Where music and bodies collide
Company Name: Full-Figured Four Records(OfficialFFF)
Founder: Amaya Amemiya(BossAmaya)
Office and Studio: Tokyo, Japan
About the Company:Full-Figured Four Records was founded by Amaya "Crush Amaya" Amemiya after her retirement from Pro Wrestling. Having amassed a huge fortune from years of bodily destruction, Amaya Amemiya, who now goes by the name of "Boss Amaya" made it a goal to realize her dreams of becoming a "big boss" of some sorts by investing a huge sum into her new endeavor. A musician herself, it's very obvious why she chose the music world as her new stomping ground.
The company, which is fittingly named after Boss Amaya's finishing move, now has it's doors open to talents with the potential to achieve world domination.
Supporting Staff:The following people were hand-picked by Boss Amaya to help her in running the company. They were her friends from the wrestling business and were paid a good amount to quit their wrestling careers just to join her in Full-Figured Four Records:
Minoru Yagaki(MinoruFFF) - Recording and Production
Koharu Ikeda(KoharuFFF) - Musical instruments/Gear Technician
Kengo "Bruiser Boogie" Matsumoto(BruiserBoogieFFF) - Talent Relations
Talents:Full-Figured Four caters to musicians of all shapes and sizes but has special bias towards musicians who has a virtuosic approach in their respective musical instruments. It may sound contradicting but it is what it is.
URANUSEdited by user 17 September 2016 10:15:52(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified