solo songs at the same time, isn't there like a girl group law that members can't put out songs at the same time to avoid cat fights and all that ish? Eh whatevsss, I know you girls aren't silly like that. :) Naturally I gravitated towards Layla's song and as expected, it slayed me. Alex is a fuckin good writer. But then Naomi's caught me totally off guard cuz who doesn't like a sexy bop? I do tbh although don't ask me to twerk cuz it ain't a pretty sight. We are not worthy queens. <333

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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mebeme101 on 19/07/2015(UTC)
Offline Welat65  
#5 Posted : 19 July 2015 07:43:01(UTC)
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AliyaRose: Yaaaaaaaas sisters from another parents ♡ you're giving me life right now! I loved every part of this interview, I love how you girls react to each other ! I'm getting fangirl moments here. The fact that queen Jamie knows my name makes me really happy :). But yeah, I love both of these new songs. I'm playing them 24/7 currently !
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


thanks 1 user thanked Welat65 for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 19/07/2015(UTC)
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