“Haaiiii pretty peoples!
It is once again, “awful Adam Benjamin song” time and I know you all look forward to the moment when I’m let out of my cage and allowed to sing my little tunages for you. Now, at the moment I’m working on an album with that band that I’m part of, it’s going okay. We’ll maybe have it finished soon and you can hear it next year. But I have a song for you all today because let’s make Sunday a good day, okay? No need to be feeling sad and full of anxiety because you have work or school and Monday’s generally suck, but let’s just revel in the beauty of a Sunday for once.
Anyhow, my latest new song is a song about a love story, it makes me a little bit sad but that’s just because I’m all broken inside and stuff. It’s called “Winter Silhouette” and hopefully ya’ll like it.
Benjamin out!”
- Adam Benjamin xoxo
“Wintery Silhouette”“Winter skies with blue cold hands, two kids dancing together on the snowy banks
Destiny and fate will someday collide when he’ll pull out a ring and she’ll become his bride
And they will live in harmony, forever after happily
That’s the story, how it goes
Falling in love amongst the snow
They’re young now and little do they know
That there’s a life forever, happily ever
I watch from a window and can’t help but smile
As they throw snowballs, they’ll fall in love in a while
And I’ll have seen it from the very start
To watch a love form warms up my cold wintery heart
They’ll go off to college and meet up every chance they get
Fall in love each time, under a wintery silhouette
And when the time comes, they’ll walk down the aisle
Place a ring on each other’s fingers and the crowd will smile
That’s the story, how it goes
Falling in love amongst the snow
They’re young now and little do they know
That there’s a life forever, happily ever
They’ve built a home together and welcomed a baby child
The image of the pair of them have somehow come to collide
And the face of the baby shared the likeness of the pair
And despite the sleepless nights and endless days
They don’t even seem to care
For the smile of their baby is enough to fix everything
The joys that true love can bring
As the years go by, they find themselves becoming older
Wrinkles forming on their face, the winter months becoming colder
They still dance out in the snow with many layers of warm clothes
And the love that began remains in their eyes
As we all know, true love never dies
And they laugh with their grandchildren as they play together in the cold
Skating on the ice, warming the hands of youth they hold
Amidst generations young and old
That’s the story, how it goes
Falling in love amongst the snow
They’re young now and little do they know
That there’s a life forever, happily ever
The winter months pass as he stares outside
It’s too cold for him to build an ice fort and hide
And a call from his children wishing him a good day
Sadly they’re a little too busy to play
And the photographs on the wall, remind him of what went away
He longs for one more winter with his true love to stay
But inside this life, you get what you get
But each time the snow falls
He still remembers falling in love
Under a wintery silhouette"