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#1 Posted : 31 December 2016 18:13:22(UTC)
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It's New Year's Eve and we've got a very special guest with us here in the studio! It's Miami!
Awww, I always love the great introductions by radio personnel when I come up to radio. Hi everyone, and happy new year. *smiles*

It's so great to see you here today Miami, how are you?
Thank you, it's really great to be here. Got some new music to drop and some new plans to talk about for the new year, so I'm definitely feeling excited today. I actually just got a new place out here in the U.K and I'm loving it, so it's definitely a great day to be here to talk to the U.K fans. I'm doing really good.

Now before we start since I know we don't have much time, how exactly has 2016 treated you?
2016...was interesting to say the least. I think everyone could say that. There were moments where I was like, this year is the sh*t and then other times where I was like, this year is total sh*t! You know? I think I got a lot of things done this year though. I was able to take a short break from being in the spotlight to really focus on the new album and the direction that I really wanted to go in, in the studio. I kind of put a hold on everything, collaborations, tour dates, just to really hone in on the music and what I wanted to do, and like I said before, I was also able to get a new home here in London, so I've just been adjusting to the U.K lifestyle, all the while flying back and forth to the U.S to record as well. I've just been all over but it's been a turbulent, yet relaxing and busy year for me. 2016 wasn't all that terrible for me actually.

How did you spend your holidays?
Believe it or not, I don't really love the holidays. I don't exactly have much family so I just spent it with a few friends and their families. It always makes me get into the holiday spirit because I never experienced what it was like to be with mom and dad for the holidays. My parents passed away really early so I've spent many of my years in foster care celebrating Christmas. So I don't really have that true connection to the holidays that a lot of people do, but that doesn't mean I don't love what the holidays bring. I've received a few gifts and all that good stuff, so yeah.

If you could redo anything from 2015, would you?
Ummmm....that's a really good question. The only thing I would re-do is letting my guard down so easily for certain people in my life. I think 2015 taught me that you really have to left people prove themselves to you TOTALLY before you can even think to trust them. I let people's words get to me and I let my guard down to easily and found myself kicking myself for being naive about that. But it's all a learning experience. I find that every year teaches me a lesson and 2015, going into 2016 taught me to keep my guard up, and 2016 going in 2017 really taught me to try and start to give people a chance, but it's sooo hard when everyone seems so conniving! But yeah, I'd re-do that and I re-did it in 2016 and didn't wind up pissed at myself, so that's always good. *laughs*

It's nice to hear that, now the big question that your fans want to know is, where exactly is the album and when can we expect it?
Well of course, yeah, I could tell my fans that my album is called "One Woman Army" and although I don't have an exact date for the record, it will definitely be out in 2017. It's been nearly three years since my debut album and I've grown so much from that 20 year old girl when I first started out and I've had so many experiences that I wanted to put into the music. So I didn't rush. I'm aiming for a second quarter 2017 release because I'm pretty much done with the album, but unfortunately for me, I am such a perfectionist that I keep going back and changing things around, really wanting to try new sounds and topics that I've not only experienced but imagine too, it's crazy. When you're a musician, your brain can be going a mile a minute. One minute you may love the entire record that you've recorded and days later, feel that it needs to be better, or things need to be added, or taken out. So I've given myself a few more months to really finish up everything I've been working on to give to the fans. I'm really excited about it.

What can you tell us about the record itself? What about that very direct title?
I don't want to give every, every thing away but the record is very dynamic. Over the past three years I've really continued to come into one with myself and I think it'll really show on the new album. I've worked with some really great up and coming producers to keep the sound fresh, but stay to my roots and really capture the feeling of dynamism that I wanted throughout the record, sure, there's plenty of moments of vulnerability but I wanted to show everyone why I'm proud to be who I am and to show that where I come from and why I'm proud of who I am today. I grew up in Miami with virtually nothing and worked tirelessly to get where I am today, so I want to show my supporters that if you work your a** off to get where you are, there's nothing wrong with showing that confidence and pride in it, and to even s*it talk when you want to. It's an album that offers different emotions and I'm opening up to my fans once again, as I should about the topics that I've experienced and thought up too. It's inspirational, but bad ass at the same time, and I'm proud of that. I came up with the title because it really brings me back to where I came from, I had to do much of the shit that got me here on my own. From getting through school, foster care, trying to make enough money to take care of myself, to performing in clubs in Brooklyn and being discovered by Adam Benjamin, I've had little to absolutely no help doing that so I thought why not name my album "One Woman Army" I've fought my way up and I think that title embodies where I was 5 years ago, and where I am today as I continue to work and do what I love.

How has the recording process been for it? You've been vocal about not wanting to rush your material out.
The recording process has hmm.....how can I say it? It's had it's peaks and valley's *laughs* if that makes any sense. There's been moments where I felt I was done, and moments I felt the album is no where near done. I think that goes for anybodies album recording process. You're gonna hit walls and you're gonna feel as if you've succeeded. I've never wanted to rush my material out because it's left feeling, rushed. I like to take my time and carefully right and record every line. I'm very, very involved so it takes longer than someone who has loads of writers doing everything for them. So it takes longer, but I'd like to think it comes with better results.

Why is it especially important for you to get personal and talk about your life on the album?
Because if not it doesn't come across as authentic. I can't really sit here and say every single thing that I talk about is an experience that I've gone through. I've got a wild imagination so sometime I think up song ideas that I feel my listeners could really relate to and bam, there goes another song. But that doesn't mean it doesn't mean it's personal, it still came from me. I like to get personal with my music whether it's a brash type of personal, or vulnerable. It just makes me feel more connected to my own music and connected to my fans. I don't like feeling detached. Even more so, I'm not that deep on social media. Yeah, I may post pictures on instagram and what not, but I'm not the type musician who talks about their personal life on social media, I rather save it for the music.

Race has been an issue since you first got noticed as a white female who raps. Did you understand that some people in the U.S. would think you were fake?
At first, I honestly didn't. But it's so stupid. It's 2016...well about to be 2017 now, I don't think someone should be pigeon-hold, or told not to do something because of race. I've loved hip hop music from the time I can remember listening to music. I didn't wake up one day and say "hey, I want to be a rapper because It's cool", I literally smelt, dreamt and lived Hip Hop from a very young age. When my parents died, it was that type of music that got me through their death, got me through the hardships of foster care, and I wrote and wrote raps about it. It was just so natural to me that I didn't really understand at the time that people would be so judgemental about it when I really started to take it serious. So when I saw the resistance people were giving me, it hurt but it didn't stop me, it just made me want to pursue it even more . I knew I really had to push my pen, get better and work even harder and that's what I did.

Just last year you released "Pressure" and it became a huge hit, even prompting numerous artists to release remixes to it, which remix was your favorite of the bunch?
Yeah! That was crazy. I didn't expect it to that type of reaction but I was happy with it. I really was. Out of the remixes, all of them were really off the hook but I loved Rani Shreela's and Young Hood's. They really made the record into their own and spoke about real sh*t and I liked that. But that doesn't mean I didn't love the others too. I appreciate them taking my song and putting their spin on it. It's something that I loved to do back in the days with my favorite artists.

When you've released a record of that stature, do you ever feel "pressure" to live up to expectations with the next release? You see what I did there huh?
Of course, and yeah I did see what you did there *laughs* Every artist has that pressure to sort of out-do what they did before. I don't let it pressure me too much because it could really drive you crazy and if you find yourself thinking or focusing too much it might take away from the final product of what you were working on. It's just important to stay creative and go with the flow, focus on things you want to focus on and not so much of the past. What people will pick up, will be what people will pick up. You can't try and always re-create because when you re-create people automatically can see right through it and can tell that you're just trying to recapture that past glory and many times people find that to be corny. I think it's important to be innovative and not stuck on the past. I just like to move forward and do things I haven't done before.


The single spoke about the difficulties of being in the spotlight as well, how are you holding up?
I'm holding up really well actually. Listen, I've been through so much that I've sort of become numb to certain things. The way it may effect another person, may not have that same effect on me because of my past. We all have our moments when we feel low, and the moments where we feel high, I try to stay up and much as I can so I'm holding up. I wouldn't let fame completely drive me off the wall and get me to feeling depressed, I've worked too hard to get here and feel like crap. You've got to make the best of every situation you're in. That's my philosophy.

You also impacted the charts with numerous features including ones with Naomi, The Wolverines, Gemma, Jordan and more, all of which did very well. Do you receive collaborations often and what's your mind set when people call on you for a Collab?
I just try to listen to what they want, and put my spin on it too. That's always my mind set. I like to collab at certain times. It gives me the chance to get into someone else's space and sound and adapt to that and give them what they want. When I did the Wolverine's joint, it was a electro house beat and I'm like holy f*ck how am I gonna do this? But I went in the studio and listened to the beat over and over again and began writing it happened to be one of my favorite features I've done. I always love a challenge.

What do you currently think of the state of rap music?
I think it's doing good. We could always use more artists but I always commend the people who are in the genre and keeping it alive.

Who's your favorite out right now?
I've got to say Jay-C. He's an original. I use to listen to his debut album back in 2010 like no tomorrow when I was living in Brooklyn. His debut, Brooklyn Girls.... I felt like that was an ANTHEM for me because I was living in Brooklyn at the time. His story, his drive, I've just always looked up to him. He gets alot of hate because he was away for a long time so many new people don't know him but people don't know that he's an amazing rapper and I can't wait to he drops some more new music to shut the haters down.

What was the most challenging point in your career thus far?
Breaking that racial barrier that people had on me early on. I still deal with it today, but I don't really give a f*ck anymore. I'm kind of proud of it. I know I'm white, I know I rap, who cares? *laughs*

Now I know this may be touchy, so you really don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable but here it goes!
Uh...sure....*nervous laugh*

You were involved in a rather controversial story published by Culture Uncut last year having to do with you and another celebrity. Are you two dating? Or? Could you just clear it up for your fans who may be wondering.
Are you talking about Ryan? I mean, you don't have to beat around the bush. Just ask me. I know many celebrities sometimes get upset when you ask about personal subjects, but we live in the public eye, it's going to come up sooner or later. But let me clear it up, I AM SINGLE and happy with being single. I let my guard down to him and we got close for a certain amount of time. I don't know if it was serious or not on his part, but I started hearing all this s*it about this one and that one, and I'm really not about to be one of anybodies girl toys. It's just not my thing. We had fun, but I like to be the only one. I'm not interested in being an option, even if it's the first option. I'm not an object and it's not that serious. It's too many men in the world for me to sit around and wonder whether or not I am the only one. So that's basically where it stands.

Glad that's cleared up! Now onto your hot new single that you'll be premiering for us. "Highlight"! What's the song about?
Oh yes! Highlight! This song gets me going every single time I hear it. It's just that hot. It's really just a record about being confident with yourself and appreciating who you are. Remember when I said that brash type of confidence that I'm ready to show? Well this is the perfect example of that type of brashness that I'm talking about. Everyone has those moments when they want to say what they want and how they want to say it, and I wanted to that with this record to get my fans to really feel snatched each and every time they hear it! This is the type of record I want my fans to blast out their cars, blast at the crib during a party right in time for new years and throughout the year. It's the type of song that makes you feel pumped and confident and that's what I really wanted to capture with this one so I'm EXTREMELY happy with how it turned out. It just had to be a singe.

Is this single different in sound for you?
Yes and no, I worked with this new production duo "The Chordz" and they brought an entirely new and fresh sound that I fell in love with. It's hip hop, but it has electo-synth vibes to it and the beat just goes so hard, I can't wait for ya'll to hear it!

How was it recording with the songs feature artist, Chaelin?
The song was actually going to feature Gemma but I figured since we worked on a collaboration already...I wanted to bring in someone that I've never worked with before and someone that people wouldn't expect me to work with. I heard a song on the radio while I riding to the studio and this girl was singing the f*ck out of this song and I was like, I gotta get this girl on my song! And it happened to be Chaelin We got in contact with her people and rest was history! She's amazing and such a pro! She got it right away. Like, she got in the studio and did her damn thing in no time.

Speaking of Chaelin. Guess what? We've got her right here on the line!
Yessssss my girl!

Chaelin! Are you there?

Hello! Yes, I'm here and I'm extremely excited to be on Capital FM!

Great! Thanks for calling in! Happy new year! Where are you right now and how are you doing?

You're welcome! ...I'm currently in London spending the new year with my family and Riley.

Yes, you're probably close. How was it being apart of Highlight with Miami?

It was dope, I never felt more inspired to feature on a track before and Miami and I had a blast in the studio!

How'd you react when you first got the call that she wanted you to be on it?

At first I thought it was someone fooling around, but when I realized it was true... I was just filled with so much excitement. Like me? to be featured on a track with Miami... it's so crazy and I was and still am extremely happy she offered me the feature.

Is this the start of something new for you? You've recently gone solo, can we expect more collaborations from you?

Oh of course. Miami is the it-girl and I wouldn't be more happier to have anyone on a track but her. So yeah, expect a few things in this coming 2017.

What was your favorite part about recording this new song?

Just seeing and hearing the way Miami flows her verses is honestly the number one favorite thing about recording this song, and obviously what the final outcome was.

The single sounds like it's going to be superb! Any last words before we drop it here exclusive on CAPITAL FM!

I hope everyone enjoys the song, Miami and I worked extremely hard on it. I feel like this is going to be the song people have a blast with!

Thank you so much for calling in Chaelin, you have a great year and we hope to see you in person soon!

Thank you and a great Happy new year to Miami and Capital FM!
Awww thanks Chaelin, you're so sweet girl.

Thank you so much for calling in Chaelin, you have a great year. I'll see you real soon.

Exciting! Now right before we premiere the new record, what could we expect from Miami in 2017?
The main things are the album and I'm doing a world tour, it going to be crazy! Just wait and see. There's a lot to come ha!

Thanks so much for your time Miami! Without any further or due, here's Miami's brand new single HIGHLIGHT!!



Artist: Miami (feat. Chaelin)
Title: "Highlight"
Release Date: December 28th, 2016
Genre: Hip Hop, Electro
Record Label: Songs to Love and Die By
Songwriters: Amelle Sebert, Chaelin
Producers: The Chordz,
From The Album: One Woman Army (2017)

Highlight is the second official single by hip hop artist Amelle Sebert also known as Miami, that is taken off of her new album One Woman Army, which is slated for second quarter 2017 release through Miami's current label, Songs to Live and Die By. This record follows the album's leading single "Pressure" from the album. After Pressure, Miami took the time to get back in the studio and really hone in on the direction of her follow up to her successful album "Hotel Miami" and the leading single off the new album. After months of recording, Miami decided to release the next single from the album. The song also features vocals by former C.M.B.D member turned soloist, Chaelin who sings the pre-hook and and has her very own verse throughout the record. The song was initially recorded by Miami in 2015 but after hearing Chaelin on the radio sometime in 2016, Miami got in contact with Chaelin's management about her being apart of the song. Chaelin accepted, and the two entered the studio together in London to write and record Chaelin's part to the song. After the single was done, mastered and perfected, Miami decided to hold off the song until very, very late in 2016, to really start the new year off for her in 2017. The song was officially premiered on the last day of 2016 and will be available on January 1st, 2017 as an official single from One Woman Army.

The record itself is a Hip Hop/Electro-Hop record that is an undeniable banger. From the very early moments of the song the record show off it's prowess production with distorted like opening synth beats that can easily proclaim your attention. It's not long before Amelle Sebert comes out swinging with her powerful flow that she's learned to perfect. Miami raps throughout the song with total confidence and brashness like never before, dismissing her haters as she pep talks about her rise to the top and her plans to defend it at all costs. Over the trap beat Miami makes it obvious that she's focusing more attention on the construction and tightness of her rap verses, instead of the catchy pop chorus that was apparent in her previous single release. The hard, rigid beat doesn't let up either during it's pre-chorus's where Chaelin comes in with personality filled vocals that roar over the sizzling hip hop beat as she calls out all the gits of the A-list. Chaelin really holds her own over the big beats and the following ups of Miami's sizzling bars. She takes on the pre-chorus and hook of the record where she calls out exactly why they are the highlights. The beats get bigger during the chorus, with Chaelin's voice being layered over Miami's adlibs, with their vocals mixing over the floor stopping, futuristic production values.



When I first came up, they ain't know I was gon' steal it
Couple years pass now I'm standing at the summit
Still ain't reach my peak, still gotta lot to say!
And to all my haters chirp, chirp that way
Cause they know I'm steady on the grind, it's that rap star hustle
Guess it's not enough, so I bouta flex my muscles

On that Miami flow, such a beautiful animal
Eat you up then spit you out, yeeaah I'm a cannibal
And I'm not just ear biting these little geese
Don't disrespect my game or its gon' be a full feast
On all of you and your full foot soldiers too
Holding down my post never find the body, a book closure cue
It's a perfect end sitting on my throne with my perfect pen
Perfect p*ssy writing perfect lines every now and then
Sin makes a livin so I end up sayin fuck it!

So I'm feelin real cocky tonight, this liquor in my cup got me feelin' alright
And we dancing on rooftops, without a care in site
While my songs blasting in the cars, the cribs, the clubs..
It ain't hard to see that I'm the highlight, the highlight, the highlight ight?

Vogue to Givenchy, on that luxury
See me on the screen, so good no sequencing
Vogue to Givenchy, on that luxury
Highlight of the scene
We're number one's on...

Chart breaking, runways
We're not keeping it on the reach
Chart breaking, runways
We're the highlight of the scene

Murder all you ratchet boys spendin money on truck fit
Shinin' with my Gucci product and diamonds
Started with rollie's now rubies embrued in my eye lids
Or in my mind cause I seem to have the time
To think about money all the time like its a everyday rewind
Oh god not this damn episode again
Someone hand me the charger so I can reload the pen

Part woman or part machine it doesn't really matter to me!
It's a lunch special when I get on the beat
While I'm moving up the charts steadily getting harder to beat
What took some of you years was the beginning of the start for my career
Now your whole posse standing in the headlight like deer
Hm, scared of the competition? I give you permission to run in fear
I see they think they can come in and take over after they been gone for years
Pfft, shit ain't easy no more, ever since Miami took the spot
Best bet for you is to wait in the sidelines while I heal the game like a blood clot
You been out for long enough, so don't come at me
I'm too white girl wasted to be bothered by your mentality

So I'm feelin real cocky tonight, this liquor in my cup got me feelin' alright
And we dancing on rooftops, without a care in site
While my songs blasting in the cars, the cribs, the clubs..
It ain't hard to see that I'm the highlight, the highlight, the highlight ight?

Vogue to Givenchy, on that luxury
See me on the screen, so good no sequencing
Vogue to Givenchy, on that luxury
Highlight of the scene
We're number one's on...

Chart breaking, runways
We're not keeping it on the reach
Chart breaking, runways
We're the highlight of the scene

We're headed one way, one way
To the top, never had one stop, one stop
Now we're walking on runways, runways
Rockin' good shit that you ain't never got
So, now we head to our next drop, next drop
Sold out shows, riding on a tour bus, tour bus
Platinum, another chart top, chart top
Something that these other bitches never won up

Ain't life strange out here?
Betchu wonder why you feel all the pressure out here?
Ya fell behind so I stepped up to the plate to match the scene
Twice as mean with immoral judgment, I set the world on fire without a team...
Now what we learn?!
That it took one white girl to make this rap game so supreme

Vogue to Givenchy, on that luxury
See me on the screen, so good no sequencing
Vogue to Givenchy, on that luxury
Highlight of the scene
We're number one's on...

Chart breaking, runways
We're not keeping it on the reach
Chart breaking, runways
We're the highlight of the scene, ight?

So I'm feelin real cocky tonight, this liquor in my cup got me feelin' alright
And we dancing on rooftops, without a care in site
While my songs blasting in the cars, the cribs, the clubs..
It ain't hard to see that I'm the highlight, the highlight, the highlight ight?

Sounds Like

Edited by user 31 December 2016 19:00:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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Atonic Records on 31/12/2016(UTC), kandii on 31/12/2016(UTC), mebeme101 on 31/12/2016(UTC), BrownSugar on 31/12/2016(UTC), Welat65 on 31/12/2016(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 01/01/2017(UTC), C4AJoh on 01/01/2017(UTC), erich hess on 03/01/2017(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 04/01/2017(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#2 Posted : 31 December 2016 19:12:57(UTC)
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Naomi: Ooooooohhhhhhhh shit this my new ham or nah? Don't answer it definitely is Miami you killed it on those verses as always you know how I feel about you there's definitely something so unique and special about you that sets you apart from most other rappers on the scene at the moment maybe it's your flow, maybe it's the way you can jump on any type of song and own that shit idk but there's definitely something and your lyrics are always top notch let me get into this interview though you're definitely one of the realest right now you handled every question like a boss whether it be the simpler ones or the most personal ones I love when someone isn't afraid to answer something and doesn't shy away from a question it sucks how the industry is even today where it's hard for a white rapper to make it let alone a white female rapper but you're still killing it despite what the haters might say on to my girl Chaelin who we already know can kill it vocally and this track is no exception she just oozed confidence and slayed her part effortlessly definitely one of the best collabs I've heard of 2016 great job ladies! can't wait for both of those albums

OOC: Great job on all of this guys loved the interview and the song the lyrics were great and everything just really came together here
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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Atonic Records on 31/12/2016(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 01/01/2017(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#3 Posted : 01 January 2017 10:42:46(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Naomi: Ooooooohhhhhhhh shit this my new ham or nah? Don't answer it definitely is Miami you killed it on those verses as always you know how I feel about you there's definitely something so unique and special about you that sets you apart from most other rappers on the scene at the moment maybe it's your flow, maybe it's the way you can jump on any type of song and own that shit idk but there's definitely something and your lyrics are always top notch let me get into this interview though you're definitely one of the realest right now you handled every question like a boss whether it be the simpler ones or the most personal ones I love when someone isn't afraid to answer something and doesn't shy away from a question it sucks how the industry is even today where it's hard for a white rapper to make it let alone a white female rapper but you're still killing it despite what the haters might say on to my girl Chaelin who we already know can kill it vocally and this track is no exception she just oozed confidence and slayed her part effortlessly definitely one of the best collabs I've heard of 2016 great job ladies! can't wait for both of those albums

OOC: Great job on all of this guys loved the interview and the song the lyrics were great and everything just really came together here

Miami: You are so sweet! Seriously, I appreciate everything you saidbNaomi. I'm hoping everything that's going on finds its place and that things get better for your group. All of you are such strong women, I know 2017 will still be kickass for ya!

OOC: Thank you! :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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mebeme101 on 01/01/2017(UTC)
Offline C4AJoh  
#4 Posted : 01 January 2017 19:44:04(UTC)
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Cara: This is a JAM! I think the combination of the pair of you works really well here, I love the confidence of Miami and the parts with Chaelin really add to the song, which doesn't always happen with collaborations. It doesn't feel like she's on the song for the sake of it, it feels like she's on the song to add something extra to it. Great effort girls and here's to an incredible new year for the pair of you!

OOC: The artwork for the single is actually incredible, couldn't look any more like real single artworks!
thanks 1 user thanked C4AJoh for this useful post.
Atonic Records on 02/01/2017(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#5 Posted : 03 January 2017 22:51:48(UTC)
erich hess
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Erich: i don't like to rush things out either. We are on the same wavelength there. It's like if you release something,it stops being your baby. It becomes the world's baby. And have you seen what some people do to babies? Nobody is putting my musical baby into a dryer. Nobody. I will hold this baby and let it suckle my teats as long as I have to. So,miami. Hold that baby and Pat it's little head. Nobody is going to elian Gonzalez it's ass.

Karoliena: clever.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Atonic Records on 03/01/2017(UTC)
Offline kandii  
#6 Posted : 04 January 2017 07:53:53(UTC)
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Rum: Yes girls this is such a BOP! You know I've always been here for some Miami, I remember getting so hype to your debut single and now look at you after all this time. Still killing it, still being a real force in the rap game. Getting Chaelin on this song was a good move too because I've been waiting for her scrawny ass to finally get on a damn track by herself, even if it's just for a hook. I'm really looking forward to seeing this being a huge hit, I'm really about to thot walk my way through life with this song playing nonstop, you better!

OOC: Everything she said and more. I live for the shade you snuck in here too LOL Amazing RP as always and the interview was a great read of course. I get so mad when I think about Miami because she's literally what Iggy would be if the presslings on Twitter didn't hate her :((( I want to fight somebody

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Atonic Records on 05/01/2017(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 06 January 2017 05:37:08(UTC)
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AliyaRose: Yaaaaaaaas, That's it! Your presence is always missed, Miami! But when you do come back, you come with full force! Your songs always sound like hits and getting Chaelin on the record was definitly a good move. I see this already slaying the charts.
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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Atonic Records on 06/01/2017(UTC)
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