http://www.therockstarga...ingle.asp?SingleID=74401The Bitch: So for the first time since we started making records again, we put out a single on a label, just cuz we were a bit tired of releasing songs ourselves. So now we'll see how that goes.

Facebook Politics (Lyrics by Robin Banks)
Verse 1
I want to tell you what you should think
yo, hey bro, here is a couple of links
that can get you knowledge, just like going to college
straight from wikipedia
how to be socially conscious on social media
Facebook politics
I want you all to know
it's not just for clicks
I really have a goal
Facebook politics
it's how I will convince you
I will have my kick
and so will you since you
will get my FB politics
Verse 2
I'm coming here with my point of view
as good as anyone and better than you
you will bite my bait as we'll start to debate
it's the best decision
Facebook is a platform where everyone's a politician
Hobby Lobbyists (Lyrics by Poo Peter and The Bitch)
Verse 1
So now we're getting involved in politics
instead of making hobby accessories
A place to voice your opinion
while carrying your groceries
Because we can't make much of paper and glue
and we want to change the world, we see
that the only way to do that
is go all the way to D.C
We're hobby lobbyist
taking the case in our own hands
We're hobby lobbyist
and you'd all like to see our plans
Verse 2
Now we're in the political game, you know
keeping up with the latest strategies
we want to go to political debates
but we are awfully bad at these
We like to make changes in Washington
but it's all just a hobby
soon everyone will think
just like Hobby Lobby