Title: “One Final Memory”
Directed By: Christian Fallon
Produced By: Christian Fallon
Written By: Christian Fallon
Starring: Medina Valback, Christian Fallon, Kara Romero
Production Company: Wayfare Entertainment
Distributed By: Focus Features
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Running Time: 127 minutes
Country: United States
Language: English
Budget: $2 million
Box Office:”One Final Memory” is a 2016 American independent drama film written and directed by Christian Fallon. The movie stars Medina Valback as a young woman with an incurable illness, tired of essentially sitting around waiting for death, she decides that she wants to make her final months count and decides to run away from home and embark on a journey throughout the United States with her boyfriend Joshua, played by Christian Fallon and they both re-discover what it means to truly be alive with the help of a young free-spirited rebel called Kayla, played by Kara Romero who leads the pair on a journey of true freedom. The movie is set to hit cinema’s worldwide on April 1, 2016
MAIN CHARACTERS;• Medina Valback as Louisa Sinclair
• Christian Fallon as Joshua Richardson
• Kara Romero as Kayla Martinez
PLOT;Louisa Sinclair is an intelligent 19 year-old girl living in Colorado, she lives with her parents Angela and James. A year prior, Louisa was diagnosed with a brain tumour, having gone through the treatment process, it was broken to the teenager that they were fighting a losing battle and in the harsh reality of this tragedy it was said that Louisa had merely months left at best. Growing more and more frustrated at the situation, Louisa takes matters into her own hands and decides that she doesn’t want to live out her final weeks in bed, taking pills and watching awful TV shows. One evening she sneaks out of the house, leaving a note for her parents on the kitchen counter top and meets her boyfriend Joshua in his car outside of her home. They talk about Louisa’s plan for her final few weeks on this earth and after some initial hesitation from her boyfriend Joshua, they both set off on the road.
As her parents awake the next morning, they find the lengthy note from their daughter, in which it explains in depth that Louisa cannot continue to live the last weeks of her live so mundanely. She talks about how she had visions of how her life was going to be before she was diagnosed. She was a talented young student who was set to study literature in Seattle, she had huge ambitions and dreams of becoming the next great Americana author, but with her diagnosis those dreams died along with many other and what was set to become a spectacular life-long adventure was to be cut short tragically and abruptly.
It was in this note that she informed her parents that she was going to spend her final weeks on this earth travelling through the American mid-west and seeing the part of the country that she had always been fascinated with. Declaring that she would be fine and instructing that her parents don’t go looking for her, she stated her love and admiration for everything they have done and everything they had given her in this life, but that if there was going to be an ending so soon then she wanted to make sure that it was done on her own terms.
Fully prepared with blank notebooks and their favourite records, Louisa and Joshua set off into the American mid-west, through the open roads and deserts of America. Stopping off in Motels and on highways to take everything in and truly enjoy their final weeks with one another. Mid-way throughout their journey they meet a young girl from Arizona called Kayla Martinez, a free-spirited and rebellious young girl who quickly finds her way into the hearts of both Louisa and Joshua and ends up joining them on their journey, leading them to adventures that even they never imagined they would have.
But even childhood sweethearts have new things to learn about each other and as Joshua guided them on their journey, Louisa spent her time studying and falling in love with the sights and sounds of the country and truly enjoying her final journey on this earth, writing about it all in great detail along the way. This was truly the great American adventure that Louisa had dreamed of having, but there was so much more depth to it with the situation being as tragic as it was and knowing that time was very rapidly ticking down, not only on Louisa’s life, but also on a love story that was so incredibly natural and true.
COMING SOONApril 1, 2016