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#1 Posted : 20 July 2015 07:56:09(UTC)
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The Episode starts with cheering fans, screaming Ezras name. She walks into the studio, looking beautiful with a White Dress, her hair styled to a ponytail and golden high heels. She sits on her seat and starts to talk :

Hell, yeah! We are back! I'm so sorry, we had a huge delay with this episode, and a few changes were needed to be done! Our Logo is also different now! You may have noticed it. Thank you guys, for coming *points at the audience* and thank you for tuning in *Blows a kiss towards the camera*. We have 2 amazing guests this time! I'm gonna say something about them later, so let's start with..


A lot happened in this 2 months, and we needed to pick the best 'news'! So, let's start with Hot Topic number 1!
Celebrity Big Brother started about a week ago! We have 11 cool celebrities in the show, some more known some less, but the real topic is about to drop! Mister Dae Ho Park had sex with Medina! *'Oooh' says the Audience* You heard it right! They had sex on live television! Well, we didn't saw anything though. *'Noooo' says the female audience* I feel you sisters, we all would love to see Dae naked and in action on TV. But, yeah. We didn't saw it. So, the house is pretty cool, but it's kinda boring. If you ask me, I think 'Scratch' or Jayne is gonna win. The other ones are cool too, but these two are my favourites! I just love them! *Sips on her tea* Let's continue with the next Hot Topic! I think everybody knows Ryan Ross Hernandez. He's known as a Playboy or Womanizer, whatever you want to call him, and once again, he has a new flame in his life. But, let's take a step back. Last month he revealed his return to music in a Rolling Stone interview, after nearly a year in a half away from the public eye. The cover story mainly focused on the heartbreak and mental health illnesses that he experienced through 2014, with its effects still lingering today. But, whatever. Even though he's a musician, ryan is mostly known for his dating history that included the likes of GirlSpice's Nadia Berry, famed pop artist Isabel Merjos, fellow pop-star and upcoming co-host of the Fan Choice Awards Serenity Scott, and a lot more people. But, he's not getting younger. At the end of the day, he needs to find somebody who he can have a life with. So, here comes the actual Hot Topic. Apparently, Ryan found love with Miami, who was on the show last time. Back then, she said that she wasn't interested in anybody, but I guess that changed in 2 months. *laughs with the crowd* But, yeah. I hope that he won't break her heart, I wish them good luck. *Drinks a little bit from her Tea*. The last Hot Topic is about Erich Hess and his confusing life. *Laughs* I guess Erich has a son now? *shrugs* Culture Uncut reported that a Man called 'Jakob Hess' is the son of Erich Hess, and he was born a while ago in Reno, Nevada, by his Mother Esmeralda, who was or is a Showgirl in a casino. So, it's reported that Erich had a one night stand along with a few subsequent meetings with that woman, and now here he is. Jakob Hess. He's also a musician, but yeah, that's it.

So, now let's continue with ...


We have a lot of Music news! So many new releases, a new chart and the list goes on. Let's start with the new releases. First, we have "More Than Love" by Mi•Mi and Weekend, which also debuted at #1! It's a really good song, even though it's confusing to hear so many people on one song, it's new and unique. We are probably are going to hear alot of Band Collaborations after the success of this single. Mi•Mi also released their Album "He Say She Say", which also debuted at #1. These girls are taking over the charts. I think we all remember when Billy was here, we asked him about the Album and now finally, Weekend released the Album "About Time" and it reached #1, to be honest it's not like we expected something else. It's a amazing Album! Magie also released a new single, called "Try The Lucky" from her Hit Album 'Outcome'. It's another catchy song. We also have 'Postpone' by Hannah Beth for the Movie Evangelion, it's such a good song! The songs for this Movie are so good, I can't wait to hear the actual Soundtrack Album! I'm also really excited for the movie! The band 'Enlightened' released their Album "Mythos", and I'm obsessed with it. I don't even know what to say, just buy it. It's flawless. And, we have SYNCO who were on air with Ryan seacrest, and I loved this interview. They were funny, kind and really cool. Also, Naomi released her first solo-single. It's called 'Lips' and featues the amazing Miami. It's a really great song, I do believe that it's gonna be huge on the Urban Radios. And, we have Layla, who's known for working Solo alot. But, she delivers so, don't even try to attack her. The new song is called 'Bleeding Out', I don't even if this is gonna be as huge as the previous single, but it's a really good song and I do believe that it's gonna do good on the charts. We also have a Album Chart. It's called the 'Digital Album Charts' and yeah, it's there. I really don't want to go into too many details, so let's just continue.

And now, finally, our first guest is about to come. About 1 and a half month ago, we annonced that Reported Failure would come to the show, but after some schedule conflicts, they couldn't come. They are going to come for the fourth episode though! And because of that Cara Zayn, who was actually going to come for the fourth episode, is now here. I don't even want to say too much, just "Welcome To The Show, Cara!"


Welcome to the show, Cara! It's a pleasure to have you here. How are you?

Thank you for having me, I’ve been enjoying watching the show, it’s great to be invited. I’m doing incredible, things are going really well these days, it’s been an enjoyable few months.

That's good to know! So, you're producing and writing Music, you're creating TV Shows. Is there anything left, you would like to do?

Ahh there’s always something else that I wanna try my hand at. At the moment though, I’m just planning on focussing on the songwriting and producing side of things, I’ve only done a couple of things as a songwriter or producer, so I’m just trying to improve myself and build on my experiences and hopefully create a body of work for myself that I can be proud of.

You and Faith are managing this huge label, do you ever felt a pressure? Are you scared to do anything wrong? Or is everything just going smoothly?

I don’t think either of us really felt pressure. It was more a case of, being given the label and being told to put our vision into place with the label which I think we’ve managed to do to an extent. I don’t think you can really go into a role like that with the fear of doing things wrong, you quickly learn that you are gonna do a few things wrong every now and then, it’s all part of the learning curve, so I think you should embrace the mistakes that you make and put yourself into a place where you can actually learn from them. I think things are going relatively smoothly right now, but certainly at the beginning it didn’t feel like things were going smoothly. But again, it’s about not panicking and believing that you have the ability and skills necessary to make thing right.

If you would have to choose just 2 from the Roster of the label, who would you choose? Who would you like to keep?

That’s a tricky one, firstly because of the range of artists and bands we have and also because of my own tastes and how they change constantly. I would like to ideally keep everyone who is at the label, but I know that people move on and like to see what else there is out there. Which is why we have to constantly keep looking at adding to the roster.

Well, is there anybody who you would like to have on the label?

There’s a ton of people at other labels that would just be a dream to have on our roster, but again I think we’ve been pretty blessed with the artists we currently have and more importantly the work ethic that they all bring to the table. Of course acts like Dead Roses and Fathers of Fury that aren’t currently active, but we also have a roster full of artists with incredibly hard working mentalities which is what we want. If you look around labels, you’ll see some of them have incredible rosters based on reputation and history, but when you look at it from a consistency perspective, it shows a different picture. Of course that has nothing to do with the labels themselves, but I like people who are willing to put in the work to make it rather than just looking to make it by any means. There’s some people who are happy to keep their name out there by using social media and not actually making music and that’s fine for them, but to me that says that they don’t have ambition, they just like the thought of being famous.
If I had to give one name that I’d love to have on the label right now, although it’s not an option, it would be Rum & Coke, because I think their innovation and ambition shines incredibly bright and they have been one of the stand-outs for the past year or more.

Yeah, Rum & Coke are really great. As I already said, you are writing and producing music, is there anybody you would like to work with?

I’m more than happy to work with anybody on their music. Like I said earlier, I’m still learning my own craft and discovering how to work with other people and work towards their vision. There’s a bunch of dream acts that I’d love the chance to work with but collaborating is what you make of it, you never know who you’re gonna work well with and who you’re gonna struggle to work with.

So, how is your love life going? Are you interested in anybody?

It’s going alright, nothing official. I’m sort of enjoying myself these days. If we’re talking industry people then I’ve gotta say, there’s a lot of options out there. But nah, obviously there’s people I’m attracted to, a few of them I actually work with but there’s nothing to tell at the moment. There may be some developments in the very near future though.

On Instagram, GirlSpice member 'Chantal' revealed that she was in the studio with you. Could you give us any details? And, how is it, to work with Chantal?

Yeah, we wrote a song together. It was a lot of fun working with her, she’s been around the industry for a very long time now and so she’s got a great mind for how everything works, she’s pretty much done everything there is to do, so just spending time with someone with her levels of experience was a great thing. She’s lots of fun once she’s decided whether she likes you or not. But yeah, it was a good couple of days.

That's good. Girl, we would like to play a little game with you. We have played this game on the show before, and I really liked it , so yeah. It's called "Who Would I Date?". Basically, we name you two people, and you need to choose who you would date. You can say 'none of them' but you always need to give us a reason. So , don't forget, everytime you choose somebody, give us a reason why, you choose this person.


Bad Girl 'Andrea' or Daisy?

I think I gotta go with Andrea, I like rebellious and she’s a little nutty, I like that too!

Dae Ho Park or Drew Westbrook?

Park! No doubt about that one hahah, It’s the tattoos. He’s incredibly fine as he is, but the tattoos just send me over the edge!

Vanity or Eilidh?

Back in the day, I’d have said Vanity. But if we’re talking present day, it’s gotta be Eilidh, she’s maybe the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

Deneil or Billy?

Billy, for obvious reasons. I like the crazy.

Jennifer Armstrong or Carmen V?

Jennifer, she’s an all-rounder. She’s got it all, plus I have major respect for her and her story.

That's it actually! So, we've got some questions for you, from Twitter! So, here's the first one from @CaraBlessings : "Would you ever date a fan? Because, I love you!"

Depending on the situation, but yeah! If there’s an attraction, why not?

This one is from @CarterRiseUp : "How do people actually get signed to the label? Randomly or are you guys looking for 'special' people?"

You can always send us some of your music, or you could come visit our headquarters in New York and show us what you’ve got. Or create a buzz for yourself and if we like you then we may get in touch with you about a deal. We’re always looking for new.

Another one from @ShadyQueen : "We know that you're Bi-Sexual, but which gender do you prefer?"

It’s more about the person than the gender to be honest. It’s not an attention ploy, if I’m into you then I’m into you. History suggests that I prefer dudes, but again it’s more about who you are rather than what you are.

This one is from a lovely boy called @PeteHolmes : "What's your favourite food? And what do you like to drink the most?"

I’m a junk food girl at heart. Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pizza’s, Mozzarella Sticks. I’m a girl of simple tastes. For drinks? All the alcohol haha. Non alcoholic? I’m quite into Aloe juice at the moment.

The last one is from @BodyGoals: "How do you stay so fit? Your body is perfect!"

Everything in moderation really. I don’t believe in fasting or any of those extreme measures. I just eat in moderation and go running for an hour each morning. As long as you’re healthy then that’s all that truly matters, you can be big and still be healthy. The most important thing is to feel good about yourself.

So, once again! Thank you so much for coming, Cara! It was great to have you here!

So, this was the amazing Cara Zayn! So, now. Let's continue with another guest, she's known by EVERYBODY, some like her, some not but at the end of the day, she is successful. So, here she is. The beautiful 'Tisha Jackson'.

Welcome to the Show, Tisha!

Hey! It’s a pleasure to be here!


Your Album "25" is like one of the biggest Albums ever. It hit the #1 spot five non consecutively times and had one of the longest runs on the Golden Top 15. Did you expect this huge success?

I want to say it was 50/50. I just remember recording ‘25’ and being like this is some of the greatest lyrics I’ve written and am singing in my career. And I just remembered how my voice changed and developed on tracks, my voice has matured in a great way I feel, I’ve gotten more confident and soulful with a lot of my delivery and I wanted to bring that out with this record. So I know my fans were going to enjoy the lyrical vocal aspect of the record. However with the release was a bit more challenging, because I’m like, I know how I would react if my favorite artist did this, like a Janet Jackson or a Mariah Carey, but how will my fans react to me releasing a record without any promotion ? But we’ve been having a great run with the record.

Are you currently working a new album? There are a few rumors here and there, but nothing is really confirmed.

I am working on a something very special that I don’t think my fans or fans of Pop music will be expecting. However we are only seven months into the ‘25’ era. I still have singles I want to release from it. I am on tour supporting the record, and I don’t want to end it. This is my most favorite and the greatest, most cohesive album to date and I’m not ready for that to be over. However there’s always new music in store with me, I will NEVER stop making music.

Do you think you can get the same success with the new Album?

At this point in my career I am just worried about pleasing my fans. Like, my biggest thing is how do I please my fans while still creating the music I wanna create. That was my biggest challenge with ‘25’. I felt that album was for the fans, like I didn’t dig as deep as I did with ‘The Highway to Redemption’ which was my previous record. However ‘Highway’ didn’t receive the response that ‘25’ has and Iput my all into my record. So to get back to your question I don’t want to stress about success of the next record, my main thing with the next record whenever I decide to release one, would be how do I make music that makes my fans happy but me happy as well.

Let's talk about your tour! It's completly sold out! How is the experience with the fans? And did anything funny happen until now?

You know this is just the greatest experience of my life. If you told me eight years ago when I was recording my first record that I’d be playing stadiums I would look at you like you were crazy. Its like every night my favorite part of the show is when I am under the stage and I can here my band playing the instrumental to my intro to the stage and I come up on that toaster and just stare at my fans, that is the greatest feeling in the world. I never knew how much I loved performing until this year, and I’ve always been a decent dancer, however this tour has made me become a dancer I feel. I worked so hard on choregraphy the last year of my life and I can honestly say I love dancing as much as singing. But I think the most funny thing that happens on tour is, you get lonely sometimes because your away from your family and friends, so on some dates or some weeks my boyfriend will come spend time with me, and when I do meet and greets I am very interactive with my fans so some of them will touch my ass and my breasts and his face when it happens is the most funny thing. He looks like he wants to strange them!

Though rumors are speculating that you a prepping a new album, you released a Deluxe iTunes edition of ‘25’. Tell us about it.

Why yes. It features four new tracks, and the new single off 25 is “Electric” and the video is out now by the way. [Tisha laughs]

What was the craziest thing, one of your fans has done?

I’ll definitely say that besides shooting a gun at me and my crew on a highway [Tisha laughs] and me being arrested for it, would have to be during the segment of the show where I play Mary Poppins and fly across the stadium on a hook. Well, we have this circle like pit, and the fans are up close and personal, and I touched this one guy’s hand and he caught what appeared to be the Holy Ghost.

I have question, which I think, everyone is interested in. You're often seen as one of the biggest Feminists we have, but on the other side, other Feminists often criticize the way you 'act'. What is a Feminist, for you?


A feminist is someone, female or male who isn’t scared what people think, they aren’t conforming to society, and they damn sure aren’t worried about feminist who question their loyalty, they don’t have an agenda besides the progression of women, but most importantly society. I feel like being a feminist is something you are criticized for now though, feminist criticize other feminist, and society criticizes feminist for being feminist. We have to work on that!

Are there any musicians out there, who you would like to work with? And, if there are some, tell us why.

Tisha: My Lord! There is a bunch. I would like to work with Magie Lena again, I feel like I sing well with her, our voices harmonize well together, and she makes me feel comfortable and I make her feel comfortable when were in the studio working on ‘B!TCH is back”. I would like to work with Dominic Brown again, but our schedules are so crazy, as well as mine and Magie’s it’s hard to find the time. He and I sing well together as well. I’d also like to work with Aubrey Mikkel, I think she’s awesome, she’s a riot, and she has a very beautiful voice, very unique the way she executes music with her harmonies and rifts.

I would like to play a game with you! It's a pretty fun game, and it's called "Fashion Brands : Versus", basically, we gonna name you 2 fashion brands, and you're going to choose which one you prefer and again, tell us why.


Chanel or Dior

I love them both equally but if I had to choose Chanel. I feel like Chanel was tailored for my body.

Louis Vuitton or Burberry

I’ll be like Charlotte York and choose Burberry.

Gucci or Armani


Prada or Dolce & Gabanna

Ummmmm difficult, Prada.

Versace or Calvin Klein

VERSACE! VERSACE! VERSACE! Dontella tailors Versace for my body. I’ve been obsessed with her since she did J.Lo’s ’99 VMA dress. She’s phenomenal.

Thank you so much, Tisha! Even though it was short, it was really nice to have you here!

So, this was the amazing Tisha Jackson. And, that's also the end of the episode! I really love doing this, and I can't wait to be back for the fourth episode! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @RealTalkWithEzra and tune in on the next episode!

Ezras Dress: http://img.our-dress.com...om-Dresses-SG4647-01.jpg
Ezras Shoes: http://www.mlo.me/upen/v...-Shoes-57194-1117310.jpg

OOC: Thanks to TishaJackson!!!! for the interview and Andrew [C4AJoh] for the interview and for being so fast. ! :)
And I'm sorry for taking so long with this :(
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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#2 Posted : 21 July 2015 06:22:59(UTC)
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OOC: Another great show :)

Jennifer: Cara I love you too, let's do this ;) Haha but seriously, I have major respect for you and all that you've done so far. Especially with music, you've given a very amazing platform for up and coming artists and I'm always in support of other talent. Really can't wait to hear what you and Chantal have cooked up too!
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Welat65 on 21/07/2015(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 23 July 2015 05:28:54(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Another great show :)

Jennifer: Cara I love you too, let's do this ;) Haha but seriously, I have major respect for you and all that you've done so far. Especially with music, you've given a very amazing platform for up and coming artists and I'm always in support of other talent. Really can't wait to hear what you and Chantal have cooked up too!

OOC: Thank you! :)
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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