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#1 Posted : 06 October 2015 10:44:09(UTC)
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"Are we on? Oh my god, we're on! Welcome, welcome everyone! I don't know which one of your faves tweeted for you to listen in on this but welcome! This is The Dahl Hour and for the sake of any future I have on radio, let's pray it wont be dull! I am your host Anniken Dahl-Smith of course.. I am apparently also your DJ. I hope when we get a proper budget in this studio later I'll get a professional to play the songs for me and give them cool intros but for now, you're stuck with me!" [laughs nervously] "I'm just gonna do what all good critics and I guess radio folk do and dive right into the music! When we come back from the break we'll have my very own Rum & Coke, I know I'm not the only one looking forward to drilling them over this long lost single, am I right?"

Anaísz - Better Days

"The newest song this week has only been out for a few hours and it's a debut single from a brand new artist who's been buzzed about a lot these days. There's not much to say about the song, the vocals are great, the song is very EDM, the lyrics are written very well too but doesn't hold a spec of personality within them. I mean, honestly, it's just yet another "I'm feeling down but the future holds great things!!1!" track and as every generic pop song of quality does, it definitely has a thoughtless appeal to it. Is she talking about love? Overcoming a bully? The future of her career? The lyrics fail to clearly state it but we're all gonna love this song in 2 weeks anyway! Here's "Better Days" by An...okay, I can't pronounce her name and hell no, I'm not going to try. Looks like Google is your best friend today!"

Anaísz - Better Days
SYNCO - You Want This (feat. Rum)
Daraxi - Diseased

"...Back on the prowl! Thought it was peeerfect, I don't know how! I'm single.. you know how they do! How they act! See you with another man then they want you back! WOOP WOOP!" [shakes head and pulls her hands back] "Nah, nah, they not ready for that Trina. Not yet, I can't just give all them barz on the first day, nope, no." [laughs as her voice changes] "Welcome back! I have to say, I may not be the biggest pop fan but that's not a bad playlist to jam out to--not the Trina, Trina is just universal--and to be honest I might be feeling "Better Days" a little more than I did then on the first listen, intriguing. But on to the business! Did you fall victim to Rum & Coke's whole bathtub/shower selfie during their #KeepItClean hype? WELL THAT WAS YOUR FIRST MISTAKE! NEVER BELIEVE THE HYPE! WEWERE ALL BETRAYED AND TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF FOR THOUGHTLESS PROMO, DO YOU HEAR ME? RUM & COKE, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?


-the phone rings-

No pickup on the first ring, what a fucking cake tease.

-the phone continues to ring-

I feel the pain of abandonment all over again, do you guys feel it too? [starts to speak in a very hysterical tone] Do you feel what I'm feeling?! [laughs]

-phone continues to ring-

Ha..ha ha..ha

-the voicemail begins to play-

Ha...ha...what the actual hell?

[faint cursing in the background before the music roles in]

Kai Rollins - Death Casually Sliding In Your DM's Like Its Nothing
Aikya Balan - Something Like That

"Change of plans! Did you guys like what you heard during that impromptu break? Its just a little something all our indies!!!!!1 And guess what? We have one of the very singers on line with us right now. Yeah, they're not Rum & Coke but they are close friends with the frisky bastards and I'm sure you'll enjoy her just as much! Aikya say hi.."


Yaya, heey there folks, [giggles lightly] look at me trolling, doing impromptu shit, what kind of impact. I mea..

Yeah okay, cute talk. Where the hell is Rum?

[gasps] Now why would you think I know where Rum is??


She's not here, I swear! I'm mad at her anyways. I practically gave the gods my bath nudes as a sacrifice for Keep It Clean and this is what they do? I feel so betrayed. I usually don't care who sees what but that's only because it's never been in vain. Why would they do this to us? I don't understand, they just got all quiet again..

Thank you for calling in Aikya! Your single is really nice, I should know, I'm the one who forced you to release it. Reach for another #1, live a good life, listen to me more often, I'm your manager! Byee!

"Moving along! Listen guys, so much has happened to this young man lately and yet he still managed to call into the show...UNLIKE OUR FIRST NONEXISTENT GUESTS APPARENTLY. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN SCRAPED THEIR KNEES IN THE LAST YEAR AND THEY CAN'T FIND IT IN THEMSELVES TO STOP SUCKING DICK AND PICK UP THE PHONE." [clears throat] "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't mean to generate anymore headaches. I'm sure he has one hell of a headache after that fall he took at the FCA's."


Riley! Thank you so much for showing, you're the first official guest on our show! You were supposed to be the SECOND but.. [exhales] Just to dive right in, I suppose you're all better now? The incident was really the shock of the night at the FCAs.
Thank you for having me on the line. It's a pleasure to be on it. Uh, yeah that was a pretty scary time for me and for the guys as well. Definitely wasn't staged and rehearsed like a lot of people seem to believe. Doesn't help me that I won Best Actor after the collapse though! [laughs]. I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you.

So exactly what happened? We all just assumed there was a problem with the stage or that you just tripped and fell hard but reports are saying different though, I just want to know from the source.
What a lot of people don't know is that I suffer from severe asthma and a lot of breathing complications. On day of the performance I had a little asthma attack, nothing worse than other ones I've had, and after that I was fine. Seconds before we were due on stage I started to feel my palms sweating and I was struggling to control my breathing but I was also a tad nervous so I brushed it off as that. As the song went on I could feel a tightness in my chest and then suddenly I felt an excruciating pain in my chest and ribs. It was so severe and sudden, it felt like I had been shot with something. I fell down to the ground and it was because of a Spontaneous Pneumothorax, which is a collapsed lung. I wasn't getting enough oxygen, I passed out and didn't wake up for nearly 2 weeks. So yeah, that's what happened for those who didn't know.

You mind if I ask you a weird question? I think it's something that we all think when we hear stories like this. Do you have dreams while in a coma or the like and know that you're unconscious or did you blackout the minute you passed out, only to wake up and Jason Bourne the first 5 nurses that approached you?
Well it's different for everyone, you see. I actually looked it up afterwards. For me it was really weird. There was a time where it was just nothing. No light, no sound and no feeling but I'd say that was only for a few hours. Then I started hearing voices but couldn't see or feel and that's what it was like that whole time. I figured out that I was in a hospital and I could remember what happened beforehand so it made sense. It was scary because I knew my brain was still functioning. I was worried that I was going to stay like that forever and then I realized that they could also switch off life support, thinking it was pointless even though I knew I was still very much alive. I suppose it could have been worse. Some people said they could still feel. I couldn't and I'm glad I couldn't feel all those tubes in me or the vigorous bed baths! [laughs] It was nice hearing the voices of people who came to visit but sucked at the same time because when they got upset, I just wanted to hug them and tell them that I was fine. I was trapped in my own mind. [laughs] No, I didn't Jason Bourne the nurses. They were all very nice to me. Although I did hear one of them say I have "an adorable belly button" which I found...odd.

You and the rest of the boys were in the middle of promoting your newest album before this all happened. Now everything's came to an abrupt stop it seems. Do you think it'll continue once you're out of the hospital? Is there still going to be a tour in the works? Was there one in talks at all?
Yeah we were but things haven't stopped altogether. We've just hit pause for now on the releasing and performing front but behind the scenes we're still working away, harder than ever. The single "Only Just Begun" was supposed to be out last month but it's cool. It's a ballad and we're entering the last section of the year. Ballads seem to go down well around this time, especially after the dance craze that always steals the summer. We have three tours coming up, two of which are being heavily planned. The third is a good bit in the future. One is a North American and Australasian tour which is the "Here We Go Again" tour. That will promote our second album. We're then doing Europe and Asia but by then the third album will be out so that will contain songs from both the second and third albums. The third tour will be going back to US and down under to promote the third record. It would make more sense to just wait for album three to come out and just to do a huge world tour in support of both records but some of our schedules don't allow that and there's certain chunks of the year where all five of us aren't able to work together so we're doing it like this. There's method in our madness! [laughs]

You're happily married with 3 kids aren't you? Or was that Scott? I'm 48 and I'm already losing all memory skills, forgive me if I'm wrong.
Uh, Dustyn's the one with three little ones and Scott is the one who is married. I have a son named Orson. Michelle and I are separated now but all is good.

Oh wow, I'm so sorry [stifled laugh] I'm the worst version of a fangirl possible, I get all the members mixed up, even in the groups that I manage! How did that separation affect your relationship with Michelle...well, other than the obvious reasons. How did the people around you feel about it all? Where do you even go from here?
Absolutely no bad blood between us but with our schedules...it became hard to find time together and it really put a strain on the relationship. We loved each other and still have love for one another but when you're a young couple, well a couple at any age really, there are certain needs that have to be fulfilled and while you can keep long distance relationships going for a while, there comes a point when it's make or break. We were together for almost four years so we had a good run. We just felt like we weren't giving each other what we really deserved and decided to amicably part. All of my friends loved Michelle and as a lot of my social circle and Michelle's are in the music industry, it made it easier to get to know everyone. We had a lot of support and love from everyone. A great big network of friends and there was never any of the divide and conquer tactics that sometimes goes on. My mates weren't trying to drive a wedge between Michelle and I and likewise with her friends. They all had love for us and still do. They were all pretty gutted when we announced our separation. A lot of people tried to force us back together but it just wasn't working. Michelle and I are good but you can't force something to happen. Now...well, I'm single and getting back up onto my feet. It's the first time I've been single as an adult. Michelle and I started dating when we were teens. I'm just taking each day as it comes.

Freshly single, still successful and on the road to a quick recovery! But if I may ask, which I'm going to ask anyway, me and the rest of the world have seen tweets! I mean, they aren't flirty but it's Hollywood, any interaction between a male and a female is always a sign of a hookup in the works, so just play along. [laughs] Before you go give me 3 words to describe your new Twitter buddy, CHAELIN!

Oh wow...Hollywood is a weird place. Back home I call it being friendly! [laughs]. Well she's definitely talented. I've heard her single and it's really, really good. Hope to hear a lot more material really soon. Uh, I'd say that she's very sweet. She seems to care about my health and take an interest in my rather mundane tweets about my life [laughs]. Uh...and...yeah, I'd say that she's pretty cute too. I know that wasn't the best choice considering people think we're hooking up. I'm not that type of guy but I'd be lying if I said that she wasn't cute.

"Ooooh, what do the youngins say these days? I ship them? I ship them! Little does he know, Chaelin's going to be on the show later so that's going to be really interestin! Big thanks to Riley for agreeing to the interview! I'm ready for some more music, how about yall?

Miami - Pressure

Of course we have the track from the one and only Miami, Pressure! It's topped the chart for the second time this week so I'm obligated to play it...you could say I'm being .... PRESSURED! HA! THAT WAS GOLD, WHAT WAS RADIO WITHOUT ME? Anyways, I think it's a really good song, it was nicely done production wise and screamed hit from the get go. The lyrics are great but as usual, Miami shows that she is very much cheesy and a few of the lines seem so forced that they're kind of cringey, those are just some of her few flaws--we've known this since her debut. Nevertheless, it's a huge hit and if Miami's bars still aren't for you, there are millions of remixes out there that are oddly better than the original so go crazy! Live on The Dahl Hour, we're coming through with all that Pressure!

Miami - Pressure

"You done twerking yet? Good! I have someone special here with me in the studio right now and boooy am I excited!


Okay so before we even start, do you give me permission to use your name as often as possible. [bleep] it, I don't need permission to express my love for such a great alias. CHAELIN. God, I don't know why I love that name so much. Honey, you have the name, god do you have the name, you have the face, the personality and now you officially have the music! Introduce yourself to the waves before you and your girl group rightfully start guiding the tides!
Haha Well thank you! My name is Chaelin as you said and I'm a Korean pop singer that is currently in the debuting girl group "C.M.B.D", I'm 21 years of age and just ready to show everyone my talents...I'm really random and sometimes really blunt and I have a really bad potty mouth...like...really bad so I'll like to apologize in advanced if I curse too much..*Hits elbow on table corner* [bleep]...and it begins, Hahah!

It's perfectly fine sweetie, I'm cussing just as much. We had to turn on the censors and get some moderators in here and it's the 3rd interview of the day! [laughs] But as you mentioned, you are 1/4th of the newest girl group "C.M.B.D." and so far only you and Daraxi have revealed your talents to the world. Who are the other 2, when can we expect to see them?
The next members who are going to debut are Bom and Minzy. They will most likely debut with something totally different from Daraxi and I...We all hung out like 10 days ago and what I been hearing from both of them is extremely good...so yeah...everyone should be excited for their upcoming debut because they are legit preparing to bring some quality music soon.

Can I just ask the question we've all been asking? Why didn't you ladies just debut all together on one track instead of...this? Not saying that it was a bad move, I'm loving getting to rank and assess all of your talents one by one but you could've been releasing your album by now!
The reason why we didn't want to debut in one whole track is be cause we knew that we wouldn't really be taken serious or original if we were doing the same thing other girl groups were doing, so we thought of a way to make our releases original and show all our talents. So the label and C.M.B.D drew up this plan to make individual single releases like a countdown to the actual full on group single...and the plan seams to be working, hahaha.

Hmm, I see. I love the tactic of just being different. It's so very sparse these days. By the way, CHAELIN, one thing I noticed about you is that you're always on Twitter complaining about your loneliness!
OMG, I know! ..I talk to much about my loneliness, but hey! it lets everyone know that not everyone in Hollywood is getting laid every night hahah!

That is up until Riley shows up and tweets out of nowhere, though! Let me tell you, as a woman who's been in her fair share of groupies, boy band members re practically impossible to keep. But hey, my precious CHAELIN, don't be afraid to dream about those British biscuits as often as possible!
Haha! "British Biscuits" is going to be the word of the day for me, but I don't know..I'm just gonna continue "dreaming" about those "British Biscuits"...but in all seriousness he is a great guy and any women to have a man like him is really lucky.

[gasps]I just had Riley on the line not too long ago and I already forgot everything we talked about in his interview! You know what he said CHAELIN?.. I'm not going to stop saying your name like that by the way, as we all know, he's separated and newly single for--get this!--the first time in his whole adulthood! I even asked him about you earlier and he had some good things to say. I've forgotten now but just for giggles, how about you also give me 3 words to describe your new Twitter buddy!
Hmmm...How would I describe him? Handsome, Outgoing and maybe Spunky? I don't know what that word means but it sounds right on him haha. I'm also a little nervous on what he said about me...

Oooh okay, I see you, I see you! Trust me, it'll be all over the internet the minute you get home, don't worry about it. Before you go, CHAELIN, quick question........do you know who LUSH is?
Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?

[Anniken's eyes swell up and she stops everything at that very moment before swiveling her chair over to the mixing board and pressing a button to repeat the lean over and over again, each louder than the first. You could clearly hear her lose all chill and laugh her life away as she does this.

"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin
"Who's lush? ...Is it a toilet paper brand?" - Chaelin

Chaelin - Where Did The Time Go?
LUSH - Breakthrough

"Well, that was an entertaining interview, I am in love, I swear. You guys enjoying the music? Who'd you think won that round? CHAELIN's solo prologue or LUSH's debut single? Let me know next week when I have a call in special, where the topics are what YOU want to talk about! Here's a new cute song for all of you still out there!"

Aliya Rose - Stars

"Okay, here's the thing. There is literally nothing to this song. Literally, nothing..but yet...somehow.. it still slays! Stars for the win! Aliya Rose, where you at?!"

Aliya Rose - Stars

"That was the newest single from Aliya Rose and I like it for absolutely no reason. Judge me all you want, I don't care. Speaking of, we also have Payton sitting here with us too! Remember him?"


Payton, Payton, Payton. I have to say, this has been a long awaited conversation. I mean, you're into cougars and I'm appalled by pedophilia and the glorification of it...but don't mind me.
Wassup Anniken? Na, I'm not doing not doin' no glorification of anythin' to tell you the truth. I'm jus chillen, doing me. Age just a number anyway and the ladies I be into happen to be alil' older but I don' really mine, nothin' wrong wit dat. They teach me things and I teach dem things.

Mhmm, tell the world how you've been! Not like the world has been tuning in as or anything. We just haven't heard from you in a while.
How I been? I been in the studio hard body gettin' my album ready and makin' dem hits. Last time you heard me was on Carmen V debut smash "Do It Right" but otha den dat I been really payin' lot of attention to the studio and my gurl so I'm not really on twitter n'sh*t like dat no more like how you be, but my fans been waitin'and imma make sure dey get what dey been waiting for, you feel me?

Yes, I completely feel you. Not you actually caring about your fans and treating them like you appreciate them UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE WHO COMPLETELY BAILED OUT ON A SINGLE AND THIS SHOW EARLIER. Speaking of the devil, last time I checked, you and Aliya Rose were going together, no? Do you know has she been doing since that concert took a wrong turn? She thrown any microphones at you lately?
Haha, u crazy. Nah, me and Aliya was dealing with each other earlier dis year. She a nice lady, pretty and all dat. Just afta a while with our careers and stuff like dat we jus faded apart and fell off, nd I ain't speak to her in a minute. The gurl that I'm wit right now is Andrea. The sexiest chick in the game right now and she wild like me so the sex be crazy as f*ck. Glad she my gurl cuz we be havin' mad fun and she got me and I got her and dats all that matters. Bout Aliya, I don' really know how she been since dat whole concert thing but she wouldn't be throwin no mics at me even if she still was wit me, I keep my women happy. Hope she get everythin together tho and push thru those problems if they really happen anyway, ya'll bloggers be makin' up sh*t!

You and Andrea? Wow, that is a real plot twist. That's the first time I've heard about that! But moving along, I remember in one of your first interviews you were asked to freestyle and to my surprise, it was pretty much amazing. Since you're about to go and the world has already heard you rap on the spot live...do you think you can share with us a bit of that new single that's being hyped on and off? You haven't said much about it but come on! Show us something!
Oh I gotchu. This a lil piece of it. It's dat playful vibe when I did dat freestyle that was me doing my rap sh*t but this ones for the ladies. [clears throat]

I’m getting my grown man on so come and roll wit me
Your boyfriend aint here so come hang with P
See after the club girl you know whats going down
Like Chris Brown, I’m tryna take you down
Lemme give it to you straight I ain't spending no money
Unless you’re a model, on TV, or a playboy bunny
If you special baby girl I’ll let you drive my car
And you can tell all your friends that you partied with a rock star
Or partied with a rap star
Baby I got game I could make you tip your head far
So keep it quiet like you in detention
And we can get it popping but I need protection
She love the way I do it, love the way I get down
Magic stick I’ll make you head go round and round
And the noise is kinda like loud so baby take it down

"How lovely! That was Payton giving us an exclusive look at his upcoming single! Look out for it, ladies! I'm sure it will objectify you but sound really good to the ears! And while we're on the topic of music, here's what's holding the #5 on the charts this week!"

Drew Westbrook - 40 oz

"So the lucky song that's placed at #5 this week is actually a surprise to us all, Drew Westbrook landing his 2nd top 5 with his 2nd single, 40 oz which really shouldn't be on any charts let alone airplay. The success of this single period is just really weird and breaks all laws of radio. The fact that this has had a steady climb up the charts and is growing even more popular by the day makes absolutely no sense. The song itself is magnificent, amazing wordplay, incredible passion, the vulnerability splattered all over this song is Emmy worthy but it's just a poor single choice and an even worse radio track. Either way, I guess for once quality wins! Now playing the unorthodox hit from the King of Bubble Baths and Hookah's, 40 oz!"

Drew Westbrook - 40 oz
Deniel - Step It Up
Jordan - They Don't Know (feat. Miami)

"Well, I have to say, this was a really nice experience. Our first show you guys, it didn't turn out as bad as it could've! Messy, very very messy but we did it! Thank you to Riley, Chaelin, Payton and of course Aikya for coming in and everybody who's still listening?" [she looks over at the amount of viewers] "Wait woah, that's a lot more than I expected.. Welp, yay! Last song of the hour, eh? No need for an acceptance speech from me, let's just get right to it!"

Lotus - King Me ft. Coke

"Rap seems to be all the talk these days which is great, we've needed a revamp, we've been suffering year of silence from the Hip Hop community! In for the win is Lotus, she pairs up with Coke to make up for their inactivity. Does it live up to the hype of the wait? NOPE. Is it a great song? Yeah! Will it be a hit? I mean, come on, it's Lotus! She's never released a single that hasn't at least charted #6 and she could very much still be holding some power in her name I guess we'll just have to see! Her long awaited album should be coming out within the week so I'm perched to see how that turns out. The song itself has production that was made for yet another top 5 from the female rapper and the lyrics are sloppily written but they're great! The second verse and the chorus really stick to the theme, the only problem is that the theme is chess and only the very few serious chess nerds will understand half of the bars in this rap. Definitely not a #1 if the lyrics aren't accessible but I can see it going places! I don't know, tell me what you think when you tune in next week! As a thanks for all of you out there listening in on this mess and staying throughout this whole hour, I'll be having nothing but call ins next time with of course a few pop ins from your faves if any of them even want to show up anymore. But that's besides the point, tell me, who out there wants to play a little gaaame?"

Lotus - King Me ft. Coke
Dominic Brown - Now Or Never
Michael Brown - Wild Side

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#2 Posted : 13 October 2015 04:28:34(UTC)
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OOC: I looooved this and hope you do these often! The way everything flowed was so good, literally like a real radio show and of course we all love that Anniken shade. Really just a fun read from start to finish and I'm glad Payton was a part of this. :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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kandii on 13/10/2015(UTC)
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